Python tensorflow 模块,random_crop() 实例源码


项目:tensorflow-prebuilt-classifier    作者:recursionbane    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:image_recognition    作者:tue-robotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:revnet-public    作者:renmengye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cifar_tf_preprocess(random_crop=True, random_flip=True, whiten=True):
  image_size = 32
  inp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [image_size, image_size, 3])
  image = inp
  # image = tf.cast(inp, tf.float32)
  if random_crop:"Apply random cropping")
    image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(inp, image_size + 4,
                                                   image_size + 4)
    image = tf.random_crop(image, [image_size, image_size, 3])
  if random_flip:"Apply random flipping")
    image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
  # Brightness/saturation/constrast provides small gains .2%~.5% on cifar.
  # image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=63. / 255.)
  # image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, lower=0.5, upper=1.5)
  # image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, lower=0.2, upper=1.8)
  if whiten:"Apply whitening")
    image = tf.image.per_image_whitening(image)
  return inp, image
项目:tensorflow-image-classifier    作者:burliEnterprises    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:oversight    作者:hebenon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:benchmarks    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _distort_image(self, image):
    """Distort one image for training a network.

    Adopted the standard data augmentation scheme that is widely used for
    this dataset: the images are first zero-padded with 4 pixels on each side,
    then randomly cropped to again produce distorted images; half of the images
    are then horizontally mirrored.

      image: input image.
      distored image.
    image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(
        image, self.height + 8, self.width + 8)
    distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image,
                                     [self.height, self.width, self.depth])
    # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)
    if self.summary_verbosity >= 3:
      tf.summary.image('distorted_image', tf.expand_dims(distorted_image, 0))
    return distorted_image
项目:deep_learning_study    作者:jowettcz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pre_process_data(image,training):
    if training:
        image = tf.random_crop(image,size=[img_size_cropped,img_size_cropped,cifar10.num_channels])

        image = tf.image.flip_left_right(image)
        image = tf.image.random_hue(image)
        image = tf.image.random_contrast(image)
        image = tf.image.random_saturation(image)
        image = tf.image.random_brightness(image)

        image = tf.maximum(image,1.0)
        image = tf.minimum(image,0.0)
        #for testing image
        image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image,img_size_cropped,img_size_cropped);

    return image
项目:powerai-transfer-learning    作者:IBM    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:traffic_video_analysis    作者:polltooh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distort_op(self, image_tensor):
        """ copied from tensorflow cifar10 tutorial"""
        # Randomly crop a [height, width] section of the image.
        distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image_tensor, [self.shape[0],self.shape[1], self.channels])

        # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
        distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)

        # Because these operations are not commutative, consider randomizing
        # the order their operation.
        # distorted_image = tf.image.random_brightness(distorted_image,
        #                                      max_delta=63)
        # distorted_image = tf.image.random_contrast(distorted_image,
        #                                    lower=0.2, upper=1.8)

        return distorted_image
项目:traffic_video_analysis    作者:polltooh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distort_op(self, image_tensor):
        """ copied from tensorflow cifar10 tutorial"""
        # Randomly crop a [height, width] section of the image.
        distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image_tensor, [self.shape[0],self.shape[1], self.channels])

        # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
        distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)

        # Because these operations are not commutative, consider randomizing
        # the order their operation.
        # distorted_image = tf.image.random_brightness(distorted_image,
        #                                      max_delta=63)
        # distorted_image = tf.image.random_contrast(distorted_image,
        #                                    lower=0.2, upper=1.8)

        return distorted_image
项目:inception-retrain    作者:Dataweekends    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:image-classification-tensorflow    作者:xuetsing    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
        Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.
        flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
        random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
        crop box.
        random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
        random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.
        Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
    return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:cnn_picture_gazebo    作者:liuyandong1988    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_batch(image, label, batch_size, crop_size):
    distorted_image = tf.random_crop(distorted_image, [crop_size, crop_size, 3])#????,???
# #     distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_up_down(distorted_image)#??????
#     distorted_image = tf.image.random_brightness(distorted_image,max_delta=50)#????  
#     distorted_image = tf.image.random_contrast(distorted_image,lower=0.2, upper=1.8)#?????  

    images, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([distorted_image, label],batch_size=batch_size,

    # ????
    #tf.image_summary('images', images)
    return images, tf.reshape(label_batch, [batch_size])

项目:tensorflow-yys    作者:ystyle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:TF-FaceDetection    作者:mariolew    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inputs(lists, image_shape, batch_size):

    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(lists, shuffle=True)
    reader = tf.TextLineReader()
    _, value =
    image, label = read_my_file_format(value)
    image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [image_shape[0]+3, image_shape[1]+3])
    image = tf.random_crop(image, image_shape)
    label = tf.cast(label, tf.float32)

    # image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
    float_image = tf.image.per_image_whitening(image)

    min_after_dequeue = 1000
    capacity = min_after_dequeue+(2+1)*batch_size

    image_batch, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch([float_image, label],

    return image_batch, label_batch
项目:TF-FaceDetection    作者:mariolew    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inputs_for_test(lists, image_shape, batch_size):

    filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(lists, shuffle=True)
    reader = tf.TextLineReader()
    _, value =
    image, label = read_my_file_format(value)
    image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [image_shape[0], image_shape[1]])
    # image = tf.random_crop(image, image_shape)
    label = tf.cast(label, tf.float32)

    # image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
    float_image = tf.image.per_image_whitening(image)

    min_after_dequeue = 1000
    capacity = min_after_dequeue+(2+1)*batch_size

    image_batch, label_batch = tf.train.batch([float_image, label],

    return image_batch, label_batch
项目:age-gender-classification    作者:yunsangq    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distort_image(image, height, width):
    # Image processing for training the network. Note the many random
    # distortions applied to the image.

    distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image, [height, width, 3])

    # distorted_image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [height, width])

    # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)

    # Because these operations are not commutative, consider randomizing
    # the order their operation.

    distorted_image = tf.image.random_brightness(distorted_image,

    distorted_image = tf.image.random_contrast(distorted_image,
                                               lower=0.2, upper=1.8)

    return distorted_image
项目:document-classification    作者:nagelflorian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:inception-face-shape-classifier    作者:adonistio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_crop(image, crop_size, padding=None):
    """Randmly crop a image.

        image: 3-D float Tensor of image
        crop_size:int/tuple, output image height, width, for deep network we prefer same width and height
        padding: int, padding use to restore original image size, padded with 0's

        3-D float Tensor of randomly flipped updown image used for training.
    if isinstance(crop_size, int):
        crop_size = (crop_size, crop_size)
    oshape = np.shape(image)
    if padding:
        oshape = (oshape[0] + 2 * padding, oshape[1] + 2 * padding)
    npad = ((padding, padding), (padding, padding), (0, 0))
    modified_image = image
    if padding:
        modified_image = np.lib.pad(
            image, pad_width=npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
    nh = random.randint(0, oshape[0] - crop_size[0])
    nw = random.randint(0, oshape[1] - crop_size[1])
    modified_image = modified_image[nh:nh + crop_size[0], nw:nw + crop_size[1]]
    return modified_image
项目:iCaRL    作者:srebuffi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_data(prefix, labels_dic, mixing, files_from_cl):
    image_list = sorted(map(lambda x: os.path.join(prefix, x),
                        filter(lambda x: x.endswith('JPEG'), files_from_cl)))
    prefix2 = []

    for file_i in image_list:
        tmp = file_i.split(prefix+'/')[1].split("_")[0]

    prefix2     = np.array(prefix2)
    labels_list = np.array([mixing[labels_dic[i]] for i in prefix2])

    assert(len(image_list) == len(labels_list))
    images             = tf.convert_to_tensor(image_list, dtype=tf.string)
    labels             = tf.convert_to_tensor(labels_list, dtype=tf.int32)
    input_queue        = tf.train.slice_input_producer([images, labels], shuffle=True, capacity=2000)
    image_file_content = tf.read_file(input_queue[0])
    label              = input_queue[1]
    image              = tf.image.resize_images(tf.image.decode_jpeg(image_file_content, channels=3), [256, 256])
    image              = tf.random_crop(image, [224, 224, 3])
    image              = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)

    return image, label
项目:tensorflow-for-poets-2    作者:googlecodelabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:Embarrassingly-Parallel-Image-Classification    作者:Azure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_preprocessing():
    def preprocessing_fn(image, output_height=224, output_width=224):
        ''' Resize the image and subtract "mean" RGB values '''
        _R_MEAN = 123.68
        _G_MEAN = 116.78
        _B_MEAN = 103.94
        #image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0)

        temp_dim = np.random.randint(175, 223)
        distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image, [output_height, output_width, 3])
        distorted_image = tf.expand_dims(distorted_image, 0)
        resized_image = tf.image.resize_bilinear(distorted_image, [output_height, output_width], align_corners=False)
        resized_image = tf.squeeze(resized_image)
        resized_image.set_shape([output_height, output_width, 3])
        resized_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(resized_image)

        image = tf.to_float(resized_image)
        return(mean_image_subtraction(image, [_R_MEAN, _G_MEAN, _B_MEAN]))
项目:cyclegan    作者:4Catalyzer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch_discriminator(inputdisc, name="discriminator"):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        f = 4

        patch_input = tf.random_crop(inputdisc, [1, 70, 70, 3])
        o_c1 = layers.general_conv2d(patch_input, ndf, f, f, 2, 2,
                                     0.02, "SAME", "c1", do_norm="False",
        o_c2 = layers.general_conv2d(o_c1, ndf * 2, f, f, 2, 2,
                                     0.02, "SAME", "c2", relufactor=0.2)
        o_c3 = layers.general_conv2d(o_c2, ndf * 4, f, f, 2, 2,
                                     0.02, "SAME", "c3", relufactor=0.2)
        o_c4 = layers.general_conv2d(o_c3, ndf * 8, f, f, 2, 2,
                                     0.02, "SAME", "c4", relufactor=0.2)
        o_c5 = layers.general_conv2d(
            o_c4, 1, f, f, 1, 1, 0.02, "SAME", "c5", do_norm=False,

        return o_c5
项目:kaggle-distracted-drivers-inceptionv3    作者:ckleban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:ml_gans    作者:imironhead    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_batch_reader(paths_image, batch_size):
    file_name_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(paths_image)

    reader_key, reader_val = tf.WholeFileReader().read(file_name_queue)

    # decode a raw input image
    image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(reader_val, channels=3)

    # to float32 and -1.0 ~ +1.0
    image = tf.cast(image, dtype=tf.float32) / 127.5 - 1.0

    # scale up to increase training data
    image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [264, 264])

    # crop to 256 x 256 for the model.
    # also, a batch need concreate image size
    image = tf.random_crop(image, size=[256, 256, 3])

    # random horizontal flipping to increase training data
    image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)

    # create bacth
    return tf.train.batch(tensors=[image], batch_size=batch_size)
项目:stuff    作者:yaroslavvb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _distort_image(self, image):
    """Distort one image for training a network.

    Adopted the standard data augmentation scheme that is widely used for
    this dataset: the images are first zero-padded with 4 pixels on each side,
    then randomly cropped to again produce distorted images; half of the images
    are then horizontally mirrored.

      image: input image.
      distored image.
    image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(
        image, self.height + 8, self.width + 8)
    distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image,
                                     [self.height, self.width, self.depth])
    # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)
    if self.summary_verbosity >= 3:
      tf.summary.image('distorted_image', tf.expand_dims(distorted_image, 0))
    return distorted_image
项目:Tensorflow-Image-Classification    作者:AxelAli    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:MachineLearningGoogleSeries    作者:TheCoinTosser    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:ZOO-Attack    作者:huanzhang12    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:facescore    作者:nanpian    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distort_image(image, height, width):

  # Image processing for training the network. Note the many random
  # distortions applied to the image.

  distorted_image = tf.random_crop(image, [height, width, 3])

  #distorted_image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [height, width])

  # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
  distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)

  # Because these operations are not commutative, consider randomizing
  # the order their operation.

  distorted_image = tf.image.random_brightness(distorted_image,

  distorted_image = tf.image.random_contrast(distorted_image,
                                             lower=0.2, upper=1.8)

  return distorted_image
项目:tensorflow-image-classifier    作者:damianmoore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:ctrl-f-vision    作者:osmanio2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:tensorflow-cyclegan    作者:rickbarraza    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess(self, image):
        if self.mods and self.mods['random_flip']:
            image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
        if self.mods and self.mods['random_saturation']:
            image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, .95, 1.05)
        if self.mods and self.mods['random_brightness']:
            image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, .05)
        if self.mods and self.mods['random_contrast']:
            image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, .95, 1.05)

        if self.mods and self.mods['crop_size'] > 0:
            crop_size = self.mods['crop_size']
            wiggle = 8
            off_x, off_y = 25 - wiggle, 60 - wiggle
            crop_size_plus = crop_size + 2 * wiggle
            image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, off_y + crop_size_plus, off_x + crop_size_plus)
            image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box(image, off_y, off_x, crop_size_plus, crop_size_plus)
            image = tf.random_crop(image, [crop_size, crop_size, 3])

        image = tf.image.resize_images(image, size=(self.image_size, self.image_size))
        image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.float32)
        image = (image / 127.5) - 1.
        image.set_shape([self.image_size, self.image_size, 3])
        return image
项目:resnet    作者:renmengye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cifar_tf_preprocess(random_crop=True, random_flip=True, whiten=True):
  image_size = 32
  inp = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [image_size, image_size, 3])
  image = inp
  # image = tf.cast(inp, tf.float32)
  if random_crop:"Apply random cropping")
    image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(inp, image_size + 4,
                                                   image_size + 4)
    image = tf.random_crop(image, [image_size, image_size, 3])
  if random_flip:"Apply random flipping")
    image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
  # Brightness/saturation/constrast provides small gains .2%~.5% on cifar.
  # image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=63. / 255.)
  # image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, lower=0.5, upper=1.5)
  # image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, lower=0.2, upper=1.8)
  if whiten:"Apply whitening")
    image = tf.image.per_image_whitening(image)
  return inp, image
项目    作者:itayhubara    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocess_training(img, height=None, width=None, normalize=None):
    img_size = img.get_shape().as_list()
    height = height or img_size[0]
    width = width or img_size[1]

    # Image processing for training the network. Note the many random
    # distortions applied to the image.

    # Randomly crop a [height, width] section of the image.
    distorted_image = tf.random_crop(img, [height, width, 3])

    # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(distorted_image)

    # Because these operations are not commutative, consider randomizing
    # the order their operation.
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_brightness(distorted_image,
    distorted_image = tf.image.random_contrast(distorted_image,
                                           lower=0.2, upper=1.8)
    if normalize:
        # Subtract off the mean and divide by the variance of the pixels.
        distorted_image = tf.image.per_image_whitening(distorted_image)
    return distorted_image
项目:tensorflow-video-classifier    作者:burliEnterprises    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:tensorflow-input-pipelines    作者:ischlag    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __build_generic_data_tensor(self, raw_images, raw_targets, shuffle, augmentation):
    """ Creates the input pipeline and performs some preprocessing. """

    images = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw_images)
    targets = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw_targets)

    set_size = raw_images.shape[0]

    images = tf.reshape(images, [set_size, 28, 28, 1])
    image, label = tf.train.slice_input_producer([images, targets], shuffle=shuffle)

    # Data Augmentation
    if augmentation:
      image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, self.IMAGE_HEIGHT+4, self.IMAGE_WIDTH+4)
      image = tf.random_crop(image, [self.IMAGE_HEIGHT, self.IMAGE_WIDTH, self.NUM_OF_CHANNELS])
      image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)

    image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)

    images_batch, labels_batch = tf.train.batch([image, label], batch_size=self.batch_size, num_threads=self.NUM_THREADS)

    return images_batch, labels_batch
项目:polyaxon    作者:polyaxon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_crop(images, height, width):
    """Randomly crops an image/images to a given size.

        images: 4-D Tensor of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]` or
            3-D Tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
        height: `float`. The height to crop to.
        width: `float`. The width to crop to.

        If `images` was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape
        `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
        If `images` was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape
        `[new_height, new_width, channels]`.
    images_shape = get_shape(images)
    if len(images_shape) > 4:
        ValueError("'image' must have either 3 or 4 dimensions, "
                   "received `{}`.".format(images_shape))

    if len(images_shape) == 4:
        return tf.map_fn(lambda img: tf.random_crop(img, [height, width, images_shape[-1]]), images)

    return tf.random_crop(images, [height, width, images_shape[-1]])
项目:tensorflow_multigpu_imagenet    作者:arashno    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _train_preprocess(reshaped_image, args):
  # Image processing for training the network. Note the many random
  # distortions applied to the image.

  # Randomly crop a [height, width] section of the image.
  reshaped_image = tf.random_crop(reshaped_image, [args.crop_size[0], args.crop_size[1], args.num_channels])

  # Randomly flip the image horizontally.
  reshaped_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(reshaped_image)

  # Because these operations are not commutative, consider randomizing
  # the order their operation.
  reshaped_image = tf.image.random_brightness(reshaped_image,
  # Randomly changing contrast of the image
  reshaped_image = tf.image.random_contrast(reshaped_image,
                                             lower=0.2, upper=1.8)

  # Subtract off the mean and divide by the variance of the pixels.
  reshaped_image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(reshaped_image)

  # Set the shapes of tensors.
  reshaped_image.set_shape([args.crop_size[0], args.crop_size[1], args.num_channels])
  return reshaped_image
项目:woipv    作者:Panaetius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_crop_and_pad_image_and_labels(self, image, labels, size):
        """Randomly crops `image` together with `labels`.

            image: A Tensor with shape [D_1, ..., D_K, N]
            labels: A Tensor with shape [D_1, ..., D_K, M]
            size: A Tensor with shape [K] indicating the crop size.
            A tuple of (cropped_image, cropped_label).
        combined = tf.concat([image, labels], axis=2)
        image_shape = tf.shape(image)
        combined_pad = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(
            combined, 0, 0,
            tf.maximum(size[0], image_shape[0]),
            tf.maximum(size[1], image_shape[1]))
        last_label_dim = tf.shape(labels)[-1]
        last_image_dim = tf.shape(image)[-1]
        combined_crop = tf.random_crop(
            size=tf.concat([size, [last_label_dim + last_image_dim]],
        return (combined_crop[:, :, :last_image_dim],
                combined_crop[:, :, last_image_dim:])
项目:woipv    作者:Panaetius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_crop_and_pad_image_and_labels(self, image, labels, size):
        """Randomly crops `image` together with `labels`.

            image: A Tensor with shape [D_1, ..., D_K, N]
            labels: A Tensor with shape [D_1, ..., D_K, M]
            size: A Tensor with shape [K] indicating the crop size.
            A tuple of (cropped_image, cropped_label).
        combined = tf.concat([image, labels], axis=2)
        image_shape = tf.shape(image)
        combined_pad = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(
            combined, 0, 0,
            tf.maximum(size[0], image_shape[0]),
            tf.maximum(size[1], image_shape[1]))
        last_label_dim = tf.shape(labels)[-1]
        last_image_dim = tf.shape(image)[-1]
        combined_crop = tf.random_crop(
            size=tf.concat([size, [last_label_dim + last_image_dim]],
        return (combined_crop[:, :, :last_image_dim],
                combined_crop[:, :, last_image_dim:])
项目:transfer_learning_sound_classification    作者:lukeinator42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:tensorflow-image-detection    作者:ArunMichaelDsouza    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:dcsp_segmentation    作者:arslan-chaudhry    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_crop_and_pad_image_and_labels(image, crop_h, crop_w, seed):
    Randomly crop and pads the input images.

      image: Training image to crop/ pad.
      crop_h: Height of cropped segment.
      crop_w: Width of cropped segment.
      seed: Random seed.

    image_shape = tf.shape(image)
    img_pad = tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(image, 0, 0, tf.maximum(crop_h, image_shape[0]), tf.maximum(crop_w, image_shape[1]))

    img_crop = tf.random_crop(img_pad, [crop_h,crop_w,3], seed=seed)

    # Set static shape so that tensorflow knows shape at compile time.
    img_crop.set_shape((crop_h, crop_w, 3))
    return img_crop
项目:Multi-label-Inception-net    作者:BartyzalRadek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def should_distort_images(flip_left_right, random_crop, random_scale,
  """Whether any distortions are enabled, from the input flags.

    flip_left_right: Boolean whether to randomly mirror images horizontally.
    random_crop: Integer percentage setting the total margin used around the
    crop box.
    random_scale: Integer percentage of how much to vary the scale by.
    random_brightness: Integer range to randomly multiply the pixel values by.

    Boolean value indicating whether any distortions should be applied.
  return (flip_left_right or (random_crop != 0) or (random_scale != 0) or
          (random_brightness != 0))
项目:facerecognition    作者:guoxiaolu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_and_augment_data(image_list, label_list, image_size, batch_size, max_nrof_epochs, 
        random_crop, random_flip, random_rotate, nrof_preprocess_threads, shuffle=True):

    images = ops.convert_to_tensor(image_list, dtype=tf.string)
    labels = ops.convert_to_tensor(label_list, dtype=tf.int32)

    # Makes an input queue
    input_queue = tf.train.slice_input_producer([images, labels],
        num_epochs=max_nrof_epochs, shuffle=shuffle)

    images_and_labels = []
    for _ in range(nrof_preprocess_threads):
        image, label = read_images_from_disk(input_queue)
        if random_rotate:
            image = tf.py_func(random_rotate_image, [image], tf.uint8)
        if random_crop:
            image = tf.random_crop(image, [image_size, image_size, 3])
            image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, image_size, image_size)
        if random_flip:
            image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
        #pylint: disable=no-member
        image.set_shape((image_size, image_size, 3))
        image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)
        images_and_labels.append([image, label])

    image_batch, label_batch = tf.train.batch_join(
        images_and_labels, batch_size=batch_size,
        capacity=4 * nrof_preprocess_threads * batch_size,

    return image_batch, label_batch
项目:facerecognition    作者:guoxiaolu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crop(image, random_crop, image_size):
    if image.shape[1]>image_size:
        sz1 = int(image.shape[1]//2)
        sz2 = int(image_size//2)
        if random_crop:
            diff = sz1-sz2
            (h, v) = (np.random.randint(-diff, diff+1), np.random.randint(-diff, diff+1))
            (h, v) = (0,0)
        image = image[(sz1-sz2+v):(sz1+sz2+v),(sz1-sz2+h):(sz1+sz2+h),:]
    return image
项目:hdrnet_legacy    作者:mgharbi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, path, batch_size=32,
               output_resolution=[1080, 1920],
    self.path = path
    self.batch_size = batch_size
    self.capacity = capacity
    self.min_after_dequeue = min_after_dequeue
    self.shuffle = shuffle
    self.nthreads = nthreads
    self.num_epochs = num_epochs
    self.params = params

    self.output_resolution = output_resolution

    # Data augmentation
    self.fliplr = fliplr
    self.flipud = flipud
    self.rotate = rotate
    self.random_crop = random_crop

    sample = self._produce_one_sample()
    self.samples = self._batch_samples(sample)
项目:tfutils    作者:neuroailab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def postprocess_images(self, ims):
        def _postprocess_images(im):
            im = tf.decode_raw(im, np.uint8)
            im = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(im, dtype=tf.float32)
            im = tf.reshape(im, [256, 256, 3])
            im = tf.random_crop(im, [self.crop_size, self.crop_size, 3])
            return im
        return tf.map_fn(lambda im: _postprocess_images(im), ims, dtype=tf.float32)