Python tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops 模块,gather() 实例源码


项目:deep-learning    作者:lbkchen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gini(self, class_counts):
    """Calculate the Gini impurity.

    If c(i) denotes the i-th class count and c = sum_i c(i) then
      score = 1 - sum_i ( c(i) / c )^2

      class_counts: A 2-D tensor of per-class counts, usually a slice or
        gather from variables.node_sums.

      A 1-D tensor of the Gini impurities for each row in the input.
    smoothed = 1.0 + array_ops.slice(class_counts, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
    sums = math_ops.reduce_sum(smoothed, 1)
    sum_squares = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(smoothed), 1)

    return 1.0 - sum_squares / (sums * sums)
项目:deep-learning    作者:lbkchen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _weighted_gini(self, class_counts):
    """Our split score is the Gini impurity times the number of examples.

    If c(i) denotes the i-th class count and c = sum_i c(i) then
      score = c * (1 - sum_i ( c(i) / c )^2 )
            = c - sum_i c(i)^2 / c
      class_counts: A 2-D tensor of per-class counts, usually a slice or
        gather from variables.node_sums.

      A 1-D tensor of the Gini impurities for each row in the input.
    smoothed = 1.0 + array_ops.slice(class_counts, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
    sums = math_ops.reduce_sum(smoothed, 1)
    sum_squares = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(smoothed), 1)

    return sums - sum_squares / sums
项目:deep-learning    作者:lbkchen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_impurity(self):
    """Constructs a TF graph for evaluating the average leaf impurity of a tree.

    If in regression mode, this is the leaf variance. If in classification mode,
    this is the gini impurity.

      The last op in the graph.
    children = array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.slice(
        self.variables.tree, [0, 0], [-1, 1]), squeeze_dims=[1])
    is_leaf = math_ops.equal(constants.LEAF_NODE, children)
    leaves = math_ops.to_int32(array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.where(is_leaf),
    counts = array_ops.gather(self.variables.node_sums, leaves)
    gini = self._weighted_gini(counts)
    # Guard against step 1, when there often are no leaves yet.
    def impurity():
      return gini
    # Since average impurity can be used for loss, when there's no data just
    # return a big number so that loss always decreases.
    def big():
      return array_ops.ones_like(gini, dtype=dtypes.float32) * 10000000.
    return control_flow_ops.cond(math_ops.greater(
        array_ops.shape(leaves)[0], 0), impurity, big)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _linear_predictions(self, examples):
    """Returns predictions of the form w*x."""
    with name_scope('sdca/prediction'):
      sparse_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[
      result = 0.0
      for sfc, sv in zip(examples['sparse_features'], sparse_variables):
        # TODO(sibyl-Aix6ihai): following does not take care of missing features.
        result += math_ops.segment_sum(
                array_ops.gather(sv, sfc.feature_indices), sfc.feature_values),
      dense_features = self._convert_n_to_tensor(examples['dense_features'])
      dense_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[

      for i in range(len(dense_variables)):
        result += math_ops.matmul(dense_features[i], array_ops.expand_dims(
            dense_variables[i], -1))

    # Reshaping to allow shape inference at graph construction time.
    return array_ops.reshape(result, [-1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gini(self, class_counts):
    """Calculate the Gini impurity.

    If c(i) denotes the i-th class count and c = sum_i c(i) then
      score = 1 - sum_i ( c(i) / c )^2

      class_counts: A 2-D tensor of per-class counts, usually a slice or
        gather from variables.node_sums.

      A 1-D tensor of the Gini impurities for each row in the input.
    smoothed = 1.0 + array_ops.slice(class_counts, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
    sums = math_ops.reduce_sum(smoothed, 1)
    sum_squares = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(smoothed), 1)

    return 1.0 - sum_squares / (sums * sums)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _weighted_gini(self, class_counts):
    """Our split score is the Gini impurity times the number of examples.

    If c(i) denotes the i-th class count and c = sum_i c(i) then
      score = c * (1 - sum_i ( c(i) / c )^2 )
            = c - sum_i c(i)^2 / c
      class_counts: A 2-D tensor of per-class counts, usually a slice or
        gather from variables.node_sums.

      A 1-D tensor of the Gini impurities for each row in the input.
    smoothed = 1.0 + array_ops.slice(class_counts, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
    sums = math_ops.reduce_sum(smoothed, 1)
    sum_squares = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(smoothed), 1)

    return sums - sum_squares / sums
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_impurity(self):
    """Constructs a TF graph for evaluating the average leaf impurity of a tree.

    If in regression mode, this is the leaf variance. If in classification mode,
    this is the gini impurity.

      The last op in the graph.
    children = array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.slice(
        self.variables.tree, [0, 0], [-1, 1]), squeeze_dims=[1])
    is_leaf = math_ops.equal(constants.LEAF_NODE, children)
    leaves = math_ops.to_int32(array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.where(is_leaf),
    counts = array_ops.gather(self.variables.node_sums, leaves)
    gini = self._weighted_gini(counts)
    # Guard against step 1, when there often are no leaves yet.
    def impurity():
      return gini
    # Since average impurity can be used for loss, when there's no data just
    # return a big number so that loss always decreases.
    def big():
      return array_ops.ones_like(gini, dtype=dtypes.float32) * 10000000.
    return control_flow_ops.cond(math_ops.greater(
        array_ops.shape(leaves)[0], 0), impurity, big)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vector_space_dimension(self, name="vector_space_dimension"):
    """Dimension of vector space on which this acts.  The `k` in `R^k`.

    If this operator represents the batch matrix `A` with
    `A.shape = [N1,...,Nn, k, k]`, the `vector_space_dimension` is `k`.

      name:  A name scope to use for ops added by this method.

      `int32` `Tensor`
    # Derived classes get this "for free" once .shape() is implemented.
    with ops.name_scope(
      with ops.name_scope(name, values=self.inputs):
        return array_ops.gather(self.shape(), self.rank() - 1)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_shape(self, shape):
    """Check that the init arg `shape` defines a valid operator."""
    shape = ops.convert_to_tensor(shape, name="shape")
    if not self._verify_pd:
      return shape

    # Further checks are equivalent to verification that this is positive
    # definite.  Why?  Because the further checks simply check that this is a
    # square matrix, and combining the fact that this is square (and thus maps
    # a vector space R^k onto itself), with the behavior of .matmul(), this must
    # be the identity operator.
    rank = array_ops.size(shape)
    assert_matrix = check_ops.assert_less_equal(2, rank)
    with ops.control_dependencies([assert_matrix]):
      last_dim = array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 1)
      second_to_last_dim = array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 2)
      assert_square = check_ops.assert_equal(last_dim, second_to_last_dim)
      return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([assert_matrix, assert_square],
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_identity_operator(self, v):
    """Get an `OperatorPDIdentity` to play the role of `D` in `VDV^T`."""
    with ops.name_scope("get_identity_operator", values=[v]):
      if v.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
        v_shape = v.get_shape().as_list()
        v_batch_shape = v_shape[:-2]
        r = v_shape[-1]
        id_shape = v_batch_shape + [r, r]
        v_shape = array_ops.shape(v)
        v_rank = array_ops.rank(v)
        v_batch_shape = array_ops.slice(v_shape, [0], [v_rank - 2])
        r = array_ops.gather(v_shape, v_rank - 1)  # Last dim of v
        id_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (v_batch_shape, [r, r]))
      return operator_pd_identity.OperatorPDIdentity(
          id_shape, v.dtype, verify_pd=self._verify_pd)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_chol(self, chol):
    """Verify that `chol` is proper."""
    chol = ops.convert_to_tensor(chol, name="chol")
    if not self.verify_pd:
      return chol

    shape = array_ops.shape(chol)
    rank = array_ops.rank(chol)

    is_matrix = check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(chol, 2)
    is_square = check_ops.assert_equal(
        array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 2), array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 1))

    deps = [is_matrix, is_square]
    diag = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(chol)

    return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(deps, chol)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _clip_sparse(self, grad, var):
    assert isinstance(grad, ops.IndexedSlices)
    clip_dims = self._vars_to_clip_dims[var]
    if 0 in clip_dims:
      logging.warning("Clipping norm across dims %s for %s is inefficient "
                      "when including sparse dimension 0.", clip_dims,
      return self._clip_dense(var)

    with ops.colocate_with(var):
      var_subset = array_ops.gather(var.ref(), grad.indices)
    with self._maybe_colocate_with(var):
      normalized_var_subset = clip_ops.clip_by_norm(
          var_subset, self._max_norm, clip_dims)
      delta = ops.IndexedSlices(
          var_subset - normalized_var_subset, grad.indices, grad.dense_shape)
    with ops.colocate_with(var):
      return var.scatter_sub(delta, use_locking=self._use_locking)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _linear_predictions(self, examples):
    """Returns predictions of the form w*x."""
    with name_scope('sdca/prediction'):
      sparse_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[
      result = 0.0
      for sfc, sv in zip(examples['sparse_features'], sparse_variables):
        # TODO(sibyl-Aix6ihai): following does not take care of missing features.
        result += math_ops.segment_sum(
                array_ops.gather(sv, sfc.feature_indices), sfc.feature_values),
      dense_features = self._convert_n_to_tensor(examples['dense_features'])
      dense_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[

      for i in range(len(dense_variables)):
        result += math_ops.matmul(dense_features[i], array_ops.expand_dims(
            dense_variables[i], -1))

    # Reshaping to allow shape inference at graph construction time.
    return array_ops.reshape(result, [-1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gini(self, class_counts):
    """Calculate the Gini impurity.

    If c(i) denotes the i-th class count and c = sum_i c(i) then
      score = 1 - sum_i ( c(i) / c )^2

      class_counts: A 2-D tensor of per-class counts, usually a slice or
        gather from variables.node_sums.

      A 1-D tensor of the Gini impurities for each row in the input.
    smoothed = 1.0 + array_ops.slice(class_counts, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
    sums = math_ops.reduce_sum(smoothed, 1)
    sum_squares = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(smoothed), 1)

    return 1.0 - sum_squares / (sums * sums)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def average_impurity(self):
    """Constructs a TF graph for evaluating the average leaf impurity of a tree.

    If in regression mode, this is the leaf variance. If in classification mode,
    this is the gini impurity.

      The last op in the graph.
    children = array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.slice(
        self.variables.tree, [0, 0], [-1, 1]), squeeze_dims=[1])
    is_leaf = math_ops.equal(constants.LEAF_NODE, children)
    leaves = math_ops.to_int32(array_ops.squeeze(array_ops.where(is_leaf),
    counts = array_ops.gather(self.variables.node_sums, leaves)
    gini = self._weighted_gini(counts)
    # Guard against step 1, when there often are no leaves yet.
    def impurity():
      return gini
    # Since average impurity can be used for loss, when there's no data just
    # return a big number so that loss always decreases.
    def big():
      return array_ops.ones_like(gini, dtype=dtypes.float32) * 10000000.
    return control_flow_ops.cond(math_ops.greater(
        array_ops.shape(leaves)[0], 0), impurity, big)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vector_space_dimension(self, name="vector_space_dimension"):
    """Dimension of vector space on which this acts.  The `k` in `R^k`.

    If this operator represents the batch matrix `A` with
    `A.shape = [N1,...,Nn, k, k]`, the `vector_space_dimension` is `k`.

      name:  A name scope to use for ops added by this method.

      `int32` `Tensor`
    # Derived classes get this "for free" once .shape() is implemented.
    with ops.name_scope(
      with ops.name_scope(name, values=self.inputs):
        return array_ops.gather(self.shape(), self.rank() - 1)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_identity_operator(self, v):
    """Get an `OperatorPDIdentity` to play the role of `D` in `VDV^T`."""
    with ops.name_scope("get_identity_operator", values=[v]):
      if v.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
        v_shape = v.get_shape().as_list()
        v_batch_shape = v_shape[:-2]
        r = v_shape[-1]
        id_shape = v_batch_shape + [r, r]
        v_shape = array_ops.shape(v)
        v_rank = array_ops.rank(v)
        v_batch_shape = array_ops.slice(v_shape, [0], [v_rank - 2])
        r = array_ops.gather(v_shape, v_rank - 1)  # Last dim of v
        id_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (v_batch_shape, [r, r]))
      return operator_pd_identity.OperatorPDIdentity(
          id_shape, v.dtype, verify_pd=self._verify_pd)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_chol(self, chol):
    """Verify that `chol` is proper."""
    chol = ops.convert_to_tensor(chol, name="chol")
    if not self.verify_pd:
      return chol

    shape = array_ops.shape(chol)
    rank = array_ops.rank(chol)

    is_matrix = check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(chol, 2)
    is_square = check_ops.assert_equal(
        array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 2), array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 1))

    deps = [is_matrix, is_square]
    diag = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(chol)

    return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(deps, chol)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _clip_sparse(self, grad, var):
    assert isinstance(grad, ops.IndexedSlices)
    clip_dims = self._vars_to_clip_dims[var]
    if 0 in clip_dims:
      logging.warning("Clipping norm across dims %s for %s is inefficient "
                      "when including sparse dimension 0.", clip_dims,
      return self._clip_dense(var)

    with ops.colocate_with(var):
      var_subset = array_ops.gather(var, grad.indices)
    with self._maybe_colocate_with(var):
      normalized_var_subset = clip_ops.clip_by_norm(
          var_subset, self._max_norm, clip_dims)
      delta = ops.IndexedSlices(
          var_subset - normalized_var_subset, grad.indices, grad.dense_shape)
    with ops.colocate_with(var):
      return var.scatter_sub(delta, use_locking=self._use_locking)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _linear_predictions(self, examples):
    """Returns predictions of the form w*x."""
    with name_scope('sdca/prediction'):
      sparse_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[
      result = 0.0
      for sfc, sv in zip(examples['sparse_features'], sparse_variables):
        # TODO(sibyl-Aix6ihai): following does not take care of missing features.
        result += math_ops.segment_sum(
                array_ops.gather(sv, sfc.feature_indices), sfc.feature_values),
      dense_features = self._convert_n_to_tensor(examples['dense_features'])
      dense_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[

      for i in range(len(dense_variables)):
        result += math_ops.matmul(dense_features[i],
                                  array_ops.expand_dims(dense_variables[i], -1))

    # Reshaping to allow shape inference at graph construction time.
    return array_ops.reshape(result, [-1])
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def input_fn(self, batch_size=None, points=None, num_epochs=None):
    """Returns an input_fn that randomly selects batches from given points."""
    batch_size = batch_size or self.batch_size
    points = points if points is not None else self.points
    num_points = points.shape[0]

    def _fn():
      x = constant_op.constant(points)
      if batch_size == num_points:
        return input_lib.limit_epochs(x, num_epochs=num_epochs), None
      indices = random_ops.random_uniform(
          maxval=num_points - 1,
      batch = array_ops.gather(x, indices)
      return (input_lib.limit_epochs(batch, num_epochs=num_epochs), None)

    return _fn
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vector_space_dimension(self, name="vector_space_dimension"):
    """Dimension of vector space on which this acts.  The `k` in `R^k`.

    If this operator represents the batch matrix `A` with
    `A.shape = [N1,...,Nn, k, k]`, the `vector_space_dimension` is `k`.

      name:  A name scope to use for ops added by this method.

      `int32` `Tensor`
    # Derived classes get this "for free" once .shape() is implemented.
    with ops.name_scope(
      with ops.name_scope(name, values=self.inputs):
        return array_ops.gather(self.shape(), self.rank() - 1)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_shape(self, shape):
    """Check that the init arg `shape` defines a valid operator."""
    shape = ops.convert_to_tensor(shape, name="shape")
    if not self._verify_pd:
      return shape

    # Further checks are equivalent to verification that this is positive
    # definite.  Why?  Because the further checks simply check that this is a
    # square matrix, and combining the fact that this is square (and thus maps
    # a vector space R^k onto itself), with the behavior of .matmul(), this must
    # be the identity operator.
    rank = array_ops.size(shape)
    assert_matrix = check_ops.assert_less_equal(2, rank)
    with ops.control_dependencies([assert_matrix]):
      last_dim = array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 1)
      second_to_last_dim = array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 2)
      assert_square = check_ops.assert_equal(last_dim, second_to_last_dim)
      return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([assert_matrix, assert_square],
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_identity_operator(self, v):
    """Get an `OperatorPDIdentity` to play the role of `D` in `VDV^T`."""
    with ops.name_scope("get_identity_operator", values=[v]):
      if v.get_shape().is_fully_defined():
        v_shape = v.get_shape().as_list()
        v_batch_shape = v_shape[:-2]
        r = v_shape[-1]
        id_shape = v_batch_shape + [r, r]
        v_shape = array_ops.shape(v)
        v_rank = array_ops.rank(v)
        v_batch_shape = array_ops.strided_slice(v_shape, [0], [v_rank - 2])
        r = array_ops.gather(v_shape, v_rank - 1)  # Last dim of v
        id_shape = array_ops.concat((v_batch_shape, [r, r]), 0)
      return operator_pd_identity.OperatorPDIdentity(
          id_shape, v.dtype, verify_pd=self._verify_pd)
项目:DeepLearning_VirtualReality_BigData_Project    作者:rashmitripathi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_chol(self, chol):
    """Verify that `chol` is proper."""
    chol = ops.convert_to_tensor(chol, name="chol")
    if not self.verify_pd:
      return chol

    shape = array_ops.shape(chol)
    rank = array_ops.rank(chol)

    is_matrix = check_ops.assert_rank_at_least(chol, 2)
    is_square = check_ops.assert_equal(
        array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 2), array_ops.gather(shape, rank - 1))

    deps = [is_matrix, is_square]
    diag = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(chol)

    return control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(deps, chol)
项目:seq2seq    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None):
    with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelperSample",
                        [time, outputs, state, sample_ids]):
      (finished, base_next_inputs, state) = (
          super(ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper, self).next_inputs(

      def maybe_sample():
        """Perform scheduled sampling."""
        where_sampling = math_ops.cast(
            array_ops.where(sample_ids > -1), dtypes.int32)
        where_not_sampling = math_ops.cast(
            array_ops.where(sample_ids <= -1), dtypes.int32)
        where_sampling_flat = array_ops.reshape(where_sampling, [-1])
        where_not_sampling_flat = array_ops.reshape(where_not_sampling, [-1])
        sample_ids_sampling = array_ops.gather(sample_ids, where_sampling_flat)
        inputs_not_sampling = array_ops.gather(
            base_next_inputs, where_not_sampling_flat)
        sampled_next_inputs = self._embedding_fn(sample_ids_sampling)
        base_shape = array_ops.shape(base_next_inputs)
        return (array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_sampling,
                + array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_not_sampling,

      all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished)
      next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond(
          all_finished, lambda: base_next_inputs, maybe_sample)
      return (finished, next_inputs, state)
项目:DNGPU    作者:LUMII-Syslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_sparse(self, grad, var):
        lr_t = math_ops.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        beta1_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        beta2_t = math_ops.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        epsilon_t = math_ops.cast(self._epsilon_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        clip_multiplier_t = math_ops.cast(self.clip_multiplier_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        clip_epsilon_t = math_ops.cast(self.clip_epsilon_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)

        v = self.get_slot(var, "v")
        v_slice = array_ops.gather(v, grad.indices)

        #clip gradient so that each value exceeds its previous maximum by no more than clip_multiplier
        clipped_values = grad.values
        if self.clip_gradients:
            clipVal = v_slice * clip_multiplier_t + clip_epsilon_t
            clipped_values = clip_ops.clip_by_value(grad.values, -clipVal, clipVal)

        # m := beta1 * m + (1 - beta1) * g_t
        m = self.get_slot(var, "m")
        m_t_values = beta1_t * array_ops.gather(m, grad.indices) + (1 - beta1_t) * clipped_values
        m_t = state_ops.scatter_update(m, grad.indices, m_t_values, use_locking=self._use_locking)

        # v := max(beta2 * v , abs(grad))
        v_t_values = math_ops.maximum(beta2_t * v_slice, math_ops.abs(clipped_values))
        v_t = state_ops.scatter_update(v, grad.indices, v_t_values, use_locking=self._use_locking)

        # variable -= learning_rate * m_t / (epsilon_t + v_t)
        # we do not use bias-correction term for the first moment; it does not give observable benefit
        var_update = state_ops.scatter_sub(var, grad.indices,
                                           lr_t * m_t_values / (v_t_values + epsilon_t),
        return, v_t, m_t)
项目:conv_seq2seq    作者:tobyyouup    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None):
    with ops.name_scope(name, "ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelperSample",
                        [time, outputs, state, sample_ids]):
      (finished, base_next_inputs, state) = (
          super(ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper, self).next_inputs(

      def maybe_sample():
        """Perform scheduled sampling."""
        where_sampling = math_ops.cast(
            array_ops.where(sample_ids > -1), dtypes.int32)
        where_not_sampling = math_ops.cast(
            array_ops.where(sample_ids <= -1), dtypes.int32)
        where_sampling_flat = array_ops.reshape(where_sampling, [-1])
        where_not_sampling_flat = array_ops.reshape(where_not_sampling, [-1])
        sample_ids_sampling = array_ops.gather(sample_ids, where_sampling_flat)
        inputs_not_sampling = array_ops.gather(
            base_next_inputs, where_not_sampling_flat)
        sampled_next_inputs = self._embedding_fn(sample_ids_sampling)
        base_shape = array_ops.shape(base_next_inputs)
        return (array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_sampling,
                + array_ops.scatter_nd(indices=where_not_sampling,

      all_finished = math_ops.reduce_all(finished)
      next_inputs = control_flow_ops.cond(
          all_finished, lambda: base_next_inputs, maybe_sample)
      return (finished, next_inputs, state)
项目:complex_tf    作者:woodshop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _testGradientsForAxis(
      self, inp_tensors, axis, output_shape, feed_dict=None):
    with self.test_session():
      c = array_ops.concat(inp_tensors, axis)
      grad_inp = (np.random.rand(*output_shape) + 
      grad_tensor = constant_op.constant(
          [x for x in grad_inp.flatten()], shape=output_shape)
      grad = gradients_impl.gradients([c], inp_tensors, [grad_tensor])
      concated_grad = array_ops.concat(grad, axis)
      result = concated_grad.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict)
      self.assertAllEqual(result, grad_inp)

  # complex Gather not implemented
  # def _testIndexedSlicesGradientsForAxis(
  #     self, inp_tensors, axis, output_shape, gather_indexes, feed_dict=None):
  #   with self.test_session():
  #     c = array_ops.gather(
  #         array_ops.concat(inp_tensors, axis), gather_indexes)
  #     grad_inp = np.random.rand(*output_shape).astype("f")
  #     grad_tensor = constant_op.constant(
  #         [float(x) for x in grad_inp.flatten()], shape=output_shape)
  #     grad = gradients_impl.gradients([c], inp_tensors, [grad_tensor])
  #     concated_grad = array_ops.gather(
  #         array_ops.concat(grad, axis), gather_indexes)
  #     result = concated_grad.eval(feed_dict=feed_dict)
  #     self.assertAllEqual(result, grad_inp)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gather(reference, indices):
      """Retrieves the elements of indices `indices` in the tensor `reference`.

          reference: A tensor.
          indices: An integer tensor of indices.

          A tensor of same type as `reference`.
      return array_ops.gather(reference, indices)

项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def call(self, inputs):
            if K.dtype(inputs) != 'int32':
              inputs = K.cast(inputs, 'int32')
            out = K.gather(self.embeddings, inputs)
            return out
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crf_unary_score(tag_indices, sequence_lengths, inputs):
  """Computes the unary scores of tag sequences.

    tag_indices: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices.
    sequence_lengths: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths.
    inputs: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials.
    unary_scores: A [batch_size] vector of unary scores.
  batch_size = array_ops.shape(inputs)[0]
  max_seq_len = array_ops.shape(inputs)[1]
  num_tags = array_ops.shape(inputs)[2]

  flattened_inputs = array_ops.reshape(inputs, [-1])

  offsets = array_ops.expand_dims(
      math_ops.range(batch_size) * max_seq_len * num_tags, 1)
  offsets += array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_seq_len) * num_tags, 0)
  flattened_tag_indices = array_ops.reshape(offsets + tag_indices, [-1])

  unary_scores = array_ops.reshape(
      array_ops.gather(flattened_inputs, flattened_tag_indices),
      [batch_size, max_seq_len])

  masks = _lengths_to_masks(sequence_lengths, array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1])

  unary_scores = math_ops.reduce_sum(unary_scores * masks, 1)
  return unary_scores
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crf_binary_score(tag_indices, sequence_lengths, transition_params):
  """Computes the binary scores of tag sequences.

    tag_indices: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices.
    sequence_lengths: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths.
    transition_params: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials.
    binary_scores: A [batch_size] vector of binary scores.
  # Get shape information.
  num_tags = transition_params.get_shape()[0]
  num_transitions = array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1] - 1

  # Truncate by one on each side of the sequence to get the start and end
  # indices of each transition.
  start_tag_indices = array_ops.slice(tag_indices, [0, 0],
                                      [-1, num_transitions])
  end_tag_indices = array_ops.slice(tag_indices, [0, 1], [-1, num_transitions])

  # Encode the indices in a flattened representation.
  flattened_transition_indices = start_tag_indices * num_tags + end_tag_indices
  flattened_transition_params = array_ops.reshape(transition_params, [-1])

  # Get the binary scores based on the flattened representation.
  binary_scores = array_ops.gather(flattened_transition_params,

  masks = _lengths_to_masks(sequence_lengths, array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1])
  truncated_masks = array_ops.slice(masks, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
  binary_scores = math_ops.reduce_sum(binary_scores * truncated_masks, 1)
  return binary_scores
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _select_last_activations(activations, sequence_lengths):
  """Selects the nth set of activations for each n in `sequence_length`.

  Reuturns a `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, k]`. If `sequence_length` is not
  `None`, then `output[i, :] = activations[i, sequence_length[i], :]`. If
  `sequence_length` is `None`, then `output[i, :] = activations[i, -1, :]`.

    activations: a `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, padded_length, k]`.
    sequence_lengths: a `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size]` or `None`.
    A `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, k]`.
  with ops.name_scope('select_last_activations',
                      values=[activations, sequence_lengths]):
    activations_shape = array_ops.shape(activations)
    batch_size = activations_shape[0]
    padded_length = activations_shape[1]
    num_label_columns = activations_shape[2]
    if sequence_lengths is None:
      sequence_lengths = padded_length
    reshaped_activations = array_ops.reshape(activations,
                                             [-1, num_label_columns])
    indices = math_ops.range(batch_size) * padded_length + sequence_lengths - 1
    last_activations = array_ops.gather(reshaped_activations, indices)
        [activations.get_shape()[0], activations.get_shape()[2]])
    return last_activations
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _flip_matrix_to_vector_dynamic(mat, batch_shape):
  """Flip matrix to vector with dynamic shapes."""
  mat_rank = array_ops.rank(mat)
  k = array_ops.gather(array_ops.shape(mat), mat_rank - 2)
  final_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (batch_shape, [k]))

  # mat.shape = matrix_batch_shape + [k, M]
  # Permutation corresponding to [M] + matrix_batch_shape + [k]
  perm = array_ops.concat(
      0, ([mat_rank - 1], math_ops.range(0, mat_rank - 1)))
  mat_with_end_at_beginning = array_ops.transpose(mat, perm=perm)
  vector = array_ops.reshape(mat_with_end_at_beginning, final_shape)
  return vector
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_shapes_dynamic(self, operator, v, diag):
    """Return (v, diag) with Assert dependencies, which check shape."""
    checks = []
    with ops.name_scope("check_shapes", values=[operator, v, diag]):
      s_v = array_ops.shape(v)
      r_op = operator.rank()
      r_v = array_ops.rank(v)
      if diag is not None:
        s_d = array_ops.shape(diag)
        r_d = array_ops.rank(diag)

      # Check tensor rank.
      checks.append(check_ops.assert_rank(v, r_op))
      if diag is not None:
        checks.append(check_ops.assert_rank(diag, r_op - 1))

      # Check batch shape
          operator.batch_shape(), array_ops.slice(s_v, [0], [r_v - 2])))
      if diag is not None:
            operator.batch_shape(), array_ops.slice(s_d, [0], [r_d - 1])))

      # Check event shape
          operator.vector_space_dimension(), array_ops.gather(s_v, r_v - 2)))
      if diag is not None:
            array_ops.gather(s_v, r_v - 1), array_ops.gather(s_d, r_d - 1)))

      v = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, v)
      if diag is not None:
        diag = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, diag)
      return v, diag
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shape(self):
    d_shape = array_ops.shape(self._diag)
    k = array_ops.gather(d_shape, array_ops.size(d_shape) - 1)
    return array_ops.concat(0, (d_shape, [k]))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _event_shape(self):
    return array_ops.gather(array_ops.shape(self.alpha),
                            [array_ops.rank(self.alpha) - 1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crf_unary_score(tag_indices, sequence_lengths, inputs):
  """Computes the unary scores of tag sequences.

    tag_indices: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices.
    sequence_lengths: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths.
    inputs: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials.
    unary_scores: A [batch_size] vector of unary scores.
  batch_size = array_ops.shape(inputs)[0]
  max_seq_len = array_ops.shape(inputs)[1]
  num_tags = array_ops.shape(inputs)[2]

  flattened_inputs = array_ops.reshape(inputs, [-1])

  offsets = array_ops.expand_dims(
      math_ops.range(batch_size) * max_seq_len * num_tags, 1)
  offsets += array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_seq_len) * num_tags, 0)
  flattened_tag_indices = array_ops.reshape(offsets + tag_indices, [-1])

  unary_scores = array_ops.reshape(
      array_ops.gather(flattened_inputs, flattened_tag_indices),
      [batch_size, max_seq_len])

  masks = _lengths_to_masks(sequence_lengths, array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1])

  unary_scores = math_ops.reduce_sum(unary_scores * masks, 1)
  return unary_scores
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crf_binary_score(tag_indices, sequence_lengths, transition_params):
  """Computes the binary scores of tag sequences.

    tag_indices: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices.
    sequence_lengths: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths.
    transition_params: A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of binary potentials.
    binary_scores: A [batch_size] vector of binary scores.
  # Get shape information.
  num_tags = transition_params.get_shape()[0]
  num_transitions = array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1] - 1

  # Truncate by one on each side of the sequence to get the start and end
  # indices of each transition.
  start_tag_indices = array_ops.slice(tag_indices, [0, 0],
                                      [-1, num_transitions])
  end_tag_indices = array_ops.slice(tag_indices, [0, 1], [-1, num_transitions])

  # Encode the indices in a flattened representation.
  flattened_transition_indices = start_tag_indices * num_tags + end_tag_indices
  flattened_transition_params = array_ops.reshape(transition_params, [-1])

  # Get the binary scores based on the flattened representation.
  binary_scores = array_ops.gather(flattened_transition_params,

  masks = _lengths_to_masks(sequence_lengths, array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1])
  truncated_masks = array_ops.slice(masks, [0, 1], [-1, -1])
  binary_scores = math_ops.reduce_sum(binary_scores * truncated_masks, 1)
  return binary_scores
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def select_last_activations(activations, sequence_lengths):
  """Selects the nth set of activations for each n in `sequence_length`.

  Reuturns a `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, k]`. If `sequence_length` is not
  `None`, then `output[i, :] = activations[i, sequence_length[i], :]`. If
  `sequence_length` is `None`, then `output[i, :] = activations[i, -1, :]`.

    activations: A `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size, padded_length, k]`.
    sequence_lengths: A `Tensor` with shape `[batch_size]` or `None`.
    A `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, k]`.
  with ops.name_scope('select_last_activations',
                      values=[activations, sequence_lengths]):
    activations_shape = array_ops.shape(activations)
    batch_size = activations_shape[0]
    padded_length = activations_shape[1]
    num_label_columns = activations_shape[2]
    if sequence_lengths is None:
      sequence_lengths = padded_length
    reshaped_activations = array_ops.reshape(activations,
                                             [-1, num_label_columns])
    indices = math_ops.range(batch_size) * padded_length + sequence_lengths - 1
    last_activations = array_ops.gather(reshaped_activations, indices)
        [activations.get_shape()[0], activations.get_shape()[2]])
    return last_activations
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def embedding_lookup_unique(params, ids, name=None):
  """Version of embedding_lookup that avoids duplicate lookups.

  This can save communication in the case of repeated ids.
  Same interface as embedding_lookup. Except it supports multi-dimensional `ids`
  which allows to not reshape input/output to fit gather.

    params: A list of tensors with the same shape and type, or a
      `PartitionedVariable`. Shape `[index, d1, d2, ...]`.
    ids: A one-dimensional `Tensor` with type `int32` or `int64` containing
      the ids to be looked up in `params`. Shape `[ids1, ids2, ...]`.
    name: A name for this operation (optional).

    A `Tensor` with the same type as the tensors in `params` and dimension of
    `[ids1, ids2, d1, d2, ...]`.

    ValueError: If `params` is empty.
  with ops.name_scope(name, "EmbeddingLookupUnique", [params, ids]):
    ids = ops.convert_to_tensor(ids)
    shape = array_ops.shape(ids)
    ids_flat = array_ops.reshape(
        ids, math_ops.reduce_prod(shape, keep_dims=True))
    unique_ids, idx = array_ops.unique(ids_flat)
    unique_embeddings = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(params, unique_ids)
    embeds_flat = array_ops.gather(unique_embeddings, idx)
    embed_shape = array_ops.concat(
        0, [shape, array_ops.shape(unique_embeddings)[1:]])
    embeds = array_ops.reshape(embeds_flat, embed_shape)
    return embeds
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gather_1d_on_axis(labeled_tensor, indexer, axis, name=None):
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'lt_take', [labeled_tensor]) as scope:
    temp_axes = core.Axes(
        [axis] + list(labeled_tensor.axes.remove(
    transposed = core.transpose(labeled_tensor, temp_axes.keys())
    indexed = core.LabeledTensor(array_ops.gather(transposed.tensor, indexer),
    return core.transpose(indexed, labeled_tensor.axes.keys(), name=scope)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _flip_matrix_to_vector_dynamic(mat, batch_shape):
  """Flip matrix to vector with dynamic shapes."""
  mat_rank = array_ops.rank(mat)
  k = array_ops.gather(array_ops.shape(mat), mat_rank - 2)
  final_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (batch_shape, [k]))

  # mat.shape = matrix_batch_shape + [k, M]
  # Permutation corresponding to [M] + matrix_batch_shape + [k]
  perm = array_ops.concat(
      0, ([mat_rank - 1], math_ops.range(0, mat_rank - 1)))
  mat_with_end_at_beginning = array_ops.transpose(mat, perm=perm)
  vector = array_ops.reshape(mat_with_end_at_beginning, final_shape)
  return vector
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _flip_vector_to_matrix_dynamic(vec, batch_shape):
  """flip_vector_to_matrix with dynamic shapes."""
  # Shapes associated with batch_shape
  batch_rank = array_ops.size(batch_shape)

  # Shapes associated with vec.
  vec = ops.convert_to_tensor(vec, name="vec")
  vec_shape = array_ops.shape(vec)
  vec_rank = array_ops.rank(vec)
  vec_batch_rank = vec_rank - 1

  m = vec_batch_rank - batch_rank
  # vec_shape_left = [M1,...,Mm] or [].
  vec_shape_left = array_ops.slice(vec_shape, [0], [m])
  # If vec_shape_left = [], then condensed_shape = [1] since reduce_prod([]) = 1
  # If vec_shape_left = [M1,...,Mm], condensed_shape = [M1*...*Mm]
  condensed_shape = [math_ops.reduce_prod(vec_shape_left)]
  k = array_ops.gather(vec_shape, vec_rank - 1)
  new_shape = array_ops.concat(0, (batch_shape, [k], condensed_shape))

  def _flip_front_dims_to_back():
    # Permutation corresponding to [N1,...,Nn] + [k, M1,...,Mm]
    perm = array_ops.concat(
        0, (math_ops.range(m, vec_rank), math_ops.range(0, m)))
    return array_ops.transpose(vec, perm=perm)

  x_flipped = control_flow_ops.cond(
      math_ops.less(0, m),
      lambda: array_ops.expand_dims(vec, -1))

  return array_ops.reshape(x_flipped, new_shape)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _check_shapes_dynamic(self, operator, v, diag):
    """Return (v, diag) with Assert dependencies, which check shape."""
    checks = []
    with ops.name_scope("check_shapes", values=[operator, v, diag]):
      s_v = array_ops.shape(v)
      r_op = operator.rank()
      r_v = array_ops.rank(v)
      if diag is not None:
        s_d = array_ops.shape(diag)
        r_d = array_ops.rank(diag)

      # Check tensor rank.
      checks.append(check_ops.assert_rank(v, r_op))
      if diag is not None:
        checks.append(check_ops.assert_rank(diag, r_op - 1))

      # Check batch shape
          operator.batch_shape(), array_ops.slice(s_v, [0], [r_v - 2])))
      if diag is not None:
            operator.batch_shape(), array_ops.slice(s_d, [0], [r_d - 1])))

      # Check event shape
          operator.vector_space_dimension(), array_ops.gather(s_v, r_v - 2)))
      if diag is not None:
            array_ops.gather(s_v, r_v - 1), array_ops.gather(s_d, r_d - 1)))

      v = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, v)
      if diag is not None:
        diag = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(checks, diag)
      return v, diag
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _shape(self):
    d_shape = array_ops.shape(self._diag)
    k = array_ops.gather(d_shape, array_ops.size(d_shape) - 1)
    return array_ops.concat(0, (d_shape, [k]))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _event_shape(self):
    return array_ops.gather(array_ops.shape(self._mean_val),
                            [array_ops.rank(self._mean_val) - 1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _gather_states(self, data, indices, batch_size):
    """Produce `out`, s.t. out(i, j) = data(indices(i), i, j)."""
    mod_indices = indices * batch_size + math_ops.range(batch_size)
    return array_ops.gather(
        array_ops.reshape(data, [-1, self.num_units]), mod_indices)
项目:LSTM-CRF-For-Named-Entity-Recognition    作者:zpppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crf_unary_score(tag_indices, sequence_lengths, inputs):
  """Computes the unary scores of tag sequences.

    tag_indices: A [batch_size, max_seq_len] matrix of tag indices.
    sequence_lengths: A [batch_size] vector of true sequence lengths.
    inputs: A [batch_size, max_seq_len, num_tags] tensor of unary potentials.
    unary_scores: A [batch_size] vector of unary scores.
  batch_size = array_ops.shape(inputs)[0]
  max_seq_len = array_ops.shape(inputs)[1]
  num_tags = array_ops.shape(inputs)[2]

  flattened_inputs = array_ops.reshape(inputs, [-1])

  offsets = array_ops.expand_dims(
      math_ops.range(batch_size) * max_seq_len * num_tags, 1)
  offsets += array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(max_seq_len) * num_tags, 0)
  flattened_tag_indices = array_ops.reshape(offsets + tag_indices, [-1])
  unary_scores = array_ops.reshape(
      array_ops.gather(flattened_inputs, flattened_tag_indices),
      [batch_size, max_seq_len])
  masks = _lengths_to_masks(sequence_lengths, array_ops.shape(tag_indices)[1])
  unary_scores = math_ops.reduce_sum(unary_scores * masks, 1)
  return unary_scores