Python stat 模块,ST_GID 实例源码


项目:locasploit    作者:lightfaith    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_file_info(system, path, verbose=False):
    fullpath = get_fullpath(system, path)
    if fullpath == IO_ERROR:
        return IO_ERROR

    result = {}    
    if system.startswith('/'): # local or sub
        if can_read(system, path):
            # TODO platform-specific
            stats = os.stat(fullpath)
            stm = stats.st_mode
            result['type'] = get_file_type_char(stat.S_IFMT(stm))
            result['permissions'] = '%o' % (stat.S_IMODE(stm))
            result['UID'] = stats[stat.ST_UID]
            result['GID'] = stats[stat.ST_GID]
            result['ATIME'] = stats[stat.ST_ATIME]
            result['MTIME'] = stats[stat.ST_MTIME]
            result['CTIME'] = stats[stat.ST_CTIME] # actually mtime on UNIX, TODO
            if verbose:
      'File \'%s\' is not accessible.' % (fullpath))
            result['type'] = None
            result['permissions'] =  None
            result['UID'] = None
            result['GID'] = None
            result['ATIME'] = None
            result['MTIME'] = None
            result['CTIME'] = None
        return result

    else: # SSH/FTP/TFTP/HTTP
        return IO_ERROR
项目:ZServer    作者:zopefoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unix_longify(file, stat_info):
        # for now, only pay attention to the lower bits
    mode = ('%o' % stat_info[stat.ST_MODE])[-3:]
    mode = string.join(map(lambda x: mode_table[x], mode), '')
    if stat.S_ISDIR(stat_info[stat.ST_MODE]):
        dirchar = 'd'
        dirchar = '-'
    date = ls_date(int(time.time()), stat_info[stat.ST_MTIME])
    user = str(stat_info[stat.ST_UID]).replace(' ', '_')
    group = str(stat_info[stat.ST_GID]).replace(' ', '_')
    if user == 'System_Processes':
        user = 'Sysproc'
    if group == 'System_Processes':
        group = 'Sysproc'

    return '%s%s %3d %-8s %-8s %8d %s %s' % (

# Emulate the unix 'ls' command's date field.
# it has two formats - if the date is more than 180
# days in the past, then it's like this:
# Oct 19  1995
# otherwise, it looks like this:
# Oct 19 17:33
项目:rdiff-backup    作者:sol1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_file_dict_python(filename):
    """Create the data dictionary using a Python call to os.lstat

    We do this on Windows since Python's implementation is much better
    than the one in cmodule.c    Eventually, we will move to using
    this on all platforms since CPUs have gotten much faster than
    they were when it was necessary to write cmodule.c
        statblock = os.lstat(filename)
    except os.error:
        return {'type':None}
    data = {}
    mode = statblock[stat.ST_MODE]

    if stat.S_ISREG(mode): type_ = 'reg'
    elif stat.S_ISDIR(mode): type_ = 'dir'
    elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
        type_ = 'dev'
        s = statblock.st_rdev
        data['devnums'] = ('c',) + (s >> 8, s & 0xff)
    elif stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
        type_ = 'dev'
        s = statblock.st_rdev
        data['devnums'] = ('b',) + (s >> 8, s & 0xff)
    elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode): type_ = 'fifo'
    elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
        type_ = 'sym'
        data['linkname'] = os.readlink(filename)
    elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode): type_ = 'sock'
    else: raise C.UnknownFileError(filename)
    data['type'] = type_
    data['size'] = statblock[stat.ST_SIZE]
    data['perms'] = stat.S_IMODE(mode)
    data['uid'] = statblock[stat.ST_UID]
    data['gid'] = statblock[stat.ST_GID]
    data['inode'] = statblock[stat.ST_INO]
    data['devloc'] = statblock[stat.ST_DEV]
    data['nlink'] = statblock[stat.ST_NLINK]

    if == 'nt':
        global type
        if type(filename) == unicode:
            attribs = win32file.GetFileAttributesW(filename)
            attribs = win32file.GetFileAttributes(filename)
        if attribs & winnt.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT:
            data['type'] = 'sym'
            data['linkname'] = None

    if not (type_ == 'sym' or type_ == 'dev'):
        # mtimes on symlinks and dev files don't work consistently
        data['mtime'] = long(statblock[stat.ST_MTIME])
        data['atime'] = long(statblock[stat.ST_ATIME])
        data['ctime'] = long(statblock[stat.ST_CTIME])
    return data
项目:viewvc    作者:viewvc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_path(pathname):
      info = os.stat(pathname)
    except os.error, e:
      return None, ["stat error: %s" % e]

    kind = None
    errors = []

    mode = info[stat.ST_MODE]
    isdir = stat.S_ISDIR(mode)
    isreg = stat.S_ISREG(mode)
    if isreg or isdir:
      # Quick version of access() where we use existing stat() data.
      # This might not be perfect -- the OS may return slightly different
      # results for some bizarre reason. However, we make a good show of
      # "can I read this file/dir?" by checking the various perm bits.
      # NOTE: if the UID matches, then we must match the user bits -- we
      # cannot defer to group or other bits. Similarly, if the GID matches,
      # then we must have read access in the group bits.
      # If the UID or GID don't match, we need to check the
      # results of an os.access() call, in case the web server process
      # is in the group that owns the directory.
      if isdir:
        mask = stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IXOTH
        mask = stat.S_IROTH

      if info[stat.ST_UID] == _uid:
        if ((mode >> 6) & mask) != mask:
          errors.append("error: path is not accessible to user %i" % _uid)
      elif info[stat.ST_GID] == _gid:
        if ((mode >> 3) & mask) != mask:
          errors.append("error: path is not accessible to group %i" % _gid)
      # If the process running the web server is a member of
      # the group stat.ST_GID access may be granted.
      # so the fall back to os.access is needed to figure this out.
      elif (mode & mask) != mask:
        if not os.access(pathname, isdir and (os.R_OK | os.X_OK) or os.R_OK):
          errors.append("error: path is not accessible")

      if isdir:
        kind = vclib.DIR
        kind = vclib.FILE

      errors.append("error: path is not a file or directory")

    return kind, errors