Python sys 模块,trace() 实例源码


项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if not ex_value or (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.should_break(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if not ex_value or (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch_line(self, frame):
        traceenter("dispatch_line", _dumpf(frame), _dumpf(self.botframe))
#               trace("logbotframe is", _dumpf(self.logicalbotframe), "botframe is", self.botframe)
        if frame is self.logicalbotframe:
            trace("dispatch_line", _dumpf(frame), "for bottom frame returing tracer")
            # The next code executed in the frame above may be a builtin (eg, apply())
            # in which sys.trace needs to be set.
            # And return the tracer incase we are about to execute Python code,
            # in which case sys tracer is ignored!
            return self.trace_dispatch

        if self.codeContainerProvider.FromFileName(frame.f_code.co_filename) is None:
            trace("dispatch_line has no document for", _dumpf(frame), "- skipping trace!")
            return None
        self.currentframe = frame # So the stack sniffer knows our most recent, debuggable code.
        return bdb.Bdb.dispatch_line(self, frame)
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch_call(self, frame, arg):
        frame.f_locals['__axstack_address__'] = axdebug.GetStackAddress()
        if frame is self.botframe:
            trace("dispatch_call is self.botframe - returning tracer")
            return self.trace_dispatch
        # Not our bottom frame.  If we have a document for it,
        # then trace it, otherwise run at full speed.
        if self.codeContainerProvider.FromFileName(frame.f_code.co_filename) is None:
            trace("dispatch_call has no document for", _dumpf(frame), "- skipping trace!")
##                      sys.settrace(None)
            return None
        return self.trace_dispatch

#               rc =  bdb.Bdb.dispatch_call(self, frame, arg)
#               trace("dispatch_call", _dumpf(frame),"returned",rc)
#               return rc
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CloseApp(self):
        self.logicalbotframe = None
        if self.stackSnifferCookie is not None:

            except pythoncom.com_error:
                trace("*** Could not RemoveStackFrameSniffer %d" % (self.stackSnifferCookie))
        if self.stackSniffer:
        self.stackSnifferCookie = self.stackSniffer = None

        if self.appEventConnection is not None:
            self.appEventConnection = None
        self.debugApplication = None
        self.appDebugger = None
        if self.codeContainerProvider is not None:
            self.codeContainerProvider = None
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ResetAXDebugging(self):
        traceenter("ResetAXDebugging", self, "with refcount", len(self.recursiveData))
        if win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()!=self.debuggingThread:
            trace("ResetAXDebugging called on other thread")

        if len(self.recursiveData)==0:
#                       print "ResetAXDebugging called for final time."
            self.logicalbotframe = None
            self.debuggingThread = None
            self.currentframe = None
            self.debuggingThreadStateHandle = None

        self.logbotframe, self.stopframe, self.currentframe, self.debuggingThreadStateHandle = self.recursiveData[0]
        self.recursiveData = self.recursiveData[1:]
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch_line(self, frame):
        traceenter("dispatch_line", _dumpf(frame), _dumpf(self.botframe))
#               trace("logbotframe is", _dumpf(self.logicalbotframe), "botframe is", self.botframe)
        if frame is self.logicalbotframe:
            trace("dispatch_line", _dumpf(frame), "for bottom frame returing tracer")
            # The next code executed in the frame above may be a builtin (eg, apply())
            # in which sys.trace needs to be set.
            # And return the tracer incase we are about to execute Python code,
            # in which case sys tracer is ignored!
            return self.trace_dispatch

        if self.codeContainerProvider.FromFileName(frame.f_code.co_filename) is None:
            trace("dispatch_line has no document for", _dumpf(frame), "- skipping trace!")
            return None
        self.currentframe = frame # So the stack sniffer knows our most recent, debuggable code.
        return bdb.Bdb.dispatch_line(self, frame)
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch_call(self, frame, arg):
        frame.f_locals['__axstack_address__'] = axdebug.GetStackAddress()
        if frame is self.botframe:
            trace("dispatch_call is self.botframe - returning tracer")
            return self.trace_dispatch
        # Not our bottom frame.  If we have a document for it,
        # then trace it, otherwise run at full speed.
        if self.codeContainerProvider.FromFileName(frame.f_code.co_filename) is None:
            trace("dispatch_call has no document for", _dumpf(frame), "- skipping trace!")
##                      sys.settrace(None)
            return None
        return self.trace_dispatch

#               rc =  bdb.Bdb.dispatch_call(self, frame, arg)
#               trace("dispatch_call", _dumpf(frame),"returned",rc)
#               return rc
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CloseApp(self):
        self.logicalbotframe = None
        if self.stackSnifferCookie is not None:

            except pythoncom.com_error:
                trace("*** Could not RemoveStackFrameSniffer %d" % (self.stackSnifferCookie))
        if self.stackSniffer:
        self.stackSnifferCookie = self.stackSniffer = None

        if self.appEventConnection is not None:
            self.appEventConnection = None
        self.debugApplication = None
        self.appDebugger = None
        if self.codeContainerProvider is not None:
            self.codeContainerProvider = None
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ResetAXDebugging(self):
        traceenter("ResetAXDebugging", self, "with refcount", len(self.recursiveData))
        if win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()!=self.debuggingThread:
            trace("ResetAXDebugging called on other thread")

        if len(self.recursiveData)==0:
#                       print "ResetAXDebugging called for final time."
            self.logicalbotframe = None
            self.debuggingThread = None
            self.currentframe = None
            self.debuggingThreadStateHandle = None

        self.logbotframe, self.stopframe, self.currentframe, self.debuggingThreadStateHandle = self.recursiveData[0]
        self.recursiveData = self.recursiveData[1:]
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if not ex_value or (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.should_break(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:AutoDiff    作者:icewall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ShouldBreak(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = ex_type.__module__ + '.' + ex_type.__name__
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.IsHandled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANLDED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.IsHandled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if ((isinstance(ex_value, int) and not ex_value) or 
                        (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code)):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:AutoDiff    作者:icewall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.ShouldBreak(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:xidian-sfweb    作者:Gear420    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if not ex_value or (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:xidian-sfweb    作者:Gear420    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.should_break(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:skojjt    作者:martin-green    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if ((isinstance(ex_value, int) and not ex_value) or 
                        (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code)):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:skojjt    作者:martin-green    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.should_break(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:DjangoWebProject    作者:wrkettlitz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if not ex_value or (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:DjangoWebProject    作者:wrkettlitz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.should_break(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:ApiRestPythonTest    作者:rvfvazquez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_break(self, thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
        name = get_exception_name(ex_type)
        mode = self.break_on.get(name, self.default_mode)
        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE
        if mode & BREAK_MODE_ALWAYS:
            if self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_HANDLED
                break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED
        elif (mode & BREAK_MODE_UNHANDLED) and not self.is_handled(thread, ex_type, ex_value, trace):
            break_type = BREAK_TYPE_UNHANDLED

        if break_type:
            if issubclass(ex_type, SystemExit):
                if not BREAK_ON_SYSTEMEXIT_ZERO:
                    if not ex_value or (isinstance(ex_value, SystemExit) and not ex_value.code):
                        break_type = BREAK_TYPE_NONE

        return break_type
项目:ApiRestPythonTest    作者:rvfvazquez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, frame, arg):
        if self.stepping == STEPPING_ATTACH_BREAK:

        if not DETACHED and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
            break_type = BREAK_ON.should_break(self, *arg)
            if break_type:
                self.block(lambda: report_exception(frame, arg,, break_type))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any, updating the current trace function
        # with a new one if available
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            self.prev_trace_func = old_trace_func(frame, 'exception', arg)

        return self.trace_func
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_attach(self):
        except AttributeError:
            # the tasklets need to be traced on a case by case basis
            # sys.trace needs to be called within their calling context
            def __call__(tsk, *args, **kwargs):
                f = tsk.tempval
                def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs):
                        if old_f is not None:
                            return old_f(*args, **kwargs)

                tsk.tempval = new_f
                stackless.tasklet.setup(tsk, f, args, kwargs)
                return tsk

            def settrace(tsk, tb):
                if hasattr(tsk.frame, "f_trace"):
                    tsk.frame.f_trace = tb

            self.__oldstacklesscall__ = stackless.tasklet.__call__
            stackless.tasklet.settrace = settrace
            stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__
        if sys.platform == 'cli':
            self.frames = []
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def context_dispatcher(self, old, new):
        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
        # for those tasklets that started before we started tracing
        # we need to make sure that the trace is set by patching
        # it in the context switch
        if old and new:
            if hasattr(new.frame, "f_trace") and not new.frame.f_trace:
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_schedule_cb(self, prev, next):
        current = stackless.getcurrent()
        if not current:
        current_tf = current.trace_function

            current.trace_function = None
            self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE

            # If the current frame has no trace function, we may need to get it
            # from the previous frame, depending on how we ended up in the
            # callback.
            if current_tf is None:
                f_back = current.frame.f_back
                if f_back is not None:
                    current_tf = f_back.f_trace

            if next is not None:
                # Assign our trace function to the current stack
                f = next.frame
                if next is current:
                    f = f.f_back
                while f:
                    if isinstance(f, types.FrameType):
                        f.f_trace = self.trace_func
                    f = f.f_back
                next.trace_function = self.trace_func
            current.trace_function = current_tf
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_return(self, frame, arg):

        if not DETACHED:
            stepping = self.stepping
            # only update stepping state when this frame is debuggable (matching handle_call)
            if stepping is not STEPPING_NONE and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
                if stepping > STEPPING_OVER:
                    self.stepping -= 1
                elif stepping < STEPPING_OUT:
                    self.stepping += 1
                elif stepping in USER_STEPPING:
                    if self.cur_frame is None or frame.f_code.co_name == "<module>" :
                        # only return to user code modules
                        if self.should_block_on_frame(frame):
                            # restore back the module frame for the step out of a module
                            self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
                            self.block(lambda: (report_step_finished(, mark_all_threads_for_break(skip_thread = self)))
                    elif self.should_block_on_frame(self.cur_frame):
                        # if we're returning into non-user code then don't block in the
                        # non-user code, wait until we hit user code again
                        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
                        self.block(lambda: (report_step_finished(, mark_all_threads_for_break(skip_thread = self)))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            old_trace_func(frame, 'return', arg)

        # restore previous frames trace function if there is one
        if self.trace_func_stack:
            self.prev_trace_func = self.trace_func_stack.pop()
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_attach(self):
        except AttributeError:
            # the tasklets need to be traced on a case by case basis
            # sys.trace needs to be called within their calling context
            def __call__(tsk, *args, **kwargs):
                f = tsk.tempval
                def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs):
                        if old_f is not None:
                            return old_f(*args, **kwargs)

                tsk.tempval = new_f
                stackless.tasklet.setup(tsk, f, args, kwargs)
                return tsk

            def settrace(tsk, tb):
                if hasattr(tsk.frame, "f_trace"):
                    tsk.frame.f_trace = tb

            self.__oldstacklesscall__ = stackless.tasklet.__call__
            stackless.tasklet.settrace = settrace
            stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__
        if sys.platform == 'cli':
            self.frames = []
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def context_dispatcher(self, old, new):
        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
        # for those tasklets that started before we started tracing
        # we need to make sure that the trace is set by patching
        # it in the context switch
        if old and new:
            if hasattr(new.frame, "f_trace") and not new.frame.f_trace:
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_schedule_cb(self, prev, next):
        current = stackless.getcurrent()
        if not current:
        current_tf = current.trace_function

            current.trace_function = None
            self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE

            # If the current frame has no trace function, we may need to get it
            # from the previous frame, depending on how we ended up in the
            # callback.
            if current_tf is None:
                f_back = current.frame.f_back
                if f_back is not None:
                    current_tf = f_back.f_trace

            if next is not None:
                # Assign our trace function to the current stack
                f = next.frame
                if next is current:
                    f = f.f_back
                while f:
                    if isinstance(f, types.FrameType):
                        f.f_trace = self.trace_func
                    f = f.f_back
                next.trace_function = self.trace_func
            current.trace_function = current_tf
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trace_func(self, frame, event, arg):
        # If we're so far into process shutdown that sys is already gone, just stop tracing.
        if sys is None:
            return None
        elif self.is_sending:
            # we're currently doing I/O w/ the socket, we don't want to deliver
            # any breakpoints or async breaks because we'll deadlock.  Continue
            # to return the trace function so all of our frames remain
            # balanced.  A better way to deal with this might be to do
            # sys.settrace(None) when we take the send lock, but that's much
            # more difficult because our send context manager is used both
            # inside and outside of the trace function, and so is used when
            # tracing is enabled and disabled, and so it's very easy to get our
            # current frame tracking to be thrown off...
            return self.trace_func

            # if should_debug_code(frame.f_code) is not true during attach
            # the current frame is None and a pop_frame will cause an exception and 
            # break the debugger
            if self.cur_frame is None:
                # happens during attach, we need frame for blocking
            if self.stepping == STEPPING_BREAK and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
                if self.detach:
                    if stackless is not None:
                        stackless.tasklet.__call__ = self.__oldstacklesscall__
                    return None


            return self._events[event](frame, arg)
        except (StackOverflowException, KeyboardInterrupt):
            # stack overflow, disable tracing
            return self.trace_func
项目:pythonVSCode    作者:DonJayamanne    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_return(self, frame, arg):

        if not DETACHED:
            stepping = self.stepping
            # only update stepping state when this frame is debuggable (matching handle_call)
            if stepping is not STEPPING_NONE and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
                if stepping > STEPPING_OVER:
                    self.stepping -= 1
                elif stepping < STEPPING_OUT:
                    self.stepping += 1
                elif stepping in USER_STEPPING:
                    if self.cur_frame is None or frame.f_code.co_name == "<module>" :
                        # only return to user code modules
                        if self.should_block_on_frame(frame):
                            # restore back the module frame for the step out of a module
                            self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
                            self.block(lambda: (report_step_finished(, mark_all_threads_for_break(skip_thread = self)))
                    elif self.should_block_on_frame(self.cur_frame):
                        # if we're returning into non-user code then don't block in the
                        # non-user code, wait until we hit user code again
                        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
                        self.block(lambda: (report_step_finished(, mark_all_threads_for_break(skip_thread = self)))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            old_trace_func(frame, 'return', arg)

        # restore previous frames trace function if there is one
        if self.trace_func_stack:
            self.prev_trace_func = self.trace_func_stack.pop()
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dumpf(frame):
    if frame is None:
        return "<None>"
        addn = "(with trace!)"
        if frame.f_trace is None:
            addn = " **No Trace Set **"
        return "Frame at %d, file %s, line: %d%s" % (id(frame), frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, addn)
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch_return(self, frame, arg):
        traceenter("dispatch_return", _dumpf(frame), arg)
        if self.logicalbotframe is frame:
            # We dont want to debug parent frames.
            tracev("dispatch_return resetting sys.trace")
#                       self.bSetTrace = 0
        self.currentframe = frame.f_back
        return bdb.Bdb.dispatch_return(self, frame, arg)
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
        traceenter("trace_dispatch", _dumpf(frame), event, arg)
        if self.debugApplication is None:
            trace("trace_dispatch has no application!")
            return # None
        return bdb.Bdb.trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg)

    # The user functions do bugger all!
#       def user_call(self, frame, argument_list):
#               traceenter("user_call",_dumpf(frame))
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def AttachApp(self, debugApplication, codeContainerProvider):
#               traceenter("AttachApp", debugApplication, codeContainerProvider)
        self.codeContainerProvider = codeContainerProvider
        self.debugApplication = debugApplication
        self.stackSniffer = _wrap(stackframe.DebugStackFrameSniffer(self), axdebug.IID_IDebugStackFrameSniffer)
        self.stackSnifferCookie = debugApplication.AddStackFrameSniffer(self.stackSniffer)
#               trace("StackFrameSniffer added (%d)" % self.stackSnifferCookie)

        # Connect to the application events.
        self.appEventConnection = win32com.client.connect.SimpleConnection(self.debugApplication, self, axdebug.IID_IRemoteDebugApplicationEvents)
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SetupAXDebugging(self, baseFrame = None, userFrame = None):
        """Get ready for potential debugging.  Must be called on the thread
        that is being debugged.
        # userFrame is for non AXScript debugging.  This is the first frame of the
        # users code.
        if userFrame is None:
            userFrame = baseFrame
            # We have missed the "dispatch_call" function, so set this up now!
            userFrame.f_locals['__axstack_address__'] = axdebug.GetStackAddress()

        traceenter("SetupAXDebugging", self)
            thisThread = win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()
            if self.debuggingThread is None:
                self.debuggingThread = thisThread
                if self.debuggingThread!=thisThread:
                    trace("SetupAXDebugging called on other thread - ignored!")
                # push our context.
                self.recursiveData.insert(0, (self.logicalbotframe,self.stopframe, self.currentframe,self.debuggingThreadStateHandle))

        trace("SetupAXDebugging has base frame as", _dumpf(baseFrame))
        self.botframe = baseFrame
        self.stopframe = userFrame
        self.logicalbotframe = baseFrame
        self.currentframe = None
        self.debuggingThreadStateHandle = axdebug.GetThreadStateHandle()


    # RemoteDebugApplicationEvents
项目:remoteControlPPT    作者:htwenning    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _BreakFlagsChanged(self):
        traceenter("_BreakFlagsChanged to %s with our thread = %s, and debugging thread = %s" % (self.breakFlags, self.debuggingThread, win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()))
        trace("_BreakFlagsChanged has breaks", self.breaks)
        # If a request comes on our debugging thread, then do it now!
#               if self.debuggingThread!=win32api.GetCurrentThreadId():
#                       return

        if len(self.breaks) or self.breakFlags:

            if self.logicalbotframe:
                trace("BreakFlagsChange with bot frame", _dumpf(self.logicalbotframe))
                # We have frames not to be debugged (eg, Scripting engine frames
                # (sys.settrace will be set when out logicalbotframe is hit -
                #  this may not be the right thing to do, as it may not cause the
                #  immediate break we desire.)
                self.logicalbotframe.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch
                trace("BreakFlagsChanged, but no bottom frame")
                if self.stopframe is not None:
                    self.stopframe.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch
            # If we have the thread-state for the thread being debugged, then
            # we dynamically set its trace function - it is possible that the thread
            # being debugged is in a blocked call (eg, a message box) and we
            # want to hit the debugger the instant we return
        if self.debuggingThreadStateHandle is not None and \
                self.breakFlags and \
                self.debuggingThread != win32api.GetCurrentThreadId():
            axdebug.SetThreadStateTrace(self.debuggingThreadStateHandle, self.trace_dispatch)
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _dumpf(frame):
    if frame is None:
        return "<None>"
        addn = "(with trace!)"
        if frame.f_trace is None:
            addn = " **No Trace Set **"
        return "Frame at %d, file %s, line: %d%s" % (id(frame), frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, addn)
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dispatch_return(self, frame, arg):
        traceenter("dispatch_return", _dumpf(frame), arg)
        if self.logicalbotframe is frame:
            # We dont want to debug parent frames.
            tracev("dispatch_return resetting sys.trace")
#                       self.bSetTrace = 0
        self.currentframe = frame.f_back
        return bdb.Bdb.dispatch_return(self, frame, arg)
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
        traceenter("trace_dispatch", _dumpf(frame), event, arg)
        if self.debugApplication is None:
            trace("trace_dispatch has no application!")
            return # None
        return bdb.Bdb.trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg)

    # The user functions do bugger all!
#       def user_call(self, frame, argument_list):
#               traceenter("user_call",_dumpf(frame))
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def AttachApp(self, debugApplication, codeContainerProvider):
#               traceenter("AttachApp", debugApplication, codeContainerProvider)
        self.codeContainerProvider = codeContainerProvider
        self.debugApplication = debugApplication
        self.stackSniffer = _wrap(stackframe.DebugStackFrameSniffer(self), axdebug.IID_IDebugStackFrameSniffer)
        self.stackSnifferCookie = debugApplication.AddStackFrameSniffer(self.stackSniffer)
#               trace("StackFrameSniffer added (%d)" % self.stackSnifferCookie)

        # Connect to the application events.
        self.appEventConnection = win32com.client.connect.SimpleConnection(self.debugApplication, self, axdebug.IID_IRemoteDebugApplicationEvents)
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def SetupAXDebugging(self, baseFrame = None, userFrame = None):
        """Get ready for potential debugging.  Must be called on the thread
        that is being debugged.
        # userFrame is for non AXScript debugging.  This is the first frame of the
        # users code.
        if userFrame is None:
            userFrame = baseFrame
            # We have missed the "dispatch_call" function, so set this up now!
            userFrame.f_locals['__axstack_address__'] = axdebug.GetStackAddress()

        traceenter("SetupAXDebugging", self)
            thisThread = win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()
            if self.debuggingThread is None:
                self.debuggingThread = thisThread
                if self.debuggingThread!=thisThread:
                    trace("SetupAXDebugging called on other thread - ignored!")
                # push our context.
                self.recursiveData.insert(0, (self.logicalbotframe,self.stopframe, self.currentframe,self.debuggingThreadStateHandle))

        trace("SetupAXDebugging has base frame as", _dumpf(baseFrame))
        self.botframe = baseFrame
        self.stopframe = userFrame
        self.logicalbotframe = baseFrame
        self.currentframe = None
        self.debuggingThreadStateHandle = axdebug.GetThreadStateHandle()


    # RemoteDebugApplicationEvents
项目:CodeReader    作者:jasonrbr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _BreakFlagsChanged(self):
        traceenter("_BreakFlagsChanged to %s with our thread = %s, and debugging thread = %s" % (self.breakFlags, self.debuggingThread, win32api.GetCurrentThreadId()))
        trace("_BreakFlagsChanged has breaks", self.breaks)
        # If a request comes on our debugging thread, then do it now!
#               if self.debuggingThread!=win32api.GetCurrentThreadId():
#                       return

        if len(self.breaks) or self.breakFlags:

            if self.logicalbotframe:
                trace("BreakFlagsChange with bot frame", _dumpf(self.logicalbotframe))
                # We have frames not to be debugged (eg, Scripting engine frames
                # (sys.settrace will be set when out logicalbotframe is hit -
                #  this may not be the right thing to do, as it may not cause the
                #  immediate break we desire.)
                self.logicalbotframe.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch
                trace("BreakFlagsChanged, but no bottom frame")
                if self.stopframe is not None:
                    self.stopframe.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch
            # If we have the thread-state for the thread being debugged, then
            # we dynamically set its trace function - it is possible that the thread
            # being debugged is in a blocked call (eg, a message box) and we
            # want to hit the debugger the instant we return
        if self.debuggingThreadStateHandle is not None and \
                self.breakFlags and \
                self.debuggingThread != win32api.GetCurrentThreadId():
            axdebug.SetThreadStateTrace(self.debuggingThreadStateHandle, self.trace_dispatch)
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_attach(self):
        except AttributeError:
            # the tasklets need to be traced on a case by case basis
            # sys.trace needs to be called within their calling context
            def __call__(tsk, *args, **kwargs):
                f = tsk.tempval
                def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs):
                        if old_f is not None:
                            return old_f(*args, **kwargs)

                tsk.tempval = new_f
                stackless.tasklet.setup(tsk, f, args, kwargs)
                return tsk

            def settrace(tsk, tb):
                if hasattr(tsk.frame, "f_trace"):
                    tsk.frame.f_trace = tb

            self.__oldstacklesscall__ = stackless.tasklet.__call__
            stackless.tasklet.settrace = settrace
            stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__
        if sys.platform == 'cli':
            self.frames = []
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def context_dispatcher(self, old, new):
        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
        # for those tasklets that started before we started tracing
        # we need to make sure that the trace is set by patching
        # it in the context switch
        if old and new:
            if hasattr(new.frame, "f_trace") and not new.frame.f_trace:
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_schedule_cb(self, prev, next):
        current = stackless.getcurrent()
        if not current:
        current_tf = current.trace_function

            current.trace_function = None
            self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE

            # If the current frame has no trace function, we may need to get it
            # from the previous frame, depending on how we ended up in the
            # callback.
            if current_tf is None:
                f_back = current.frame.f_back
                if f_back is not None:
                    current_tf = f_back.f_trace

            if next is not None:
                # Assign our trace function to the current stack
                f = next.frame
                if next is current:
                    f = f.f_back
                while f:
                    if isinstance(f, types.FrameType):
                        f.f_trace = self.trace_func
                    f = f.f_back
                next.trace_function = self.trace_func
            current.trace_function = current_tf
项目:HomeAutomation    作者:gs2671    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_return(self, frame, arg):

        if not DETACHED:
            stepping = self.stepping
            # only update stepping state when this frame is debuggable (matching handle_call)
            if stepping is not STEPPING_NONE and should_debug_code(frame.f_code):
                if stepping > STEPPING_OVER:
                    self.stepping -= 1
                elif stepping < STEPPING_OUT:
                    self.stepping += 1
                elif stepping in USER_STEPPING:
                    if self.cur_frame is None or frame.f_code.co_name == "<module>" :
                        # only return to user code modules
                        if self.should_block_on_frame(frame):
                            # restore back the module frame for the step out of a module
                            self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
                            self.block(lambda: (report_step_finished(, mark_all_threads_for_break(skip_thread = self)))
                    elif self.should_block_on_frame(self.cur_frame):
                        # if we're returning into non-user code then don't block in the
                        # non-user code, wait until we hit user code again
                        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
                        self.block(lambda: (report_step_finished(, mark_all_threads_for_break(skip_thread = self)))

        # forward call to previous trace function, if any
        old_trace_func = self.prev_trace_func
        if old_trace_func is not None:
            old_trace_func(frame, 'return', arg)

        # restore previous frames trace function if there is one
        if self.trace_func_stack:
            self.prev_trace_func = self.trace_func_stack.pop()
项目:AutoDiff    作者:icewall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def context_dispatcher(self, old, new):
        self.stepping = STEPPING_NONE
        # for those tasklets that started before we started tracing
        # we need to make sure that the trace is set by patching
        # it in the context switch
        if not old:
            pass # starting new
        elif not new:
            pass # killing prev
            if hasattr(new.frame, "f_trace") and not new.frame.f_trace:
项目:xidian-sfweb    作者:Gear420    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _stackless_attach(self):
        except AttributeError:
            # the tasklets need to be traced on a case by case basis
            # sys.trace needs to be called within their calling context
            def __call__(tsk, *args, **kwargs):
                f = tsk.tempval
                def new_f(old_f, args, kwargs):
                        if old_f is not None:
                            return old_f(*args, **kwargs)

                tsk.tempval = new_f
                stackless.tasklet.setup(tsk, f, args, kwargs)
                return tsk

            def settrace(tsk, tb):
                if hasattr(tsk.frame, "f_trace"):
                    tsk.frame.f_trace = tb

            self.__oldstacklesscall__ = stackless.tasklet.__call__
            stackless.tasklet.settrace = settrace
            stackless.tasklet.__call__ = __call__
        if sys.platform == 'cli':
            self.frames = []