Python tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops 模块,mul() 实例源码


项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _broadcast_weights(weights, values):
    """Broadcast `weights` to the same shape as `values`.
    This returns a version of `weights` following the same broadcast rules as
    `mul(weights, values)`. When computing a weighted average, use this function
    to broadcast `weights` before summing them; e.g.,
    `reduce_sum(w * v) / reduce_sum(_broadcast_weights(w, v))`.
      weights: `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
      values: `Tensor` of any shape.
      `weights` broadcast to `values` shape.
    weights_shape = weights.get_shape()
    values_shape = values.get_shape()
    if(weights_shape.is_fully_defined() and
       values_shape.is_fully_defined() and
        return weights
    return math_ops.mul(
        weights, array_ops.ones_like(values), name='broadcast_weights')

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: TP and FP arrays.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _broadcast_weights(weights, values):
    """Broadcast `weights` to the same shape as `values`.
    This returns a version of `weights` following the same broadcast rules as
    `mul(weights, values)`. When computing a weighted average, use this function
    to broadcast `weights` before summing them; e.g.,
    `reduce_sum(w * v) / reduce_sum(_broadcast_weights(w, v))`.
      weights: `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
      values: `Tensor` of any shape.
      `weights` broadcast to `values` shape.
    weights_shape = weights.get_shape()
    values_shape = values.get_shape()
    if(weights_shape.is_fully_defined() and
       values_shape.is_fully_defined() and
        return weights
    return math_ops.mul(
        weights, array_ops.ones_like(values), name='broadcast_weights')

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: TP and FP arrays.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _scale_losses(losses, weight):
  """Computes the scaled loss.

    losses: A `Tensor` of size [batch_size, d1, ... dN].
    weight: A `Tensor` of size [1], [batch_size] or [batch_size, d1, ... dN].
      The `losses` are reduced (tf.reduce_sum) until its dimension matches
      that of `weight` at which point the reduced `losses` are element-wise
      multiplied by `weight` and a final reduce_sum is computed on the result.
      Conceptually, this operation is equivalent to broadcasting (tiling)
      `weight` to be the same size as `losses`, performing an element-wise
      multiplication, and summing the result.

    A scalar tf.float32 `Tensor` whose value represents the sum of the scaled
  # First, compute the sum of the losses over all elements:
  start_index = max(0, weight.get_shape().ndims)
  reduction_indices = list(range(start_index, losses.get_shape().ndims))
  reduced_losses = math_ops.reduce_sum(losses,
  reduced_losses = math_ops.mul(reduced_losses, weight)
  return math_ops.reduce_sum(reduced_losses)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hinge_loss(logits, target, scope=None):
  """Method that returns the loss tensor for hinge loss.

    logits: The logits, a float tensor.
    target: The ground truth output tensor. Its shape should match the shape of
      logits. The values of the tensor are expected to be 0.0 or 1.0.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.

    A `Tensor` of same shape as logits and target representing the loss values
      across the batch.

    ValueError: If the shapes of `logits` and `target` don't match.
  with ops.name_scope(scope, "hinge_loss", [logits, target]) as scope:
    # We first need to convert binary labels to -1/1 labels (as floats).
    target = math_ops.to_float(target)
    all_ones = array_ops.ones_like(target)
    labels = math_ops.sub(2 * target, all_ones)
    losses = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.sub(all_ones, math_ops.mul(labels, logits)))
    return losses
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _scale_losses(losses, weights):
  """Computes the scaled loss.

    losses: A `Tensor` of size [batch_size, d1, ... dN].
    weights: A `Tensor` of size [1], [batch_size] or [batch_size, d1, ... dN].
      The `losses` are reduced (tf.reduce_sum) until its dimension matches
      that of `weights` at which point the reduced `losses` are element-wise
      multiplied by `weights` and a final reduce_sum is computed on the result.
      Conceptually, this operation is equivalent to broadcasting (tiling)
      `weights` to be the same size as `losses`, performing an element-wise
      multiplication, and summing the result.

    A scalar tf.float32 `Tensor` whose value represents the sum of the scaled
  # First, compute the sum of the losses over all elements:
  start_index = max(0, weights.get_shape().ndims)
  reduction_indices = list(range(start_index, losses.get_shape().ndims))
  reduced_losses = math_ops.reduce_sum(losses,
  reduced_losses = math_ops.mul(reduced_losses, weights)
  return math_ops.reduce_sum(reduced_losses)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hinge_loss(logits, labels=None, scope=None, target=None):
  """Method that returns the loss tensor for hinge loss.

    logits: The logits, a float tensor.
    labels: The ground truth output tensor. Its shape should match the shape of
      logits. The values of the tensor are expected to be 0.0 or 1.0.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.
    target: Deprecated alias for `labels`.

    A `Tensor` of same shape as logits and target representing the loss values
      across the batch.

    ValueError: If the shapes of `logits` and `labels` don't match.
  labels = _labels(labels, target)
  with ops.name_scope(scope, "hinge_loss", [logits, labels]) as scope:
    # We first need to convert binary labels to -1/1 labels (as floats).
    labels = math_ops.to_float(labels)
    all_ones = array_ops.ones_like(labels)
    labels = math_ops.sub(2 * labels, all_ones)
    return nn_ops.relu(math_ops.sub(all_ones, math_ops.mul(labels, logits)))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _linear_predictions(self, examples):
    """Returns predictions of the form w*x."""
    with name_scope('sdca/prediction'):
      sparse_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[
      result = 0.0
      for sfc, sv in zip(examples['sparse_features'], sparse_variables):
        # TODO(sibyl-Aix6ihai): following does not take care of missing features.
        result += math_ops.segment_sum(
                array_ops.gather(sv, sfc.feature_indices), sfc.feature_values),
      dense_features = self._convert_n_to_tensor(examples['dense_features'])
      dense_variables = self._convert_n_to_tensor(self._variables[

      for i in range(len(dense_variables)):
        result += math_ops.matmul(dense_features[i], array_ops.expand_dims(
            dense_variables[i], -1))

    # Reshaping to allow shape inference at graph construction time.
    return array_ops.reshape(result, [-1])
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _broadcast_weights(weights, values):
  """Broadcast `weights` to the same shape as `values`.

  This returns a version of `weights` following the same broadcast rules as
  `mul(weights, values)`. When computing a weighted average, use this function
  to broadcast `weights` before summing them; e.g.,
  `reduce_sum(w * v) / reduce_sum(_broadcast_weights(w, v))`.

    weights: `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
    values: `Tensor` of any shape.

    `weights` broadcast to `values` shape.
  weights_shape = weights.get_shape()
  values_shape = values.get_shape()
  if (weights_shape.is_fully_defined() and
      values_shape.is_fully_defined() and
    return weights
  return math_ops.mul(
      weights, array_ops.ones_like(values), name='broadcast_weights')
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _broadcast_weights(weights, values):
    """Broadcast `weights` to the same shape as `values`.
    This returns a version of `weights` following the same broadcast rules as
    `mul(weights, values)`. When computing a weighted average, use this function
    to broadcast `weights` before summing them; e.g.,
    `reduce_sum(w * v) / reduce_sum(_broadcast_weights(w, v))`.
      weights: `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
      values: `Tensor` of any shape.
      `weights` broadcast to `values` shape.
    weights_shape = weights.get_shape()
    values_shape = values.get_shape()
    if(weights_shape.is_fully_defined() and
       values_shape.is_fully_defined() and
        return weights
    return math_ops.mul(
        weights, array_ops.ones_like(values), name='broadcast_weights')

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: TP and FP arrays.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:diversity_based_attention    作者:PrekshaNema25    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    """Gated recurrent unit (GRU) with nunits cells."""
    with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):  # "GRUCell"
      with vs.variable_scope("Gates"):  # Reset gate and update gate.
        # We start with bias of 1.0 to not reset and not update.
        r, u, g = array_ops.split(1, 3, _linear([inputs, state],
                                             3 * self._num_units, True, 1.0))
        r, u, g = sigmoid(r), sigmoid(u), sigmoid(g)
      with vs.variable_scope("Candidate"):
        c = self._activation(_linear([inputs, r * state],
                                     self._num_units, True))
      new_h = u * state + (1 - u) * c

      eps = 1e-13
      temp = math_ops.div(math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(new_h, state),1), \
                          math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(state,state),1) + eps)

      m = array_ops.transpose(g)

      t1 = math_ops.mul(m , temp)
      t1 = array_ops.transpose(t1) 

      distract_h = new_h  -  state * t1
    return distract_h, distract_h
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _broadcast_weights(weights, values):
    """Broadcast `weights` to the same shape as `values`.
    This returns a version of `weights` following the same broadcast rules as
    `mul(weights, values)`. When computing a weighted average, use this function
    to broadcast `weights` before summing them; e.g.,
    `reduce_sum(w * v) / reduce_sum(_broadcast_weights(w, v))`.
      weights: `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
      values: `Tensor` of any shape.
      `weights` broadcast to `values` shape.
    weights_shape = weights.get_shape()
    values_shape = values.get_shape()
    if(weights_shape.is_fully_defined() and
       values_shape.is_fully_defined() and
        return weights
    return math_ops.mul(
        weights, array_ops.ones_like(values), name='broadcast_weights')

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: TP and FP arrays.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_loss(predictions, targets, weight=1.0, epsilon=1e-7, scope=None):
  """Adds a Log Loss term to the training procedure.

  `weight` acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the
  loss is simply scaled by the given value. If `weight` is a tensor of size
  [batch_size], then the total loss for each sample of the batch is rescaled
  by the corresponding element in the `weight` vector. If the shape of
  `weight` matches the shape of `predictions`, then the loss of each
  measurable element of `predictions` is scaled by the corresponding value of

    predictions: The predicted outputs.
    targets: The ground truth output tensor, same dimensions as 'predictions'.
    weight: Coefficients for the loss a scalar, a tensor of shape
      [batch_size] or a tensor whose shape matches `predictions`.
    epsilon: A small increment to add to avoid taking a log of zero.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.

    A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value.

    ValueError: If the shape of `predictions` doesn't match that of `targets` or
      if the shape of `weight` is invalid.
  with ops.name_scope(scope, "log_loss",
                      [predictions, targets]) as scope:
    if weight is None:
      raise ValueError("`weight` cannot be None")
    predictions = math_ops.to_float(predictions)
    targets = math_ops.to_float(targets)
    losses = -math_ops.mul(
        math_ops.log(predictions + epsilon)) - math_ops.mul(
            (1 - targets), math_ops.log(1 - predictions + epsilon))
    return compute_weighted_loss(losses, weight)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cosine_distance(predictions, targets, dim, weight=1.0, scope=None):
  """Adds a cosine-distance loss to the training procedure.

  Note that the function assumes that the predictions and targets are already

    predictions: An arbitrary matrix.
    targets: A `Tensor` whose shape matches 'predictions'
    dim: The dimension along which the cosine distance is computed.
    weight: Coefficients for the loss a scalar, a tensor of shape
      [batch_size] or a tensor whose shape matches `predictions`.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.

    A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value.

    ValueError: If predictions.shape doesn't match targets.shape, if the ignore
                mask is provided and its shape doesn't match targets.shape or if
                the ignore mask is not boolean valued.
  with ops.name_scope(scope, "cosine_distance_loss",
                      [predictions, targets]) as scope:
    if weight is None:
      raise ValueError("`weight` cannot be None")

    predictions = math_ops.to_float(predictions)
    targets = math_ops.to_float(targets)

    radial_diffs = math_ops.mul(predictions, targets)
    losses = 1 - math_ops.reduce_sum(radial_diffs, reduction_indices=[dim,])
    return compute_weighted_loss(losses, weight)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax_classifier(tensor_in,
  """Returns prediction and loss for softmax classifier.

    tensor_in: Input tensor, [batch_size, feature_size], features.
    labels: Tensor, [batch_size, n_classes], labels of the output classes.
    weights: Tensor, [batch_size, feature_size], linear transformation
    biases: Tensor, [batch_size], biases.
    class_weight: Tensor, optional, [n_classes], weight for each class.
      If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one.
    name: Operation name.

    Prediction and loss tensors.
  with ops.name_scope(name, "softmax_classifier", [tensor_in, labels]):
    logits = nn.xw_plus_b(tensor_in, weights, biases)
    if class_weight is not None:
      logits = math_ops.mul(logits, class_weight)
    return nn.softmax(logits), loss_ops.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, labels)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _weighted_loss(loss, weight_tensor):
  unweighted_loss = array_ops.reshape(loss, shape=(-1,))
  weighted_loss = math_ops.mul(
      unweighted_loss, array_ops.reshape(weight_tensor, shape=(-1,)))
  return math_ops.div(
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _weighted_loss(self, loss, weight_tensor):
    """Returns cumulative weighted loss."""
    unweighted_loss = array_ops.reshape(loss, shape=(-1,))
    weighted_loss = math_ops.mul(unweighted_loss,
                                     weight_tensor, shape=(-1,)))
    return weighted_loss
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _count_condition(values, weights=None, metrics_collections=None,
  """Sums the weights of cases where the given values are True.

  If `weights` is `None`, weights default to 1. Use weights of 0 to mask values.

    values: A `bool` `Tensor` of arbitrary size.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
    metrics_collections: An optional list of collections that the metric
      value variable should be added to.
    updates_collections: An optional list of collections that the metric update
      ops should be added to.

    value_tensor: A tensor representing the current value of the metric.
    update_op: An operation that accumulates the error from a batch of data.

    ValueError: If `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't match `values`,
      or if either `metrics_collections` or `updates_collections` are not a list
      or tuple.
  check_ops.assert_type(values, dtypes.bool)
  count = _create_local('count', shape=[])

  values = math_ops.to_float(values)
  if weights is not None:
    weights = math_ops.to_float(weights)
    values = math_ops.mul(values, weights)

  value_tensor = array_ops.identity(count)
  update_op = state_ops.assign_add(count, math_ops.reduce_sum(values))

  if metrics_collections:
    ops.add_to_collections(metrics_collections, value_tensor)

  if updates_collections:
    ops.add_to_collections(updates_collections, update_op)

  return value_tensor, update_op
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def accuracy(predictions, labels, weights=None):
  """Computes the percentage of times that predictions matches labels.

    predictions: the predicted values, a `Tensor` whose dtype and shape
                 matches 'labels'.
    labels: the ground truth values, a `Tensor` of any shape and
            bool, integer, or string dtype.
    weights: None or `Tensor` of float values to reweight the accuracy.

    Accuracy `Tensor`.

    ValueError: if dtypes don't match or
                if dtype is not bool, integer, or string.
  if not (labels.dtype.is_integer or
          labels.dtype in (dtypes.bool, dtypes.string)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Labels should have bool, integer, or string dtype, not %r' %
  if not labels.dtype.is_compatible_with(predictions.dtype):
    raise ValueError('Dtypes of predictions and labels should match. '
                     'Given: predictions (%r) and labels (%r)' %
                     (predictions.dtype, labels.dtype))
  with ops.name_scope('accuracy', values=[predictions, labels]):
    is_correct = math_ops.cast(
        math_ops.equal(predictions, labels), dtypes.float32)
    if weights is not None:
      is_correct = math_ops.mul(is_correct, weights)
    return math_ops.reduce_mean(is_correct)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cosine_distance(
    predictions, labels=None, dim=None, weights=_WEIGHT_SENTINEL, scope=None,
    targets=None, weight=_WEIGHT_SENTINEL):
  """Adds a cosine-distance loss to the training procedure.

  Note that the function assumes that `predictions` and `labels` are already

    predictions: An arbitrary matrix.
    labels: A `Tensor` whose shape matches 'predictions'
    dim: The dimension along which the cosine distance is computed.
    weights: Coefficients for the loss a scalar, a tensor of shape
      [batch_size] or a tensor whose shape matches `predictions`.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.
    targets: Deprecated alias for `labels`.
    weight: Deprecated alias for `weights`.

    A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value.

    ValueError: If `predictions` shape doesn't match `labels` shape, or
      `weights` is `None`.
  labels = _labels(labels, targets)
  weights = _weights(weights, weight)
  if dim is None:
    raise ValueError("`dim` cannot be None.")
  with ops.name_scope(scope, "cosine_distance_loss",
                      [predictions, labels, weights]) as scope:

    predictions = math_ops.to_float(predictions)
    labels = math_ops.to_float(labels)

    radial_diffs = math_ops.mul(predictions, labels)
    losses = 1 - math_ops.reduce_sum(radial_diffs, reduction_indices=[dim,])
    return compute_weighted_loss(losses, weights)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _weighted_loss(loss, weight):
  """Returns cumulative weighted loss."""
  unweighted_loss = array_ops.reshape(loss, shape=(-1,))
  weighted_loss = math_ops.mul(unweighted_loss,
                                   weight, shape=(-1,)))
  return weighted_loss
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _weighted_loss(self, loss, weight_tensor):
    """Returns cumulative weighted loss."""
    unweighted_loss = array_ops.reshape(loss, shape=(-1,))
    weighted_loss = math_ops.mul(unweighted_loss,
                                     weight_tensor, shape=(-1,)))
    return weighted_loss
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _count_condition(values, weights=None, metrics_collections=None,
  """Sums the weights of cases where the given values are True.

  If `weights` is `None`, weights default to 1. Use weights of 0 to mask values.

    values: A `bool` `Tensor` of arbitrary size.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape is broadcastable to `values`.
    metrics_collections: An optional list of collections that the metric
      value variable should be added to.
    updates_collections: An optional list of collections that the metric update
      ops should be added to.

    value_tensor: A tensor representing the current value of the metric.
    update_op: An operation that accumulates the error from a batch of data.

    ValueError: If `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't match `values`,
      or if either `metrics_collections` or `updates_collections` are not a list
      or tuple.
  check_ops.assert_type(values, dtypes.bool)
  count = _create_local('count', shape=[])

  values = math_ops.to_float(values)
  if weights is not None:
    weights = math_ops.to_float(weights)
    values = math_ops.mul(values, weights)

  value_tensor = array_ops.identity(count)
  update_op = state_ops.assign_add(count, math_ops.reduce_sum(values))

  if metrics_collections:
    ops.add_to_collections(metrics_collections, value_tensor)

  if updates_collections:
    ops.add_to_collections(updates_collections, update_op)

  return value_tensor, update_op
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def accuracy(predictions, labels, weights=None):
  """Computes the percentage of times that predictions matches labels.

    predictions: the predicted values, a `Tensor` whose dtype and shape
                 matches 'labels'.
    labels: the ground truth values, a `Tensor` of any shape and
            bool, integer, or string dtype.
    weights: None or `Tensor` of float values to reweight the accuracy.

    Accuracy `Tensor`.

    ValueError: if dtypes don't match or
                if dtype is not bool, integer, or string.
  if not (labels.dtype.is_integer or
          labels.dtype in (dtypes.bool, dtypes.string)):
    raise ValueError(
        'Labels should have bool, integer, or string dtype, not %r' %
  if not labels.dtype.is_compatible_with(predictions.dtype):
    raise ValueError('Dtypes of predictions and labels should match. '
                     'Given: predictions (%r) and labels (%r)' %
                     (predictions.dtype, labels.dtype))
  with ops.name_scope('accuracy', values=[predictions, labels]):
    is_correct = math_ops.cast(
        math_ops.equal(predictions, labels), dtypes.float32)
    if weights is not None:
      is_correct = math_ops.mul(is_correct, weights)
      num_values = math_ops.mul(weights, array_ops.ones_like(is_correct))
      return math_ops.div(math_ops.reduce_sum(is_correct),
    return math_ops.reduce_mean(is_correct)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __mul__(self, other):
    return mul(self, other)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __rmul__(self, other):
    return mul(other, self)
项目:diversity_based_attention    作者:PrekshaNema25    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    """Gated recurrent unit (GRU) with nunits cells."""
    with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):  # "GRUCell"

      with vs.variable_scope("Gates"):  # Reset gate and update gate.
        # We start with bias of 1.0 to not reset and not update.
        r, u = array_ops.split(1, 2, _linear([inputs, state],
                                  2 * self._num_units, True, 1.0))
        r, u = sigmoid(r), sigmoid(u)

      with vs.variable_scope("Candidate"):
        c = self._activation(_linear([inputs, r * state],
                                     self._num_units, True))

      new_h = u * state + (1 - u) * c

      eps = 1e-13
      temp = math_ops.div(math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(new_h, state), 1), \
                          math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(state,state), 1) + eps)

      dummy = array_ops.transpose(state)

      t1 = math_ops.mul(dummy, temp)
      t1 = array_ops.transpose(t1)

      distract_h = new_h  -  state * t1

    return distract_h, distract_h
项目:diversity_based_attention    作者:PrekshaNema25    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    """Long short-term memory cell (LSTM)."""
    with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__): 

      # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
      if self._state_is_tuple:
        c, h = state
        c, h = array_ops.split(1, 2, state)
      concat = _linear([inputs, h], 5 * self._num_units, True)

      # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate, g= distract_gate
      i, j, f, o, g = array_ops.split(1, 5, concat)

      new_c = (c * sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) + sigmoid(i) *

      eps = 1e-13
      temp = math_ops.div(math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(c, new_c),1),math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(c,c),1) + eps)

      m = array_ops.transpose(sigmoid(g))
      t1 = math_ops.mul(m , temp)
      t1 = array_ops.transpose(t1) 

      distract_c = new_c  -  c * t1

      new_h = self._activation(distract_c) * sigmoid(o)

      if self._state_is_tuple:
        new_state = LSTMStateTuple(new_c, new_h)
        new_state = array_ops.concat(1, [new_c, new_h])

      return new_h, new_state
项目:diversity_based_attention    作者:PrekshaNema25    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    """Long short-term memory cell (LSTM)."""
    with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
      # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
      if self._state_is_tuple:
        c, h = state
        c, h = array_ops.split(1, 2, state)
      concat = _linear([inputs, h], 4 * self._num_units, True)

      # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
      i, j, f, o = array_ops.split(1, 4, concat)

      new_c = (c * sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) + sigmoid(i) *

      eps = 1e-13
      temp = math_ops.div(math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(c, new_c),1),math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(c,c),1) + eps)

      dummy = array_ops.transpose(c)

      t1 = math_ops.mul(dummy, temp)
      t1 = array_ops.transpose(t1) 
      distract_c = new_c  -  t1

      new_h = self._activation(distract_c) * sigmoid(o)

      if self._state_is_tuple:
        new_state = LSTMStateTuple(new_c, new_h)
        new_state = array_ops.concat(1, [new_c, new_h])
      return new_h, new_state
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _num_present(losses, weight, per_batch=False):
  """Computes the number of elements in the loss function induced by `weight`.

  A given weight tensor induces different numbers of usable elements in the
  `losses` tensor. The `weight` tensor is broadcast across `losses` for all
  possible dimensions. For example, if `losses` is a tensor of dimension
  [4, 5, 6, 3] and weight is a tensor of size [4, 5], then weight is, in effect,
  tiled to match the size of `losses`. Following this effective tile, the total
  number of present elements is the number of non-zero weights.

    losses: A tensor of size [batch_size, d1, ... dN].
    weight: A tensor of size [1] or [batch_size, d1, ... dK] where K < N.
    per_batch: Whether to return the number of elements per batch or as a sum

    The number of present (non-zero) elements in the losses tensor. If
      `per_batch` is True, the value is returned as a tensor of size
      [batch_size]. Otherwise, a single scalar tensor is returned.
  # To ensure that dims of [2, 1] gets mapped to [2,]
  weight = array_ops.squeeze(weight)

  # If the weight is a scalar, its easy to compute:
  if weight.get_shape().ndims == 0:
    batch_size = array_ops.reshape(array_ops.slice(array_ops.shape(losses),
                                                   [0], [1]), [])
    num_per_batch = math_ops.div(math_ops.to_float(array_ops.size(losses)),
    num_per_batch =, 0),
                                    0.0, num_per_batch)
    num_per_batch = math_ops.mul(array_ops.ones(
        array_ops.reshape(batch_size, [1])), num_per_batch)
    return num_per_batch if per_batch else math_ops.reduce_sum(num_per_batch)

  # First, count the number of nonzero weights:
  if weight.get_shape().ndims >= 1:
    reduction_indices = list(range(1, weight.get_shape().ndims))
    num_nonzero_per_batch = math_ops.reduce_sum(
        math_ops.to_float(math_ops.not_equal(weight, 0)),

  # Next, determine the number of elements that weight would broadcast to:
  broadcast_dims = array_ops.slice(array_ops.shape(losses),
                                   [weight.get_shape().ndims], [-1])
  num_to_broadcast = math_ops.to_float(math_ops.reduce_prod(broadcast_dims))

  num_per_batch = math_ops.mul(num_nonzero_per_batch, num_to_broadcast)
  return num_per_batch if per_batch else math_ops.reduce_sum(num_per_batch)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unregularized_loss(self, examples):
    """Add operations to compute the loss (without the regularization loss).

      examples: Examples to compute unregularized loss on.

      An Operation that computes mean (unregularized) loss for given set of

      ValueError: if examples are not well defined.
    self._assertSpecified(['example_labels', 'example_weights',
                           'sparse_features', 'dense_features'], examples)
    self._assertList(['sparse_features', 'dense_features'], examples)
    with name_scope('sdca/unregularized_loss'):
      predictions = math_ops.cast(
          self._linear_predictions(examples), dtypes.float64)
      labels = math_ops.cast(
          convert_to_tensor(examples['example_labels']), dtypes.float64)
      weights = math_ops.cast(
          convert_to_tensor(examples['example_weights']), dtypes.float64)

      if self._options['loss_type'] == 'logistic_loss':
        return math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(
            sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(predictions, labels),
            weights)) / math_ops.reduce_sum(weights)

      if self._options['loss_type'] in ['hinge_loss', 'smooth_hinge_loss']:
        # hinge_loss = max{0, 1 - y_i w*x} where y_i \in {-1, 1}. So, we need to
        # first convert 0/1 labels into -1/1 labels.
        all_ones = array_ops.ones_like(predictions)
        adjusted_labels = math_ops.sub(2 * labels, all_ones)
        # Tensor that contains (unweighted) error (hinge loss) per
        # example.
        error = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.sub(all_ones, math_ops.mul(adjusted_labels,
        weighted_error = math_ops.mul(error, weights)
        return math_ops.reduce_sum(weighted_error) / math_ops.reduce_sum(

      # squared loss
      err = math_ops.sub(labels, predictions)

      weighted_squared_err = math_ops.mul(math_ops.square(err), weights)
      # SDCA squared loss function is sum(err^2) / (2*sum(weights))
      return (math_ops.reduce_sum(weighted_squared_err) /
              (2.0 * math_ops.reduce_sum(weights)))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_loss(
    predictions, labels=None, weights=_WEIGHT_SENTINEL, epsilon=1e-7,
    scope=None, targets=None, weight=_WEIGHT_SENTINEL):
  """Adds a Log Loss term to the training procedure.

  `weight` acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the
  loss is simply scaled by the given value. If `weight` is a tensor of size
  [batch_size], then the total loss for each sample of the batch is rescaled
  by the corresponding element in the `weight` vector. If the shape of
  `weight` matches the shape of `predictions`, then the loss of each
  measurable element of `predictions` is scaled by the corresponding value of

    predictions: The predicted outputs.
    labels: The ground truth output tensor, same dimensions as 'predictions'.
    weights: Coefficients for the loss a scalar, a tensor of shape
      [batch_size] or a tensor whose shape matches `predictions`.
    epsilon: A small increment to add to avoid taking a log of zero.
    scope: The scope for the operations performed in computing the loss.
    targets: Deprecated alias for `labels`.
    weight: Deprecated alias for `weights`.

    A scalar `Tensor` representing the loss value.

    ValueError: If the shape of `predictions` doesn't match that of `labels` or
      if the shape of `weight` is invalid.
  labels = _labels(labels, targets)
  weights = _weights(weights, weight)
  with ops.name_scope(scope, "log_loss",
                      [predictions, labels, weights]) as scope:
    predictions = math_ops.to_float(predictions)
    labels = math_ops.to_float(labels)
    losses = -math_ops.mul(
        math_ops.log(predictions + epsilon)) - math_ops.mul(
            (1 - labels), math_ops.log(1 - predictions + epsilon))
    return compute_weighted_loss(losses, weights)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unregularized_loss(self, examples):
    """Add operations to compute the loss (without the regularization loss).

      examples: Examples to compute unregularized loss on.

      An Operation that computes mean (unregularized) loss for given set of

      ValueError: if examples are not well defined.
    self._assertSpecified(['example_labels', 'example_weights',
                           'sparse_features', 'dense_features'], examples)
    self._assertList(['sparse_features', 'dense_features'], examples)
    with name_scope('sdca/unregularized_loss'):
      predictions = math_ops.cast(
          self._linear_predictions(examples), dtypes.float64)
      labels = math_ops.cast(
          convert_to_tensor(examples['example_labels']), dtypes.float64)
      weights = math_ops.cast(
          convert_to_tensor(examples['example_weights']), dtypes.float64)

      if self._options['loss_type'] == 'logistic_loss':
        return math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.mul(
            sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(predictions, labels),
            weights)) / math_ops.reduce_sum(weights)

      if self._options['loss_type'] in ['hinge_loss', 'smooth_hinge_loss']:
        # hinge_loss = max{0, 1 - y_i w*x} where y_i \in {-1, 1}. So, we need to
        # first convert 0/1 labels into -1/1 labels.
        all_ones = array_ops.ones_like(predictions)
        adjusted_labels = math_ops.sub(2 * labels, all_ones)
        # Tensor that contains (unweighted) error (hinge loss) per
        # example.
        error = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.sub(all_ones, math_ops.mul(adjusted_labels,
        weighted_error = math_ops.mul(error, weights)
        return math_ops.reduce_sum(weighted_error) / math_ops.reduce_sum(

      # squared loss
      err = math_ops.sub(labels, predictions)

      weighted_squared_err = math_ops.mul(math_ops.square(err), weights)
      # SDCA squared loss function is sum(err^2) / (2*sum(weights))
      return (math_ops.reduce_sum(weighted_squared_err) /
              (2.0 * math_ops.reduce_sum(weights)))
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dense_to_sparse_tensor(dense_tensor, ignore_value=None):
  """Converts a dense Tensor to a SparseTensor, dropping ignore_value cells.

    dense_tensor: A `Tensor`.
    ignore_value: Entries in `dense_tensor` equal to this value will be
      absent from the return `SparseTensor`. If `None`, default value of
      dense_tensor's dtype will be used (e.g. '' for `str`, 0 for `int`).

    A `SparseTensor` with the same shape as `dense_tensor`.

    ValueError: when `dense_tensor`'s rank is `None`.
  with ops.name_scope("DenseToSparseTensor"):
    dense_t = ops.convert_to_tensor(dense_tensor)
    if dense_t.get_shape().ndims is None:
      # TODO(b/32318825): Implement dense_to_sparse_tensor for undefined rank.
      raise ValueError("dense_tensor.get_shape() should be defined, got None.")
    if ignore_value is None:
      if dense_t.dtype == dtypes.string:
        # Exception due to TF strings are converted to numpy objects by default.
        ignore_value = ""
        ignore_value = dense_t.dtype.as_numpy_dtype()
    dense_shape = math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(dense_t), dtypes.int64)
    indices = array_ops.where(
        math_ops.not_equal(dense_t, math_ops.cast(ignore_value, dense_t.dtype)))
    index_dims = len(dense_t.get_shape())
    # Flattens the tensor and indices for use with gather.
    flat_tensor = array_ops.reshape(dense_t, [-1])
    flat_indices = indices[:, index_dims - 1]
    # Computes the correct flattened indices for 2d (or higher) tensors.
    if index_dims > 1:
      higher_dims = indices[:, :index_dims - 1]
      shape_multipliers = array_ops.pack(
      offsets = math_ops.reduce_sum(
          math_ops.mul(higher_dims, shape_multipliers), reduction_indices=[1])
      flat_indices = math_ops.add(flat_indices, offsets)
    values = array_ops.gather(flat_tensor, flat_indices)
    return sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices, values, dense_shape)