Python sympy 模块,integrate() 实例源码


项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_scheme(scheme):
    # Test integration until we get to a polynomial degree `d` that can no
    # longer be integrated exactly. The scheme's degree is `d-1`.
    pyra = numpy.array([
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [+1, -1, -1],
        [+1, +1, -1],
        [-1, +1, -1],
        [0, 0, 1],
    degree = check_degree(
            lambda poly: quadpy.pyramid.integrate(poly, pyra, scheme),
            lambda k: _integrate_exact(k, pyra),
   + 1
    assert degree ==
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_scheme(scheme):
    # Test integration until we get to a polynomial degree `d` that can no
    # longer be integrated exactly. The scheme's degree is `d-1`.
    tetrahedron = numpy.array([
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    degree = check_degree(
            lambda poly: quadpy.tetrahedron.integrate(
                poly, tetrahedron, scheme
   + 1,
    assert degree ==, \
        'Observed: {}, expected: {}'.format(degree,
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _integrate_exact(f, quadrilateral):
    xi = sympy.DeferredVector('xi')
    pxi = quadrilateral[0] * 0.25*(1.0 + xi[0])*(1.0 + xi[1]) \
        + quadrilateral[1] * 0.25*(1.0 - xi[0])*(1.0 + xi[1]) \
        + quadrilateral[2] * 0.25*(1.0 - xi[0])*(1.0 - xi[1]) \
        + quadrilateral[3] * 0.25*(1.0 + xi[0])*(1.0 - xi[1])
    pxi = [
    # determinant of the transformation matrix
    det_J = \
        + sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[0]) * sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[1]) \
        - sympy.diff(pxi[1], xi[0]) * sympy.diff(pxi[0], xi[1])
    # we cannot use abs(), see <>.
    abs_det_J = sympy.Piecewise((det_J, det_J >= 0), (-det_J, det_J < 0))

    g_xi = f(pxi)

    exact = sympy.integrate(
        sympy.integrate(abs_det_J * g_xi, (xi[1], -1, 1)),
        (xi[0], -1, 1)
    return float(exact)
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, index):
        self.points = numpy.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, index+1) = index + 1 if index % 2 == 0 else index

        # Formula (26) from
        # <>.
        # Note that Sympy carries out all operations in rationals, i.e.,
        # _exactly_. Only at the end, the rational is converted into a float.
        n = index
        self.weights = numpy.empty(n+1)
        t = sympy.Symbol('t')
        for r in range(n+1):
            # Compare with get_weights().
            f =[(t - i) for i in range(n+1) if i != r])
            alpha = 2 * \
                (-1)**(n-r) * sympy.integrate(f, (t, 0, n)) \
                / (math.factorial(r) * math.factorial(n-r)) \
                / index
            self.weights[r] = alpha
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_units():
    assert convert_to((5*m/s * day) / km, 1) == 432
    assert convert_to(foot / meter, meter) == Rational('0.3048')
    # amu is a pure mass so mass/mass gives a number, not an amount (mol)
    # TODO: need better simplification routine:
    assert str(convert_to(grams/amu, grams).n(2)) == '6.0e+23'

    # Light from the sun needs about 8.3 minutes to reach earth
    t = (1*au / speed_of_light) / minute
    # TODO: need a better way to simplify expressions containing units:
    t = convert_to(convert_to(t, meter / minute), meter)
    assert t == 49865956897/5995849160

    # TODO: fix this, it should give `m` without `Abs`
    assert sqrt(m**2) == Abs(m)
    assert (sqrt(m))**2 == m

    t = Symbol('t')
    assert integrate(t*m/s, (t, 1*s, 5*s)) == 12*m*s
    assert (t * m/s).integrate((t, 1*s, 5*s)) == 12*m*s
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_moments(w, a, b, n, polynomial_class=lambda k, x: x**k):
    '''Symbolically calculate the first n moments

      int_a^b w(x) P_k(x) dx

    where `P_k` is the `k`th polynomials of a specified class. The default
    settings are monomials, i.e., `P_k(x)=x^k`, but you can provide any
    function with the signature `p(k, x)`, e.g.,
    `sympy.polys.orthopolys.legendre_poly` scaled by the inverse of its leading
    coefficient `(2n)! / 2^n / (n!)^2`.
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    return numpy.array([
        sympy.integrate(w(x) * polynomial_class(k, x), (x, a, b))
        for k in range(n)
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_integral0(n=4):
    polar = sympy.Symbol('theta', real=True)
    azimuthal = sympy.Symbol('phi', real=True)
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
                n, polar, azimuthal, normalization='quantum mechanic',

    assert sympy.integrate(
        tree[0] * sympy.sin(polar), (polar, 0, pi), (azimuthal, 0, 2*pi)
        ) == 2*sqrt(pi)
    for val in tree[1:]:
        assert sympy.integrate(
            val * sympy.sin(polar), (azimuthal, 0, 2*pi), (polar, 0, pi)
            ) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normality(n=3):
    '''Make sure that the polynomials are normal.
    polar = sympy.Symbol('theta', real=True)
    azimuthal = sympy.Symbol('phi', real=True)
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
                n, polar, azimuthal, normalization='quantum mechanic',

    for val in tree:
        integrand = sympy.simplify(
            val * sympy.conjugate(val) * sympy.sin(polar)
        assert sympy.integrate(
            (azimuthal, 0, 2*pi), (polar, 0, pi)
            ) == 1
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(normalization, n=4):
    polar = sympy.Symbol('theta', real=True)
    azimuthal = sympy.Symbol('phi', real=True)
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
                n, polar, azimuthal, normalization=normalization,
    vals = tree * sympy.conjugate(numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0))

    for val in vals:
        integrand = sympy.simplify(val * sympy.sin(polar))
        assert sympy.integrate(
            (azimuthal, 0, 2*pi), (polar, 0, pi)
            ) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_integral0(n=4):
    '''Make sure that the polynomials are orthonormal
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    y = sympy.Symbol('y')
    vals = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.e2r2.tree(n, numpy.array([x, y]), symbolic=True)

    assert sympy.integrate(
        vals[0] * sympy.exp(-x**2-y**2), (x, -oo, +oo), (y, -oo, +oo)
        ) == sympy.sqrt(sympy.pi)
    for val in vals[1:]:
        assert sympy.integrate(
            val * sympy.exp(-x**2-y**2), (x, -oo, +oo), (y, -oo, +oo)
            ) == 0
项目:otRebuilder    作者:Pal3love    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def green(f, curveXY):
    f = -sp.integrate(sp.sympify(f), y)
    f = f.subs({x:curveXY[0], y:curveXY[1]})
    f = sp.integrate(f * sp.diff(curveXY[0], t), (t, 0, 1))
    return f
项目:Harmonbot    作者:Harmon758    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def integrate(self, *, equation : str):
        Integrate an equation
        with respect to x (dx)
        x = sympy.symbols('x')
            await"`{}`".format(sympy.integrate(equation.strip('`'), x)), title = "Integral of {}".format(equation))
        except Exception as e:
            await"{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)), title = "Error")
项目:Harmonbot    作者:Harmon758    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def integrate_definite(self, lower_limit : str, upper_limit : str, *, equation : str):
        Definite integral of an equation
        with respect to x (dx)
        x = sympy.symbols('x')
            await"`{}`".format(sympy.integrate(equation.strip('`'), (x, lower_limit, upper_limit))), title = "Definite Integral of {} from {} to {}".format(equation, lower_limit, upper_limit))
        except Exception as e:
            await"{}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)), title = "Error")
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sol(self):
        # Do the inner product! - we are in cyl coordinates!
        j, Sig = self.fcts()
        jTSj = j.T*Sig*j
        # we are integrating in cyl coordinates
        ans  = sympy.integrate(sympy.integrate(sympy.integrate(r * jTSj,
                                                               (r, 0, 1)),
                                               (t, 0, 2*sympy.pi)),
                                (z, 0, 1))[0] # The `[0]` is to make it an int.

        return ans
项目:discretize    作者:simpeg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sol(self):
        h, Sig = self.fcts()
        # Do the inner product! - we are in cyl coordinates!
        hTSh = h.T*Sig*h
        ans  = sympy.integrate(sympy.integrate(sympy.integrate(r * hTSh,
                                                               (r, 0, 1)),
                                               (t, 0, 2*sympy.pi)),
                                (z, 0, 1))[0] # The `[0]` is to make it an int.
        return ans
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _integrate_exact(f, tetrahedron):
    # Note that
    #     \int_T f(x) dx = \int_T0 |J(xi)| f(P(xi)) dxi
    # with
    #     P(xi) = x0 * (1-xi[0]-xi[1]) + x1 * xi[0] + x2 * xi[1].
    # and T0 being the reference tetrahedron [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (0.0,
    # 1.0)].
    # The determinant of the transformation matrix J equals twice the volume of
    # the tetrahedron. (See, e.g.,
    # <>).
    xi = sympy.DeferredVector('xi')
    x_xi = \
        + tetrahedron[0] * (1 - xi[0] - xi[1] - xi[2]) \
        + tetrahedron[1] * xi[0] \
        + tetrahedron[2] * xi[1] \
        + tetrahedron[3] * xi[2]
    abs_det_J = 6 * quadpy.tetrahedron.volume(tetrahedron)
    exact = sympy.integrate(
          sympy.integrate(abs_det_J * f(x_xi), (xi[2], 0, 1-xi[0]-xi[1])),
          (xi[1], 0, 1-xi[0])
        (xi[0], 0, 1)
    return float(exact)
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_scheme(scheme, tol):
    # Test integration until we get to a polynomial degree `d` that can no
    # longer be integrated exactly. The scheme's degree is `d-1`.

    def eval_orthopolys(x):
        return numpy.concatenate(
            orthopy.quadrilateral.tree(, x, symbolic=False)

    quad = quadpy.quadrilateral.rectangle_points([-1.0, +1.0], [-1.0, +1.0])
    vals = quadpy.quadrilateral.integrate(eval_orthopolys, quad, scheme)
    # Put vals back into the tree structure:
    # len(approximate[k]) == k+1
    approximate = [
        for k in range(

    exact = [numpy.zeros(k+1) for k in range(]
    exact[0][0] = 2.0

    degree = check_degree_ortho(approximate, exact, abs_tol=tol)

    assert degree >=, \
        'Observed: {}, expected: {}'.format(degree,
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _integrate_exact(f, triangle):
    # Note that
    #     \int_T f(x) dx = \int_T0 |J(xi)| f(P(xi)) dxi
    # with
    #     P(xi) = x0 * (1-xi[0]-xi[1]) + x1 * xi[0] + x2 * xi[1].
    # and T0 being the reference triangle [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0), (0.0,
    # 1.0)].
    # The determinant of the transformation matrix J equals twice the volume of
    # the triangle. (See, e.g.,
    # <>).
    xi = sympy.DeferredVector('xi')
    x_xi = \
        + triangle[0] * (1 - xi[0] - xi[1]) \
        + triangle[1] * xi[0] \
        + triangle[2] * xi[1]
    abs_det_J = 2 * quadpy.triangle.volume(triangle)
    exact = sympy.integrate(
        sympy.integrate(abs_det_J * f(x_xi), (xi[1], 0, 1-xi[0])),
        (xi[0], 0, 1)
    return float(exact)
项目:quadpy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_scheme(scheme, tol):
    triangle = numpy.array([
        [0.0, 0.0],
        [1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0]

    def eval_orthopolys(x):
        bary = numpy.array([x[0], x[1], 1.0-x[0]-x[1]])
        out = numpy.concatenate(orthopy.triangle.tree(
  , bary, 'normal', symbolic=False
        return out

    vals = quadpy.triangle.integrate(eval_orthopolys, triangle, scheme)
    # Put vals back into the tree structure:
    # len(approximate[k]) == k+1
    approximate = [
        for k in range(

    exact = [numpy.zeros(k+1) for k in range(]
    exact[0][0] = numpy.sqrt(2.0) / 2

    degree = check_degree_ortho(approximate, exact, abs_tol=tol)

    assert degree >=, \
        'Observed: {}, expected: {}'.format(degree,
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_norm(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        assert integrate(
            wavefunction(i, x) * wavefunction(-i, x), (x, 0, 2 * pi)) == 1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        for j in range(i+1, n+1):
            assert integrate(
                wavefunction(i, x) * wavefunction(j, x), (x, 0, 2 * pi)) == 0
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_norm():
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    n_max = 2
    # you can test any n and it works, but it's slow, so it's commented out:
    #n_max = 4
    for n in range(n_max + 1):
        for l in range(n):
            assert integrate(R_nl(n, l, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo)) == 1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_norm(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        assert integrate(psi_n(i, x, 1, 1)**2, (x, -oo, oo)) == 1
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, n + 1):
            assert integrate(
                psi_n(i, x, 1, 1)*psi_n(j, x, 1, 1), (x, -oo, oo)) == 0
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_5981():
    u = symbols('u')
    assert integrate(1/(u**2 + 1)) == atan(u)
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_4023():
    sage.var("a x")
    log = sage.log
    i = sympy.integrate(log(x)/a, (x, a, a + 1))
    i2 = sympy.simplify(i)
    s = sage.SR(i2)
    assert s == (a*log(1 + a) - a*log(a) + log(1 + a) - 1)/a

# This string contains Sage doctests, that execute all the functions above.
# When you add a new function, please add it here as well.
项目:hw-1-patti102    作者:chapman-phys227-2016s    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_adaptive_limits():
    """ensures that the n value given is sufficient for the curve function.
    This function has calculated n of 366 on the interval 0 to 2"""
    t = symbols('t')
    curve_func = t**2 + t + 1
    integ = integrate(curve_func, t)
    value = lambdify([t], integ)
    value = value(2)
    print value
    apt = abs(adaptive_trapzint(curve, 0, 2)[0]-value)<1E-5
    msg = "N is too small."
    assert apt, msg
项目:performance    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bench_integrate():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    f = (1 / tan(x)) ** 10
    return integrate(f, x)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_norm(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        assert integrate(
            wavefunction(i, x) * wavefunction(-i, x), (x, 0, 2 * pi)) == 1
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        for j in range(i+1, n+1):
            assert integrate(
                wavefunction(i, x) * wavefunction(j, x), (x, 0, 2 * pi)) == 0
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_norm():
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    n_max = 2  # it works, but is slow, for n_max > 2
    for n in range(n_max + 1):
        for l in range(n):
            assert integrate(R_nl(n, l, r)**2 * r**2, (r, 0, oo)) == 1
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_norm(n=1):
    # Maximum "n" which is tested:
    for i in range(n + 1):
        assert integrate(psi_n(i, x, 1, 1)**2, (x, -oo, oo)) == 1
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_10798():
    from sympy import integrate, pi, I, log, polylog, exp_polar, Piecewise, meijerg, Abs
    from import x, y
    assert integrate(1/(1-(x*y)**2), (x, 0, 1), y) == \
        -Piecewise((I*pi*log(y) - polylog(2, y), Abs(y) < 1), (-I*pi*log(1/y) - polylog(2, y), Abs(1/y) < 1), \
                   (-I*pi*meijerg(((), (1, 1)), ((0, 0), ()), y) + I*pi*meijerg(((1, 1), ()), ((), (0, 0)), y) - polylog(2, y), True))/2 \
                   - log(y)*log(1 - 1/y)/2 + log(y)*log(1 + 1/y)/2 + log(y)*log(y - 1)/2 \
                   - log(y)*log(y + 1)/2 + I*pi*log(y)/2 - polylog(2, y*exp_polar(I*pi))/2
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_5981():
    u = symbols('u')
    assert integrate(1/(u**2 + 1)) == atan(u)
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_10488():
    a,b,c,x = symbols('a b c x', real=True, positive=True)
    assert integrate(x/(a*x+b),x) == x/a - b*log(a*x + b)/a**2
项目:Python-iBeacon-Scan    作者:NikNitro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_issue_4023():
    sage.var("a x")
    log = sage.log
    i = sympy.integrate(log(x)/a, (x, a, a + 1))
    i2 = sympy.simplify(i)
    s = sage.SR(i2)
    assert s == (a*log(1 + a) - a*log(a) + log(1 + a) - 1)/a
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stieltjes(w, a, b, n):
    t = sympy.Symbol('t')

    alpha = n * [None]
    beta = n * [None]
    mu = n * [None]
    pi = n * [None]

    k = 0
    pi[k] = 1
    mu[k] = sympy.integrate(pi[k]**2 * w(t), (t, a, b))
    alpha[k] = sympy.integrate(t * pi[k]**2 * w(t), (t, a, b)) / mu[k]
    beta[k] = mu[0]  # not used, by convection mu[0]

    k = 1
    pi[k] = (t - alpha[k-1]) * pi[k-1]
    mu[k] = sympy.integrate(pi[k]**2 * w(t), (t, a, b))
    alpha[k] = sympy.integrate(t * pi[k]**2 * w(t), (t, a, b)) / mu[k]
    beta[k] = mu[k] / mu[k-1]

    for k in range(2, n):
        pi[k] = (t - alpha[k-1]) * pi[k-1] - beta[k-1] * pi[k-2]
        mu[k] = sympy.integrate(pi[k]**2 * w(t), (t, a, b))
        alpha[k] = sympy.integrate(t * pi[k]**2 * w(t), (t, a, b)) / mu[k]
        beta[k] = mu[k] / mu[k-1]

    return alpha, beta
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_integral0(n=4):
    b0 = sympy.Symbol('b0')
    b1 = sympy.Symbol('b1')
    b = numpy.array([b0, b1, 1-b0-b1])
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.triangle.tree(n, b, 'normal', symbolic=True)

    assert \
        sympy.integrate(tree[0], (b0, 0, 1-b1), (b1, 0, 1)) == sympy.sqrt(2)/2
    for val in tree[1:]:
        assert sympy.integrate(val, (b0, 0, 1-b1), (b1, 0, 1)) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normality(n=4):
    '''Make sure that the polynomials are orthonormal
    b0 = sympy.Symbol('b0')
    b1 = sympy.Symbol('b1')
    b = numpy.array([b0, b1, 1-b0-b1])
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.triangle.tree(n, b, 'normal', symbolic=True)

    for val in tree:
        assert sympy.integrate(val**2, (b0, 0, 1-b1), (b1, 0, 1)) == 1
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=4):
    b0 = sympy.Symbol('b0')
    b1 = sympy.Symbol('b1')
    b = numpy.array([b0, b1, 1-b0-b1])
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.triangle.tree(n, b, 'normal', symbolic=True)

    shifts = tree * numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0)

    for val in shifts:
        assert sympy.integrate(val, (b0, 0, 1-b1), (b1, 0, 1)) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    y = sympy.Symbol('y')
    z = sympy.Symbol('z')
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.enr2.tree(n, numpy.array([x, y, z]), symbolic=True)
    vals = tree * numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0)

    for val in vals:
        assert sympy.integrate(
            val * sympy.exp(-x**2 - y**2 - z**2),
            (x, -oo, +oo), (y, -oo, +oo), (z, -oo, +oo)
            ) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    y = sympy.Symbol('y')
    z = sympy.Symbol('z')
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.enr2.tree(n, numpy.array([x, y, z]), symbolic=True)

    for val in tree:
        assert sympy.integrate(
            val**2 * sympy.exp(-x**2 - y**2 - z**2),
            (x, -oo, +oo), (y, -oo, +oo), (z, -oo, +oo)
            ) == 1
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_integral0(n=4):
    '''Make sure that the polynomials are orthonormal
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    y = sympy.Symbol('y')
    vals = numpy.concatenate(
            orthopy.quadrilateral.tree(n, numpy.array([x, y]), symbolic=True)

    assert sympy.integrate(vals[0], (x, -1, +1), (y, -1, +1)) == 2
    for val in vals[1:]:
        assert sympy.integrate(val, (x, -1, +1), (y, -1, +1)) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    y = sympy.Symbol('y')
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
            orthopy.quadrilateral.tree(n, numpy.array([x, y]), symbolic=True)
    vals = tree * numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0)

    for val in vals:
        assert sympy.integrate(val, (x, -1, +1), (y, -1, +1)) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    y = sympy.Symbol('y')
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
            orthopy.quadrilateral.tree(n, numpy.array([x, y]), symbolic=True)

    for val in tree:
        assert sympy.integrate(val**2, (x, -1, +1), (y, -1, +1)) == 1
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.e1r2.tree(n, numpy.array([x]), symbolic=True)
    vals = tree * numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0)

    for val in vals:
        assert sympy.integrate(val * sympy.exp(-x**2), (x, -oo, +oo)) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normality(n=4):
    x = sympy.Symbol('x')
    tree = numpy.concatenate(
        orthopy.e1r2.tree(n, numpy.array([x]), symbolic=True)

    for val in tree:
        assert sympy.integrate(
            val**2 * sympy.exp(-x**2), (x, -oo, +oo)
            ) == 1
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_integral0(n=4, dim=5):
    '''Make sure that the polynomials are orthonormal
    variables = numpy.array([
        sympy.Symbol('x{}'.format(k)) for k in range(dim)
    vals = numpy.concatenate(orthopy.ncube.tree(n, variables, symbolic=True))

    integration_limits = [(variable, -1, +1) for variable in variables]
    assert sympy.integrate(vals[0], *integration_limits) == sympy.sqrt(2)**dim
    for val in vals[1:]:
        assert sympy.integrate(val, *integration_limits) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_orthogonality(n=4, dim=5):
    variables = numpy.array([
        sympy.Symbol('x{}'.format(k)) for k in range(dim)

    tree = numpy.concatenate(orthopy.ncube.tree(n, variables, symbolic=True))
    vals = tree * numpy.roll(tree, 1, axis=0)

    integration_limits = [(variable, -1, +1) for variable in variables]
    for val in vals:
        assert sympy.integrate(val, *integration_limits) == 0
项目:orthopy    作者:nschloe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normality(n=4, dim=5):
    variables = numpy.array([
        sympy.Symbol('x{}'.format(k)) for k in range(dim)

    tree = numpy.concatenate(orthopy.ncube.tree(n, variables, symbolic=True))

    integration_limits = [(variable, -1, +1) for variable in variables]
    for val in tree:
        assert sympy.integrate(val**2, *integration_limits) == 1