Python tensorflow 模块,reduce_all() 实例源码


项目:keras-image-captioning    作者:danieljl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def categorical_accuracy_with_variable_timestep(y_true, y_pred):
    # Actually discarding is not needed if the dummy is an all-zeros array
    # (It is indeed encoded in an all-zeros array by
    # CaptionPreprocessing.preprocess_batch)
    y_true = y_true[:, :-1, :]  # Discard the last timestep/word (dummy)
    y_pred = y_pred[:, :-1, :]  # Discard the last timestep/word (dummy)

    # Flatten the timestep dimension
    shape = tf.shape(y_true)
    y_true = tf.reshape(y_true, [-1, shape[-1]])
    y_pred = tf.reshape(y_pred, [-1, shape[-1]])

    # Discard rows that are all zeros as they represent dummy or padding words.
    is_zero_y_true = tf.equal(y_true, 0)
    is_zero_row_y_true = tf.reduce_all(is_zero_y_true, axis=-1)
    y_true = tf.boolean_mask(y_true, ~is_zero_row_y_true)
    y_pred = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, ~is_zero_row_y_true)

    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_true, axis=1),
                                               tf.argmax(y_pred, axis=1)),
    return accuracy

# As Keras stores a function's name as its metric's name
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_same_dynamic_shape(x, y):
    Whether `x` and `y` has the same dynamic shape.

    :param x: A Tensor.
    :param y: A Tensor.
    :return: A scalar Tensor of `bool`.
    # There is a BUG of Tensorflow for not doing static shape inference
    # right in nested tf.cond()'s, so we are not comparing x and y's
    # shape directly but working with their concatenations.
    return tf.cond(
        tf.equal(tf.rank(x), tf.rank(y)),
        lambda: tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(
            tf.concat([tf.shape(x), tf.shape(y)], 0),
            tf.concat([tf.shape(y), tf.shape(x)], 0))),
        lambda: tf.convert_to_tensor(False, tf.bool))
项目:predictron    作者:brendanator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preturn_network(rewards, discounts, values):
  # First reward must be zero, first discount must be one
  first_reward = tf.Assert(
      tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(rewards[:, 0, :], 0.0)), [rewards[:, 0, :]])
  first_discount = tf.Assert(
      tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(discounts[:, 0, :], 1.0)), [discounts[:, 0, :]])

  with tf.control_dependencies([first_reward, first_discount]):
    with tf.variable_scope('preturn'):
      accum_value_discounts = tf.cumprod(discounts, axis=1, exclusive=False)
      accum_reward_discounts = tf.cumprod(discounts, axis=1, exclusive=True)
      discounted_values = values * accum_value_discounts
      discounted_rewards = rewards * accum_reward_discounts
      cumulative_rewards = tf.cumsum(discounted_rewards, axis=1)
      preturns = cumulative_rewards + discounted_values

      return preturns
项目:predictron    作者:brendanator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preturn_network(rewards, discounts, values):
  # First reward must be zero, first discount must be one
  first_reward = tf.Assert(
      tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(rewards[:, 0, :], 0.0)), [rewards[:, 0, :]])
  first_discount = tf.Assert(
      tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(discounts[:, 0, :], 1.0)), [discounts[:, 0, :]])

  with tf.control_dependencies([first_reward, first_discount]):
    with tf.variable_scope('preturn'):
      accum_value_discounts = tf.cumprod(discounts, axis=1, exclusive=False)
      accum_reward_discounts = tf.cumprod(discounts, axis=1, exclusive=True)
      discounted_values = values * accum_value_discounts
      discounted_rewards = rewards * accum_reward_discounts
      cumulative_rewards = tf.cumsum(discounted_rewards, axis=1)
      preturns = cumulative_rewards + discounted_values

      return preturns
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    '''Bitwise reduction (logical AND).

    Returns an uint8 tensor
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool)
    x = tf.reduce_all(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
    return tf.cast(x, tf.uint8)
项目:tf.rasterizer    作者:vahidk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def barycentric(verts, p):
    ab = verts[2] - verts[0]
    ac = verts[1] - verts[0]
    pa = verts[0] - p
    u = utils.tri_cross(
        [ab[0], ac[0], pa[:, 0]],
        [ab[1], ac[1], pa[:, 1]])
    v = [u[0] / u[2], u[1] / u[2]]
    bc = [1. - v[0] - v[1], v[1], v[0]]
    valid = tf.logical_and(
        tf.abs(u[2]) >= 1.0,
        tf.reduce_all(tf.stack(bc, axis=1) >= 0, axis=1))
    return bc, valid
项目:LiTeFlow    作者:petrux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def per_sentence_accuracy(targets, predictions, weights=None):
    """Computes the per-sentence accuracy.

    Given a set of ground truth values and a set of predicted labels as tensors of
    the same shape, it returns a tensor of rank equal to the ground truth values
    tensor minus 1, with values 1.0 if all the predicted values along the -1 axis
    are correct, 0.0 otherwise. So, if the grount truth is [[1, 2, 3], [0, 9, 23]]
    and the predicted labels are [[1, 2, 3], [9, 0, 23]] the result will be: [1,0].

      target: the gold truth values `Tensor`, with `tf.int32` as `dtype`. It has rank
        `[d_0, d_1, ..., d_{r-1}]` and the last value is supposed to range between
        `0` and `num_classes - 1`, where `num_classes` is the number of possible classes.
      predictions: the predicted values `Tensor` with `tf.float32` as `dtype`. It can
        have shape `[d_0, d_1, ..., d_{r-1}, num_classes]` and dtype `float32` and
        represents the probability distribution across the output classes generated by
        the model -- so that the predicted label is the one coming from argmax over the
        last dimension. Alternatively it can be of the same shape, `dtype` and format of
        `target`, and it will considered as the predicted labels.
      weights: coefficients for the metric. This must be scalar or of same rank as `target`.

      values: a `Tensor` of `dtype=tf.float32` and of [d_0, d_1, ..., d_{r-2}]
        representing the accuracy per sentence, i.e. for all the elements of the
        -1 axis, weighted according to the input argument `weights`
      weights: a `Tensor` of `dtype=tf.float32` and of the same shape of `values`
        representing the weighted scheme for the streaming average on `values`, which
        is the same tensor of the input `weights` argument.
    values, weights = accuracy(targets, predictions, weights)
    values = tf.cast(values, tf.bool)
    if weights is not None:
        weights = tf.cast(weights, tf.bool)
        values = ops.logical_impl(weights, values)
    values = tf.reduce_all(values, axis=-1)
    return tf.cast(values, tf.float32), tf.cast(tf.ones_like(values), tf.float32)
项目:deep-learning-keras-projects    作者:jasmeetsb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    """Bitwise reduction (logical AND).

    # Arguments
        x: input tensor.
        axis: axis along which to perform the reduction.
        keepdims: whether the drop or broadcast the reduction axes.

    # Returns
        A uint8 tensor (0s and 1s).
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool)
    x = tf.reduce_all(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
    return tf.cast(x, tf.uint8)
项目:GPflow    作者:GPflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _leapfrog_step(xs, ps, epsilon, max_iterations, logprob_grads_fn):
    def update_xs(ps_values):
        return _map(lambda x, p: x.assign_add(epsilon * p), xs, ps_values)

    def whether_proceed(grads):
        finits = _map(lambda grad: tf.reduce_all(tf.is_finite(grad)), grads)
        return tf.reduce_all(finits)

    def cond(i, proceed, _ps, _xs):
        return tf.logical_and(proceed, i < max_iterations)

    def body(i, _proceed, ps, _xs):
        xs_new = update_xs(ps)
        with tf.control_dependencies(xs_new):
            _, grads = logprob_grads_fn()
            proceed = whether_proceed(grads)
            def ps_step():
                with tf.control_dependencies(grads):
                    return _update_ps(ps, grads, epsilon)
            def ps_no_step():
                with tf.control_dependencies(grads):
                    return ps

            ps_new = tf.cond(proceed, ps_step, ps_no_step, strict=True)
            return i + 1, proceed, ps_new, xs_new

    result = _while_loop(cond, body, [0, True, ps, xs])

    _i, proceed_out, ps_out, xs_out = result
    deps = _flat([proceed_out], ps_out, xs_out)
    with tf.control_dependencies(deps):
        logprob_out, grads_out = logprob_grads_fn()
        return proceed_out, xs_out, ps_out, logprob_out, grads_out
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def initialize(self, name=None):
        with tf.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelperInitialize"):
            finished = tf.equal(0, self._sequence_length)
            all_finished = tf.reduce_all(finished)
            next_inputs = tf.cond(
                all_finished, lambda: self._zero_inputs,
                lambda: nest.map_structure(lambda inp:, self._input_tas))
            return (finished, next_inputs)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, name=None, **unused_kwargs):
        """next_inputs_fn for TrainingHelper."""
        with tf.name_scope(name, "TrainingHelperNextInputs",
                           [time, outputs, state]):
            next_time = time + 1
            finished = (next_time >= self._sequence_length)
            all_finished = tf.reduce_all(finished)

            def read_from_ta(inp):
            next_inputs = tf.cond(
                all_finished, lambda: self._zero_inputs,
                lambda: nest.map_structure(read_from_ta, self._input_tas))
            return (finished, next_inputs, state)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None):
        with tf.name_scope(name, "ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelperSample",
                           [time, outputs, state, sample_ids]):
            (finished, base_next_inputs, state) = (
                super(ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper, self).next_inputs(

            def maybe_sample():
                """Perform scheduled sampling."""
                where_sampling = tf.cast(
                    tf.where(sample_ids > -1), tf.int32)
                where_not_sampling = tf.cast(
                    tf.where(sample_ids <= -1), tf.int32)
                where_sampling_flat = tf.reshape(where_sampling, [-1])
                where_not_sampling_flat = tf.reshape(
                    where_not_sampling, [-1])
                sample_ids_sampling = tf.gather(
                    sample_ids, where_sampling_flat)
                inputs_not_sampling = tf.gather(
                    base_next_inputs, where_not_sampling_flat)
                sampled_next_inputs = self._embedding_fn(sample_ids_sampling)
                base_shape = tf.shape(base_next_inputs)
                return (tf.scatter_nd(indices=where_sampling,
                        + tf.scatter_nd(indices=where_not_sampling,

            all_finished = tf.reduce_all(finished)
            next_inputs = tf.cond(
                all_finished, lambda: base_next_inputs, maybe_sample)
            return (finished, next_inputs, state)
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_name(self):
    result_lt = ops.reduce_all(self.bool_lt, {'channel'})
项目:lsdc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(self):
    result_lt = ops.reduce_all(self.bool_lt, {'channel'})
    golden_lt = core.LabeledTensor(
        tf.reduce_all(self.bool_tensor, 1), [self.a0, self.a2, self.a3])
    self.assertLabeledTensorsEqual(result_lt, golden_lt)
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    '''Bitwise reduction (logical AND).

    Returns an uint8 tensor
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool)
    x = tf.reduce_all(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
    return tf.cast(x, tf.uint8)
项目:sciencebeam-gym    作者:elifesciences    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def colors_to_dimensions(image_tensor, colors):
  logger = get_logger()
  single_label_tensors = []
  for single_label_color in colors:
    is_color = tf.reduce_all(
      tf.equal(image_tensor, single_label_color),
    single_label_tensor = tf.where(
      tf.fill(is_color.shape, 1.0),
      tf.fill(is_color.shape, 0.0)
  return tf.stack(single_label_tensors, axis=-1)
项目:sciencebeam-gym    作者:elifesciences    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def replace_black_with_white_color(image_tensor):
  is_black = tf.reduce_all(
  tf.equal(image_tensor, (0, 0, 0)),
  is_black = tf.stack([is_black] * 3, axis=-1)
  return tf.where(
    255 * tf.ones_like(image_tensor),
项目:predictron    作者:brendanator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_preturn_network(preturns, lambdas):
  # Final lamdba must be zero
  final_lambda = tf.Assert(
      tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(lambdas[:, -1, :], 0.0)), [lambdas[:, -1, :]])

  with tf.control_dependencies([final_lambda]):
    with tf.variable_scope('lambda_preturn'):
      accum_lambda = tf.cumprod(lambdas, axis=1, exclusive=True)
      lambda_bar = (1 - lambdas) * accum_lambda  # This should always sum to 1
      lambda_preturn = tf.reduce_sum(
          lambda_bar * preturns, reduction_indices=1)

      return lambda_preturn
项目:predictron    作者:brendanator    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lambda_preturn_network(preturns, lambdas):
  # Final lamdba must be zero
  final_lambda = tf.Assert(
      tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(lambdas[:, -1, :], 0.0)), [lambdas[:, -1, :]])

  with tf.control_dependencies([final_lambda]):
    with tf.variable_scope('lambda_preturn'):
      accum_lambda = tf.cumprod(lambdas, axis=1, exclusive=True)
      lambda_bar = (1 - lambdas) * accum_lambda  # This should always sum to 1
      lambda_preturn = tf.reduce_sum(
          lambda_bar * preturns, reduction_indices=1)

      return lambda_preturn
项目:keras    作者:NVIDIA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    """Bitwise reduction (logical AND).

    # Arguments
        x: input tensor.
        axis: axis along which to perform the reduction.
        keepdims: whether the drop or broadcast the reduction axes.

    # Returns
        A uint8 tensor (0s and 1s).
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool)
    x = tf.reduce_all(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
    return tf.cast(x, tf.uint8)
项目:keras_superpixel_pooling    作者:parag2489    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    """Bitwise reduction (logical AND).

    # Arguments
        x: Tensor or variable.
        axis: axis along which to perform the reduction.
        keepdims: whether the drop or broadcast the reduction axes.

    # Returns
        A uint8 tensor (0s and 1s).
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool)
    return tf.reduce_all(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
项目:InnerOuterRNN    作者:Chemoinformatics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def all(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    '''Bitwise reduction (logical AND).

    Returns an uint8 tensor
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    x = tf.cast(x, tf.bool)
    x = tf.reduce_all(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
    return tf.cast(x, tf.uint8)
项目:tacotron    作者:keithito    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None):
    '''Stop on EOS. Otherwise, pass the last output as the next input and pass through state.'''
    with tf.name_scope('TacoTestHelper'):
      finished = tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(outputs, self._end_token), axis=1)
      # Feed last output frame as next input. outputs is [N, output_dim * r]
      next_inputs = outputs[:, -self._output_dim:]
      return (finished, next_inputs, state)
项目:tfdeploy    作者:riga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_All(self):
        t = tf.reduce_all(self.random(3, 4, 5), reduction_indices=[0, 1], keep_dims=True)
        if td._tf_version[:3] >= (0, 12, 0):
            t = tf.reduce_all(self.random(3, 4, 5), axis=[0, 1], keep_dims=True)
项目:text_summarizer    作者:sayondutta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loop_fn_transition(time,previous_output,previous_state,previous_loop_state):
    #print time
    elements_finished = (time >= decoder_lengths)
    def next_input():
        prev_out_with_weights = tf.matmul(previous_output,w['score'])
        prev_out_with_weights = tf.reshape(prev_out_with_weights,[-1,final_hidden_units,1])
        score = tf.matmul(encoder_outputs,prev_out_with_weights)
        score = tf.reshape(score,[-1,num_steps])
        attention = tf.nn.softmax(score)
        attention = tf.reshape(attention,[-1,1,num_steps])
        ct = tf.matmul(attention,encoder_outputs)
        ct = tf.reshape(ct,[-1,final_hidden_units])
        ctht = tf.concat((ct,previous_output),1)
        ht_dash = tf.nn.tanh(tf.add(tf.matmul(ctht,w['hdash']),b['hdash']))
        pred = tf.nn.softmax(tf.add(tf.matmul(ctht,w['decoder']),b['decoder']))
        prediction = tf.argmax(pred,axis=1)
        inputn = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings,prediction)
        return inputn
    finished = tf.reduce_all(elements_finished)
    next_input = tf.cond(finished,lambda:pad_embedded,next_input)
    state = previous_state
    output = previous_output
    #print output.shape
    loop_state = None
    return (elements_finished,

# In[31]:
项目:text_summarizer    作者:sayondutta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loop_fn_transition(time,previous_output,previous_state,previous_loop_state):
    #print time
    elements_finished = (time >= decoder_lengths)
    def next_input():
        prev_out_with_weights = tf.matmul(previous_output,w['score'])
        prev_out_with_weights = tf.reshape(prev_out_with_weights,[-1,final_hidden_units,1])
        score = tf.matmul(encoder_outputs,prev_out_with_weights)
        score = tf.reshape(score,[-1,num_steps])
        attention = tf.nn.softmax(score)
        attention = tf.reshape(attention,[-1,1,num_steps])
        ct = tf.matmul(attention,encoder_outputs)
        ct = tf.reshape(ct,[-1,final_hidden_units])
        ctht = tf.concat((ct,previous_output),1)
        ht_dash = tf.nn.tanh(tf.add(tf.matmul(ctht,w['hdash']),b['hdash']))
        pred = tf.nn.softmax(tf.add(tf.matmul(ctht,w['decoder']),b['decoder']))
        prediction = tf.argmax(pred,axis=1)
        inputn = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings,prediction)
        return inputn
    finished = tf.reduce_all(elements_finished)
    next_input = tf.cond(finished,lambda:pad_embedded,next_input)
    state = previous_state
    output = previous_output
    #print output.shape
    loop_state = None
    return (elements_finished,

# In[31]:
项目:CAPTCHA    作者:zakizhou    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def evaluation(logits, labels):
    prediction = tf.argmax(logits, 2)
    prediction = tf.cast(prediction, tf.int32)
    equal = tf.equal(prediction, labels)
    equal_all = tf.reduce_all(equal, axis=1)
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(equal_all, tf.float32), name="accuracy")
    return accuracy
项目:website-fingerprinting    作者:AxelGoetz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _init_decoder(self):
        Creates decoder attributes.
        We cannot simply use a dynamic_rnn since we are feeding the outputs of the
        decoder back into the inputs.
        Therefore we use a raw_rnn and emulate a dynamic_rnn with this behavior.
        # EOS token added
        self.decoder_inputs_length = self.encoder_inputs_length + 1

        def loop_fn_initial(time, cell_output, cell_state, loop_state):
            elements_finished = (time >= self.decoder_inputs_length)

            # EOS token (0 + self.EOS)
            initial_input = tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.decoder_cell.output_size], dtype=tf.float32) + self.EOS
            initial_cell_state = self.encoder_final_state
            initial_loop_state = None  # we don't need to pass any additional information

            return (elements_finished,
                    None,  # cell output is dummy here

        def loop_fn(time, cell_output, cell_state, loop_state):
            if cell_output is None:  # time == 0
                return loop_fn_initial(time, cell_output, cell_state, loop_state)

            cell_output.set_shape([self.batch_size, self.decoder_cell.output_size])

            emit_output = cell_output

            next_cell_state = cell_state

            elements_finished = (time >= self.decoder_inputs_length)
            finished = tf.reduce_all(elements_finished)

            next_input = tf.cond(
                lambda: tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.decoder_cell.output_size], dtype=tf.float32), # self.PAD
                lambda: cell_output # Use the input from the previous cell

            next_loop_state = None

            return (

        decoder_outputs_ta, decoder_final_state, _ = tf.nn.raw_rnn(self.decoder_cell, loop_fn)
        self.decoder_outputs = decoder_outputs_ta.stack()
        self.decoder_outputs = tf.transpose(self.decoder_outputs, [1, 0, 2])

        with tf.variable_scope('DecoderOutputProjection') as scope:
            self.decoder_outputs = self.projection(self.decoder_outputs, self.seq_width, scope)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_prob(self, given):
        logits = self.logits

        def _broadcast(given, logits):
            # static shape has been checked in base class.
            ones_ = tf.ones(tf.shape(logits)[:-1], self.dtype)
            if logits.get_shape():
            given *= ones_
            logits *= tf.ones_like(tf.expand_dims(given, -1), self.param_dtype)
            return given, logits

        def _is_same_dynamic_shape(given, logits):
            return tf.cond(
                tf.equal(tf.rank(given), tf.rank(logits) - 1),
                lambda: tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(
                    tf.concat([tf.shape(given), tf.shape(logits)[:-1]], 0),
                    tf.concat([tf.shape(logits)[:-1], tf.shape(given)], 0))),
                lambda: tf.convert_to_tensor(False, tf.bool))

        if not (given.get_shape() and logits.get_shape()):
            given, logits = _broadcast(given, logits)
            if given.get_shape().ndims != logits.get_shape().ndims - 1:
                given, logits = _broadcast(given, logits)
            elif given.get_shape().is_fully_defined() and \
                if given.get_shape() != logits.get_shape()[:-1]:
                    given, logits = _broadcast(given, logits)
                # Below code seems to induce a BUG when this function is
                # called in HMC. Probably due to tensorflow's not supporting
                # control flow edge from an op inside the body to outside.
                # We should further fix this.
                # given, logits = tf.cond(
                #     is_same_dynamic_shape(given, logits),
                #     lambda: (given, logits),
                #     lambda: _broadcast(given, logits, 'given', 'logits'))
                given, logits = _broadcast(given, logits)

        # `labels` type of `sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits` must be
        # int32 or int64
        if self.dtype == tf.float32:
            given = tf.cast(given, dtype=tf.int32)
        elif self.dtype == tf.float64:
            given = tf.cast(given, dtype=tf.int64)
        elif self.dtype not in [tf.int32, tf.int64]:
            given = tf.cast(given, tf.int32)
        log_p = -tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=given,
        if given.get_shape() and logits.get_shape():
        return log_p
项目:tensorflow-adversarial    作者:gongzhitaao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _jsma_impl(model, x, yind, epochs, eps, clip_min, clip_max, score_fn):

    def _cond(i, xadv):
        return tf.less(i, epochs)

    def _body(i, xadv):
        ybar = model(xadv)

        dy_dx = tf.gradients(ybar, xadv)[0]

        # gradients of target w.r.t input
        yt = tf.gather_nd(ybar, yind)
        dt_dx = tf.gradients(yt, xadv)[0]

        # gradients of non-targets w.r.t input
        do_dx = dy_dx - dt_dx

        c0 = tf.logical_or(eps < 0, xadv < clip_max)
        c1 = tf.logical_or(eps > 0, xadv > clip_min)
        cond = tf.reduce_all([dt_dx >= 0, do_dx <= 0, c0, c1], axis=0)
        cond = tf.to_float(cond)

        # saliency score for each pixel
        score = cond * score_fn(dt_dx, do_dx)

        shape = score.get_shape().as_list()
        dim = _prod(shape[1:])
        score = tf.reshape(score, [-1, dim])

        # find the pixel with the highest saliency score
        ind = tf.argmax(score, axis=1)
        dx = tf.one_hot(ind, dim, on_value=eps, off_value=0.0)
        dx = tf.reshape(dx, [-1] + shape[1:])

        xadv = tf.stop_gradient(xadv + dx)
        xadv = tf.clip_by_value(xadv, clip_min, clip_max)

        return i+1, xadv

    _, xadv = tf.while_loop(_cond, _body, (0, tf.identity(x)),
                            back_prop=False, name='_jsma_batch')

    return xadv
项目:tensorflow-adversarial    作者:gongzhitaao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _jsma2_impl(model, x, yind, epochs, eps, clip_min, clip_max, score_fn):

    def _cond(k, xadv):
        return tf.less(k, epochs)

    def _body(k, xadv):
        ybar = model(xadv)

        dy_dx = tf.gradients(ybar, xadv)[0]

        # gradients of target w.r.t input
        yt = tf.gather_nd(ybar, yind)
        dt_dx = tf.gradients(yt, xadv)[0]

        # gradients of non-targets w.r.t input
        do_dx = dy_dx - dt_dx

        c0 = tf.logical_or(eps < 0, xadv < clip_max)
        c1 = tf.logical_or(eps > 0, xadv > clip_min)
        cond = tf.reduce_all([dt_dx >= 0, do_dx <= 0, c0, c1], axis=0)
        cond = tf.to_float(cond)

        # saliency score for each pixel
        score = cond * score_fn(dt_dx, do_dx)

        shape = score.get_shape().as_list()
        dim = _prod(shape[1:])
        score = tf.reshape(score, [-1, dim])

        a = tf.expand_dims(score, axis=1)
        b = tf.expand_dims(score, axis=2)
        score2 = tf.reshape(a + b, [-1, dim*dim])
        ij = tf.argmax(score2, axis=1)

        i = tf.to_int32(ij / dim)
        j = tf.to_int32(ij) % dim

        dxi = tf.one_hot(i, dim, on_value=eps, off_value=0.0)
        dxj = tf.one_hot(j, dim, on_value=eps, off_value=0.0)
        dx = tf.reshape(dxi + dxj, [-1] + shape[1:])

        xadv = tf.stop_gradient(xadv + dx)
        xadv = tf.clip_by_value(xadv, clip_min, clip_max)

        return k+1, xadv

    _, xadv = tf.while_loop(_cond, _body, (0, tf.identity(x)),
                            back_prop=False, name='_jsma2_batch')
    return xadv
项目:densecap-tensorflow    作者:rampage644    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_proposals(proposals, proposals_num, gt, gt_num, iou, scores, cross_boundary_mask):
    '''Generate batches from proposals and ground truth boxes

    Idea is to drastically reduce number of proposals to evaluate. So, we find those
    proposals that have IoU > 0.7 with _any_ ground truth and mark them as positive samples.
    Proposals with IoU < 0.3 with _all_ ground truth boxes are considered negative. All
    other proposals are discarded.

    We generate batch with at most half of examples being positive. We also pad them with negative
    have we not enough positive proposals.

    proposals: N x 4 tensor
    proposal_num: N
    gt: M x 4 tensor
    gt_num: M
    iou: N x M tensor of IoU between every proposal and ground truth
    scores: N x 2 tensor with scores object/not-object
    cross_boundary_mask: N x 1 Tensor masking out-of-image proposals
    # now let's get rid of non-positive and non-negative samples
    # Sample is considered positive if it has IoU > 0.7 with _any_ ground truth box
    # XXX: maximal IoU ground truth proposal should be treated as positive
    positive_mask = tf.reduce_any(tf.greater(iou, 0.7), axis=1) & cross_boundary_mask

    # Sample would be considered negative if _all_ ground truch box
    # have iou less than 0.3
    negative_mask = tf.reduce_all(tf.less(iou, 0.3), axis=1) & cross_boundary_mask

    # Select only positive boxes and their corresponding predicted scores
    positive_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(proposals, positive_mask)
    positive_scores = tf.boolean_mask(scores, positive_mask)
    positive_labels = tf.reduce_mean(tf.ones_like(positive_scores), axis=1)

    # Same for negative
    negative_boxes = tf.boolean_mask(proposals, negative_mask)
    negative_scores = tf.boolean_mask(scores, negative_mask)
    negative_labels = tf.reduce_mean(tf.zeros_like(negative_scores), axis=1)

    return (
        (positive_boxes, positive_scores, positive_labels),
        (negative_boxes, negative_scores, negative_labels)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def merge(tensors_list, mode, axis=1, name='merge', outputs_collections=None, **kwargs):
    Merge op

        tensor_list: A list `Tensors` to merge
        mode: str, available modes are
            ['concat', 'elemwise_sum', 'elemwise_mul', 'sum',
                'mean', 'prod', 'max', 'min', 'and', 'or']
        name: a optional scope/name of the layer
        outputs_collections: The collections to which the outputs are added.

        A `Tensor` representing the results of the repetition operation.

        ValueError: If 'kernel_size' is not a 2-D list
    assert len(tensors_list) > 1, "Merge required 2 or more tensors."

    with tf.name_scope(name):
        tensors = [l for l in tensors_list]
        if mode == 'concat':
            output = tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'elemwise_sum':
            output = tensors[0]
            for i in range(1, len(tensors)):
                output = tf.add(output, tensors[i])
        elif mode == 'elemwise_mul':
            output = tensors[0]
            for i in range(1, len(tensors)):
                output = tf.multiply(output, tensors[i])
        elif mode == 'sum':
            output = tf.reduce_sum(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'mean':
            output = tf.reduce_mean(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'prod':
            output = tf.reduce_prod(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'max':
            output = tf.reduce_max(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'min':
            output = tf.reduce_min(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'and':
            output = tf.reduce_all(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
        elif mode == 'or':
            output = tf.reduce_any(tf.concat(tensors, axis=axis), axis=axis)
            raise Exception("Unknown merge mode", str(mode))
        return _collect_named_outputs(outputs_collections, name, output)

    return output
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def next_inputs(self, time, outputs, state, sample_ids, name=None):
        with tf.name_scope(name, "ScheduledOutputTrainingHelperNextInputs",
                           [time, outputs, state, sample_ids]):
            (finished, base_next_inputs, state) = (
                super(ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper, self).next_inputs(

            def maybe_sample():
                """Perform scheduled sampling."""

                def maybe_concatenate_auxiliary_inputs(outputs_, indices=None):
                    """Concatenate outputs with auxiliary inputs, if they exist."""
                    if self._auxiliary_input_tas is None:
                        return outputs_

                    next_time = time + 1
                    auxiliary_inputs = nest.map_structure(
                        lambda ta:, self._auxiliary_input_tas)
                    if indices is not None:
                        auxiliary_inputs = tf.gather_nd(
                            auxiliary_inputs, indices)
                    return nest.map_structure(
                        lambda x, y: tf.concat((x, y), -1),
                        outputs_, auxiliary_inputs)

                if self._next_input_layer is None:
                    return tf.where(
                        sample_ids, maybe_concatenate_auxiliary_inputs(outputs),

                where_sampling = tf.cast(
                    tf.where(sample_ids), tf.int32)
                where_not_sampling = tf.cast(
                    tf.where(tf.logical_not(sample_ids)), tf.int32)
                outputs_sampling = tf.gather_nd(outputs, where_sampling)
                inputs_not_sampling = tf.gather_nd(base_next_inputs,
                sampled_next_inputs = maybe_concatenate_auxiliary_inputs(
                    self._next_input_layer(outputs_sampling), where_sampling)

                base_shape = tf.shape(base_next_inputs)
                return (tf.scatter_nd(indices=where_sampling,
                        + tf.scatter_nd(indices=where_not_sampling,

            all_finished = tf.reduce_all(finished)
            next_inputs = tf.cond(
                all_finished, lambda: base_next_inputs, maybe_sample)
            return (finished, next_inputs, state)
项目:windbag    作者:tongda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode(self, enc_outputs, enc_final_state):
    with tf.variable_scope(self.decoder.scope):
      def condition(time, all_outputs: tf.TensorArray, inputs, states):
        def check_outputs_ends():
          def has_end_word(t):
            return tf.reduce_any(tf.equal(t, ANSWER_MAX))

          output_label = tf.arg_max(all_outputs.stack(), 2)
          output_label = tf.Print(output_label, [output_label], "Output Labels: ")
          # The outputs are time-major, which means time is the first
          # dimension. Here I need to check whether all the generated
          # answers are ends with "</s>", so we need to transpose it
          # to batch-major. Because `map_fn` only map function by the
          # first dimension.
          batch_major_outputs = tf.transpose(output_label, (1, 0))
          all_outputs_ends = tf.reduce_all(tf.map_fn(has_end_word, batch_major_outputs, dtype=tf.bool))
          return all_outputs_ends

        # If the TensorArray has 0 size, stack() will trigger error,
        # so I have to use condition function to check whether the
        # size is 0.
        all_ends = tf.cond(tf.equal(all_outputs.size(), 0),
                           lambda: tf.constant(False, tf.bool),

        condition_result = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_not(all_ends), tf.less(time, ANSWER_MAX))
        return condition_result

      def body(time, all_outputs, inputs, state):
        dec_outputs, dec_state, output_logits, next_input = self.decoder.step(inputs, state)
        all_outputs = all_outputs.write(time, output_logits)
        return time + 1, all_outputs, next_input, dec_state

      output_ta = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32,
                                               element_shape=(None, config.DEC_VOCAB),

      # with time-major data input, the batch size is the second dimension
      batch_size = tf.shape(enc_outputs)[1]
      zero_input = tf.ones(tf.expand_dims(batch_size, axis=0), dtype=tf.int32) * ANSWER_START
      res = control_flow_ops.while_loop(
        loop_vars=[0, output_ta, self.decoder.zero_input(zero_input), enc_final_state],
      final_outputs = res[1].stack()
      final_outputs = tf.Print(final_outputs, [final_outputs], "Final Output: ")
      final_state = res[3]
    return final_outputs, final_state
项目:tensorsoup    作者:ai-guild    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def naive_decoder(cell, enc_states, targets, start_token, end_token, 
        feed_previous=True, training=True, scope='naive_decoder.0'):

    init_state = enc_states[-1]
    timesteps = tf.shape(enc_states)[0]

    # targets time major
    targets_tm = tf.transpose(targets, [1,0,2])

    states = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=timesteps+1, name='states',
    outputs = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=timesteps+1, name='outputs',

    def step(i, states, outputs):
        # run one step
        #  read from TensorArray (states)
        state_prev =

        if is_lstm(cell):
            # previous state <tensor> -> <LSTMStateTuple>
            c, h = tf.unstack(state_prev)
            state_prev = rnn.LSTMStateTuple(c,h)

        if feed_previous:
            input_ =
            input_ = targets_tm[i]

        output, state = cell(input_, state_prev)
        # add state, output to list
        states = states.write(i+1, state)
        outputs = outputs.write(i+1, output)
        i = tf.add(i,1)
        return i, states, outputs

    with tf.variable_scope(scope):
        # initial state
        states = states.write(0, init_state)
        # initial input
        outputs = outputs.write(0, start_token)

        i = tf.constant(0)

        # Stop loop condition
        if training:
            c = lambda x, y, z : tf.less(x, timesteps)
            c = lambda x, y, z : tf.reduce_all(tf.not_equal(tf.argmax(, axis=-1), 
        # body
        b = lambda x, y, z : step(x, y, z)
        # execution 
        _, fstates, foutputs = tf.while_loop(c,b, [i, states, outputs])

    return foutputs.stack()[1:] # add states; but why?
项目:GPflowOpt    作者:GPflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_acquisition(self, Xcand):
        outdim = tf.shape([1])[1]
        num_cells = tf.shape([0]
        N = tf.shape(Xcand)[0]

        # Extended Pareto front
        pf_ext = tf.concat([-np.inf * tf.ones([1, outdim], dtype=float_type), self.pareto.front, self.reference], 0)

        # Predictions for candidates, concatenate columns
        preds = [m.build_predict(Xcand) for m in self.models]
        candidate_mean, candidate_var = (tf.concat(moment, 1) for moment in zip(*preds))
        candidate_var = tf.maximum(candidate_var, stability)  # avoid zeros

        # Calculate the cdf's for all candidates for every predictive distribution in the data points
        normal = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal(candidate_mean, tf.sqrt(candidate_var))
        Phi = tf.transpose(normal.cdf(tf.expand_dims(pf_ext, 1)), [1, 0, 2])  # N x pf_ext_size x outdim

        # tf.gather_nd indices for bound points
        col_idx = tf.tile(tf.range(outdim), (num_cells,))
        ub_idx = tf.stack((tf.reshape(self.pareto.bounds.ub, [-1]), col_idx), axis=1)  # (num_cells*outdim x 2)
        lb_idx = tf.stack((tf.reshape(, [-1]), col_idx), axis=1)  # (num_cells*outdim x 2)

        # Calculate PoI
        P1 = tf.transpose(tf.gather_nd(tf.transpose(Phi, perm=[1, 2, 0]), ub_idx))  # N x num_cell*outdim
        P2 = tf.transpose(tf.gather_nd(tf.transpose(Phi, perm=[1, 2, 0]), lb_idx))  # N x num_cell*outdim
        P = tf.reshape(P1 - P2, [N, num_cells, outdim])
        PoI = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_prod(P, axis=2), axis=1, keep_dims=True)  # N x 1

        # Calculate Hypervolume contribution of points Y
        ub_points = tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(pf_ext, ub_idx), [num_cells, outdim])
        lb_points = tf.reshape(tf.gather_nd(pf_ext, lb_idx), [num_cells, outdim])

        splus_valid = tf.reduce_all(tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(ub_points, 1), [1, N, 1]) > candidate_mean,
                                    axis=2)  # num_cells x N
        splus_idx = tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(splus_valid, dtype=float_type), -1)  # num_cells x N x 1
        splus_lb = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(lb_points, 1), [1, N, 1])  # num_cells x N x outdim
        splus_lb = tf.maximum(splus_lb, candidate_mean)  # num_cells x N x outdim
        splus_ub = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(ub_points, 1), [1, N, 1])  # num_cells x N x outdim
        splus = tf.concat([splus_idx, splus_ub - splus_lb], axis=2)  # num_cells x N x (outdim+1)
        Hv = tf.transpose(tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_prod(splus, axis=2), axis=0, keep_dims=True))  # N x 1

        # return HvPoI
        return tf.multiply(Hv, PoI)