Python talib 模块,MACD 实例源码


项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????
    # ??????????history_bars??????ndarray????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION, '1d', 'close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd,signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD, context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    # macd ?????????signal?macd?????????????????????????????????
    if (macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0):
        sell_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].sell_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if (sell_qty > 0):
            buy_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        buy_open(context.s1, 1)

    if (macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0):
        buy_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].buy_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if (buy_qty > 0):
            sell_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        sell_open(context.s1, 1)
项目:klineyes    作者:tenstone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_indicator(df, indicator):
        ret_df = df
        if 'MACD' in indicator:
            macd, macdsignal, macdhist = ta.MACD(df.close.values, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
            ret_df = KlineData._merge_dataframe(pd.DataFrame([macd, macdsignal, macdhist]).T.rename(columns={0: "macddif", 1: "macddem", 2: "macdhist"}), ret_df)
            ret_df = KlineData._merge_dataframe(line_intersections(ret_df, columns=['macddif', 'macddem']), ret_df)
        if 'MFI' in indicator:
            real = ta.MFI(df.high.values, df.low.values, df.close.values, df.volume.values, timeperiod=14)
            ret_df = KlineData._merge_dataframe(pd.DataFrame([real]).T.rename(columns={0: "mfi"}), ret_df)
        if 'ATR' in indicator:
            real = ta.NATR(df.high.values, df.low.values, df.close.values, timeperiod=14)
            ret_df = KlineData._merge_dataframe(pd.DataFrame([real]).T.rename(columns={0: "atr"}), ret_df)
        if 'ROCR' in indicator:
            real = ta.ROCR(df.close.values, timeperiod=10)
            ret_df = KlineData._merge_dataframe(pd.DataFrame([real]).T.rename(columns={0: "rocr"}), ret_df)
        ret_df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(ret_df['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
        return ret_df
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????
    # ??????????history_bars??????ndarray????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION, '1d', 'close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd,signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD,
                                    context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    # macd ?????????signal?macd?????????????????????????????????
    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0:
        sell_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].sell_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if sell_qty > 0:
            buy_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        buy_open(context.s1, 1)

    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0:
        buy_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].buy_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if buy_qty > 0:
            sell_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        sell_open(context.s1, 1)
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????x
    # ??????????history_bars??????ndarray????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION, '1d', 'close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd,signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD,
                                    context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    # macd ?????????signal?macd?????????????????????????????????
    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0:
        sell_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].sell_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if sell_qty > 0:
            buy_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        buy_open(context.s1, 1)

    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0:
        buy_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].buy_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if buy_qty > 0:
            sell_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        sell_open(context.s1, 1)
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????
    # ??????????history_bars??????ndarray????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION, '1d', 'close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd,signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD,
                                    context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    # macd ?????????signal?macd?????????????????????????????????
    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0:
        sell_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].sell_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if sell_qty > 0:
            buy_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        buy_open(context.s1, 1)

    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0:
        buy_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].buy_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if buy_qty > 0:
            sell_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        sell_open(context.s1, 1)
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isBuy(context, analysis):
    # Bullish SMA Crossover
    if (getLast(analysis, 'sma_test') == 1):
        # Bullish MACD
        if (getLast(analysis, 'macd_test') == 1):
            return True

    # # Bullish Stochastics
    # if(getLast(analysis, 'stoch_over_sold') == 1):
    #     return True

    # # Bullish RSI
    # if(getLast(analysis, 'rsi_over_sold') == 1):
    #     return True

    return False
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isSell(context, analysis):
    # Bearish SMA Crossover
    if (getLast(analysis, 'sma_test') == 0):
        # Bearish MACD
        if (getLast(analysis, 'macd_test') == 0):
            return True

    # # Bearish Stochastics
    # if(getLast(analysis, 'stoch_over_bought') == 0):
    #     return True

    # # Bearish RSI
    # if(getLast(analysis, 'rsi_over_bought') == 0):
    #     return True

    return False
项目:stock_dqn_f    作者:wdy06    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getStrategy_MACD(start_trading_day,end_trading_day,_time,_close):
    point = []
    iday = _time.index(start_trading_day)
    eday = _time.index(end_trading_day)
    macd, signal,hist = ta.MACD(np.array(_close,dtype='f8'),fastperiod=12,slowperiod=26,signalperiod=9)
    macd = macd[iday:eday]
    signal = signal[iday:eday]
    for i in range(1,len(macd)):
        if (macd[i-1] <= signal[i-1]) and (macd[i] >= signal[i]):
        elif (macd[i-1] >= signal[i-1]) and (macd[i] <= signal[i]):
    return point
项目:stock_dqn    作者:wdy06    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getStrategy_MACD(start_trading_day,end_trading_day,_time,_close):
    point = []
    iday = _time.index(start_trading_day)
    eday = _time.index(end_trading_day)
    macd, signal,hist = ta.MACD(np.array(_close,dtype='f8'),fastperiod=12,slowperiod=26,signalperiod=9)
    macd = macd[iday:eday]
    signal = signal[iday:eday]
    for i in range(1,len(macd)):
        if (macd[i-1] <= signal[i-1]) and (macd[i] >= signal[i]):
        elif (macd[i-1] >= signal[i-1]) and (macd[i] <= signal[i]):
    return point
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule(df):
    try:  df = MACD(df)
    except: return False

    input_1 = 0.2
    input_2 = -0.8
    input_3 = 22 * 3
    index = -1
    df['macd_dif_1'] = df['macd_dif'].shift(1)
    df['macd_dea_1'] = df['macd_dea'].shift(1)

    return (abs(df['macd_dea'][index]) < input_1) & \
           (abs(df['macd_dif'][index]) < input_1) & \
           (df['macd_dif'][-input_3:].min() < input_2) & \
           (df['macd_dif'][index] > df['macd_dea'][index]) & \
           ((df['macd_dea_1'][index] > df['macd_dif_1'][index]) | (abs(df['macd_dea_1'][index] - df['macd_dif_1'][index]) < 0.007))
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule_1(df):
    try:  df = MACD(df)
    except: return False

    input_1 = 0
    input_2 = -0.8
    input_3 = 0.05

    dif_len = len(df['macd_dif'])
    if dif_len < 2: return False

    if abs(df['macd_dif'][-1]) > input_3:
        return False

    for idx in range(dif_len-1, 1, -1):
        if ((df['macd_dif'][idx] - df['macd_dif'][idx-1]) > input_1):

        if df['macd_dif'][idx] <= input_2:
            return True
        else: return False
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule(df, index = -1):
        if not {'macd_dif', 'macd_dea', 'macd'}.issubset(df.columns):
            df = MACD(df)
    except Exception as e: 
        return False

    input_1 = -3
    input_2 = 0.05

    # df['macd_dif_1'] = df['macd_dif'].shift(1)
    # df['macd_dea_1'] = df['macd_dea'].shift(1)

#(df['macd_dif'][-input_3:].min() < input_2) & \

    return (df['macd_dif'][index] > input_1) & \
           (df['macd_dif'][index] < input_2) & \
           (df['macd_dif'][index] > df['macd_dea'][index]) & \
           ((df['macd_dea'][index-1] > df['macd_dif'][index-1]) | (abs(df['macd_dea'][index-1] - df['macd_dif'][index-1]) < 0.007))
项目:autoxd    作者:nessessary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Unittest_Kline():
    kline = Guider("600100", "")
    print(kline.getData(0).date, kline.getLastData().date)

    obv = kline.OBV()

    ma,m2,m3 = kline.MACD()
    left = np.arange(0, len(m3)),m3)
    #pl.plot(obv, 'y')

项目:algorithm-component-library    作者:quantopian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute(self, today, assets, out, close):

            sig_lines = []

            for col in close.T:
                # get signal line only
                    _, signal_line, _ = talib.MACD(col, fastperiod=12,
                                                   slowperiod=26, signalperiod=10)
                # if error calculating, return NaN
            out[:] = sig_lines

    # 20-day Stochastic Oscillator
项目:rqalpha    作者:ricequant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????
    # ??????????history_bars??????ndarray????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION, '1d', 'close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd,signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD,
                                    context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    # macd ?????????signal?macd?????????????????????????????????
    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0:
        sell_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].sell_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if sell_qty > 0:
            buy_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        buy_open(context.s1, 1)

    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0:
        buy_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].buy_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if buy_qty > 0:
            sell_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        sell_open(context.s1, 1)
项目:rqalpha    作者:ricequant    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????
    # ??????????history_bars??????ndarray????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION, '1d', 'close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd,signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD, context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    # macd ?????????signal?macd?????????????????????????????????
    if (macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0):
        sell_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].sell_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if (sell_qty > 0):
            buy_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        buy_open(context.s1, 1)

    if (macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0):
        buy_qty = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].buy_quantity
        # ?????????????????????
        if (buy_qty > 0):
            sell_close(context.s1, 1)
        # ????
        sell_open(context.s1, 1)
项目:DeepTrade_keras    作者:happynoom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selector):
        self.selector = selector
        self.supported = {"ROCP", "OROCP", "HROCP", "LROCP", "MACD", "RSI", "VROCP", "BOLL", "MA", "VMA", "PRICE_VOLUME"}
        self.feature = []
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    context.s1 = "000001.XSHE"

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 100

# ???????????????????????????????????????????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_bar(context, bar_dict):
    # ?????????????

    # bar_dict[order_book_id] ?????????bar??
    # context.portfolio ???????????????

    # ??order_shares(id_or_ins, amount)??????

    # TODO: ??????????

    # ?????????sma??????????????????????ema????????????????????????????
    prices = history_bars(context.s1, context.OBSERVATION,'1d','close')

    # ?Talib??MACD?????????????????macd, signal ? hist
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(prices, context.SHORTPERIOD,
                                    context.LONGPERIOD, context.SMOOTHPERIOD)

    plot("macd", macd[-1])
    plot("macd signal", signal[-1])

    # macd ?????????signal?macd??????macd?????????????????macd???signal??????

    # ??macd??????macd_signal

    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] < 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] > 0:
        # ????portfolio??????
        curPosition = context.portfolio.positions[context.s1].quantity
        if curPosition > 0:
            order_target_value(context.s1, 0)

    # ????????????????????
    if macd[-1] - signal[-1] > 0 and macd[-2] - signal[-2] < 0:
        # ????
        order_target_percent(context.s1, 1)
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    # context???????s1?????????
    context.s1 = 'IF1606'

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 50

    # ??????????????????????handle_bar?????

# ?????????????????????????????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    context.s1 = "000001.XSHE"

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 100

# ???????????????????????????????????????????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    # context???????s1?????????
    context.s1 = 'IF1606'

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 50


# ?????????????????????????????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    # context???????s1?????????
    context.s1 = "IF88"

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 50

    # ??????????????????????handle_bar?????

# ?????????????????????????????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    context.s1 = "000001.XSHE"

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 100

# ???????????????????????????????????????????
项目:InplusTrader_Linux    作者:zhengwsh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init(context):
    # context???????s1?????????
    context.s1 = 'IF1606'

    # ??MACD?????????macd??????
    context.SHORTPERIOD = 12
    context.LONGPERIOD = 26
    context.SMOOTHPERIOD = 9
    context.OBSERVATION = 50

    # ??????????????????????handle_bar?????

# ?????????????????????????????
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(stick_code,ktype='D'):
    # ktype in ('D','W','M')
    global df
    db = m_db2()
        if ktype == 'D':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_d where code = '"+stick_code+"'  and date > '2015-09-01';")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'W':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_w where code = '"+stick_code+"'  ;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'M':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_m where code = '" + stick_code + "'  ;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

    except Exception as e:
    df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'),df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'))
    df['diff'],df['dea'],df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'),fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
    df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'),df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
    df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
    df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 20)
    df['MA60'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 60)
    return   df
# draw
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(stick_code,ktype='D',today=''):
    # ktype in ('D','W','M')
    if '' == today:
        today ='%Y-%m-%d')
#        begindate = - datetime.timedelta(days=13)

    global df
    db = m_db2()
        if ktype == 'D':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_d where code = '"+stick_code+"'  and date > '2015-09-01' and date <='"+today+"' order by date asc;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'W':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_w where code = '"+stick_code+"'  ;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'M':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_m where code = '" + stick_code + "'  ;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

    except Exception as e:
    df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'),df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'))
    df['diff'],df['dea'],df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'),fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
    df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'),df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
    df['volma13'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 13);
    df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
    df['volma34'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 34);
    df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 20)
    df['MA60'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 60)
    df['MA5'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 5)
    df['MA13'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 13)
    df['MA34'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 34)
    df['MA89'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 89)
    df['MA144'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 144)
    return   df
# draw
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_data(stick_code,ktype='D'):
    # ktype in ('D','W','M')
    global df
    db = m_db2()
        if ktype == 'D':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_d where code = '"+stick_code+"'  and date > '2015-09-01';")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'W':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_w where code = '"+stick_code+"'  ;")#and date>'2015-05-01'
        elif ktype == 'M':
            df = db.get_data("select * from t_stick_data_m where code = '" + stick_code + "'  ;")  # and date>'2015-05-01'

    except Exception as e:
    df['cci'] = ta.CCI(df['high'].values.astype('double'),df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'))
    df['diff'],df['dea'],df['macd'] = ta.MACD(df['close'].values.astype('double'),fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
    df['obv'] = ta.OBV(df['close'].values.astype('double'),df['vol'].values.astype('double'))
    df['volma20'] = ta.MA(df['vol'].values.astype('double'), 20);
    df['MA20'] = ta.MA(df['close'].values.astype('double'), 5)

    #i= ta.CDLCONCEALBABYSWALL(df['open'].values.astype('double'),df['high'].values.astype('double'),
    #                       df['low'].values.astype('double'),df['close'].values.astype('double'),)
    return  df
# draw
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def can_buy(stock, day_count=3):
    DIF, DEA, macd = MACD(stock)
    for i in range(1, day_count + 1):
        if (DIF[-i] > DEA[-i] and DIF[-i - 1] < DEA[-i - 1]):
            return True
    return False

# ??????????
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def can_buy_prior(stock, day_count=3):
    DIF, DEA, macd = MACD(stock)
    count = 0
    for i in range(1, len(macd) - 2):
        if DIF[-i] > 0 or DEA[-i] > 0:
            return False
        if (DIF[-i] - DEA[-i] > 0 and DIF[-i - 1] - DEA[-i - 1] < 0):
            count += 1
            if count >= 2:
                return True
        if i >= day_count and count == 0:
            return False

# ?????????????????? ??
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def can_sell(stock, day_count=3):
    DIF, DEA, macd = MACD(stock)
    if DIF[-1] < DEA[-1]:
        return True
    result = True
    for i in range(1, day_count):
        result = result and DIF[-i] < DIF[-i - 1]
    return result

# ??MACD??????????
项目:Stock    作者:liuguoyaolgy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MACD(stock):
    prices = attribute_history(stock, 130, '1d', ('close'), fq='pre')['close'].values
    # ?????????
    cur_prices = attribute_history(stock, 1, '1m', ('close'), fq='pre')['close'].values
    prices += cur_prices

    DIF, DEA, macd = talib.MACD(prices,
    return DIF, DEA, macd
项目:dash-technical-charting    作者:plotly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_MACD(self, fastperiod=12, slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9,
             types=['line', 'line', 'histogram'],
             colors=['primary', 'tertiary', 'fill'],
    """Moving Average Convergence Divergence.

    Note that the first argument of types and colors refers to MACD,
    the second argument refers to MACD signal line and the third argument
    refers to MACD histogram.

    if not self.has_close:
        raise Exception()

    utils.kwargs_check(kwargs, VALID_TA_KWARGS)
    if 'kind' in kwargs:
        kwargs['type'] = kwargs['kind']
    if 'kinds' in kwargs:
        types = kwargs['type']

    if 'type' in kwargs:
        types = [kwargs['type']] * 3
    if 'color' in kwargs:
        colors = [kwargs['color']] * 3

    name = 'MACD({},{},{})'.format(str(fastperiod),
    macd = name
    smacd = name + '[Sign]'
    hmacd = name + '[Hist]'
    self.sec[macd] = dict(type=types[0], color=colors[0])
    self.sec[smacd] = dict(type=types[1], color=colors[1], on=macd)
    self.sec[hmacd] = dict(type=types[2], color=colors[2], on=macd)
     self.ind[hmacd]) = talib.MACD(self.df[].values,
                                   fastperiod, slowperiod,
项目:gdax-trader    作者:mcardillo55    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_macd(self, period_name, closing_prices):
        macd, macd_sig, macd_hist = talib.MACD(closing_prices, fastperiod=12,
                                               slowperiod=26, signalperiod=9)
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['macd'] = macd[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['macd_sig'] = macd_sig[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['macd_hist'] = macd_hist[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['macd_hist_diff'] = Decimal(macd_hist[-1]) - Decimal(macd_hist[-2])
项目:gdax-trader    作者:mcardillo55    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_vol_macd(self, period_name, volumes):
        macd, macd_sig, macd_hist = talib.MACD(volumes, fastperiod=50,
                                               slowperiod=200, signalperiod=14)
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['vol_macd'] = macd[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['vol_macd_sig'] = macd_sig[-1]
        self.current_indicators[period_name]['vol_macd_hist'] = macd_hist[-1]
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selector):
        self.selector = selector
        self.supported = {"ROCP", "OROCP", "HROCP", "LROCP", "MACD", "RSI", "VROCP", "BOLL", "MA", "VMA", "PRICE_VOLUME"}
        self.feature = []
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selector):
        self.selector = selector
        self.supported = {"ROCP", "OROCP", "HROCP", "LROCP", "MACD", "RSI", "VROCP", "BOLL", "MA", "VMA", "PRICE_VOLUME"}
        self.feature = []
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selector):
        self.selector = selector
        self.supported = {"ROCP", "OROCP", "HROCP", "LROCP", "MACD", "RSI", "VROCP", "BOLL", "MA", "VMA", "PRICE_VOLUME"}
        self.feature = []
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selector):
        self.selector = selector
        self.supported = {"ROCP", "OROCP", "HROCP", "LROCP", "MACD", "RSI", "VROCP", "BOLL", "MA", "VMA", "PRICE_VOLUME"}
        self.feature = []
项目:DeepTrade    作者:happynoom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selector):
        self.selector = selector
        self.supported = {"ROCP", "OROCP", "HROCP", "LROCP", "MACD", "RSI", "VROCP", "BOLL", "MA", "VMA", "PRICE_VOLUME"}
        self.feature = []
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MACD(df, short_win=12, long_win=26, macd_win=9):
    # talib??MACD
    prices = np.array(df['close'])
    macd_tmp = talib.MACD(prices, fastperiod=short_win, slowperiod=long_win, signalperiod=macd_win)
    df['macd_dif'] = macd_tmp[0]
    df['macd_dea'] = macd_tmp[1]
    df['macd'] = macd_tmp[2]
    return df
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule_2(df, symbol):
    try:  df = MACD(df)
    except: return False

    input_1 = -3
    input_2 = -0.2

    index = -1

    return (df['macd_dif'][index] > input_1) & \
           (df['macd_dif'][index] < input_2) & \
           (df['macd_dif'][index] > df['macd_dea'][index]) & \
           ((df['macd_dea'][index-1] > df['macd_dif'][index-1]) | (abs(df['macd_dea'][index-1] - df['macd_dif'][index-1]) < 0.007))
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MACD(df, short_win=12, long_win=26, macd_win=9):
    # talib??MACD
    prices = np.array(df['close'])
    macd_tmp = talib.MACD(prices, fastperiod=short_win, slowperiod=long_win, signalperiod=macd_win)
    df['macd_dif'] = macd_tmp[0]
    df['macd_dea'] = macd_tmp[1]
    df['macd'] = macd_tmp[2]
    return df
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule_1(df, index = -1):
        if not {'macd_dif', 'macd_dea', 'macd'}.issubset(df.columns):
            df = MACD(df)
    except Exception as e: 
        return False

    return (df['macd_dif'][index] > df['macd_dea'][index]) & \
           ((df['macd_dea'][index-1] > df['macd_dif'][index-1]) | (abs(df['macd_dea'][index-1] - df['macd_dif'][index-1]) < 0.007))
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule_2(df, index = -1):
        if not {'macd_dif', 'macd_dea', 'macd'}.issubset(df.columns):
            df = MACD(df)
    except Exception as e: 
        return False

    input = 0.05

    return (df['macd_dif'][index] < input) & (df['macd_dea'][index] < input)
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MACD(df, short_win=12, long_win=26, macd_win=9):
    # talib??MACD
    prices = np.array(df['close'])
    macd_tmp = talib.MACD(prices, fastperiod=short_win, slowperiod=long_win, signalperiod=macd_win)
    df['macd_dif'] = macd_tmp[0]
    df['macd_dea'] = macd_tmp[1]
    df['macd'] = macd_tmp[2]
    return df
项目:StockRecommendSystem    作者:doncat99    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd_rule_1(df, index = -1):
        if not {'macd_dif', 'macd_dea', 'macd'}.issubset(df.columns):
            df = MACD(df)
    except Exception as e: 
        return False

    return (df['macd_dif'][index] > df['macd_dea'][index]) & \
           ((df['macd_dea'][index-1] > df['macd_dif'][index-1]) | (abs(df['macd_dea'][index-1] - df['macd_dif'][index-1]) < 0.007))
项目:futuquant    作者:FutunnOpen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def macd(self, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, signalPeriod, array=False):
        macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(self.close, fastPeriod,
                                        slowPeriod, signalPeriod)
        if array:
            return macd, signal, hist
        return macd[-1], signal[-1], hist[-1]

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:autoxd    作者:nessessary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MACD(self):
        MACD: (12-day EMA - 26-day EMA)     ??? ??
        Signal Line: 9-day EMA of MACD      ??, ??
        MACD Histogram: MACD - Signal Line  ???, ???
        return : macd, macdsignal, macdhist(??)"""
        closes = self.getCloses()
        return talib.MACD(closes)
项目:autoxd    作者:nessessary    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def MACD(closes):
    MACD: (12-day EMA - 26-day EMA)     ??? ??
    Signal Line: 9-day EMA of MACD      ??, ??
    MACD Histogram: MACD - Signal Line  ???, ???
    return : macd, macdsignal, macdhist(??)"""

    return talib.MACD(closes)