Python tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops 模块,expand_dims() 实例源码


项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def repeat(x, n):
      """Repeats a 2D tensor.

      if `x` has shape (samples, dim) and `n` is `2`,
      the output will have shape `(samples, 2, dim)`.

          x: Tensor or variable.
          n: Python integer, number of times to repeat.

          A tensor.
      assert ndim(x) == 2
      x = array_ops.expand_dims(x, 1)
      pattern = array_ops.stack([1, n, 1])
      return array_ops.tile(x, pattern)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs):
        if not isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)):
          raise TypeError('`inputs` should be a list or tuple.')
        feed_dict = {}
        for tensor, value in zip(self.inputs, inputs):
          if is_sparse(tensor):
            sparse_coo = value.tocoo()
            indices = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(sparse_coo.row, 1),
                                      np.expand_dims(sparse_coo.col, 1)), 1)
            value = (indices,, sparse_coo.shape)
          feed_dict[tensor] = value
        session = get_session()
        updated =
            self.outputs + [self.updates_op],
        return updated[:len(self.outputs)]
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lengths_to_masks(lengths, max_length):
  """Creates a binary matrix that can be used to mask away padding.

    lengths: A vector of integers representing lengths.
    max_length: An integer indicating the maximum length. All values in
      lengths should be less than max_length.
    masks: Masks that can be used to get rid of padding.
  tiled_ranges = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_length), 0),
      [array_ops.shape(lengths)[0], 1])
  lengths = array_ops.expand_dims(lengths, 1)
  masks = math_ops.to_float(
      math_ops.to_int64(tiled_ranges) < math_ops.to_int64(lengths))
  return masks
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _padding_mask(sequence_lengths, padded_length):
  """Creates a mask used for calculating losses with padded input.

    sequence_lengths: a `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size]` containing the unpadded
      length of  each sequence.
    padded_length: a scalar `Tensor` indicating the length of the sequences
      after padding
    A boolean `Tensor` M of shape `[batch_size, padded_length]` where
    `M[i, j] == True` when `lengths[i] > j`.

  range_tensor = math_ops.range(padded_length)
  return math_ops.less(array_ops.expand_dims(range_tensor, 0),
                       array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 1))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mode(self):
    mode = ((self.alpha - 1.) /
            (array_ops.expand_dims(self.alpha_sum, dim=-1) -
             math_ops.cast(self.event_shape()[0], self.dtype)))
    if self.allow_nan_stats:
      nan = np.array(np.nan, dtype=self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype())
      shape = array_ops.concat(0, (self.batch_shape(), self.event_shape()))
          math_ops.greater(self.alpha, 1.),
          array_ops.fill(shape, nan, name="nan"))
      return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
              array_ops.ones((), dtype=self.dtype), self.alpha,
              message="mode not defined for components of alpha <= 1")
      ], mode)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lengths_to_masks(lengths, max_length):
  """Creates a binary matrix that can be used to mask away padding.

    lengths: A vector of integers representing lengths.
    max_length: An integer indicating the maximum length. All values in
      lengths should be less than max_length.
    masks: Masks that can be used to get rid of padding.
  tiled_ranges = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_length), 0),
      [array_ops.shape(lengths)[0], 1])
  lengths = array_ops.expand_dims(lengths, 1)
  masks = math_ops.to_float(
      math_ops.to_int64(tiled_ranges) < math_ops.to_int64(lengths))
  return masks
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _linear_predictions(self, examples):
    """Returns predictions of the form w*x."""
    with name_scope('sdca/prediction'):
      sparse_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[
      result = 0.0
      for sfc, sv in zip(examples['sparse_features'], sparse_variables):
        # TODO(sibyl-Aix6ihai): following does not take care of missing features.
        result += math_ops.segment_sum(
                array_ops.gather(sv, sfc.feature_indices), sfc.feature_values),
      dense_features = self._convert_n_to_tensor(examples['dense_features'])
      dense_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[

      for i in range(len(dense_variables)):
        result += math_ops.matmul(dense_features[i], array_ops.expand_dims(
            dense_variables[i], -1))

    # Reshaping to allow shape inference at graph construction time.
    return array_ops.reshape(result, [-1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def padding_mask(sequence_lengths, padded_length):
  """Creates a mask used for calculating losses with padded input.

    sequence_lengths: A `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size]` containing the unpadded
      length of  each sequence.
    padded_length: A scalar `Tensor` indicating the length of the sequences
      after padding
    A boolean `Tensor` M of shape `[batch_size, padded_length]` where
    `M[i, j] == True` when `lengths[i] > j`.

  range_tensor = math_ops.range(padded_length)
  return math_ops.less(array_ops.expand_dims(range_tensor, 0),
                       array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 1))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mean(self):
    with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
      distribution_means = [d.mean() for d in self.components]
      cat_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=False)
      # This was checked to not be None at construction time.
      static_event_rank = self.get_event_shape().ndims
      # Expand the rank of x up to static_event_rank times so that
      # broadcasting works correctly.
      def expand(x):
        expanded_x = x
        for _ in range(static_event_rank):
          expanded_x = array_ops.expand_dims(expanded_x, -1)
        return expanded_x
      cat_probs = [expand(c_p) for c_p in cat_probs]
      partial_means = [
          c_p * m for (c_p, m) in zip(cat_probs, distribution_means)
      # These should all be the same shape by virtue of matching
      # batch_shape and event_shape.
      return math_ops.add_n(partial_means)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _forward(self, x):
    # Pad the last dim with a zeros vector. We need this because it lets us
    # infer the scale in the inverse function.
    y = array_ops.expand_dims(x, dim=-1) if self._static_event_ndims == 0 else x
    ndims = (y.get_shape().ndims if y.get_shape().ndims is not None
             else array_ops.rank(y))
    y = array_ops.pad(y, paddings=array_ops.concat(0, (
        array_ops.zeros((ndims - 1, 2), dtype=dtypes.int32),
        [[0, 1]])))

    # Set shape hints.
    if x.get_shape().ndims is not None:
      shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
      if self._static_event_ndims == 0:
        shape += [2]
      elif shape[-1] is not None:
        shape[-1] += 1
      shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(shape)

    # Since we only support event_ndims in [0, 1] and we do padding, we always
    # reduce over the last dimension, i.e., dim=-1 (which is the default).
    return nn_ops.softmax(y)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mode(self):
    mode = ((self.alpha - 1.) /
            (array_ops.expand_dims(self.alpha_sum, dim=-1) -
             math_ops.cast(self.event_shape()[0], self.dtype)))
    if self.allow_nan_stats:
      nan = np.array(np.nan, dtype=self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype())
      shape = array_ops.concat(0, (self.batch_shape(), self.event_shape()))
          math_ops.greater(self.alpha, 1.),
          array_ops.fill(shape, nan, name="nan"))
      return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
              array_ops.ones((), dtype=self.dtype), self.alpha,
              message="mode not defined for components of alpha <= 1")
      ], mode)
项目:LSTM-CRF-For-Named-Entity-Recognition    作者:zpppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lengths_to_masks(lengths, max_length):
  """Creates a binary matrix that can be used to mask away padding.

    lengths: A vector of integers representing lengths.
    max_length: An integer indicating the maximum length. All values in
      lengths should be less than max_length.
    masks: Masks that can be used to get rid of padding.

  tiled_ranges = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_length), 0),
      [array_ops.shape(lengths)[0], 1])
  lengths = array_ops.expand_dims(lengths, 1)
  masks = math_ops.to_float(
      math_ops.to_int64(tiled_ranges) < math_ops.to_int64(lengths))

  return masks
项目:DL-Benchmarks    作者:DL-Benchmarks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, mask, scope=None):
    """Long short-term memory cell (LSTM)."""
    with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):  # "BasicLSTMCell"
      # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
      c, h = array_ops.split(1, 2, state)
      concat = linear([inputs, h], 4 * self._num_units, True)

      # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
      i, j, f, o = array_ops.split(1, 4, concat)

      new_c = c * sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) + sigmoid(i) * tanh(j)
      mask = array_ops.expand_dims(mask, 1)
      new_c =  mask * new_c + (1. - mask) * c

      new_h = tanh(new_c) * sigmoid(o)
      new_h = mask * new_h + (1. - mask) * h

    return new_h, array_ops.concat(1, [new_c, new_h])
项目:odin    作者:imito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def call(self, inputs, state):
    """Long short-term memory cell with attention (LSTMA)."""
    state, attns, attn_states = state
    attn_states = array_ops.reshape(attn_states,
                                    [-1, self._attn_length, self._attn_size])
    input_size = self._input_size
    if input_size is None:
      input_size = inputs.get_shape().as_list()[1]
    inputs = _linear([inputs, attns], input_size, True)
    lstm_output, new_state = self._cell(inputs, state)
    new_state_cat = array_ops.concat(nest.flatten(new_state), 1)
    new_attns, new_attn_states = self._attention(new_state_cat, attn_states)
    with tf.variable_scope("attn_output_projection"):
      output = _linear([lstm_output, new_attns], self._attn_size, True)
    new_attn_states = array_ops.concat(
        [new_attn_states, array_ops.expand_dims(output, 1)], 1)
    new_attn_states = array_ops.reshape(
        new_attn_states, [-1, self._attn_length * self._attn_size])
    new_state = (new_state, new_attns, new_attn_states)
    return output, new_state
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lengths_to_masks(lengths, max_length):
  """Creates a binary matrix that can be used to mask away padding.

    lengths: A vector of integers representing lengths.
    max_length: An integer indicating the maximum length. All values in
      lengths should be less than max_length.
    masks: Masks that can be used to get rid of padding.
  tiled_ranges = array_ops.tile(
      array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_length), 0),
      [array_ops.shape(lengths)[0], 1])
  lengths = array_ops.expand_dims(lengths, 1)
  masks = math_ops.to_float(
      math_ops.to_int64(tiled_ranges) < math_ops.to_int64(lengths))
  return masks
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testCrfSequenceScore(self):
    inputs = np.array(
        [[4, 5, -3], [3, -1, 3], [-1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
    tag_indices = np.array([1, 2, 1, 0], dtype=np.int32)
    transition_params = np.array(
        [[-3, 5, -2], [3, 4, 1], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
    sequence_lengths = np.array(3, dtype=np.int32)
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      sequence_score = crf.crf_sequence_score(
          inputs=array_ops.expand_dims(inputs, 0),
          tag_indices=array_ops.expand_dims(tag_indices, 0),
          sequence_lengths=array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 0),
      sequence_score = array_ops.squeeze(sequence_score, [0])
      tf_sequence_score =
      expected_unary_score = sum(inputs[i][tag_indices[i]]
                                 for i in range(sequence_lengths))
      expected_binary_score = sum(
          transition_params[tag_indices[i], tag_indices[i + 1]]
          for i in range(sequence_lengths - 1))
      expected_sequence_score = expected_unary_score + expected_binary_score
      self.assertAllClose(tf_sequence_score, expected_sequence_score)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testCrfBinaryScore(self):
    tag_indices = np.array([1, 2, 1, 0], dtype=np.int32)
    transition_params = np.array(
        [[-3, 5, -2], [3, 4, 1], [1, 2, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
    sequence_lengths = np.array(3, dtype=np.int32)
    with self.test_session() as sess:
      binary_score = crf.crf_binary_score(
          tag_indices=array_ops.expand_dims(tag_indices, 0),
          sequence_lengths=array_ops.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 0),
      binary_score = array_ops.squeeze(binary_score, [0])
      tf_binary_score =
      expected_binary_score = sum(
          transition_params[tag_indices[i], tag_indices[i + 1]]
          for i in range(sequence_lengths - 1))
      self.assertAllClose(tf_binary_score, expected_binary_score)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _linear_predictions(self, examples):
    """Returns predictions of the form w*x."""
    with name_scope('sdca/prediction'):
      sparse_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[
      result = 0.0
      for sfc, sv in zip(examples['sparse_features'], sparse_variables):
        # TODO(sibyl-Aix6ihai): following does not take care of missing features.
        result += math_ops.segment_sum(
                array_ops.gather(sv, sfc.feature_indices), sfc.feature_values),
      dense_features = self._convert_n_to_tensor(examples['dense_features'])
      dense_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[

      for i in range(len(dense_variables)):
        result += math_ops.matmul(dense_features[i],
                                  array_ops.expand_dims(dense_variables[i], -1))

    # Reshaping to allow shape inference at graph construction time.
    return array_ops.reshape(result, [-1])
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testEffectivelyEquivalentSizesWithStaicShapedWeight(self):
    predictions = ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 1, 1])  # shape 3,
    labels = array_ops.expand_dims(ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 0, 0]),
                                   1)  # shape 3, 1
    weights = array_ops.expand_dims(ops.convert_to_tensor([100, 1, 1]),
                                    1)  # shape 3, 1

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      accuracy, update_op = metrics.streaming_accuracy(predictions, labels,
      # if streaming_accuracy does not flatten the weight, accuracy would be
      # 0.33333334 due to an intended broadcast of weight. Due to flattening,
      # it will be higher than .95
      self.assertGreater(update_op.eval(), .95)
      self.assertGreater(accuracy.eval(), .95)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testEffectivelyEquivalentSizesWithDynamicallyShapedWeight(self):
    predictions = ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 1, 1])  # shape 3,
    labels = array_ops.expand_dims(ops.convert_to_tensor([1, 0, 0]),
                                   1)  # shape 3, 1

    weights = [[100], [1], [1]]  # shape 3, 1
    weights_placeholder = array_ops.placeholder(
        dtype=dtypes_lib.int32, name='weights')
    feed_dict = {weights_placeholder: weights}

    with self.test_session() as sess:
      accuracy, update_op = metrics.streaming_accuracy(predictions, labels,
      # if streaming_accuracy does not flatten the weight, accuracy would be
      # 0.33333334 due to an intended broadcast of weight. Due to flattening,
      # it will be higher than .95
      self.assertGreater(update_op.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict), .95)
      self.assertGreater(accuracy.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict), .95)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _define_diag_covariance_probs(self, shard_id, shard):
    """Defines the diagonal covariance probabilities per example in a class.

      shard_id: id of the current shard.
      shard: current data shard, 1 X num_examples X dimensions.

    Returns a matrix num_examples * num_classes.
    # num_classes X 1
    # TODO(xavigonzalvo): look into alternatives to log for
    # reparametrization of variance parameters.
    det_expanded = math_ops.reduce_sum(
        math_ops.log(self._covs + 1e-3), 1, keep_dims=True)
    diff = shard - self._means
    x2 = math_ops.square(diff)
    cov_expanded = array_ops.expand_dims(1.0 / (self._covs + 1e-3), 2)
    # num_classes X num_examples
    x2_cov = math_ops.matmul(x2, cov_expanded)
    x2_cov = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.squeeze(x2_cov, [2]))
    self._probs[shard_id] = -0.5 * (
        math_ops.to_float(self._dimensions) * math_ops.log(2.0 * np.pi) +
        array_ops.transpose(det_expanded) + x2_cov)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _define_partial_maximization_operation(self, shard_id, shard):
    """Computes the partial statistics of the means and covariances.

      shard_id: current shard id.
      shard: current data shard, 1 X num_examples X dimensions.
    # Soft assignment of each data point to each of the two clusters.
    self._points_in_k[shard_id] = math_ops.reduce_sum(
        self._w[shard_id], 0, keep_dims=True)
    # Partial means.
    w_mul_x = array_ops.expand_dims(
            self._w[shard_id], array_ops.squeeze(shard, [0]), transpose_a=True),
    # Partial covariances.
    x = array_ops.concat([shard for _ in range(self._num_classes)], 0)
    x_trans = array_ops.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1])
    x_mul_w = array_ops.concat([
        array_ops.expand_dims(x_trans[k, :, :] * self._w[shard_id][:, k], 0)
        for k in range(self._num_classes)
    ], 0)
    self._w_mul_x2.append(math_ops.matmul(x_mul_w, x))
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_to_tensor(self, mat, name="add_to_tensor"):
    """Add matrix represented by this operator to `mat`.  Equiv to `I + mat`.

      mat:  `Tensor` with same `dtype` and shape broadcastable to `self`.
      name:  A name to give this `Op`.

      A `Tensor` with broadcast shape and same `dtype` as `self`.
    with self._name_scope(name, values=[mat]):
      # Shape [B1,...,Bb, 1]
      multiplier_vector = array_ops.expand_dims(self.multiplier, -1)

      # Shape [C1,...,Cc, M, M]
      mat = ops.convert_to_tensor(mat, name="mat")

      # Shape [C1,...,Cc, M]
      mat_diag = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(mat)

      # multiplier_vector broadcasts here.
      new_diag = multiplier_vector + mat_diag

      return array_ops.matrix_set_diag(mat, new_diag)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mean(self):
    with ops.control_dependencies(self._assertions):
      distribution_means = [d.mean() for d in self.components]
      cat_probs = self._cat_probs(log_probs=False)
      # This was checked to not be None at construction time.
      static_event_rank = self.get_event_shape().ndims
      # Expand the rank of x up to static_event_rank times so that
      # broadcasting works correctly.
      def expand(x):
        expanded_x = x
        for _ in range(static_event_rank):
          expanded_x = array_ops.expand_dims(expanded_x, -1)
        return expanded_x
      cat_probs = [expand(c_p) for c_p in cat_probs]
      partial_means = [
          c_p * m for (c_p, m) in zip(cat_probs, distribution_means)
      # These should all be the same shape by virtue of matching
      # batch_shape and event_shape.
      return math_ops.add_n(partial_means)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mode(self):
    mode = ((self.alpha - 1.) /
            (array_ops.expand_dims(self.alpha_sum, dim=-1) -
             math_ops.cast(self.event_shape()[0], self.dtype)))
    if self.allow_nan_stats:
      nan = np.array(np.nan, dtype=self.dtype.as_numpy_dtype())
      shape = array_ops.concat((self.batch_shape(), self.event_shape()), 0)
      return array_ops.where(
          math_ops.greater(self.alpha, 1.),
          array_ops.fill(shape, nan, name="nan"))
      return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
              array_ops.ones((), dtype=self.dtype), self.alpha,
              message="mode not defined for components of alpha <= 1")
      ], mode)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def variable(value, dtype=None, name=None):
      """Instantiates a variable and returns it.

          value: Numpy array, initial value of the tensor.
          dtype: Tensor type.
          name: Optional name string for the tensor.

          A variable instance (with Keras metadata included).

          >>> from keras import backend as K
          >>> val = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
          >>> kvar = K.variable(value=val, dtype='float64', name='example_var')
          >>> K.dtype(kvar)
          >>> print(kvar)
          >>> kvar.eval()
          array([[ 1.,  2.],
                 [ 3.,  4.]])
  if dtype is None:
    dtype = floatx()
  if hasattr(value, 'tocoo'):
    sparse_coo = value.tocoo()
    indices = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(sparse_coo.row, 1), np.expand_dims(
        sparse_coo.col, 1)), 1)
    v = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        indices=indices,, dense_shape=sparse_coo.shape)
    v._uses_learning_phase = False
    return v
  v = variables_module.Variable(
      value, dtype=_convert_string_dtype(dtype), name=name)
  v._uses_learning_phase = False
  return v


项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expand_dims(x, axis=-1):
      """Adds a 1-sized dimension at index "axis".

          x: A tensor or variable.
          axis: Position where to add a new axis.

          A tensor with expanded dimensions.
      return array_ops.expand_dims(x, axis)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize(x, axis=-1, order=2):
          """Normalizes a Numpy array.

              x: Numpy array to normalize.
              axis: axis along which to normalize.
              order: Normalization order (e.g. 2 for L2 norm).

              A normalized copy of the array.
          l2 = np.atleast_1d(np.linalg.norm(x, order, axis))
          l2[l2 == 0] = 1
          return x / np.expand_dims(l2, axis)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
            if mask is None:
              return None
            if not isinstance(mask, list):
              raise ValueError('`mask` should be a list.')
            if not isinstance(inputs, list):
              raise ValueError('`inputs` should be a list.')
            if len(mask) != len(inputs):
              raise ValueError('The lists `inputs` and `mask` '
                               'should have the same length.')
            if all([m is None for m in mask]):
              return None
            masks = [K.expand_dims(m, 0) for m in mask if m is not None]
            return K.all(K.concatenate(masks, axis=0), axis=0, keepdims=False)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
            if mask is None:
              return None
            if not isinstance(mask, list):
              raise ValueError('`mask` should be a list.')
            if not isinstance(inputs, list):
              raise ValueError('`inputs` should be a list.')
            if len(mask) != len(inputs):
              raise ValueError('The lists `inputs` and `mask` '
                               'should have the same length.')
            if all([m is None for m in mask]):
              return None
            # Make a list of masks while making sure
            # the dimensionality of each mask
            # is the same as the corresponding input.
            masks = []
            for input_i, mask_i in zip(inputs, mask):
              if mask_i is None:
                # Input is unmasked. Append all 1s to masks,
                # but cast it to bool first
                masks.append(K.cast(K.ones_like(input_i), 'bool'))
              elif K.ndim(mask_i) < K.ndim(input_i):
                # Mask is smaller than the input, expand it
            concatenated = K.concatenate(masks, axis=self.axis)
            return K.all(concatenated, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_initial_state(self, inputs):
            # build an all-zero tensor of shape (samples, output_dim)
            initial_state = K.zeros_like(inputs)  # (samples, timesteps, input_dim)
            initial_state = K.sum(initial_state, axis=(1, 2))  # (samples,)
            initial_state = K.expand_dims(initial_state)  # (samples, 1)
            initial_state = K.tile(initial_state, [1,
                                                   self.units])  # (samples, output_dim)
            initial_state = [initial_state for _ in range(len(self.states))]
            return initial_state
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crf_unary_score(tag_indices, sequence_lengths, inputs):
  """Computes the unary scores of tag sequences.

    tag_indices: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices.
    sequence_lengths: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths.
    inputs: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials.
    unary_scores: A [batch_size] vector of unary scores.
  batch_size = array_ops.shape(inputs)[0]
  max_seq_len = array_ops.shape(inputs)[1]
  num_tags = array_ops.shape(inputs)[2]

  flattened_inputs = array_ops.reshape(inputs, [-1])

  offsets = array_ops.expand_dims(
      math_ops.range(batch_size) * max_seq_len * num_tags, 1)
  offsets += array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_seq_len) * num_tags, 0)
  flattened_tag_indices = array_ops.reshape(offsets + tag_indices, [-1])

  unary_scores = array_ops.reshape(
      array_ops.gather(flattened_inputs, flattened_tag_indices),
      [batch_size, max_seq_len])

  masks = _lengths_to_masks(sequence_lengths, array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1])

  unary_scores = math_ops.reduce_sum(unary_scores * masks, 1)
  return unary_scores
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, transition_params):
    """Initialize the CrfForwardRnnCell.

      transition_params: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials.
          This matrix is expanded into a [1, num_tags, num_tags] in preparation
          for the broadcast summation occurring within the cell.
    self._transition_params = array_ops.expand_dims(transition_params, 0)
    self._num_tags = transition_params.get_shape()[0].value
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    """Build the CrfForwardRnnCell.

      inputs: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix of unary potentials.
      state: A [batch_size, num_tags] matrix containing the previous alpha
      scope: Unused variable scope of this cell.

      new_alphas, new_alphas: A pair of [batch_size, num_tags] matrices
          values containing the new alpha values.
    state = array_ops.expand_dims(state, 2)

    # This addition op broadcasts self._transitions_params along the zeroth
    # dimension and state along the second dimension. This performs the
    # multiplication of previous alpha values and the current binary potentials
    # in log space.
    transition_scores = state + self._transition_params
    new_alphas = inputs + math_ops.reduce_logsumexp(transition_scores, [1])

    # Both the state and the output of this RNN cell contain the alphas values.
    # The output value is currently unused and simply satisfies the RNN API.
    # This could be useful in the future if we need to compute marginal
    # probabilities, which would require the accumulated alpha values at every
    # time step.
    return new_alphas, new_alphas
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def viterbi_decode(score, transition_params):
  """Decode the highest scoring sequence of tags outside of TensorFlow.

  This should only be used at test time.

    score: A [seq_len, num_tags] matrix of unary potentials.
    transition_params: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials.

    viterbi: A [seq_len] list of integers containing the highest scoring tag
    viterbi_score: A float containing the score for the viterbi sequence.
  trellis = np.zeros_like(score)
  backpointers = np.zeros_like(score, dtype=np.int32)
  trellis[0] = score[0]

  for t in range(1, score.shape[0]):
    v = np.expand_dims(trellis[t - 1], 1) + transition_params
    trellis[t] = score[t] + np.max(v, 0)
    backpointers[t] = np.argmax(v, 0)

  viterbi = [np.argmax(trellis[-1])]
  for bp in reversed(backpointers[1:]):

  viterbi_score = np.max(trellis[-1])
  return viterbi, viterbi_score
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mean_squared_loss(logits, target):
  # To prevent broadcasting inside "-".
  if len(target.get_shape()) == 1:
    target = array_ops.expand_dims(target, dim=[1])

  return math_ops.square(logits - math_ops.to_float(target))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_loss_with_two_classes(logits, target):
  # sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits requires [batch_size, 1] target.
  if len(target.get_shape()) == 1:
    target = array_ops.expand_dims(target, dim=[1])
  loss_vec = nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits,
  return loss_vec
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_sparse_tensor(self, input_tensor):
    """Creates a SparseTensor from the bucketized Tensor."""
    dimension = self.source_column.dimension
    batch_size = array_ops.shape(input_tensor, name="shape")[0]

    if dimension > 1:
      i1 = array_ops.reshape(
                  math_ops.range(0, batch_size), 1, name="expand_dims"),
              [1, dimension],
              name="tile"), [-1],
      i2 = array_ops.tile(
          math_ops.range(0, dimension), [batch_size], name="tile")
      # Flatten the bucket indices and unique them across dimensions
      # E.g. 2nd dimension indices will range from k to 2*k-1 with k buckets
      bucket_indices = array_ops.reshape(
          input_tensor, [-1], name="reshape") + self.length * i2
      # Simpler indices when dimension=1
      i1 = math_ops.range(0, batch_size)
      i2 = array_ops.zeros([batch_size], dtype=dtypes.int32, name="zeros")
      bucket_indices = array_ops.reshape(input_tensor, [-1], name="reshape")

    indices = math_ops.to_int64(array_ops.transpose(array_ops.pack((i1, i2))))
    shape = math_ops.to_int64(array_ops.pack([batch_size, dimension]))
    sparse_id_values = ops.SparseTensor(indices, bucket_indices, shape)

    return sparse_id_values
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _r2(probabilities, targets):
  if targets.get_shape().ndims == 1:
    targets = array_ops.expand_dims(targets, -1)
  y_mean = math_ops.reduce_mean(targets, 0)
  squares_total = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(targets - y_mean), 0)
  squares_residuals = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(
      targets - probabilities), 0)
  score = 1 - math_ops.reduce_sum(squares_residuals / squares_total)
  return metric_ops.streaming_mean(score)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _variance(self):
    x = math_ops.sqrt(self.df) * self.scale_operator_pd.to_dense()
    d = array_ops.expand_dims(array_ops.matrix_diag_part(x), -1)
    v = math_ops.square(x) + math_ops.batch_matmul(d, d, adj_y=True)
    if self.cholesky_input_output_matrices:
      return linalg_ops.cholesky(v)
    return v
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _multi_gamma_sequence(self, a, p, name="multi_gamma_sequence"):
    """Creates sequence used in multivariate (di)gamma; shape = shape(a)+[p]."""
    with self._name_scope(name, values=[a, p]):
      # Linspace only takes scalars, so we'll add in the offset afterwards.
      seq = math_ops.linspace(
          constant_op.constant(0., dtype=self.dtype),
          0.5 - 0.5 * p,
          math_ops.cast(p, dtypes.int32))
      return seq + array_ops.expand_dims(a, [-1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _flip_vector_to_matrix_dynamic(vec, batch_shape):
  """flip_vector_to_matrix with dynamic shapes."""
  # Shapes associated with batch_shape
  batch_rank = array_ops.size(batch_shape)

  # Shapes associated with vec.
  vec = ops.convert_to_tensor(vec, name="vec")
  vec_shape = array_ops.shape(vec)
  vec_rank = array_ops.rank(vec)
  vec_batch_rank = vec_rank - 1

  m = vec_batch_rank - batch_rank
  # vec_shape_left = [M1,...,Mm] or [].
  vec_shape_left = array_ops.slice(vec_shape, [0], [m])
  # If vec_shape_left = [], then condensed_shape = [1] since reduce_prod([]) = 1
  # If vec_shape_left = [M1,...,Mm], condensed_shape = [M1*...*Mm]
  condensed_shape = [math_ops.reduce_prod(vec_shape_left)]
  k = array_ops.gather(vec_shape, vec_rank - 1)
  new_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (batch_shape, [k], condensed_shape))

  def _flip_front_dims_to_back():
    # Permutation corresponding to [N1,...,Nn] + [k, M1,...,Mm]
    perm = array_ops.concat(
        0, (math_ops.range(m, vec_rank), math_ops.range(0, m)))
    return array_ops.transpose(vec, perm=perm)

  x_flipped = control_flow_ops.cond(
      math_ops.less(0, m),
      lambda: array_ops.expand_dims(vec, -1))

  return array_ops.reshape(x_flipped, new_shape)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _mean(self):
    normalized_alpha = self.alpha / array_ops.expand_dims(self.alpha_sum, -1)
    return array_ops.expand_dims(self.n, -1) * normalized_alpha
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _variance(self):
    alpha_sum = array_ops.expand_dims(self.alpha_sum, -1)
    normalized_alpha = self.alpha / alpha_sum
    variance = -math_ops.batch_matmul(
        array_ops.expand_dims(normalized_alpha, -1),
        array_ops.expand_dims(normalized_alpha, -2))
    variance = array_ops.matrix_set_diag(variance, normalized_alpha *
                                         (1. - normalized_alpha))
    shared_factor = (self.n * (alpha_sum + self.n) /
                     (alpha_sum + 1) * array_ops.ones_like(self.alpha))
    variance *= array_ops.expand_dims(shared_factor, -1)
    return variance
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _entropy(self):
    u = array_ops.expand_dims(self.df * self._ones(), -1)
    v = array_ops.expand_dims(self._ones(), -1)
    beta_arg = array_ops.concat(len(u.get_shape()) - 1, [u, v]) / 2
    half_df = 0.5 * self.df
    return ((0.5 + half_df) * (math_ops.digamma(0.5 + half_df) -
                               math_ops.digamma(half_df)) +
            0.5 * math_ops.log(self.df) +
            special_math_ops.lbeta(beta_arg) +
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batch_matmul(self, x, transpose_x=False):
    if transpose_x:
      x = array_ops.matrix_transpose(x)
    diag_mat = array_ops.expand_dims(self._diag, -1)
    return diag_mat * x
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batch_sqrt_matmul(self, x, transpose_x=False):
    if transpose_x:
      x = array_ops.matrix_transpose(x)
    diag_mat = array_ops.expand_dims(self._diag, -1)
    return math_ops.sqrt(diag_mat) * x
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batch_sqrt_solve(self, rhs):
    diag_mat = array_ops.expand_dims(self._diag, -1)
    return rhs / math_ops.sqrt(diag_mat)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batch_matmul(self, x, transpose_x=False):
    if transpose_x:
      x = array_ops.matrix_transpose(x)
    diag_mat = array_ops.expand_dims(self._diag, -1)
    return math_ops.square(diag_mat) * x
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batch_sqrt_matmul(self, x, transpose_x=False):
    if transpose_x:
      x = array_ops.matrix_transpose(x)
    diag_mat = array_ops.expand_dims(self._diag, -1)
    return diag_mat * x