Python tensorflow 模块,logical_and() 实例源码


项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _leapfrog(self, q, p, step_size, get_gradient, mass):
        def loop_cond(i, q, p):
            return i < self.n_leapfrogs + 1

        def loop_body(i, q, p):
            step_size1 = tf.cond(i > 0,
                                 lambda: step_size,
                                 lambda: tf.constant(0.0, dtype=tf.float32))

            step_size2 = tf.cond(tf.logical_and(tf.less(i, self.n_leapfrogs),
                                                tf.less(0, i)),
                                 lambda: step_size,
                                 lambda: step_size / 2)

            q, p = leapfrog_integrator(q, p, step_size1, step_size2,
                                       lambda q: get_gradient(q), mass)
            return [i + 1, q, p]

        i = tf.constant(0)
        _, q, p = tf.while_loop(loop_cond,
                                [i, q, p],
        return q, p
项目:almond-nnparser    作者:Stanford-Mobisocial-IoT-Lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def value_transition(self, curr_state, next_symbols, batch_size):
        first_value_token = self.num_functions + self.num_begin_tokens + self.num_control_tokens
        num_value_tokens = self.output_size - first_value_token
        with tf.name_scope('grammar_transition'):
            adjusted_next_symbols = tf.where(next_symbols >= self.num_control_tokens, next_symbols + (first_value_token - self.num_control_tokens), next_symbols)

            assert1 = tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(tf.logical_and(next_symbols < num_value_tokens, next_symbols >= 0)), [curr_state, next_symbols])
            with tf.control_dependencies([assert1]):
                transitions = tf.gather(tf.constant(self.transition_matrix), curr_state)
            assert transitions.get_shape()[1:] == (self.output_size,)

            indices = tf.stack((tf.range(0, batch_size), adjusted_next_symbols), axis=1)
            next_state = tf.gather_nd(transitions, indices)

            assert2 = tf.Assert(tf.reduce_all(next_state >= 0), [curr_state, adjusted_next_symbols, next_state])
            with tf.control_dependencies([assert2]):
                return tf.identity(next_state)
项目:tensorflow_ocr    作者:BowieHsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def OHNM_single_image(scores, n_pos, neg_mask):
    """Online Hard Negative Mining.
    scores: the scores of being predicted as negative cls
    n_pos: the number of positive samples 
    neg_mask: mask of negative samples
    the mask of selected negative samples.
    if n_pos == 0, no negative samples will be selected.
    def has_pos():
        n_neg = n_pos * 3
        max_neg_entries = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(neg_mask, tf.int32))
        n_neg = tf.minimum(n_neg, max_neg_entries)
        n_neg = tf.cast(n_neg, tf.int32)
        neg_conf = tf.boolean_mask(scores, neg_mask)
        vals, _ = tf.nn.top_k(-neg_conf, k=n_neg)
        threshold = vals[-1]# a negtive value
        selected_neg_mask = tf.logical_and(neg_mask, scores <= -threshold)
        return tf.cast(selected_neg_mask, tf.float32)

    def no_pos():
        return tf.zeros_like(neg_mask, tf.float32)

    return tf.cond(n_pos > 0, has_pos, no_pos)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_acceptance_rate(q, p, new_q, new_p, log_posterior, mass, data_axes):
    old_hamiltonian, old_log_prob = hamiltonian(
        q, p, log_posterior, mass, data_axes)
    new_hamiltonian, new_log_prob = hamiltonian(
        new_q, new_p, log_posterior, mass, data_axes)
    old_log_prob = tf.check_numerics(
        'HMC: old_log_prob has numeric errors! Try better initialization.')
    acceptance_rate = tf.exp(
        tf.minimum(-new_hamiltonian + old_hamiltonian, 0.0))
    is_finite = tf.logical_and(tf.is_finite(acceptance_rate),
    acceptance_rate = tf.where(is_finite, acceptance_rate,
    return old_hamiltonian, new_hamiltonian, old_log_prob, new_log_prob, \
项目:tensorflow-adversarial    作者:gongzhitaao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _deepfool2(model, x, epochs, eta, clip_min, clip_max, min_prob):
    y0 = tf.stop_gradient(tf.reshape(model(x), [-1])[0])
    y0 = tf.to_int32(tf.greater(y0, 0.5))

    def _cond(i, z):
        xadv = tf.clip_by_value(x + z*(1+eta), clip_min, clip_max)
        y = tf.stop_gradient(tf.reshape(model(xadv), [-1])[0])
        y = tf.to_int32(tf.greater(y, 0.5))
        return tf.logical_and(tf.less(i, epochs), tf.equal(y0, y))

    def _body(i, z):
        xadv = tf.clip_by_value(x + z*(1+eta), clip_min, clip_max)
        y = tf.reshape(model(xadv), [-1])[0]
        g = tf.gradients(y, xadv)[0]
        dx = - y * g / tf.norm(g)
        return i+1, z+dx

    _, noise = tf.while_loop(_cond, _body, [0, tf.zeros_like(x)],
                             name='_deepfool2_impl', back_prop=False)
    return noise
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  cropped_shape = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]))

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([size_assertion], tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape))
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:Master-R-CNN    作者:Mark110    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  cropped_shape = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]))

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape))
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:MobileNet    作者:Zehaos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mu_tensor(self):
    const_fact = self._dist_to_opt_avg**2 * self._h_min**2 / 2 / self._grad_var
    coef = tf.Variable([-1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=tf.float32, name="cubic_solver_coef")
    coef = tf.scatter_update(coef, tf.constant(2), -(3 + const_fact) )        
    roots = tf.py_func(np.roots, [coef], Tout=tf.complex64, stateful=False)

    # filter out the correct root
    root_idx = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_and(tf.greater(tf.real(roots), tf.constant(0.0) ),
      tf.less(tf.real(roots), tf.constant(1.0) ) ), tf.less(tf.abs(tf.imag(roots) ), 1e-5) )
    # in case there are two duplicated roots satisfying the above condition
    root = tf.reshape(tf.gather(tf.gather(roots, tf.where(root_idx) ), tf.constant(0) ), shape=[] )
    tf.assert_equal(tf.size(root), tf.constant(1) )

    dr = self._h_max / self._h_min
    mu = tf.maximum(tf.real(root)**2, ( (tf.sqrt(dr) - 1)/(tf.sqrt(dr) + 1) )**2)    
    return mu
项目:monodepth360    作者:srijanparmeshwar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def atan2(x, y, epsilon = 1.0e-12):
    A hack until the TensorFlow developers implement a function that can find the angle from an x and y co-
    :param x:
    :param epsilon:
    # Add a small number to all zeros, to avoid division by zero:
    x = tf.where(tf.equal(x, 0.0), x + epsilon, x)
    y = tf.where(tf.equal(y, 0.0), y + epsilon, y)

    angle = tf.where(tf.greater(x, 0.0), tf.atan(y / x), tf.zeros_like(x))
    angle = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.less(x, 0.0), tf.greater_equal(y, 0.0)), tf.atan(y / x) + np.pi, angle)
    angle = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.less(x, 0.0), tf.less(y, 0.0)), tf.atan(y / x) - np.pi, angle)
    angle = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(x, 0.0), tf.greater(y, 0.0)), 0.5 * np.pi * tf.ones_like(x), angle)
    angle = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(x, 0.0), tf.less(y, 0.0)), -0.5 * np.pi * tf.ones_like(x), angle)
    angle = tf.where(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(x, 0.0), tf.equal(y, 0.0)), tf.zeros_like(x), angle)
    return angle

# List of faces for consistent ordering.
项目:tensorforce    作者:reinforceio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tf_next_step(self, x, iteration, conjugate, residual, squared_residual):
        Termination condition: max number of iterations, or residual sufficiently small.

            x: Current solution estimate $x_t$.
            iteration: Current iteration counter $t$.
            conjugate: Current conjugate $c_t$.
            residual: Current residual $r_t$.
            squared_residual: Current squared residual $r_t^2$.

            True if another iteration should be performed.
        next_step = super(ConjugateGradient, self).tf_next_step(x, iteration, conjugate, residual, squared_residual)
        return tf.logical_and(x=next_step, y=(squared_residual >= util.epsilon))
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:TikZ    作者:ellisk42    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decodesIntoAccuracy(self, labels, perSymbol = True):
        # as the dimensions None x L
        accuracyMatrix = tf.equal(self.hardOutputs, labels)

        # zero out anything past the labeled length
        accuracyMatrix = tf.logical_and(accuracyMatrix,
                                        tf.sequence_mask(self.lengthPlaceholder, maxlen = self.maximumLength))

        # Some across all of the time steps to get the total number of predictions correct in each batch entry
        accuracyVector = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(accuracyMatrix,tf.int32),axis = 1)
        if perSymbol:
            # Now normalize it by the sequence length and take the average
            accuracyVector = tf.divide(tf.cast(accuracyVector,tf.float32),
        if not perSymbol:
            # accuracy is measured per sequence
            accuracyVector = tf.cast(tf.equal(accuracyVector,self.lengthPlaceholder),tf.float32)
        return tf.reduce_mean(accuracyVector)
项目:FastMaskRCNN    作者:CharlesShang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  cropped_shape = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]))

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape))
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:tensorflow-pspnet    作者:pudae    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  cropped_shape = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]))

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape))
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:RFCN-tensorflow    作者:xdever    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getBoxes(self, proposals, proposal_scores, maxOutputs=30, nmsThreshold=0.3, scoreThreshold=0.8):
        if scoreThreshold is None:
            scoreThreshold = 0

        with tf.name_scope("getBoxes"):
            scores = tf.nn.softmax(self.getBoxScores(proposals))

            classes = tf.argmax(scores, 1)
            scores = tf.reduce_max(scores, axis=1)
            posIndices = tf.cast(tf.where(tf.logical_and(classes > 0, scores>scoreThreshold)), tf.int32)

            positives, scores, classes = MultiGather.gather([proposals, scores, classes], posIndices)
            positives = self.refineBoxes(positives, False)

            #Final NMS
            posIndices = tf.image.non_max_suppression(positives, scores, iou_threshold=nmsThreshold, max_output_size=maxOutputs)
            posIndices = tf.expand_dims(posIndices, axis=-1)
            positives, scores, classes = MultiGather.gather([positives, scores, classes], posIndices)   

            classes = tf.cast(tf.cast(classes,tf.int32) - 1, tf.uint8)

            return positives, scores, classes
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_center(labels, bboxes, margins=[0., 0., 0., 0.],
    """Filter out bounding boxes whose center are not in
    the rectangle [0, 0, 1, 1] + margins. The margin Tensor
    can be used to enforce or loosen this condition.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter', [labels, bboxes]):
        cy = (bboxes[:, 0] + bboxes[:, 2]) / 2.
        cx = (bboxes[:, 1] + bboxes[:, 3]) / 2.
        mask = tf.greater(cy, margins[0])
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.greater(cx, margins[1]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[2]))
        mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.less(cx, 1. + margins[3]))
        # Boolean masking...
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bboxes_filter_labels(labels, bboxes,
                         out_labels=[], num_classes=np.inf,
    """Filter out labels from a collection. Typically used to get
    of DontCare elements. Also remove elements based on the number of classes.

      labels, bboxes: Filtered elements.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'bboxes_filter_labels', [labels, bboxes]):
        mask = tf.greater_equal(labels, num_classes)
        for l in labels:
            mask = tf.logical_and(mask, tf.not_equal(labels, l))
        labels = tf.boolean_mask(labels, mask)
        bboxes = tf.boolean_mask(bboxes, mask)
        return labels, bboxes

# =========================================================================== #
# Standard boxes computation.
# =========================================================================== #
项目:tensorflow    作者:luyishisi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prune_small_boxes(boxlist, min_side, scope=None):
  """Prunes small boxes in the boxlist which have a side smaller than min_side.

    boxlist: BoxList holding N boxes.
    min_side: Minimum width AND height of box to survive pruning.
    scope: name scope.

    A pruned boxlist.
  with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneSmallBoxes'):
    height, width = height_width(boxlist)
    is_valid = tf.logical_and(tf.greater_equal(width, min_side),
                              tf.greater_equal(height, min_side))
    return gather(boxlist, tf.reshape(tf.where(is_valid), [-1]))
项目:TFMaskRCNN    作者:hillox    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  cropped_shape = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]))

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape))
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:yoctol-keras-layer-zoo    作者:Yoctol    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
        dimension = K.ndim(inputs)
        mask_tensor = K.any(K.not_equal(inputs, self.mask_value), axis=-1)
        mask_base = K.any(mask_tensor, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        for axis in range(2, dimension - 1):
            mask_axis = K.any(mask_tensor, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
            mask_base = tf.logical_and(mask_base, mask_axis)
        return mask_base
项目:bp-mll-tensorflow    作者:vanHavel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pairwise_and(a, b):
    column = tf.expand_dims(a, 2)
    row = tf.expand_dims(b, 1)
    return tf.logical_and(column, row)
项目:cnn_lstm_ctc_ocr    作者:weinman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_input_filter(width, width_threshold, length, length_threshold):
    """Boolean op for discarding input data based on string or image size
      width            : Tensor representing the image width
      width_threshold  : Python numerical value (or None) representing the 
                         maximum allowable input image width 
      length           : Tensor representing the ground truth string length
      length_threshold : Python numerical value (or None) representing the 
                         maximum allowable input string length
      keep_input : Boolean Tensor indicating whether to keep a given input 
                  with the specified image width and string length

    keep_input = None

    if width_threshold!=None:
        keep_input = tf.less_equal(width, width_threshold)

    if length_threshold!=None:
        length_filter = tf.less_equal(length, length_threshold)
        if keep_input==None:
            keep_input = length_filter 
            keep_input = tf.logical_and( keep_input, length_filter)

    if keep_input==None:
        keep_input = True
        keep_input = tf.reshape( keep_input, [] ) # explicitly make a scalar

    return keep_input
项目:unsupervised-2017-cvprw    作者:imatge-upc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, clips, labels, class_num=24, height=128, width=128, seq_length=16, c_dim=3, \
                 batch_size=32, keep_prob=1.0, is_training=True, encoder_gradient_ratio=1.0, use_pretrained_encoder=False):

        self.seq        = clips
        self.labels     = labels
        self.class_num  = class_num
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.height     = height
        self.width      = width
        self.seq_length = seq_length
        self.c_dim      = c_dim
        self.dropout    = keep_prob
        self.encoder_gradient_ratio = encoder_gradient_ratio
        self.use_pretrained_encoder = use_pretrained_encoder

        self.seq_shape  = [seq_length, height, width, c_dim]

        self.batch_norm_params = {
            'is_training': is_training,
            'decay': 0.9,
            'epsilon': 1e-5,
            'scale': True,
            'center': True,
            'updates_collections': tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS

        pred_logits  = self.build_model()
        self.ac_loss = tf.reduce_mean(\
                        tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=labels, logits=pred_logits))

        prob = tf.nn.softmax(pred_logits)
        pred = tf.one_hot(tf.nn.top_k(prob).indices, self.class_num)
        pred = tf.squeeze(pred, axis=1)
        pred = tf.cast(pred, tf.bool)
        labels  = tf.cast(labels, tf.bool) = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.logical_and(labels, pred), tf.float32)) / self.batch_size
项目:jack    作者:uclmr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def segment_sample_select(probs, segment_ids):
    num_segments = tf.reduce_max(segment_ids) + 1
    sampled = tf.random_uniform([num_segments])

    def scan_fn(acc, x):
        p, i = x[0], x[1]
        prev_v = tf.gather(acc[0], i)
        new_probs = acc[0] + tf.one_hot(i, num_segments, p)
        select = tf.logical_and(tf.less(prev_v, 0.0), tf.greater_equal(prev_v + p, 0.0))
        return new_probs, select

    _, selection = tf.scan(scan_fn, (probs, segment_ids), initializer=(-sampled, False))

    return selection
项目:blitznet    作者:dvornikita    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filter_small_gt(gt_bboxes, gt_cats, min_size):
    mask = tf.logical_and(gt_bboxes[:, 2] >= min_size,
                          gt_bboxes[:, 3] >= min_size)
    return tf.boolean_mask(gt_bboxes, mask), tf.boolean_mask(gt_cats, mask)
项目:magenta    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _frame_metrics(frame_labels, frame_predictions):
  """Calculate frame-based metrics."""
  frame_labels_bool = tf.cast(frame_labels, tf.bool)
  frame_predictions_bool = tf.cast(frame_predictions, tf.bool)

  frame_true_positives = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(tf.logical_and(
      tf.equal(frame_labels_bool, True),
      tf.equal(frame_predictions_bool, True))))
  frame_false_positives = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(tf.logical_and(
      tf.equal(frame_labels_bool, False),
      tf.equal(frame_predictions_bool, True))))
  frame_false_negatives = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(tf.logical_and(
      tf.equal(frame_labels_bool, True),
      tf.equal(frame_predictions_bool, False))))
  frame_accuracy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(
      tf.equal(frame_labels_bool, frame_predictions_bool)))

  frame_precision = tf.where(
      tf.greater(frame_true_positives + frame_false_positives, 0),
             frame_true_positives + frame_false_positives),
  frame_recall = tf.where(
      tf.greater(frame_true_positives + frame_false_negatives, 0),
             frame_true_positives + frame_false_negatives),
  frame_f1_score = f1_score(frame_precision, frame_recall)
  frame_accuracy_without_true_negatives = accuracy_without_true_negatives(
      frame_true_positives, frame_false_positives, frame_false_negatives)

  return {
      'true_positives': frame_true_positives,
      'false_positives': frame_false_positives,
      'false_negatives': frame_false_negatives,
      'accuracy': frame_accuracy,
      'accuracy_without_true_negatives': frame_accuracy_without_true_negatives,
      'precision': frame_precision,
      'recall': frame_recall,
      'f1_score': frame_f1_score,
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __and__(self, other):
        return tf.logical_and(self, other)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __rand__(self, other):
        return tf.logical_and(other, self)
项目:tf.rasterizer    作者:vahidk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def barycentric(verts, p):
    ab = verts[2] - verts[0]
    ac = verts[1] - verts[0]
    pa = verts[0] - p
    u = utils.tri_cross(
        [ab[0], ac[0], pa[:, 0]],
        [ab[1], ac[1], pa[:, 1]])
    v = [u[0] / u[2], u[1] / u[2]]
    bc = [1. - v[0] - v[1], v[1], v[0]]
    valid = tf.logical_and(
        tf.abs(u[2]) >= 1.0,
        tf.reduce_all(tf.stack(bc, axis=1) >= 0, axis=1))
    return bc, valid
项目:TF-FaceDetection    作者:mariolew    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fcn_12_detect(threshold, dropout=False, activation=tf.nn.relu):

    imgs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 12, 12, 3])
    labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')
    with tf.variable_scope('net_12'):
        conv1,_ = utils.conv2d(x=imgs, n_output=16, k_w=3, k_h=3, d_w=1, d_h=1, name="conv1")
        conv1 = activation(conv1)
        pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv1, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding="SAME", name="pool1")
        ip1,W1 = utils.conv2d(x=pool1, n_output=16, k_w=6, k_h=6, d_w=1, d_h=1, padding="VALID", name="ip1")
        ip1 = activation(ip1)
        if dropout:
            ip1 = tf.nn.dropout(ip1, keep_prob)
        ip2,W2 = utils.conv2d(x=ip1, n_output=1, k_w=1, k_h=1, d_w=1, d_h=1, name="ip2")

        pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(utils.flatten(ip2))
        target = utils.flatten(labels)

        regularizer = 8e-3 * (tf.nn.l2_loss(W1)+100*tf.nn.l2_loss(W2))

        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.div(tf.add(-tf.reduce_sum(target * tf.log(pred + 1e-9),1), -tf.reduce_sum((1-target) * tf.log(1-pred + 1e-9),1)),2)) + regularizer
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

        thresholding_12 = tf.cast(tf.greater(pred, threshold), "float")
        recall_12 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(thresholding_12, tf.constant([1.0])), tf.equal(target, tf.constant([1.0]))), "float")) / tf.reduce_sum(target)

        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.greater(pred, threshold), tf.int32), tf.cast(target, tf.int32))
        acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

        return {'imgs': imgs, 'labels': labels, 'keep_prob': keep_prob,
            'cost': cost, 'pred': pred, 'accuracy': acc, 'features': ip1,
            'recall': recall_12, 'thresholding': thresholding_12}
项目:TF-FaceDetection    作者:mariolew    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fcn_24_detect(threshold, dropout=False, activation=tf.nn.relu):

    imgs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 24, 24, 3])
    labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 1])
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')

    net_12 = fcn_12_detect(0.16, activation=activation)
    with tf.variable_scope('net_24'):
        conv1, _ = utils.conv2d(x=imgs, n_output=64, k_w=5, k_h=5, d_w=1, d_h=1, name="conv1")
        conv1 = activation(conv1)
        pool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv1, ksize=[1, 3, 3, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding="SAME", name="pool1")
        ip1, W1 = utils.conv2d(x=pool1, n_output=128, k_w=12, k_h=12, d_w=1, d_h=1, padding="VALID", name="ip1")
        ip1 = activation(ip1)
        net_12_ip1 = net_12['features']
        concat = tf.concat(3, [ip1, net_12_ip1])
        if dropout:
            concat = tf.nn.dropout(concat, keep_prob)
        ip2, W2 = utils.conv2d(x=concat, n_output=1, k_w=1, k_h=1, d_w=1, d_h=1, name="ip2")

        pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(utils.flatten(ip2))
        target = utils.flatten(labels)

        regularizer = 8e-3 * (tf.nn.l2_loss(W1)+100*tf.nn.l2_loss(W2))

        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.div(tf.add(-tf.reduce_sum(target * tf.log(pred + 1e-9),1), -tf.reduce_sum((1-target) * tf.log(1-pred + 1e-9),1)),2)) + regularizer
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

        thresholding_24 = tf.cast(tf.greater(pred, threshold), "float")
        recall_24 = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(thresholding_24, tf.constant([1.0])), tf.equal(target, tf.constant([1.0]))), "float")) / tf.reduce_sum(target)

        correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.greater(pred, threshold), tf.int32), tf.cast(target, tf.int32))
        acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))

        return {'net_12': net_12, 'imgs': imgs, 'labels': labels,
            'imgs_12': net_12['imgs'], 'labels_12': net_12['labels'],
            'keep_prob': keep_prob, 'keep_prob_12': net_12['keep_prob'],
            'cost': cost, 'pred': pred, 'accuracy': acc, 'features': concat,
            'recall': recall_24, 'thresholding': thresholding_24}
项目:deep_learning    作者:wecliqued    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _calculate_f1_score(self):
        F1 score is used instead of accuracy in case of strongly biased classes. Google it up :)
        :return: F1 score, what else?!?
        with tf.name_scope('stats'):
            prediction = self.prediction
            y = self.y
            with tf.name_scope('true_positive'):
                tp = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(prediction, y), tf.equal(prediction, 1))))
            with tf.name_scope('true_negative'):
                tn = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.logical_and(tf.equal(prediction, y), tf.equal(prediction, 0))))
            with tf.name_scope('false_positive'):
                fp = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.logical_and(tf.not_equal(prediction, y), tf.equal(prediction, 1))))
            with tf.name_scope('false_negative'):
                fn = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.logical_and(tf.not_equal(prediction, y), tf.equal(prediction, 0))))

            with tf.name_scope('precision'):
                self.precision = tp / (tp + fp)
            with tf.name_scope('recall'):
                self.recall = tp / (tp + fn)
            with tf.name_scope('accuracy'):
                self.accuracy = (tp+tn) / (tp+tn+fp+fn)

            with tf.name_scope('f1_score'):
                self.f1_score = 2 * self.precision * self.recall / (self.precision + self.recall)
项目:GPflow    作者:GPflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _leapfrog_step(xs, ps, epsilon, max_iterations, logprob_grads_fn):
    def update_xs(ps_values):
        return _map(lambda x, p: x.assign_add(epsilon * p), xs, ps_values)

    def whether_proceed(grads):
        finits = _map(lambda grad: tf.reduce_all(tf.is_finite(grad)), grads)
        return tf.reduce_all(finits)

    def cond(i, proceed, _ps, _xs):
        return tf.logical_and(proceed, i < max_iterations)

    def body(i, _proceed, ps, _xs):
        xs_new = update_xs(ps)
        with tf.control_dependencies(xs_new):
            _, grads = logprob_grads_fn()
            proceed = whether_proceed(grads)
            def ps_step():
                with tf.control_dependencies(grads):
                    return _update_ps(ps, grads, epsilon)
            def ps_no_step():
                with tf.control_dependencies(grads):
                    return ps

            ps_new = tf.cond(proceed, ps_step, ps_no_step, strict=True)
            return i + 1, proceed, ps_new, xs_new

    result = _while_loop(cond, body, [0, True, ps, xs])

    _i, proceed_out, ps_out, xs_out = result
    deps = _flat([proceed_out], ps_out, xs_out)
    with tf.control_dependencies(deps):
        logprob_out, grads_out = logprob_grads_fn()
        return proceed_out, xs_out, ps_out, logprob_out, grads_out
项目:Classification_Nets    作者:BobLiu20    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes.

  Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does
  assume we know the input image rank.

    image: an image of shape [height, width, channels].
    offset_height: a scalar tensor indicating the height offset.
    offset_width: a scalar tensor indicating the width offset.
    crop_height: the height of the cropped image.
    crop_width: the width of the cropped image.

    the cropped (and resized) image.

    InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are
      less than the crop size.
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  with tf.control_dependencies([rank_assertion]):
    cropped_shape = tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]])

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]):
    image = tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape)
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(self, image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
        """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes.
        Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does
        assume we know the input image rank.

          image: an image of shape [height, width, channels].
          offset_height: a scalar tensor indicating the height offset.
          offset_width: a scalar tensor indicating the width offset.
          crop_height: the height of the cropped image.
          crop_width: the width of the cropped image.

          the cropped (and resized) image.

          InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are
            less than the crop size.
        original_shape = tf.shape(image)

        rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
            tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
            ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
        with tf.control_dependencies([rank_assertion]):
            cropped_shape = tf.stack(
                [crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]])

        size_assertion = tf.Assert(
                tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
                tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
            ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

        offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))
        with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]):
            image = tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape)
        return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(self, image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
        """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes.
        Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does
        assume we know the input image rank.

          image: an image of shape [height, width, channels].
          offset_height: a scalar tensor indicating the height offset.
          offset_width: a scalar tensor indicating the width offset.
          crop_height: the height of the cropped image.
          crop_width: the width of the cropped image.

          the cropped (and resized) image.

          InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are
            less than the crop size.
        original_shape = tf.shape(image)

        rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
            tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
            ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
        with tf.control_dependencies([rank_assertion]):
            cropped_shape = tf.stack(
                [crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]])

        size_assertion = tf.Assert(
                tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
                tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
            ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

        offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))
        with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]):
            image = tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape)
        return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:fcn    作者:ilovin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crop_to_fixed_size(img_tensor,annotation_tensor,output_shape):
    the output_shape must be smaller than the input_shape
    :param img_tensor: [w,h,depth]
    :param annotation_tensor: [w,h,1]
    :param output_shape:
    :param mask_out_num:
    :return: (output_shape,output_shape,3) (output_shape,output_shape,1)
    original_shape = tf.shape(img_tensor)
    crop_width, crop_height = output_shape[0],output_shape[1]
    image_width, image_height = original_shape[0],original_shape[1]
    img_cropped_shape = tf.stack([output_shape[0], output_shape[1], 3])
    annotate_cropped_shape = tf.stack([output_shape[0], output_shape[1], 1])

    size_assertion = tf.Assert(
            tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_width),
            tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_height)),
        ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])
    max_offset_height = tf.reshape(image_height - crop_height + 1, [])
    max_offset_width = tf.reshape(image_width - crop_width + 1, [])

    offset_height = tf.random_uniform(
        [], maxval=max_offset_height, dtype=tf.int32)
    offset_width = tf.random_uniform(
        [], maxval=max_offset_width, dtype=tf.int32)
    offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_width, offset_height, 0]))

    annotation_tensor = tf.to_int32(annotation_tensor)
    # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
    # define the crop size.
    with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]):
        image = tf.slice(img_tensor, offsets, img_cropped_shape)
        annotate = tf.slice(annotation_tensor,offsets,annotate_cropped_shape)
    return tf.reshape(image, img_cropped_shape),tf.reshape(annotate,annotate_cropped_shape)
项目:fcn    作者:ilovin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def crop_or_resize_to_fixed_size_and_rotate_output(img_tensor,
    """Returns tensor of a size (output_shape, output_shape, depth) and (output_shape, output_shape, 1).
    The function returns tensor that is of a size (output_shape, output_shape, depth)
    which is randomly cropped and rotate

    img_tensor : Tensor of size (width, height, depth)
        Tensor with image
    annotation_tensor : Tensor of size (width, height, 1)
        Tensor with respective annotation
    output_shape : Tensor or list [int, int]
        Tensor of list representing desired output shape
    mask_out_number : int
        Number representing the mask out value.

    cropped_padded_img : Tensor of size (output_shape[0], output_shape[1], 3).
        Image Tensor that was randomly scaled
    cropped_padded_annotation : Tensor of size (output_shape[0], output_shape[1], 1)
        Respective annotation Tensor that was randomly scaled with the same parameters
    input_shape = tf.shape(img_tensor)[0:2]
    image_width, image_height = input_shape[0],input_shape[1]
    crop_width, crop_height = output_shape[0],output_shape[1]

    cropped_padded_img,cropped_padded_annotaion =  control_flow_ops.cond(
            tf.greater_equal(image_height, crop_height),
            tf.greater_equal(image_width, crop_width)),
    return cropped_padded_img,cropped_padded_annotaion
项目:fcn    作者:ilovin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes.

  Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does
  assume we know the input image rank.

    image: an image of shape [height, width, channels].
    offset_height: a scalar tensor indicating the height offset.
    offset_width: a scalar tensor indicating the width offset.
    crop_height: the height of the cropped image.
    crop_width: the width of the cropped image.

    the cropped (and resized) image.

    InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are
      less than the crop size.
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  with tf.control_dependencies([rank_assertion]):
    cropped_shape = tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]])

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]):
    image = tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape)
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
    super(LogicalBinaryOpsTest, self).setUp()

    self.ops = [
        ('logical_and', operator.and_, tf.logical_and, core.logical_and),
        ('logical_or', operator.or_, tf.logical_or, core.logical_or),
        ('logical_xor', operator.xor, tf.logical_xor, core.logical_xor),
    self.test_lt_1 = self.original_lt < 10
    self.test_lt_2 = self.original_lt < 5
    self.test_lt_1_broadcast = self.test_lt_1.tensor
    self.test_lt_2_broadcast = self.test_lt_2.tensor
    self.broadcast_axes = self.test_lt_1.axes
项目:segmentation-models    作者:desimone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes.

      Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does
      assume we know the input image rank.

        image: an image of shape [height, width, channels].
        offset_height: a scalar tensor indicating the height offset.
        offset_width: a scalar tensor indicating the width offset.
        crop_height: the height of the cropped image.
        crop_width: the width of the cropped image.

        the cropped (and resized) image.

        InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are
          less than the crop size.
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3), ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  cropped_shape = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      [rank_assertion], tf.pack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]]))

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.pack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  image = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
      [size_assertion], tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape))
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:convolutional-vqa    作者:paarthneekhara    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _crop(image, offset_height, offset_width, crop_height, crop_width):
  """Crops the given image using the provided offsets and sizes.

  Note that the method doesn't assume we know the input image size but it does
  assume we know the input image rank.

    image: an image of shape [height, width, channels].
    offset_height: a scalar tensor indicating the height offset.
    offset_width: a scalar tensor indicating the width offset.
    crop_height: the height of the cropped image.
    crop_width: the width of the cropped image.

    the cropped (and resized) image.

    InvalidArgumentError: if the rank is not 3 or if the image dimensions are
      less than the crop size.
  original_shape = tf.shape(image)

  rank_assertion = tf.Assert(
      tf.equal(tf.rank(image), 3),
      ['Rank of image must be equal to 3.'])
  with tf.control_dependencies([rank_assertion]):
    cropped_shape = tf.stack([crop_height, crop_width, original_shape[2]])

  size_assertion = tf.Assert(
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[0], crop_height),
          tf.greater_equal(original_shape[1], crop_width)),
      ['Crop size greater than the image size.'])

  offsets = tf.to_int32(tf.stack([offset_height, offset_width, 0]))

  # Use tf.slice instead of crop_to_bounding box as it accepts tensors to
  # define the crop size.
  with tf.control_dependencies([size_assertion]):
    image = tf.slice(image, offsets, cropped_shape)
  return tf.reshape(image, cropped_shape)
项目:act-rte-inference    作者:DeNeutoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, inputs, state, timestep = 0, scope=None):

        with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):

            # define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop for ACTStep
            prob = tf.constant(0.0,tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="prob")
            prob_compare = tf.constant(0.0,tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="prob_compare")
            counter = tf.constant(0.0, tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="counter")
            acc_outputs = tf.zeros_like(state, tf.float32, name="output_accumulator")
            acc_states = tf.zeros_like(state, tf.float32, name="state_accumulator")
            batch_mask = tf.constant(True, tf.bool,[self.batch_size])

            # While loop stops when this predicate is FALSE.
            # Ie all (probability < 1-eps AND counter < N) are false.

            pred = lambda batch_mask,prob_compare,prob,\
                # only stop if all of the batch have passed either threshold

            # Do while loop iterations until predicate above is false.
            _,_,remainders,iterations,_,_,output,next_state = \
                 counter,state,inputs, acc_outputs, acc_states])

        #accumulate remainder  and N values
        self.ACT_remainder.append(tf.reduce_mean(1 - remainders))

        return output, next_state
项目:act-rte-inference    作者:DeNeutoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_act_steps(self, premise, hypothesis):

        self.rep_size = premise.get_shape()[-1].value

        self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - self.config.eps, tf.float32,[self.batch_size])
        self.N = tf.constant(self.config.max_computation, tf.float32,[self.batch_size])

        prob = tf.constant(0.0,tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="prob")
        prob_compare = tf.constant(0.0,tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="prob_compare")
        counter = tf.constant(0.0, tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="counter")
        initial_state = tf.zeros([self.batch_size, 2*self.rep_size], tf.float32, name="state")
        acc_states = tf.zeros([self.batch_size,2*self.rep_size], tf.float32, name="state_accumulator")
        batch_mask = tf.constant(True, tf.bool,[self.batch_size])

        # While loop stops when this predicate is FALSE.
        # Ie all (probability < 1-eps AND counter < N) are false.

        pred = lambda batch_mask,prob_compare,prob,\
                      counter,state,premise, hypothesis ,acc_state:\
                # only stop if all of the batch have passed either threshold

            # Do while loop iterations until predicate above is false.
        _,_,remainders,iterations,_,_,_,state = \
             counter,initial_state, premise, hypothesis, acc_states])

        return state, remainders, iterations
项目:act-rte-inference    作者:DeNeutoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_inference_steps(self, initial_state, premise, hypothesis):

        self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - self.config.eps, tf.float32,[self.batch_size])
        self.N = tf.constant(self.config.max_computation, tf.float32,[self.batch_size])

        prob = tf.constant(0.0,tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="prob")
        prob_compare = tf.constant(0.0,tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="prob_compare")
        counter = tf.constant(0.0, tf.float32,[self.batch_size], name="counter")
        acc_states = tf.zeros_like(initial_state, tf.float32, name="state_accumulator")
        batch_mask = tf.constant(True, tf.bool,[self.batch_size])

        # While loop stops when this predicate is FALSE.
        # Ie all (probability < 1-eps AND counter < N) are false.

        pred = lambda batch_mask,prob_compare,prob,\
                      counter,state,premise, hypothesis ,acc_state:\
                # only stop if all of the batch have passed either threshold

            # Do while loop iterations until predicate above is false.
        _,_,remainders,iterations,_,_,_,state = \
             counter,initial_state,premise, hypothesis, acc_states])

        return state, remainders, iterations