Python tensorflow 模块,sigmoid() 实例源码


项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model(self, features, labels):
        x = features["observation"]
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        actions = tf.one_hot(tf.reshape(features["action"],[-1]), depth=6, on_value=1.0, off_value=0.0, axis=1)
        x = tf.concat(1, [tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x),  actions])
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        logits = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 1, activation_fn=None)
        prediction = tf.sigmoid(logits, name="prediction")
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, tf.expand_dims(labels, axis=1)),name="loss")
        train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss(
          loss, tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step(), optimizer='Adam',
        tf.add_to_collection('prediction', prediction)
        tf.add_to_collection('loss', loss)
        return prediction, loss, train_op
项目:GELUs    作者:hendrycks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ae(x):
    if nonlinearity_name == 'relu':
        f = tf.nn.relu
    elif nonlinearity_name == 'elu':
        f = tf.nn.elu
    elif nonlinearity_name == 'gelu':
        # def gelu(x):
        #     return tf.mul(x, tf.erfc(-x / tf.sqrt(2.)) / 2.)
        # f = gelu
        def gelu_fast(_x):
            return 0.5 * _x * (1 + tf.tanh(tf.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * (_x + 0.044715 * tf.pow(_x, 3))))
        f = gelu_fast
    elif nonlinearity_name == 'silu':
        def silu(_x):
            return _x * tf.sigmoid(_x)
        f = silu
    # elif nonlinearity_name == 'soi':
    #     def soi_map(x):
    #         u = tf.random_uniform(tf.shape(x))
    #         mask = tf.to_float(tf.less(u, (1 + tf.erf(x / tf.sqrt(2.))) / 2.))
    #         return tf.cond(is_training, lambda: tf.mul(mask, x),
    #                        lambda: tf.mul(x, tf.erfc(-x / tf.sqrt(2.)) / 2.))
    #     f = soi_map

        raise NameError("Need 'relu', 'elu', 'gelu', or 'silu' for nonlinearity_name")

    h1 = f(tf.matmul(x, W['1']) + b['1'])
    h2 = f(tf.matmul(h1, W['2']) + b['2'])
    h3 = f(tf.matmul(h2, W['3']) + b['3'])
    h4 = f(tf.matmul(h3, W['4']) + b['4'])
    h5 = f(tf.matmul(h4, W['5']) + b['5'])
    h6 = f(tf.matmul(h5, W['6']) + b['6'])
    h7 = f(tf.matmul(h6, W['7']) + b['7'])
    return tf.matmul(h7, W['8']) + b['8']
项目:almond-nnparser    作者:Stanford-Mobisocial-IoT-Lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, left_state, right_state, extra_input=None):
        with tf.variable_scope('TreeLSTM'):
            c1, h1 = left_state
            c2, h2 = right_state

            if extra_input is not None:
                input_concat = tf.concat((extra_input, h1, h2), axis=1)
                input_concat = tf.concat((h1, h2), axis=1)
            concat = tf.layers.dense(input_concat, 5 * self._num_cells)
            i, f1, f2, o, g = tf.split(concat, 5, axis=1)
            i = tf.sigmoid(i)
            f1 = tf.sigmoid(f1)
            f2 = tf.sigmoid(f2)
            o = tf.sigmoid(o)
            g = tf.tanh(g)

            cnew = f1 * c1 + f2 * c2 + i * g
            hnew = o * cnew

            newstate = LSTMStateTuple(c=cnew, h=hnew)
            return hnew, newstate
项目:youtube-8m    作者:wangheda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def highway(self, input_1, input_2, size_1, size_2, l2_penalty=1e-8, layer_size=1):
        output = input_2
        for idx in range(layer_size):
            with tf.name_scope('output_lin_%d' % idx):
                W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([size_2,size_1], stddev=0.1), name="W")
                b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[size_1]), name="b")
                tf.add_to_collection(name=tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, value=l2_penalty*tf.nn.l2_loss(W))
                tf.add_to_collection(name=tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, value=l2_penalty*tf.nn.l2_loss(b))
                output = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.xw_plus_b(output,W,b))
            with tf.name_scope('transform_lin_%d' % idx):
                W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([size_1,size_1], stddev=0.1), name="W")
                b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[size_1]), name="b")
                tf.add_to_collection(name=tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, value=l2_penalty*tf.nn.l2_loss(W))
                tf.add_to_collection(name=tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, value=l2_penalty*tf.nn.l2_loss(b))
                transform_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.nn.xw_plus_b(input_1,W,b))
            carry_gate = tf.constant(1.0) - transform_gate
            output = transform_gate * output + carry_gate * input_1
        return output
项目:skiprnn-2017-telecombcn    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
        """Long short-term memory cell (LSTM)."""
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
            c, h = state

            # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
            concat = rnn_ops.linear([inputs, h], 4 * self._num_units, True)

            # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
            i, j, f, o = tf.split(value=concat, num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1)

            if self._layer_norm:
                i = rnn_ops.layer_norm(i, name="i")
                j = rnn_ops.layer_norm(j, name="j")
                f = rnn_ops.layer_norm(f, name="f")
                o = rnn_ops.layer_norm(o, name="o")

            new_c = (c * tf.sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) + tf.sigmoid(i) *
            new_h = self._activation(new_c) * tf.sigmoid(o)

            new_state = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(new_c, new_h)
            return new_h, new_state
项目:human-rl    作者:gsastry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def model(self, features, labels):
        x = features["observation"]
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        logits = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 1, activation_fn=None)
        prediction = tf.sigmoid(logits)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, tf.expand_dims(labels, axis=1)))
        train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss(
          loss, tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step(), optimizer='Adam',
        tf.add_to_collection('prediction', prediction)
        tf.add_to_collection('loss', loss)
        return prediction, loss, train_op
项目:deep-learning    作者:ljanyst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __discriminator(self, x, scope, reuse):
        with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
            x1 = tf.layers.conv2d(x, 64, 5, strides=2, padding='same')
            x1 = LeakyReLU(x1, self.alpha)
            # 16x16x64

            x2 = tf.layers.conv2d(x1, 128, 5, strides=2, padding='same')
            x2 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x2,
            x2 = LeakyReLU(x2, self.alpha)
            # 8x8x128

            x3 = tf.layers.conv2d(x2, 256, 5, strides=2, padding='same')
            x3 = tf.layers.batch_normalization(x3,
            x3 = LeakyReLU(x3, self.alpha)
            # 4x4x256

            # Flatten it
            flat = tf.reshape(x3, (-1, 4*4*256))
            logits = tf.layers.dense(flat, 1)
            out = tf.sigmoid(logits)

        return out, logits

项目:comprehend    作者:Fenugreek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, sigma=0.1, beta_sampling=True, **kwargs):
        Standard deviation of input data, for use in sampling.

        Use beta distribution for sampling, instead of Gaussian.

        RBM.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        if not kwargs.get('fromfile'):
            self.sigma = sigma
            self.beta_sampling = beta_sampling
        if self.sigma is None: raise AssertionError('Need to supply sigma param.')

        self.hidden = tf.placeholder(self.dtype, name='hidden',
                                     shape=[None, self.n_hidden])
        self.mean_v = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.hidden, self.params['W'],
                                           transpose_b=True) +
项目:comprehend    作者:Fenugreek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, state, input, output=True):

        u_gate = tf.matmul(input, self.params['Uxh'])
        if state is not None:
            u_gate += tf.matmul(state, self.params['Uhh'])
            r_gate = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(input, self.params['Rxh']) + 
                                tf.matmul(state, self.params['Rhh']))
        u_gate = tf.sigmoid(u_gate)

        operand = tf.matmul(input, self.params['Wxh']) + self.params['bhid']
        if state is not None:
            operand += tf.matmul(state * r_gate, self.params['Whh'])
        new_state = self.coding(operand) * (1. - u_gate)
        if state is not None:
            new_state += state * u_gate

        if not output: return new_state
        return new_state, self.get_output(new_state)
项目:DmsMsgRcg    作者:bshao001    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred):
        # Get prediction
        pred_box_xy = tf.sigmoid(y_pred[..., :2])
        pred_box_wh = y_pred[..., 2:4]
        pred_box_conf = tf.sigmoid(y_pred[..., 4])

        # Get ground truth
        true_box_xy = y_true[..., :2]
        true_box_wh = y_true[..., 2:4]
        true_box_conf = y_true[..., 4]

        # Determine the mask: simply the position of the ground truth boxes (the predictors)
        true_mask = tf.expand_dims(y_true[..., 4], axis=-1)

        # Calculate the loss. A scale can be associated with each loss, indicating how important
        # the loss is. The bigger the scale, more important the loss is.
        loss_xy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(true_box_xy - pred_box_xy) * true_mask) * 1.0
        loss_wh = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(true_box_wh - pred_box_wh) * true_mask) * 1.0
        loss_conf = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(true_box_conf - pred_box_conf)) * 1.2

        loss = loss_xy + loss_wh + loss_conf
        return loss
项目:photinia    作者:XoriieInpottn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _setup(self, x, prev_state, prev_output):
        """Setup the cell.

        :param x: Input tensor.
        :param prev_state: Previous cell state tensor.
        :param prev_output: Previous cell output tensor.
        :return: Tuple of cell state and cell output tensors.
        # Input gate.
        i = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, self._wi) + tf.matmul(prev_output, self._ui) + self._bi)
        # Forget gate.
        f = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, self._wf) + tf.matmul(prev_output, self._uf) + self._bf)
        # Output gate.
        o = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, self._wo) + tf.matmul(prev_output, self._uo) + self._bo)
        # Output and state.
        lin_state = tf.matmul(x, self._wc) + tf.matmul(prev_output, self._uc) + self._bc
        state = self._activation(lin_state) if self._activation is not None else lin_state
        state = f * prev_state + i * state
        output = o * state
        return state, output
项目:SRGAN-tensorflow    作者:zoharli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,input,name='disc'):
        with tf.variable_scope(name):
            for i in xrange(7):
项目:lm    作者:rafaljozefowicz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
        num_proj = self._num_units if self._num_proj is None else self._num_proj

        c_prev = tf.slice(state, [0, 0], [-1, self._num_units])
        m_prev = tf.slice(state, [0, self._num_units], [-1, num_proj])

        input_size = inputs.get_shape().with_rank(2)[1]
        if input_size.value is None:
            raise ValueError("Could not infer input size from inputs.get_shape()[-1]")
        with tf.variable_scope(type(self).__name__,
                               initializer=self._initializer):  # "LSTMCell"
            # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
            cell_inputs = tf.concat(1, [inputs, m_prev])
            lstm_matrix = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(cell_inputs, self._concat_w), self._b)
            i, j, f, o = tf.split(1, 4, lstm_matrix)

            c = tf.sigmoid(f + 1.0) * c_prev + tf.sigmoid(i) * tf.tanh(j)
            m = tf.sigmoid(o) * tf.tanh(c)

            if self._num_proj is not None:
                m = tf.matmul(m, self._concat_w_proj)

        new_state = tf.concat(1, [c, m])
        return m, new_state
项目:shalo    作者:henryre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build(self):
        assert(self.d is not None)
        assert( is not None)
        assert(self.l2_penalty is not None)
        assert(self.loss_function is not None)
        # Get input placeholders and sentence features
        sentence_feats, save_kwargs = self._embed_sentences()
        # Define linear model
        s1, s2 = self.seed, (self.seed + 1 if self.seed is not None else None)
        w = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal((self.d, 1), stddev=SD, seed=s1))
        b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal((1, 1), stddev=SD, seed=s2))
        h = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(sentence_feats, w) + b)
        # Define training procedure
        self.loss       = self._get_loss(h, self.y)
        self.loss      += self.l2_penalty * tf.nn.l2_loss(w)
        self.prediction = tf.sigmoid(h)
        self.train_fn   = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
        self.save_dict  = save_kwargs.update({'w': w, 'b': b})
项目:fold    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
      lhs, rhs = state
      c0, h0 = lhs
      c1, h1 = rhs
      concat = tf.contrib.layers.linear(
          tf.concat([inputs, h0, h1], 1), 5 * self._num_units)

      # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
      i, j, f0, f1, o = tf.split(value=concat, num_or_size_splits=5, axis=1)

      j = self._activation(j)
      if not isinstance(self._keep_prob, float) or self._keep_prob < 1:
        j = tf.nn.dropout(j, self._keep_prob, seed=self._seed)

      new_c = (c0 * tf.sigmoid(f0 + self._forget_bias) +
               c1 * tf.sigmoid(f1 + self._forget_bias) +
               tf.sigmoid(i) * j)
      new_h = self._activation(new_c) * tf.sigmoid(o)

      new_state = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(new_c, new_h)

      return new_h, new_state
项目:tf-sr-zoo    作者:MLJejuCamp2017    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_discriminator(hr_images_fake, hr_images, cfg):
    n_layers = 3
    layers = []

    input = tf.concat([hr_images_fake, hr_images ], axis = 3)

    conv = slim.conv2d(input, cfg.ndf, [3,3], stride = 2, activation_fn = lrelu, scope = 'layers%d'%(0))

    for i in range(n_layers):
        out_channels = cfg.ndf*min(2**(i+1), 8)
        stride = 1 if i == n_layers -1 else 2
        conv = slim.conv2d(layers[-1], out_channels, [3,3], stride = stride, activation_fn = lrelu, scope = 'layers_%d'%(i+2))

    conv = slim.conv2d(layers[-1], 1, [3,3], stride = 1)
    output = tf.sigmoid(conv)
    return output
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mce_loss(positive_scores, negative_scores):
    Minimum Classification Error (MCE) loss [1]:
        loss(p, n) = \sum_i \sigma(- p_i + n_i)


        positive_scores: (N,) Tensor containing scores of positive examples.
        negative_scores: (N,) Tensor containing scores of negative examples.
        Loss value.
    mce_losses = tf.sigmoid(- positive_scores + negative_scores)
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(mce_losses)
    return loss
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, initial_state=None, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length=None, scope=None):
        num_gates = 3 if self._with_residual else 2
        transformed = tf.layers.dense(inputs, num_gates * self._num_units,

        gates = tf.split(transformed, num_gates, axis=2)
        forget_gate = tf.sigmoid(gates[1])
        transformed_inputs = (1.0 - forget_gate) * gates[0]
        if self._with_residual:
            residual_gate = tf.sigmoid(gates[2])
            inputs *= (1.0 - residual_gate)
            new_inputs = tf.concat([inputs, transformed_inputs, forget_gate, residual_gate], axis=2)
            new_inputs = tf.concat([transformed_inputs, forget_gate], axis=2)

        return self._rnn(new_inputs, initial_state, dtype, sequence_length, scope)
项目:qrn    作者:uwnlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre(self, inputs, scope=None):
        """Preprocess inputs to be used by the cell. Assumes [N, J, *]
        [x, u]"""
        is_train = self._is_train
        keep_prob = self._keep_prob
        gate_size = self._gate_size
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or "pre"):
            x, u, _, _ = tf.split(2, 4, tf.slice(inputs, [0, 0, gate_size], [-1, -1, -1]))  # [N, J, d]
            a_raw = linear([x * u], gate_size, True, scope='a_raw', var_on_cpu=self._var_on_cpu,
                           wd=self._wd, initializer=self._initializer)
            a = tf.sigmoid(a_raw - self._forget_bias, name='a')
            if keep_prob < 1.0:
                x = tf.cond(is_train, lambda: tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob), lambda: x)
                u = tf.cond(is_train, lambda: tf.nn.dropout(u, keep_prob), lambda: u)
            v_t = tf.nn.tanh(linear([x, u], self._num_units, True,
                             var_on_cpu=self._var_on_cpu, wd=self._wd, scope='v_raw'), name='v')
            new_inputs = tf.concat(2, [a, x, u, v_t])  # [N, J, 3*d + 1]
        return new_inputs
项目:qrn    作者:uwnlp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
        gate_size = self._gate_size
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):  # "RSMCell"
            with tf.name_scope("Split"):  # Reset gate and update gate.
                a = tf.slice(inputs, [0, 0], [-1, gate_size])
                x, u, v_t = tf.split(1, 3, tf.slice(inputs, [0, gate_size], [-1, -1]))
                o = tf.slice(state, [0, 0], [-1, 1])
                h, v = tf.split(1, 2, tf.slice(state, [0, gate_size], [-1, -1]))

            with tf.variable_scope("Main"):
                r_raw = linear([x * u], 1, True, scope='r_raw', var_on_cpu=self._var_on_cpu,
                r = tf.sigmoid(r_raw, name='a')
                new_o = a * r + (1 - a) * o
                new_v = a * v_t + (1 - a) * v
                g = r * v_t
                new_h = a * g + (1 - a) * h

            with tf.name_scope("Concat"):
                new_state = tf.concat(1, [new_o, new_h, new_v])
                outputs = tf.concat(1, [a, r, x, new_h, new_v, g])

        return outputs, new_state
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _cond_prob(self, a, w_dec_i, b_dec_i):
    """Gets the conditional probability for a single dimension.

      a: Model's hidden state, sized `[batch_size, num_hidden]`.
      w_dec_i: The decoder weight terms for the dimension, sized
          `[num_hidden, 1]`.
      b_dec_i: The decoder bias terms, sized `[batch_size, 1]`.

      The conditional probability of the dimension, sized `[batch_size, 1]`.
    # Decode hidden units to get conditional probability.
    h = tf.sigmoid(a)
    p_cond_i = tf.sigmoid(b_dec_i + tf.matmul(h, w_dec_i))
    return p_cond_i
项目:NER-LSTM-CRF    作者:liu-nlper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_activation(activation=None):
    Get activation function accord to the parameter 'activation'
        activation: str: ???????
    if activation is None:
        return None
    elif activation == 'tanh':
        return tf.nn.tanh
    elif activation == 'relu':
        return tf.nn.relu
    elif activation == 'softmax':
        return tf.nn.softmax
    elif activation == 'sigmoid':
        return tf.sigmoid
        raise Exception('Unknow activation function: %s' % activation)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generator(observed, n, n_z, is_training):
    with zs.BayesianNet(observed=observed) as generator:
        z_min = -tf.ones([n, n_z])
        z_max = tf.ones([n, n_z])
        z = zs.Uniform('z', z_min, z_max)
        lx_z = tf.reshape(z, [-1, 1, 1, n_z])
        ngf = 32
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(lx_z, ngf * 4, 3, use_bias=False)
        lx_z = tf.layers.batch_normalization(lx_z, training=is_training,
        lx_z = tf.nn.relu(lx_z)
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(lx_z, ngf * 2, 5, use_bias=False)
        lx_z = tf.layers.batch_normalization(lx_z, training=is_training,
        lx_z = tf.nn.relu(lx_z)
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(lx_z, ngf, 5, strides=(2, 2),
                                          padding='same', use_bias=False)
        lx_z = tf.layers.batch_normalization(lx_z, training=is_training,
        lx_z = tf.nn.relu(lx_z)
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(
            lx_z, 1, 5, strides=(2, 2), padding='same', activation=tf.sigmoid)
    return generator, lx_z
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generator(observed, n, n_z, is_training):
    with zs.BayesianNet(observed=observed) as generator:
        ngf = 64
        z_min = -tf.ones([n, n_z])
        z_max = tf.ones([n, n_z])
        z = zs.Uniform('z', z_min, z_max)
        lx_z = tf.layers.dense(z, ngf * 8 * 4 * 4, use_bias=False)
        lx_z = tf.layers.batch_normalization(lx_z, training=is_training)
        lx_z = tf.nn.relu(lx_z)
        lx_z = tf.reshape(lx_z, [-1, 4, 4, ngf * 8])
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(lx_z, ngf * 4, 5, strides=(2, 2),
                                          padding='same', use_bias=False)
        lx_z = tf.layers.batch_normalization(lx_z, training=is_training)
        lx_z = tf.nn.relu(lx_z)
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(lx_z, ngf * 2, 5, strides=(2, 2),
                                          padding='same', use_bias=False)
        lx_z = tf.layers.batch_normalization(lx_z, training=is_training)
        lx_z = tf.nn.relu(lx_z)
        lx_z = tf.layers.conv2d_transpose(lx_z, 3, 5, strides=(2, 2),
                                          padding='same', activation=tf.sigmoid)
    return generator, lx_z
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample(self, n_samples):
        logits, temperature = self.logits, self.temperature
        if not self.is_reparameterized:
            logits = tf.stop_gradient(logits)
            temperature = tf.stop_gradient(temperature)
        shape = tf.concat([[n_samples], self.batch_shape], 0)

        uniform = open_interval_standard_uniform(shape, self.dtype)
        # TODO: add Logistic distribution
        logistic = tf.log(uniform) - tf.log(1 - uniform)
        samples = tf.sigmoid((logits + logistic) / temperature)

        static_n_samples = n_samples if isinstance(n_samples, int) else None
        return samples
项目:CDBN-for-Tensorflow    作者:shygiants    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __gibbs_sampling(self):
        # Gibbs sampling
        # Sample visible units
        with tf.name_scope('visible') as _:
            signal_back = self.__conv2d(self.hid_state0, self.weights_flipped) + self.cias
            if self.is_continuous:
                # Visible units are continuous
                normal_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(
                    mu=signal_back, sigma=1.)
                self.vis_1 = tf.reshape(
                    tf.div(normal_dist.sample_n(1), self.weight_size * self.weight_size),
                    self.input_shape, name='vis_1')
                # Visible units are binary
                vis1_prob = tf.sigmoid(signal_back, name='vis_1')
                self.vis_1 = self.__sample(vis1_prob, 'vis_1')

        # Sample hidden units
        with tf.name_scope('hidden') as _:
            self.hid_prob1 = tf.sigmoid(self.__conv2d(self.vis_1, self.weights) + self.bias, name='hid_prob_1')
项目:tflearn    作者:tflearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, num_units, input_size=None, activation=tf.tanh,
                 inner_activation=tf.sigmoid, bias=True, weights_init=None,
                 trainable=True, restore=True, reuse=False):
        if input_size is not None:
            logging.warn("%s: The input_size parameter is deprecated." % self)
        self._num_units = num_units
        if isinstance(activation, str):
            self._activation = activations.get(activation)
        elif hasattr(activation, '__call__'):
            self._activation = activation
            raise ValueError("Invalid Activation.")
        if isinstance(inner_activation, str):
            self._inner_activation = activations.get(inner_activation)
        elif hasattr(inner_activation, '__call__'):
            self._inner_activation = inner_activation
            raise ValueError("Invalid Activation.")
        self.bias = bias
        self.weights_init = weights_init
        if isinstance(weights_init, str):
            self.weights_init = initializations.get(weights_init)()
        self.trainable = trainable
        self.restore = restore
        self.reuse = reuse
项目:sonnet    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build(self, inputs, state):
    hidden, cell = state
    input_conv = self._convolutions["input"]
    hidden_conv = self._convolutions["hidden"]
    next_hidden = input_conv(inputs) + hidden_conv(hidden)
    gates = tf.split(value=next_hidden, num_or_size_splits=4,

    input_gate, next_input, forget_gate, output_gate = gates
    next_cell = tf.sigmoid(forget_gate + self._forget_bias) * cell
    next_cell += tf.sigmoid(input_gate) * tf.tanh(next_input)
    output = tf.tanh(next_cell) * tf.sigmoid(output_gate)

    if self._skip_connection:
      output = tf.concat([output, inputs], axis=-1)
    return output, (output, next_cell)
项目:sonnet    作者:deepmind    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _body(self, x, cumul_out, prev_state, cumul_state,
            cumul_halting, iteration, remainder, halting_linear, x_ones):
    """The `body` of `tf.while_loop`."""
    # Increase iteration count only for those elements that are still running.
    all_ones = tf.constant(1, shape=(self._batch_size, 1), dtype=self._dtype)
    is_iteration_over = tf.equal(cumul_halting, all_ones)
    next_iteration = tf.where(is_iteration_over, iteration, iteration + 1)
    out, next_state = self._core(x, prev_state)
    # Get part of state used to compute halting values.
    halting_input = halting_linear(self._get_state_for_halting(next_state))
    halting = tf.sigmoid(halting_input, name="halting")
    next_cumul_halting_raw = cumul_halting + halting
    over_threshold = next_cumul_halting_raw > self._threshold
    next_cumul_halting = tf.where(over_threshold, all_ones,
    next_remainder = tf.where(over_threshold, remainder,
                              1 - next_cumul_halting_raw)
    p = next_cumul_halting - cumul_halting
    next_cumul_state = _nested_add(cumul_state,
                                   _nested_unary_mul(next_state, p))
    next_cumul_out = cumul_out + p * out

    return (x_ones, next_cumul_out, next_state, next_cumul_state,
            next_cumul_halting, next_iteration, next_remainder)
项目:3D-RecGAN    作者:Yang7879    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dis(self, X, Y):
        with tf.device('/gpu:'+GPU0):
            X = tf.reshape(X,[batch_size,resolution,resolution,resolution,1])
            Y = tf.reshape(Y,[batch_size,resolution,resolution,resolution,1])
            layer = tf.concat([X,Y],axis=4)
            c_d = [1,64,128,256,512]
            s_d = [0,2,2,2,2]
            layers_d =[]
            for i in range(1,5,1):
                layer = tools.Ops.conv3d(layers_d[-1],k=4,out_c=c_d[i],str=s_d[i],name='d'+str(i))
                if i!=4:
                    layer = tools.Ops.xxlu(layer, name='lrelu')
            y = tf.reshape(layers_d[-1],[batch_size,-1])
        return tf.nn.sigmoid(y)
项目:relaax    作者:deeplearninc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
        """Long short-term memory cell (LSTM)."""
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):  # "DilatedLSTMCell"
            # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
            c, h = tf.split(state, 2, axis=1)
            concat = self._linear([inputs, h], 4 * self._num_units, True)

            # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
            i, j, f, o = tf.split(concat, 4, axis=1)

            new_c = c * tf.sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) + tf.sigmoid(i) * tf.tanh(j)
            new_h = tf.tanh(new_c) * tf.sigmoid(o)

            # update relevant cores
            timestep = tf.assign_add(self._timestep, 1)
            core_to_update = tf.mod(timestep, self._cores)

            updated_h = self._hold_mask[core_to_update] * h + self._dilated_mask[core_to_update] * new_h

            return updated_h, tf.concat([new_c, updated_h], axis=1)
项目:CycleGAN-TensorFlow    作者:vanhuyz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def last_conv(input, reuse=False, use_sigmoid=False, name=None):
  """ Last convolutional layer of discriminator network
      (1 filter with size 4x4, stride 1)
    input: 4D tensor
    reuse: boolean
    use_sigmoid: boolean (False if use lsgan)
    name: string, e.g. 'C64'
  with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse):
    weights = _weights("weights",
      shape=[4, 4, input.get_shape()[3], 1])
    biases = _biases("biases", [1])

    conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input, weights,
        strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
    output = conv + biases
    if use_sigmoid:
      output = tf.sigmoid(output)
    return output

### Helpers
项目:RecurrentHighwayNetworks    作者:julian121266    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    current_state = state[0]
    noise_i = state[1]
    noise_h = state[2]
    for i in range(self.depth):
      with tf.variable_scope('h_'+str(i)):
        if i == 0:
          h = tf.tanh(linear([inputs * noise_i, current_state * noise_h], self._num_units, True))
          h = tf.tanh(linear([current_state * noise_h], self._num_units, True))
      with tf.variable_scope('t_'+str(i)):
        if i == 0:
          t = tf.sigmoid(linear([inputs * noise_i, current_state * noise_h], self._num_units, True, self.forget_bias))
          t = tf.sigmoid(linear([current_state * noise_h], self._num_units, True, self.forget_bias))
      current_state = (h - current_state)* t + current_state

    return current_state, [current_state, noise_i, noise_h]
项目:Skeleton-key    作者:feiyu1990    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _lstm(self, input_h, input_c, input_x, reuse=False):
        with tf.variable_scope('level2_lstm', reuse=reuse):
            w_i2h_ = np.transpose(self.model_load['/core/i2h_1/weight'][:], (1, 0))
            b_i2h_ = self.model_load['/core/i2h_1/bias'][:]
            w_h2h_ = np.transpose(self.model_load['/core/h2h_1/weight'][:], (1, 0))
            b_h2h_ = self.model_load['/core/h2h_1/bias'][:]

            w_i2h = tf.get_variable('w_i2h', initializer=w_i2h_)
            b_i2h = tf.get_variable('b_i2h', initializer=b_i2h_)
            w_h2h = tf.get_variable('w_h2h', initializer=w_h2h_)
            b_h2h = tf.get_variable('b_h2h', initializer=b_h2h_)

            input_x = tf.cast(input_x, tf.float32)
            i2h = tf.matmul(input_x, w_i2h) + b_i2h
            h2h = tf.matmul(input_h, w_h2h) + b_h2h
            all_input_sums = i2h + h2h
            reshaped = tf.reshape(all_input_sums, [-1, 4, self.H])
            n1, n2, n3, n4 = tf.unstack(reshaped, axis=1)
            in_gate = tf.sigmoid(n1)
            forget_gate = tf.sigmoid(n2)
            out_gate = tf.sigmoid(n3)
            in_transform = tf.tanh(n4)
            c = tf.multiply(forget_gate, input_c) + tf.multiply(in_gate, in_transform)
            h = tf.multiply(out_gate, tf.tanh(c))
            return c, h
项目:image-text-matching    作者:llltttppp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def top_K_loss_margin(self,sentence,image,K=50,margin=0.2):
        sim_matrix = tf.matmul(sentence, image, transpose_b=True)
        s_square = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(sentence), axis=1)
        im_square = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(image), axis=1)
        d = 1-tf.sigmoid(sim_matrix)
        positive = tf.stack([tf.matrix_diag_part(d)] * K, axis=1)
        length = tf.shape(d)[-1]
        dd = tf.matrix_set_diag(d, 8 * tf.ones([length]))
        flag =8-7*tf.sign(tf.nn.relu(self.sen_margin-self.sen_similarity))
        sen_loss_K ,_ = tf.nn.top_k(-1.0 * dd *flag, K, sorted=False) # note: this is negative value
        im_loss_K,_ = tf.nn.top_k(-tf.transpose(1.0 * dd*flag), K, sorted=False) # note: this is negative value
        sentence_center_loss = -tf.log(1-positive+1e-12)-tf.log(-sen_loss_K+1e-12)
        image_center_loss = -tf.log(1-positive+1e-12)-tf.log(-im_loss_K+1e-12)
        self.d_neg = tf.reduce_mean((sen_loss_K + im_loss_K)/-2.0)
        self.d_pos =tf.reduce_mean(positive)
        self.endpoint['debug/im_loss_topK'] = -1.0 * im_loss_K
        self.endpoint['debug/sen_loss_topK'] = -1.0 * sen_loss_K 
        self.endpoint['debug/d_Matrix'] = d
        self.endpoint['debug/positive'] = positive
        self.endpoint['debug/s_center_loss'] = sentence_center_loss
        self.endpoint['debug/i_center_loss'] = image_center_loss
        self.endpoint['debug/S'] = sim_matrix
        self.endpoint['debug/sentence_square'] = s_square
        self.endpoint['debug/image_square'] = im_square
        return tf.reduce_sum(sentence_center_loss), tf.reduce_sum(image_center_loss)
项目:rnnprop    作者:vfleaking    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_func(x, h, c, wx, wh, b):
        x: (N, D)
        h: (N, H)
        c: (N, H)
        wx: (D, 4H)
        wh: (H, 4H)
        b: (4H, )
    N, H = tf.shape(h)[0], tf.shape(h)[1]
    a = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(x, wx) + tf.matmul(h, wh) + b, (N, -1, H))
    i, f, o, g = a[:,0,:], a[:,1,:], a[:,2,:], a[:,3,:]
    i = tf.sigmoid(i)
    f = tf.sigmoid(f)
    o = tf.sigmoid(o)
    g = tf.tanh(g)
    next_c = f * c + i * g
    next_h = o * tf.tanh(next_c)
    return next_h, next_c
项目:tensorflow_tutorial    作者:lpty    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generator_graph(fake_imgs, units_size, out_size, alpha=0.01):
        # ????????????? ????scope
        with tf.variable_scope('generator'):
            # ????????
            layer = tf.layers.dense(fake_imgs, units_size)
            # leaky ReLU ????
            relu = tf.maximum(alpha * layer, layer)
            # dropout ?????
            drop = tf.layers.dropout(relu, rate=0.2)
            # logits
            # out_size??????size??
            logits = tf.layers.dense(drop, out_size)
            # ???? ??????????? ? ????????
            # ??tanh????sigmoid???
            # ????(-1, 1) ??sigmoid??[0, 1]
            outputs = tf.tanh(logits)
            return logits, outputs
项目:tf-wgan    作者:kuleshov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_dcgan_generator(Xk_g, n_lat, n_chan=1):
  n_g_hid1 = 1024 # size of hidden layer in generator layer 1
  n_g_hid2 = 128  # size of hidden layer in generator layer 2

  x = Dense(n_g_hid1)(Xk_g)
  x = BatchNormalization(mode=2)(x)
  x = Activation('relu')(x)

  x = Dense(n_g_hid2*7*7)(x)
  x = BatchNormalization(mode=2)(x)
  x = Activation('relu')(x)
  x = Reshape((n_g_hid2, 7, 7))(x)

  x = Deconvolution2D(64, 5, 5, output_shape=(128, 64, 14, 14), 
        border_mode='same', activation=None, subsample=(2,2), 
        init='orthogonal', dim_ordering='th')(x)
  x = BatchNormalization(mode=2, axis=1)(x)
  x = Activation('relu')(x)

  g = Deconvolution2D(n_chan, 5, 5, output_shape=(128, n_chan, 28, 28), 
        border_mode='same', activation='sigmoid', subsample=(2,2), 
        init='orthogonal', dim_ordering='th')(x)

  return g
项目:GELUs    作者:hendrycks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def silu(_x):
            return _x * tf.sigmoid(_x)
项目:youtube-8m    作者:wangheda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_model(self, model_input, vocab_size, num_frames, **unused_params):
    """Creates a model which uses a logistic classifier over the average of the
    frame-level features.

    This class is intended to be an example for implementors of frame level
    models. If you want to train a model over averaged features it is more
    efficient to average them beforehand rather than on the fly.

      model_input: A 'batch_size' x 'max_frames' x 'num_features' matrix of
                   input features.
      vocab_size: The number of classes in the dataset.
      num_frames: A vector of length 'batch' which indicates the number of
           frames for each video (before padding).

      A dictionary with a tensor containing the probability predictions of the
      model in the 'predictions' key. The dimensions of the tensor are
      'batch_size' x 'num_classes'.
    num_frames = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(num_frames, 1), tf.float32)
    feature_size = model_input.get_shape().as_list()[2]
    max_frames = model_input.get_shape().as_list()[1]

    denominators = tf.reshape(
        tf.tile(num_frames, [1, feature_size]), [-1, feature_size])
    avg_pooled = tf.reduce_sum(model_input,
                               axis=[1]) / denominators
    output = slim.fully_connected(
        avg_pooled, vocab_size, activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid,
    return {"predictions": output}
项目:youtube-8m    作者:wangheda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sub_moe(self,
                num_mixtures = None,

        num_mixtures = num_mixtures or FLAGS.moe_num_mixtures

        gate_activations = slim.fully_connected(
            vocab_size * (num_mixtures + 1),
        expert_activations = slim.fully_connected(
            vocab_size * num_mixtures,

        gating_distribution = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reshape(
            [-1, num_mixtures + 1]))  # (Batch * #Labels) x (num_mixtures + 1)
        expert_distribution = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.reshape(
            [-1, num_mixtures]))  # (Batch * #Labels) x num_mixtures

        final_probabilities_by_class_and_batch = tf.reduce_sum(
            gating_distribution[:, :num_mixtures] * expert_distribution, 1)

        final_probabilities = tf.reshape(final_probabilities_by_class_and_batch,
                                         [-1, vocab_size])
        return model_input, final_probabilities
项目:youtube-8m    作者:wangheda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sub_model(self, model_input, vocab_size, num_mixtures=None,
                  l2_penalty=1e-8, sub_scope="", distill_labels=None,**unused_params):
        num_mixtures = num_mixtures or FLAGS.moe_num_mixtures
        class_size = 256
        if distill_labels is not None:
            class_input = slim.fully_connected(
            class_input = tf.nn.l2_normalize(class_input, dim=1)
            model_input = tf.concat((model_input, class_input),axis=1)
        gate_activations = slim.fully_connected(
            vocab_size * (num_mixtures + 1),
        expert_activations = slim.fully_connected(
            vocab_size * num_mixtures,

        gating_distribution = tf.nn.softmax(tf.reshape(
            [-1, num_mixtures + 1]))  # (Batch * #Labels) x (num_mixtures + 1)
        expert_distribution = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.reshape(
            [-1, num_mixtures]))  # (Batch * #Labels) x num_mixtures

        final_probabilities_by_class_and_batch = tf.reduce_sum(
            gating_distribution[:, :num_mixtures] * expert_distribution, 1)
        final_probabilities = tf.reshape(final_probabilities_by_class_and_batch,
                                         [-1, vocab_size])
        return final_probabilities
项目:MMD-Variational-Autoencoder    作者:ShengjiaZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decoder(z, reuse=False):
    with tf.variable_scope('decoder') as vs:
        if reuse:
        fc1 = fc_relu(z, 1024)
        fc2 = fc_relu(fc1, 7*7*128)
        fc2 = tf.reshape(fc2, tf.stack([tf.shape(fc2)[0], 7, 7, 128]))
        conv1 = conv2d_t_relu(fc2, 64, 4, 2)
        output = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d_transpose(conv1, 1, 4, 2, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
        return output
项目:MMD-Variational-Autoencoder    作者:ShengjiaZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encoder(x, z_dim):
    with tf.variable_scope('encoder'):
        conv1 = conv2d_lrelu(x, 64, 4, 2)   # None x 14 x 14 x 64
        conv2 = conv2d_lrelu(conv1, 128, 4, 2)   # None x 7 x 7 x 128
        conv2 = tf.reshape(conv2, [-1,[1:])]) # None x (7x7x128)
        fc1 = fc_lrelu(conv2, 1024)
        mean = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(fc1, z_dim, activation_fn=tf.identity)
        stddev = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(fc1, z_dim, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
        stddev = tf.maximum(stddev, 0.005)
        return mean, stddev
项目:MMD-Variational-Autoencoder    作者:ShengjiaZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decoder(z, reuse=False):
    with tf.variable_scope('decoder') as vs:
        if reuse:
        fc1 = fc_relu(z, 1024)
        fc2 = fc_relu(fc1, 7*7*128)
        fc2 = tf.reshape(fc2, tf.stack([tf.shape(fc2)[0], 7, 7, 128]))
        conv1 = conv2d_t_relu(fc2, 64, 4, 2)
        mean = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d_transpose(conv1, 1, 4, 2, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
        stddev = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d_transpose(conv1, 1, 4, 2, activation_fn=tf.sigmoid)
        stddev = tf.maximum(stddev, 0.005)
        return mean, stddev

# Build the computation graph for training
项目:skiprnn-2017-telecombcn    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
            c_prev, h_prev, update_prob_prev, cum_update_prob_prev = state

            # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
            concat = rnn_ops.linear([inputs, h_prev], 4 * self._num_units, True)

            # i = input_gate, j = new_input, f = forget_gate, o = output_gate
            i, j, f, o = tf.split(value=concat, num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1)

            if self._layer_norm:
                i = rnn_ops.layer_norm(i, name="i")
                j = rnn_ops.layer_norm(j, name="j")
                f = rnn_ops.layer_norm(f, name="f")
                o = rnn_ops.layer_norm(o, name="o")

            new_c_tilde = (c_prev * tf.sigmoid(f + self._forget_bias) + tf.sigmoid(i) * self._activation(j))
            new_h_tilde = self._activation(new_c_tilde) * tf.sigmoid(o)

            # Compute value for the update prob
            with tf.variable_scope('state_update_prob'):
                new_update_prob_tilde = rnn_ops.linear(new_c_tilde, 1, True, bias_start=self._update_bias)
                new_update_prob_tilde = tf.sigmoid(new_update_prob_tilde)

            # Compute value for the update gate
            cum_update_prob = cum_update_prob_prev + tf.minimum(update_prob_prev, 1. - cum_update_prob_prev)
            update_gate = _binary_round(cum_update_prob)

            # Apply update gate
            new_c = update_gate * new_c_tilde + (1. - update_gate) * c_prev
            new_h = update_gate * new_h_tilde + (1. - update_gate) * h_prev
            new_update_prob = update_gate * new_update_prob_tilde + (1. - update_gate) * update_prob_prev
            new_cum_update_prob = update_gate * 0. + (1. - update_gate) * cum_update_prob

            new_state = SkipLSTMStateTuple(new_c, new_h, new_update_prob, new_cum_update_prob)
            new_output = SkipLSTMOutputTuple(new_h, update_gate)

            return new_output, new_state
项目:skiprnn-2017-telecombcn    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
        with tf.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
            h_prev, update_prob_prev, cum_update_prob_prev = state

            # Parameters of gates are concatenated into one multiply for efficiency.
            with tf.variable_scope("gates"):
                concat = rnn_ops.linear([inputs, h_prev], 2 * self._num_units, bias=True, bias_start=1.0)

            # r = reset_gate, u = update_gate
            r, u = tf.split(value=concat, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=1)

            if self._layer_norm:
                r = rnn_ops.layer_norm(r, name="r")
                u = rnn_ops.layer_norm(u, name="u")

            # Apply non-linearity after layer normalization
            r = tf.sigmoid(r)
            u = tf.sigmoid(u)

            with tf.variable_scope("candidate"):
                new_c_tilde = self._activation(rnn_ops.linear([inputs, r * h_prev], self._num_units, True))
            new_h_tilde = u * h_prev + (1 - u) * new_c_tilde

            # Compute value for the update prob
            with tf.variable_scope('state_update_prob'):
                new_update_prob_tilde = rnn_ops.linear(new_h_tilde, 1, True, bias_start=self._update_bias)
                new_update_prob_tilde = tf.sigmoid(new_update_prob_tilde)

            # Compute value for the update gate
            cum_update_prob = cum_update_prob_prev + tf.minimum(update_prob_prev, 1. - cum_update_prob_prev)
            update_gate = _binary_round(cum_update_prob)

            # Apply update gate
            new_h = update_gate * new_h_tilde + (1. - update_gate) * h_prev
            new_update_prob = update_gate * new_update_prob_tilde + (1. - update_gate) * update_prob_prev
            new_cum_update_prob = update_gate * 0. + (1. - update_gate) * cum_update_prob

            new_state = SkipGRUStateTuple(new_h, new_update_prob, new_cum_update_prob)
            new_output = SkipGRUOutputTuple(new_h, update_gate)

            return new_output, new_state
项目:distributional_perspective_on_RL    作者:Kiwoo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, logits):
        self.logits = logits = tf.sigmoid(logits)
项目:tensorflow_qrnn    作者:icoxfog417    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _step(self, f, z, o):
        with tf.variable_scope("fo-Pool"):
            # f,z,o is batch_size x size
            f = tf.sigmoid(f)
            z = tf.tanh(z)
            o = tf.sigmoid(o)
            self.c = tf.mul(f, self.c) + tf.mul(1 - f, z)
            self.h = tf.mul(o, self.c)  # h is size vector

        return self.h
项目:deep-learning    作者:ljanyst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __discriminator(self, x, scope, reuse, hidden_units):
        with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
            h1 = tf.layers.dense(x, hidden_units, activation=None)
            h1 = LeakyReLU(h1, self.alpha)

            logits = tf.layers.dense(h1, 1, activation=None)
            out    = tf.sigmoid(logits)

        return out, logits
