Python tensorflow 模块,abs() 实例源码


项目:distributional_perspective_on_RL    作者:Kiwoo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def huber_loss(x, delta=1.0):
    return tf.where(
        tf.abs(x) < delta,
        tf.square(x) * 0.5,
        delta * (tf.abs(x) - 0.5 * delta)

# ================================================================
# Basic Stuff
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# ================================================================
# Theano-like Function
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# ================================================================
# Optimizer utils
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项目:HandDetection    作者:YunqiuXu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _smooth_l1_loss(self, bbox_pred, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights, sigma=1.0, dim=[1]):
    sigma_2 = sigma ** 2
    box_diff = bbox_pred - bbox_targets
    in_box_diff = bbox_inside_weights * box_diff
    abs_in_box_diff = tf.abs(in_box_diff)
    smoothL1_sign = tf.stop_gradient(tf.to_float(tf.less(abs_in_box_diff, 1. / sigma_2)))
    in_loss_box = tf.pow(in_box_diff, 2) * (sigma_2 / 2.) * smoothL1_sign \
                  + (abs_in_box_diff - (0.5 / sigma_2)) * (1. - smoothL1_sign)
    out_loss_box = bbox_outside_weights * in_loss_box
    loss_box = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(
    return loss_box
项目:deligan    作者:val-iisc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Minibatch_Discriminator(input, num_kernels=100, dim_per_kernel=5, init=False, name='MD'):
    theta = tf.get_variable(name+"/theta",[num_inputs, num_kernels, dim_per_kernel], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.05))
    log_weight_scale = tf.get_variable(name+"/lws",[num_kernels, dim_per_kernel], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
    W = tf.mul(theta, tf.expand_dims(tf.exp(log_weight_scale)/tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(theta),0)),0))
    W = tf.reshape(W,[-1,num_kernels*dim_per_kernel])
    x = input
    x=tf.reshape(x, [batchsize,num_inputs])
    activation = tf.matmul(x, W)
    activation = tf.reshape(activation,[-1,num_kernels,dim_per_kernel])
    abs_dif = tf.mul(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tf.sub(tf.expand_dims(activation,3),tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(activation,[1,2,0]),0))),2),
    f = tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(-abs_dif),2)/tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(-abs_dif))
    return tf.concat(1,[x, f])
项目:recurrent-entity-networks    作者:jimfleming    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cyclic_learning_rate(
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'CyclicLearningRate'):
        cycle = tf.floor(1 + tf.to_float(global_step) / (2 * step_size))

        if mode == 'triangular':
            scale = 1
        elif mode == 'triangular2':
            scale = 2**(cycle - 1)
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized mode: {}'.format(mode))

        x = tf.abs(tf.to_float(global_step) / step_size - 2 * cycle + 1)
        lr = learning_rate_min + (learning_rate_max - learning_rate_min) * \
            tf.maximum(0.0, 1 - x) / scale

        return lr
项目:onsager_deep_learning    作者:mborgerding    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shrink_soft_threshold(r,rvar,theta):
    soft threshold function
        y=sign(x)*max(0,abs(x)-theta[0]*sqrt(rvar) )*scaling
    where scaling is theta[1] (default=1)
    in other words, if theta is len(1), then the standard
    if len(theta.get_shape())>0 and theta.get_shape() != (1,):
        lam = theta[0] * tf.sqrt(rvar)
        lam  = theta * tf.sqrt(rvar)
        scale = None
    lam = tf.maximum(lam,0)
    arml = tf.abs(r) - lam
    xhat = tf.sign(r) * tf.maximum(arml,0)
    dxdr = tf.reduce_mean(tf.to_float(arml>0),0)
    if scale is not None:
        xhat = xhat*scale
        dxdr = dxdr*scale
    return (xhat,dxdr)
项目:onsager_deep_learning    作者:mborgerding    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shrink_bgest(r,rvar,theta):
    """Bernoulli-Gaussian MMSE estimator
    Perform MMSE estimation E[x|r]
    for x ~ BernoulliGaussian(lambda,xvar1)
        r|x ~ Normal(x,rvar)

    The parameters theta[0],theta[1] represent
        The variance of non-zero x[i]
            xvar1 = abs(theta[0])
        The probability of nonzero x[i]
            lamba = 1/(exp(theta[1])+1)
    xvar1 = abs(theta[...,0])
    loglam = theta[...,1] # log(1/lambda - 1)
    beta = 1/(1+rvar/xvar1)
    r2scale = r*r*beta/rvar
    rho = tf.exp(loglam - .5*r2scale ) * tf.sqrt(1 +xvar1/rvar)
    rho1 = rho+1
    xhat = beta*r/rho1
    dxdr = beta*((1+rho*(1+r2scale) ) / tf.square( rho1 ))
    dxdr = tf.reduce_mean(dxdr,0)
    return (xhat,dxdr)
项目:onsager_deep_learning    作者:mborgerding    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pwlin_grid(r_,rvar_,theta_,dtheta = .75):
    """piecewise linear with noise-adaptive grid spacing.
    returns xhat,dxdr
        q = r/dtheta/sqrt(rvar)
        xhat = r * interp(q,theta)

    all but the  last dimensions of theta must broadcast to r_
    e.g. r.shape = (500,1000) is compatible with theta.shape=(500,1,7)
    ntheta = int(theta_.get_shape()[-1])
    scale_ = dtheta / tf.sqrt(rvar_)
    ars_ = tf.clip_by_value( tf.expand_dims( tf.abs(r_)*scale_,-1),0.0, ntheta-1.0 )
    centers_ = tf.constant( np.arange(ntheta),dtype=tf.float32 )
    outer_distance_ = tf.maximum(0., 1.0-tf.abs(ars_ - centers_) ) # new dimension for distance to closest bin centers (or center)
    gain_ = tf.reduce_sum( theta_ * outer_distance_,axis=-1) # apply the gain (learnable)
    xhat_ = gain_ * r_
    dxdr_ = tf.gradients(xhat_,r_)[0]
    return (xhat_,dxdr_)
项目:tf-crnn    作者:solivr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_rotation(img: tf.Tensor, max_rotation: float=0.1, crop: bool=True) -> tf.Tensor:  # from SeguinBe
    with tf.name_scope('RandomRotation'):
        rotation = tf.random_uniform([], -max_rotation, max_rotation)
        rotated_image = tf.contrib.image.rotate(img, rotation, interpolation='BILINEAR')
        if crop:
            rotation = tf.abs(rotation)
            original_shape = tf.shape(rotated_image)[:2]
            h, w = original_shape[0], original_shape[1]
            # see for formulae
            old_l, old_s = tf.cond(h > w, lambda: [h, w], lambda: [w, h])
            old_l, old_s = tf.cast(old_l, tf.float32), tf.cast(old_s, tf.float32)
            new_l = (old_l * tf.cos(rotation) - old_s * tf.sin(rotation)) / tf.cos(2*rotation)
            new_s = (old_s - tf.sin(rotation) * new_l) / tf.cos(rotation)
            new_h, new_w = tf.cond(h > w, lambda: [new_l, new_s], lambda: [new_s, new_l])
            new_h, new_w = tf.cast(new_h, tf.int32), tf.cast(new_w, tf.int32)
            bb_begin = tf.cast(tf.ceil((h-new_h)/2), tf.int32), tf.cast(tf.ceil((w-new_w)/2), tf.int32)
            rotated_image_crop = rotated_image[bb_begin[0]:h - bb_begin[0], bb_begin[1]:w - bb_begin[1], :]

            # If crop removes the entire image, keep the original image
            rotated_image = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.size(rotated_image_crop), 0),
                                    true_fn=lambda: img,
                                    false_fn=lambda: rotated_image_crop)

        return rotated_image
项目:cleverhans    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def help_generate_np_gives_adversarial_example(self, ord):
        x_val = np.random.rand(100, 2)
        x_val = np.array(x_val, dtype=np.float32)

        x_adv = self.attack.generate_np(x_val, eps=.5, ord=ord,
                                        clip_min=-5, clip_max=5)
        if ord == np.inf:
            delta = np.max(np.abs(x_adv - x_val), axis=1)
        elif ord == 1:
            delta = np.sum(np.abs(x_adv - x_val), axis=1)
        elif ord == 2:
            delta = np.sum(np.square(x_adv - x_val), axis=1)**.5
        self.assertClose(delta, 0.5)

        orig_labs = np.argmax(, axis=1)
        new_labs = np.argmax(, axis=1)
        self.assertTrue(np.mean(orig_labs == new_labs) < 0.5)
项目:cleverhans    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_targeted_generate_np_gives_adversarial_example(self):
        x_val = np.random.rand(100, 2)
        x_val = np.array(x_val, dtype=np.float32)
        random_labs = np.random.random_integers(0, 1, 100)
        random_labs_one_hot = np.zeros((100, 2))
        random_labs_one_hot[np.arange(100), random_labs] = 1

        x_adv = self.attack.generate_np(x_val, eps=.5, ord=np.inf,
                                        clip_min=-5, clip_max=5,

        delta = np.max(np.abs(x_adv - x_val), axis=1)
        self.assertClose(delta, 0.5)

        new_labs = np.argmax(, axis=1)
        self.assertTrue(np.mean(random_labs == new_labs) > 0.7)
项目:tensorflow-srgan    作者:olgaliak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_generator_loss(disc_output, gene_output, features):
    # I.e. did we fool the discriminator?
    cross_entropy = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=disc_output, logits=tf.ones_like(disc_output))
    gene_ce_loss  = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name='gene_ce_loss')

    # I.e. does the result look like the feature?
    K = int(gene_output.get_shape()[1])//int(features.get_shape()[1])
    assert K == 2 or K == 4 or K == 8    
    downscaled = _downscale(gene_output, K)

    gene_l1_loss  = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(downscaled - features), name='gene_l1_loss')

    gene_loss     = tf.add((1.0 - FLAGS.gene_l1_factor) * gene_ce_loss,
                           FLAGS.gene_l1_factor * gene_l1_loss, name='gene_loss')

    return gene_loss
项目:seglink    作者:bgshih    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def smooth_l1_loss(offsets, gt_offsets, scope=None):
  Smooth L1 loss between offsets and encoded_gt
    offsets: [m?, 5], predicted offsets for one example
    gt_offsets: [m?, 5], correponding groundtruth offsets
    loss: scalar
  with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'smooth_l1_loss'):
    gt_offsets = tf.stop_gradient(gt_offsets)
    diff = tf.abs(offsets - gt_offsets)
    lesser_mask = tf.cast(tf.less(diff, 1.0), tf.float32)
    larger_mask = 1.0 - lesser_mask
    losses = (0.5 * tf.square(diff)) * lesser_mask + (diff - 0.5) * larger_mask
    return tf.reduce_sum(losses, 1)
项目:OpenAI_Challenges    作者:AlwaysLearningDeeper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, actions):
        self.replayMemory = deque()
        self.timeStep = 0
        self.epsilon = INITIAL_EPSILON
        self.actions = actions
        self.files = 0
        self.currentQNet = QNet(len(actions))
        self.targetQNet = QNet(len(actions))

        self.actionInput = tf.placeholder("float", [None, len(actions)],name="actions_one_hot")
        self.yInput = tf.placeholder("float", [None],name="y")

        self.action_mask = tf.multiply(self.currentQNet.QValue, self.actionInput)
        self.Q_action = tf.reduce_sum(self.action_mask, reduction_indices=1) = delta = tf.subtract(self.Q_action, self.yInput)

        self.loss = tf.where(tf.abs(delta) < 1.0, 0.5 * tf.square(delta), tf.abs(delta) - 0.5)
        #self.loss = tf.square(tf.subtract( self.Q_action, self.yInput ))

        self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(self.loss)
        self.trainStep = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=RMS_LEARNING_RATE,momentum=RMS_MOMENTUM,epsilon= RMS_EPSILON,decay=RMS_DECAY).minimize(
项目:sugartensor    作者:buriburisuri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var):
        lr_t = tf.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        beta1_t = tf.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        beta2_t = tf.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16:
            eps = 1e-7  # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow -- not sure if it makes a big difference.
            eps = 1e-8

        v = self.get_slot(var, "v")
        v_t = v.assign(beta1_t * v + (1. - beta1_t) * grad)
        m = self.get_slot(var, "m")
        m_t = m.assign(tf.maximum(beta2_t * m + eps, tf.abs(grad)))
        g_t = v_t / m_t

        var_update = tf.assign_sub(var, lr_t * g_t)
        return*[var_update, m_t, v_t])
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mu_law(x, mu=255, int8=False):
  """A TF implementation of Mu-Law encoding.

    x: The audio samples to encode.
    mu: The Mu to use in our Mu-Law.
    int8: Use int8 encoding.

    out: The Mu-Law encoded int8 data.
  out = tf.sign(x) * tf.log(1 + mu * tf.abs(x)) / np.log(1 + mu)
  out = tf.floor(out * 128)
  if int8:
    out = tf.cast(out, tf.int8)
  return out
项目:NER-LSTM-CRF    作者:liu-nlper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_loss(self):

            loss: scalar
        if not self._use_crf:
            labels = tf.reshape(
                    tf.reshape(self.input_label_ph, [-1]), num_classes=self._nb_classes),
                shape=[-1, self._sequence_length, self._nb_classes])
            cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(labels * tf.log(self.logits), axis=2)
            mask = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(labels), axis=2))
            cross_entropy_masked = tf.reduce_sum(
                cross_entropy*mask, axis=1) / tf.cast(self.sequence_actual_length, tf.float32)
            return tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy_masked)
            log_likelihood, self.transition_params = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(
                self.logits, self.input_label_ph, self.sequence_actual_length)
            return tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _apply_dense(self, grad, var):
        lr_t = tf.cast(self._lr_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        beta1_t = tf.cast(self._beta1_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        beta2_t = tf.cast(self._beta2_t, var.dtype.base_dtype)
        if var.dtype.base_dtype == tf.float16:
            # Can't use 1e-8 due to underflow
            eps = 1e-7
            eps = 1e-8

        v = self.get_slot(var, "v")
        v_t = v.assign(beta1_t * v + (1. - beta1_t) * grad)
        m = self.get_slot(var, "m")
        m_t = m.assign(tf.maximum(beta2_t * m + eps, tf.abs(grad)))
        g_t = v_t / m_t

        var_update = tf.assign_sub(var, lr_t * g_t)
        return*[var_update, m_t, v_t])
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sample(self, n_samples):
        # samples must be sampled from (-1, 1) rather than [-1, 1)
        loc, scale = self.loc, self.scale
        if not self.is_reparameterized:
            loc = tf.stop_gradient(loc)
            scale = tf.stop_gradient(scale)
        shape = tf.concat([[n_samples], self.batch_shape], 0)
        uniform_samples = tf.random_uniform(
        samples = loc - scale * tf.sign(uniform_samples) * \
        static_n_samples = n_samples if isinstance(n_samples, int) else None
        return samples
项目:py-noisemaker    作者:aayars    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normal_map(tensor, shape):
    Generate a tangent-space normal map.

    :param Tensor tensor:
    :param list[int] shape:
    :return: Tensor

    height, width, channels = shape

    reference = value_map(tensor, shape, keep_dims=True)

    x = normalize(1 - convolve(ConvKernel.sobel_x, reference, [height, width, 1]))
    y = normalize(convolve(ConvKernel.sobel_y, reference, [height, width, 1]))

    z = 1 - tf.abs(normalize(tf.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5

    return tf.stack([x[:, :, 0], y[:, :, 0], z[:, :, 0]], 2)
项目:DocumentSegmentation    作者:SeguinBe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rotate_crop(img, rotation, crop=True, interpolation='NEAREST'):
    with tf.name_scope('RotateCrop'):
        rotated_image = tf_rotate(img, rotation, interpolation)
        if crop:
            rotation = tf.abs(rotation)
            original_shape = tf.shape(rotated_image)[:2]
            h, w = original_shape[0], original_shape[1]
            # see for formulae
            old_l, old_s = tf.cond(h > w, lambda: [h, w], lambda: [w, h])
            old_l, old_s = tf.cast(old_l, tf.float32), tf.cast(old_s, tf.float32)
            new_l = (old_l * tf.cos(rotation) - old_s * tf.sin(rotation)) / tf.cos(2 * rotation)
            new_s = (old_s - tf.sin(rotation) * new_l) / tf.cos(rotation)
            new_h, new_w = tf.cond(h > w, lambda: [new_l, new_s], lambda: [new_s, new_l])
            new_h, new_w = tf.cast(new_h, tf.int32), tf.cast(new_w, tf.int32)
            bb_begin = tf.cast(tf.ceil((h - new_h) / 2), tf.int32), tf.cast(tf.ceil((w - new_w) / 2), tf.int32)
            rotated_image_crop = rotated_image[bb_begin[0]:h - bb_begin[0], bb_begin[1]:w - bb_begin[1], :]

            # If crop removes the entire image, keep the original image
            rotated_image = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.size(rotated_image_crop), 0),
                                    true_fn=lambda: img,
                                    false_fn=lambda: rotated_image_crop)
        return rotated_image
项目:aboleth    作者:data61    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def svr(X, Y):
    """Support vector regressor, kind of..."""
    lambda_ = 1e-4
    eps = 0.01
    lenscale = 1.

    # Specify which kernel to approximate with the random Fourier features
    kern = ab.RBF(lenscale=lenscale)

    net = (
        # ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >>
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=1) >>
        ab.RandomFourier(n_features=50, kernel=kern) >>
        # ab.DropOut(keep_prob=0.9) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=1, l2_reg=lambda_, l1_reg=0.)

    f, reg = net(X=X)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(tf.abs(Y - f) - eps)) + reg
    return f, loss
项目:tflearn    作者:tflearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def L1(tensor, wd=0.001):
    """ L1.

    Computes the L1 norm of a tensor:

      output = sum(|t|) * wd

        tensor: `Tensor`. The tensor to apply regularization.
        wd: `float`. The decay.

        The regularization `Tensor`.

    return tf.multiply(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tensor)), wd, name='L1-Loss')
项目:tflearn    作者:tflearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def elu(x):
    """ ELU.

    Exponential Linear Unit.

        x : A `Tensor` with type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`,
            `int16`, or `int8`

        A `tuple` of `tf.Tensor`. This layer inference, i.e. output Tensors
        at training and testing time.

        Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units,
        Djork-Arné Clevert, Thomas Unterthiner, Sepp Hochreiter. 2015.



    return tf.nn.elu(x)
项目:tflearn    作者:tflearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crelu(x):
    """ CReLU

    Computes Concatenated ReLU.

    Concatenates a ReLU which selects only the positive part of the activation
    with a ReLU which selects only the negative part of the activation. Note
    that as a result this non-linearity doubles the depth of the activations.

        x : A `Tensor` with type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`,
            `int16`, or `int8`.

        A `Tensor` with the same type as `x`.



    return tf.nn.crelu(x)
项目:traffic_video_analysis    作者:polltooh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def huber_loss(infer, label, epsilon, layer_name):
    with tf.variable_scope(layer_name):
        abs_diff = tf.abs(tf.sub(infer, label));
        index = tf.to_int32(abs_diff <= epsilon, name = 'partition_index')
        l1_part, l2_part = tf.dynamic_partition(abs_diff, index, 2)
        #l1_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l1_part, name = 'l1_loss')
        #l2_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(l2_part), name = 'l2_loss')
        l1_part_loss = epsilon * (l1_part - 0.5 * epsilon)
        l2_part_loss = 0.5 * tf.square(l2_part)
        hloss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat(0, [l1_part_loss,l2_part_loss]), 
                    name = 'huber_loss_sum')
    return hloss
项目:traffic_video_analysis    作者:polltooh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def huber_loss(infer, label, epsilon, layer_name):
    with tf.variable_scope(layer_name):
        abs_diff = tf.abs(tf.sub(infer, label));
        index = tf.to_int32(abs_diff <= epsilon, name = 'partition_index')
        l1_part, l2_part = tf.dynamic_partition(abs_diff, index, 2)
        #l1_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l1_part, name = 'l1_loss')
        #l2_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(l2_part), name = 'l2_loss')
        l1_part_loss = epsilon * (l1_part - 0.5 * epsilon)
        l2_part_loss = 0.5 * tf.square(l2_part)
        hloss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat(0, [l1_part_loss,l2_part_loss]), 
                    name = 'huber_loss_sum')
    return hloss
项目:Adversarial_Video_Generation    作者:dyelax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lp_loss(gen_frames, gt_frames, l_num):
    Calculates the sum of lp losses between the predicted and ground truth frames.

    @param gen_frames: The predicted frames at each scale.
    @param gt_frames: The ground truth frames at each scale
    @param l_num: 1 or 2 for l1 and l2 loss, respectively).

    @return: The lp loss.
    # calculate the loss for each scale
    scale_losses = []
    for i in xrange(len(gen_frames)):
        scale_losses.append(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(gen_frames[i] - gt_frames[i])**l_num))

    # condense into one tensor and avg
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.pack(scale_losses))
项目:terngrad    作者:wenwei202    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stochastical_binarize_gradients(grads_and_vars, scalers):
  """Stochastically binarize gradients."""
  gradients, variables = zip(*grads_and_vars)
  binarized_gradients = []
  for gradient, scaler in zip(gradients, scalers):
    if gradient is None:
    if isinstance(gradient, tf.IndexedSlices):
      gradient_shape = gradient.dense_shape
      gradient_shape = gradient.get_shape()

    zeros = tf.zeros(gradient_shape)
    abs_gradient = tf.abs(gradient)
    sign_gradient = tf.sign( gradient )
    rnd_sample = tf.random_uniform(gradient_shape,0,scaler)
    where_cond = tf.less(rnd_sample, abs_gradient)
    binarized_gradient = tf.cond(tf.size(gradient) < FLAGS.size_to_binarize,
                               lambda: gradient,
                               lambda: tf.where(where_cond, sign_gradient * scaler, zeros))

  return list(zip(binarized_gradients, variables))
项目:terngrad    作者:wenwei202    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gradient_binarizing_scalers(grads_and_vars, clip_factor):
    """ Get the scalers."""
    gradients, variables = zip(*grads_and_vars)
    scalers = []
    for gradient in gradients:
        if gradient is None:

        if(clip_factor > 1.0e-5):
            mean_gradient = tf.reduce_mean(gradient)
            stddev_gradient = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(gradient - mean_gradient)))
            scalers.append(clip_factor * stddev_gradient)

    return list(zip(scalers, variables))
项目:vinci    作者:Phylliade    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def huber_loss(y_true, y_pred, clip_value):
    # Huber loss, see and
    # for details.
    assert clip_value > 0.

    x = y_true - y_pred
    if np.isinf(clip_value):
        # Spacial case for infinity since Tensorflow does have problems
        # if we compare `K.abs(x) < np.inf`.
        return .5 * tf.square(x)

    condition = tf.abs(x) < clip_value
    squared_loss = .5 * tf.square(x)
    linear_loss = clip_value * (tf.abs(x) - .5 * clip_value)

    return tf.where(condition, squared_loss, linear_loss)  # condition, true, false
项目:rec-attend-public    作者:renmengye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def f_inter_box(top_left_a, bot_right_a, top_left_b, bot_right_b):
  """Computes intersection area with boxes.
    top_left_a: [B, T, 2] or [B, 2]
    bot_right_a: [B, T, 2] or [B, 2]
    top_left_b: [B, T, 2] or [B, 2]
    bot_right_b: [B, T, 2] or [B, 2]
    area: [B, T]
  top_left_max = tf.maximum(top_left_a, top_left_b)
  bot_right_min = tf.minimum(bot_right_a, bot_right_b)
  ndims = tf.shape(tf.shape(top_left_a))

  # Check if the resulting box is valid.
  overlap = tf.to_float(top_left_max < bot_right_min)
  overlap = tf.reduce_prod(overlap, ndims - 1)
  area = tf.reduce_prod(bot_right_min - top_left_max, ndims - 1)
  area = overlap * tf.abs(area)
  return area
项目:TensorFlow-World    作者:astorfi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kernel_pred(x_data, prediction_grid):
    A = tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x_data), 1), [-1, 1])
    B = tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(prediction_grid), 1), [-1, 1])
    square_distance = tf.add(tf.subtract(A, tf.multiply(2., tf.matmul(x_data, tf.transpose(prediction_grid)))),
    return tf.exp(tf.multiply(gamma, tf.abs(square_distance)))
项目:TensorFlow-World    作者:astorfi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kernel_fn(x_data, gamma):
    This function generates the RBF kernel.
    :param x_data: Input data
    :param gamma: Hyperparamet.
    :return: The RBF kernel.
    square_distance = tf.multiply(2., tf.matmul(x_data, tf.transpose(x_data)))
    kernel = tf.exp(tf.multiply(gamma, tf.abs(square_distance)))
    return kernel
项目:distributional_perspective_on_RL    作者:Kiwoo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lrelu(x, leak=0.2):
    f1 = 0.5 * (1 + leak)
    f2 = 0.5 * (1 - leak)
    return f1 * x + f2 * abs(x)
项目:benchmarks    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_perf_timing_str(batch_size, step_train_times, scale=1):
  times = np.array(step_train_times)
  speeds = batch_size / times
  speed_mean = scale * batch_size / np.mean(times)
  if scale == 1:
    speed_uncertainty = np.std(speeds) / np.sqrt(float(len(speeds)))
    speed_madstd = 1.4826 * np.median(np.abs(speeds - np.median(speeds)))
    speed_jitter = speed_madstd
    return ('images/sec: %.1f +/- %.1f (jitter = %.1f)' %
            (speed_mean, speed_uncertainty, speed_jitter))
    return 'images/sec: %.1f' % speed_mean
项目:HandDetection    作者:YunqiuXu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _smooth_l1_loss(self, bbox_pred, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights, sigma=1.0, dim=[1]):
    sigma_2 = sigma ** 2
    box_diff = bbox_pred - bbox_targets
    in_box_diff = bbox_inside_weights * box_diff
    abs_in_box_diff = tf.abs(in_box_diff)
    smoothL1_sign = tf.stop_gradient(tf.to_float(tf.less(abs_in_box_diff, 1. / sigma_2)))
    in_loss_box = tf.pow(in_box_diff, 2) * (sigma_2 / 2.) * smoothL1_sign \
                  + (abs_in_box_diff - (0.5 / sigma_2)) * (1. - smoothL1_sign)
    out_loss_box = bbox_outside_weights * in_loss_box
    loss_box = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(
    return loss_box
项目:Renewables_Scenario_Gen_GAN    作者:chennnnnyize    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lrelu(X, leak=0.2):
    f1 = 0.5 * (1 + leak)
    f2 = 0.5 * (1 - leak)
    return f1 * X + f2 * tf.abs(X)
项目:CausalGAN    作者:mkocaoglu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lrelu(x,leak=0.2,name='lrelu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        f1=0.5 * (1+leak)
        f2=0.5 * (1-leak)
        return f1*x + f2*tf.abs(x)

#This takes more memory than above
#def lrelu(x, leak=0.2, name="lrelu"):
#  return tf.maximum(x, leak*x)
项目:CausalGAN    作者:mkocaoglu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lrelu(x,leak=0.2,name='lrelu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        #Trick that saves memory by avoiding tf.max
        f1=0.5 * (1+leak)
        f2=0.5 * (1-leak)
        return f1*x + f2*tf.abs(x)
项目:CausalGAN    作者:mkocaoglu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lrelu(x,leak=0.2,name='lrelu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        f1=0.5 * (1+leak)
        f2=0.5 * (1-leak)
        return f1*x + f2*tf.abs(x)
项目:text_classification    作者:brightmart    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def activation(self,features, scope=None):  # scope=None
        with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'PReLU', initializer=self.initializer):
            alpha = tf.get_variable('alpha', features.get_shape().as_list()[1:])
            pos = tf.nn.relu(features)
            neg = alpha * (features - tf.abs(features)) * 0.5
            return pos + neg
项目:text_classification    作者:brightmart    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def attention_mechanism_parallel(self,c_full,m,q,i):
        """ parallel implemtation of gate function given a list of candidate sentence, a query, and previous memory.
           c_full: candidate fact. shape:[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
           m: previous memory. shape:[batch_size,hidden_size]
           q: question. shape:[batch_size,hidden_size]
        Output: a scalar score (in batch). shape:[batch_size,story_length]
        q=tf.expand_dims(q,axis=1) #[batch_size,1,hidden_size]
        m=tf.expand_dims(m,axis=1) #[batch_size,1,hidden_size]

        # 1.define a large feature vector that captures a variety of similarities between input,memory and question vector: z(c,m,q)
        c_q_elementwise=tf.multiply(c_full,q)          #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_m_elementwise=tf.multiply(c_full,m)          #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_q_minus=tf.abs(tf.subtract(c_full,q))        #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_m_minus=tf.abs(tf.subtract(c_full,m))        #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        # c_transpose Wq
        c_w_q=self.x1Wx2_parallel(c_full,q,"c_w_q"+str(i))   #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        c_w_m=self.x1Wx2_parallel(c_full,m,"c_w_m"+str(i))   #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        # c_transposeWm
        q_tile=tf.tile(q,[1,self.story_length,1])     #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        m_tile=tf.tile(m,[1,self.story_length,1])     #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size]
        z=tf.concat([c_full,m_tile,q_tile,c_q_elementwise,c_m_elementwise,c_q_minus,c_m_minus,c_w_q,c_w_m],2) #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size*9]
        # 2. two layer feed foward
        g=tf.layers.dense(z,self.hidden_size*3,activation=tf.nn.tanh)  #[batch_size,story_length,hidden_size*3]
        g=tf.layers.dense(g,1,activation=tf.nn.sigmoid)                #[batch_size,story_length,1]
        g=tf.squeeze(g,axis=2)                                         #[batch_size,story_length]
        return g
项目:deep-q-learning    作者:alvinwan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def huber_loss(x, delta=1.0):
        tf.abs(x) < delta,
        tf.square(x) * 0.5,
        delta * (tf.abs(x) - 0.5 * delta)
项目:recurrent-entity-networks    作者:jimfleming    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_sequence_length(sequence, scope=None):
    "Determine the length of a sequence that has been padded with zeros."
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'SequenceLength'):
        used = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(sequence), reduction_indices=[-1]))
        length = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(used, reduction_indices=[-1]), tf.int32)
        return length
项目:recurrent-entity-networks    作者:jimfleming    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prelu(features, alpha, scope=None):
    Implementation of [Parametric ReLU]( borrowed from Keras.
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'PReLU'):
        pos = tf.nn.relu(features)
        neg = alpha * (features - tf.abs(features)) * 0.5
        return pos + neg
项目:KATE    作者:hugochan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
        """Called at the end of an epoch.
        # Arguments
            epoch: integer, index of epoch.
            logs: dictionary of logs.
        if epoch % self.per_epoch == 0:
            weights = self.model.get_weights()[0]
            # weights /= np.max(np.abs(weights))
            weights = unitmatrix(weights, axis=0) # normalize
            # weights[np.abs(weights) < 1e-2] = 0
            heatmap(weights.T, '%s_%s%s'%(self.filename, epoch, self.ext))
项目:identifiera-sarkasm    作者:risnejunior    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_seqlenth(input):
    # this code is copied from TFLearn retrieve seqlenth method. Credited to it's creator @aymericdamien
    with tf.name_scope('GetLength'):
        used = tf.sign(tf.reduce_max(tf.abs(input), reduction_indices=2))
        length = tf.reduce_sum(used, reduction_indices=1)
        length = tf.cast(length, tf.int32)
    return length
# This code is copied from TFLearn advanced_indexing_op() method. Credited to it's creator @aymericdamien
项目:onsager_deep_learning    作者:mborgerding    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simple_soft_threshold(r_, lam_):
    "implement a soft threshold function y=sign(r)*max(0,abs(r)-lam)"
    lam_ = tf.maximum(lam_, 0)
    return tf.sign(r_) * tf.maximum(tf.abs(r_) - lam_, 0)
项目:onsager_deep_learning    作者:mborgerding    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shrink_piecwise_linear(r,rvar,theta):
    """Implement the piecewise linear shrinkage function.
        With minor modifications and variance normalization.
        theta[...,0] : abscissa of first vertex, scaled by sqrt(rvar)
        theta[...,1] : abscissa of second vertex, scaled by sqrt(rvar)
        theta[...,2] : slope from origin to first vertex
        theta[''',3] : slope from first vertex to second vertex
        theta[...,4] : slope after second vertex
    ab0 = theta[...,0]
    ab1 = theta[...,1]
    sl0 = theta[...,2]
    sl1 = theta[...,3]
    sl2 = theta[...,4]

    # scale each column by sqrt(rvar)
    scale_out = tf.sqrt(rvar)
    scale_in = 1/scale_out
    rs = tf.sign(r*scale_in)
    ra = tf.abs(r*scale_in)

    # split the piecewise linear function into regions
    rgn0 = tf.to_float( ra<ab0)
    rgn1 = tf.to_float( ra<ab1) - rgn0
    rgn2 = tf.to_float( ra>=ab1)
    xhat = scale_out * rs*(
            rgn0*sl0*ra +
            rgn1*(sl1*(ra - ab0) + sl0*ab0 ) +
            rgn2*(sl2*(ra - ab1) +  sl0*ab0 + sl1*(ab1-ab0) )
    dxdr =  sl0*rgn0 + sl1*rgn1 + sl2*rgn2
    dxdr = tf.reduce_mean(dxdr,0)
    return (xhat,dxdr)
项目:cleverhans    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def vatm(model, x, logits, eps, num_iterations=1, xi=1e-6,
         clip_min=None, clip_max=None, scope=None):
    Tensorflow implementation of the perturbation method used for virtual
    adversarial training:
    :param model: the model which returns the network unnormalized logits
    :param x: the input placeholder
    :param logits: the model's unnormalized output tensor (the input to
                   the softmax layer)
    :param eps: the epsilon (input variation parameter)
    :param num_iterations: the number of iterations
    :param xi: the finite difference parameter
    :param clip_min: optional parameter that can be used to set a minimum
                    value for components of the example returned
    :param clip_max: optional parameter that can be used to set a maximum
                    value for components of the example returned
    :param seed: the seed for random generator
    :return: a tensor for the adversarial example
    with tf.name_scope(scope, "virtual_adversarial_perturbation"):
        d = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(x))
        for i in range(num_iterations):
            d = xi * utils_tf.l2_batch_normalize(d)
            logits_d = model.get_logits(x + d)
            kl = utils_tf.kl_with_logits(logits, logits_d)
            Hd = tf.gradients(kl, d)[0]
            d = tf.stop_gradient(Hd)
        d = eps * utils_tf.l2_batch_normalize(d)
        adv_x = x + d
        if (clip_min is not None) and (clip_max is not None):
            adv_x = tf.clip_by_value(adv_x, clip_min, clip_max)
        return adv_x