Python tensorflow 模块,reduce_logsumexp() 实例源码


项目:deeppavlov    作者:deepmipt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax_loss(self, antecedent_scores, antecedent_labels):
        Computes the value of the loss function using antecedent_scores and antecedent_labels.
        Practically standard softmax function.
            antecedent_scores: tf.float64, [num_mentions, max_ant + 1], output of fully-connected network that compute
                antecedent scores.
            antecedent_labels:  True labels for antecedent.

        Returns: [num_mentions]
            The value of loss function.
        gold_scores = antecedent_scores + tf.log(tf.cast(antecedent_labels, tf.float64))  # [num_mentions, max_ant + 1]
        marginalized_gold_scores = tf.reduce_logsumexp(gold_scores, [1])  # [num_mentions]
        log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(antecedent_scores, [1])  # [num_mentions]
        return log_norm - marginalized_gold_scores  # [num_mentions]
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_sum_exp(x, axis=None, keep_dims=False):
    Deprecated: Use tf.reduce_logsumexp().

    Tensorflow numerically stable log sum of exps across the `axis`.

    :param x: A Tensor or numpy array.
    :param axis: An int or list or tuple. The dimensions to reduce.
        If `None` (the default), reduces all dimensions.
    :param keep_dims: Bool. If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
        Default to be False.

    :return: A Tensor after the computation of log sum exp along given axes of
    x = tf.cast(x, dtype=tf.float32)
    x_max = tf.reduce_max(x, axis=axis, keep_dims=True)
    ret = tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(x - x_max), axis=axis,
                               keep_dims=True)) + x_max
    if not keep_dims:
        ret = tf.reduce_sum(ret, axis=axis)
    return ret
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_prob(self, given):
        logits, temperature = self.path_param(self.logits), \
        log_given = tf.log(given)
        log_temperature = tf.log(temperature)
        n = tf.cast(self.n_categories, self.dtype)

        if self._check_numerics:
            log_given = tf.check_numerics(log_given, "log(given)")
            log_temperature = tf.check_numerics(
                log_temperature, "log(temperature)")

        temp = logits - temperature * log_given

        return tf.lgamma(n) + (n - 1) * log_temperature + \
            tf.reduce_sum(temp - log_given, axis=-1) - \
            n * tf.reduce_logsumexp(temp, axis=-1)
项目:arc-swift    作者:qipeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def traditional_transition_loss_pred(self, i, j, combined_head, combined_dep):
        rel_trans_feat_ids = self.trans_feat_ids[i*self.args.beam_size+j] if not self.train else self.trans_feat_ids[i, j]
        rel_head = tf.reshape(tf.gather(combined_head, rel_trans_feat_ids[:4]), [4, self.args.rel_emb_dim])
        rel_dep  = tf.reshape(tf.gather(combined_dep,  rel_trans_feat_ids[:4]), [4, self.args.rel_emb_dim])

        mask = tf.cast(tf.reshape(tf.greater_equal(rel_trans_feat_ids[:4], 0), [4,1]), tf.float32)
        rel_head = tf.multiply(mask, rel_head)
        rel_dep = tf.multiply(mask, rel_dep)

        rel_hid = self.rel_merge(rel_head, rel_dep)
        rel_logit = self.rel_dense(tf.reshape(rel_hid, [1, -1]))
        rel_logit = tf.reshape(rel_logit, [-1])

        log_partition = tf.reduce_logsumexp(rel_logit)
        if self.train:
            res = log_partition - rel_logit[self.trans_labels[i, j]]

            return res
            arc_pred = log_partition - rel_logit

            return arc_pred
项目:arc-swift    作者:qipeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pos_loss_pred(self, i, pos_embeddings, pos_logit, NUM_POS, gold_pos, pos_trainables):
        if self.args.no_pos:
            pos_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pos_embeddings, gold_pos[i])
            if self.train:
                return 0, pos_emb
                return tf.gather(gold_pos[i], tf.range(1, self.sent_length)), pos_emb
            pos_logit = pos_logit[1:]

            log_partition = tf.reduce_logsumexp(pos_logit, [1])

            pos_pred = tf.exp(pos_logit - tf.reshape(log_partition, (-1, 1)))
            pos_emb = tf.concat([tf.reshape(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(pos_embeddings, NUM_POS), (1, -1)),
                tf.matmul(pos_pred, pos_trainables)], 0)

            if self.train:
                loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.gather(log_partition, tf.range(self.sent_lengths[i]-1))
                    - tf.gather(tf.reshape(pos_logit, [-1]),
                        tf.range(self.sent_lengths[i]-1) * NUM_POS
                        + tf.gather(gold_pos[i], tf.range(1, self.sent_lengths[i]))))

                return loss, pos_emb
                return tf.cast(tf.argmax(pos_pred, 1), tf.int32), pos_emb
项目:wide-deep-cnn    作者:DaniUPC    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimized_loss(self, targets, logits):
        """ Function that computes the loss of a mixture density network
        in a way that it handles underflow and overflow and avoids unstable
        behaviors """
        # Obtain parameters
        mixings, sigma, mean = self.logits_to_params(logits)
        output_size = tf.cast(tf.shape(targets)[1], tf.float32)
        variance = tf.square(sigma)
        # Convert expressions into exponent-based terms
        mixings_exp = tf.log(mixings)
        # By properties of logarithm we can simplify the original expression
        # log(x/y) = log(x) - log(y), log(xy) = log(x) + log(y), log(1) = 0
        sqrt_exp = - output_size * (0.5 * tf.log(2*np.pi) + tf.log(sigma))
        gaussian_exp = -tf.divide(tf.square(targets - mean), 2 * variance)
        exponent = mixings_exp + sqrt_exp + gaussian_exp
        # Use optimized logsumexp function to control underflow/overflow
        return tf.reduce_logsumexp(exponent, axis=1)
项目:TerpreT    作者:51alg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weighted_sum(components, weights, scope=""):
    # n: num_components
    # b: batch_size
    # c: component_size
    with tf.name_scope(scope):
        weight_is_batched = (weights.get_shape().ndims == 2)
        if weight_is_batched:
            set_batch_size = tf.shape(weights)[0]
            set_batch_size = None
        components, is_batched = make_batch_consistent(components, set_batch_size=set_batch_size)
        components = tf.pack(components) # [n x b x c]

        weight_rank = weights.get_shape().ndims
        if weight_rank == 1:
            weights = tf.reshape(weights, [-1,1,1]) # [n x 1 x 1]
        elif weight_rank == 2:
            weights = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(weights, [1, 0]),2) # [n x b x 1]

        components += weights
        # TODO: change this to tf.reduce_logsumexp when it is relased
        w_sum = logsumexp(components, reduction_indices=0) # [b x c]
        if not is_batched: w_sum = tf.squeeze(w_sum) # [c]
    return w_sum
项目:tensorforce    作者:reinforceio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tf_parameterize(self, x):
        # Flat logits
        logits = self.logits.apply(x=x)

        # Reshape logits to action shape
        shape = (-1,) + self.shape + (self.num_actions,)
        logits = tf.reshape(tensor=logits, shape=shape)

        # !!!
        state_value = tf.reduce_logsumexp(input_tensor=logits, axis=-1)

        # Softmax for corresponding probabilities
        probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(logits=logits, dim=-1)

        # Min epsilon probability for numerical stability
        probabilities = tf.maximum(x=probabilities, y=util.epsilon)

        # "Normalized" logits
        logits = tf.log(x=probabilities)

        return logits, probabilities, state_value
项目:MGP-RNN    作者:jfutoma    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_probs_and_accuracy(preds,O):
    helper function. we have a prediction for each MC sample of each observation
    in this batch.  need to distill the multiple preds from each MC into a single
    pred for this observation.  also get accuracy. use true probs to get ROC, PR curves in sklearn
    all_probs = tf.exp(preds[:,1] - tf.reduce_logsumexp(preds, axis = 1)) #normalize; and drop a dim so only prob of positive case
    N = tf.cast(tf.shape(preds)[0]/n_mc_smps,tf.int32) #actual number of observations in preds, collapsing MC samples                    

    #predicted probability per observation; collapse the MC samples
    probs = tf.zeros([0]) #store all samples in a list, then concat into tensor at end
    #setup tf while loop (have to use this bc loop size is variable)
    def cond(i,probs):
        return i < N
    def body(i,probs):
        probs = tf.concat([probs,[tf.reduce_mean(tf.slice(all_probs,[i*n_mc_smps],[n_mc_smps]))]],0)
        return i+1,probs    
    i = tf.constant(0)
    i,probs = tf.while_loop(cond,body,loop_vars=[i,probs],shape_invariants=[i.get_shape(),tf.TensorShape([None])])

    #compare to truth; just use cutoff of 0.5 for right now to get accuracy
    correct_pred = tf.equal(tf.cast(tf.greater(probs,0.5),tf.int32), O)
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_pred, tf.float32)) 
    return probs,accuracy
项目:keras_superpixel_pooling    作者:parag2489    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdims=False):
    """Computes log(sum(exp(elements across dimensions of a tensor))).

    This function is more numerically stable than log(sum(exp(x))).
    It avoids overflows caused by taking the exp of large inputs and
    underflows caused by taking the log of small inputs.

    # Arguments
        x: A tensor or variable.
        axis: An integer, the axis to reduce over.
        keepdims: A boolean, whether to keep the dimensions or not.
            If `keepdims` is `False`, the rank of the tensor is reduced
            by 1. If `keepdims` is `True`, the reduced dimension is
            retained with length 1.

    # Returns
        The reduced tensor.
    axis = _normalize_axis(axis, ndim(x))
    return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, reduction_indices=axis, keep_dims=keepdims)
项目:Doubly-Stochastic-DGP    作者:ICL-SML    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict_density(self, Xnew, Ynew, num_samples):
        Fmean, Fvar = self.build_predict(Xnew, full_cov=False, S=num_samples)
        S, N, D = shape_as_list(Fmean)
        Ynew = tile_over_samples(Ynew, num_samples)
        flat_arrays = [tf.reshape(a, [S*N, -1]) for a in [Fmean, Fvar, Ynew]]
        l_flat = self.likelihood.predict_density(*flat_arrays)
        l = tf.reshape(l_flat, [S, N, -1])
        log_num_samples = tf.log(tf.cast(num_samples, float_type))
        return tf.reduce_logsumexp(l - log_num_samples, axis=0)
项目:emnlp2017-bilstm-cnn-crf    作者:UKPLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(x, axis=None):
        '''Returns `log(sum(exp(x), axis=axis))` with improved numerical stability.
        return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=[axis])
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_prob(self, given):
        given = tf.cast(given, self.param_dtype)
        given, logits = maybe_explicit_broadcast(
            given, self.logits, 'given', 'logits')
        normalized_logits = logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(
            logits, axis=-1, keep_dims=True)
        n = tf.cast(self.n_experiments, self.param_dtype)
        log_p = log_combination(n, given) + \
            tf.reduce_sum(given * normalized_logits, -1)
        return log_p
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _log_prob(self, given):
        logits, temperature = self.path_param(self.logits),\
        n = tf.cast(self.n_categories, self.dtype)
        log_temperature = tf.log(temperature)

        if self._check_numerics:
            log_temperature = tf.check_numerics(
                log_temperature, "log(temperature)")

        temp = logits - temperature * given

        return tf.lgamma(n) + (n - 1) * log_temperature + \
            tf.reduce_sum(temp, axis=-1) - \
            n * tf.reduce_logsumexp(temp, axis=-1)
项目:rllabplusplus    作者:shaneshixiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def init_policy(self):
        output_vec = L.get_output(self._output_vec_layer, deterministic=True) / self._c
        prob = tf.nn.softmax(output_vec)
        max_qval = tf.reduce_logsumexp(output_vec, [1])

        self._f_prob = tensor_utils.compile_function([self._obs_layer.input_var], prob)
        self._f_max_qvals = tensor_utils.compile_function([self._obs_layer.input_var], max_qval)

        self._dist = Categorical(self._n)
项目:XMUNMT    作者:XMUNLP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_from_logits(logits):
    return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
项目:SGAITagger    作者:zhiweiuu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(x, axis=None):
    '''Returns `log(sum(exp(x), axis=axis))` with improved numerical stability.
    return tf.reduce_logsumexp(x, axis=[axis])
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_from_logits(logits):
    return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
项目:proximity_vi    作者:altosaar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_vimco_loss(cfg, l, log_q_h):
  """Builds negative VIMCO loss as in the paper.

  Reference: Variational Inference for Monte Carlo Objectives, Algorithm 1
  k, b = l.get_shape().as_list()  # n_samples, batch_size
  kf = tf.cast(k, tf.float32)
  if cfg['optim/geometric_mean']:
    # implicit multi-sample objective (importance-sampled ELBO)
    l_logsumexp = tf.reduce_logsumexp(l, [0], keep_dims=True)
    L_hat = l_logsumexp - tf.log(kf)
    # standard ELBO
    L_hat = tf.reduce_mean(l, [0], keep_dims=True)
  s = tf.reduce_sum(l, 0, keep_dims=True)
  diag_mask = tf.expand_dims(tf.diag(tf.ones([k], dtype=tf.float32)), -1)
  off_diag_mask = 1. - diag_mask
  diff = tf.expand_dims(s - l, 0)  # expand for proper broadcasting
  l_i_diag = 1. / (kf - 1.) * diff * diag_mask
  l_i_off_diag = off_diag_mask * tf.stack([l] * k)
  l_i = l_i_diag + l_i_off_diag
  if cfg['optim/geometric_mean']:
    L_hat_minus_i = tf.reduce_logsumexp(l_i, [1]) - tf.log(kf)
    w = tf.stop_gradient(tf.exp((l - l_logsumexp)))
    L_hat_minus_i = tf.reduce_mean(l_i, [1])
    w = 1.
  local_l = tf.stop_gradient(L_hat - L_hat_minus_i)
  if not cfg['optim/geometric_mean']:
    # correction factor for multiplying by 1. / (kf - 1.) above
    # to verify this, work out 2x2 matrix of samples by hand
    local_l = local_l * k
  loss = local_l * log_q_h + w * l
  return loss / tf.to_float(b)
项目:e2e-coref    作者:kentonl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def softmax_loss(self, antecedent_scores, antecedent_labels):
    gold_scores = antecedent_scores + tf.log(tf.to_float(antecedent_labels)) # [num_mentions, max_ant + 1]
    marginalized_gold_scores = tf.reduce_logsumexp(gold_scores, [1]) # [num_mentions]
    log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(antecedent_scores, [1]) # [num_mentions]
    return log_norm - marginalized_gold_scores # [num_mentions]
项目:document-qa    作者:allenai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def segment_logsumexp(xs, segments):
    """ Similar tf.segment_sum but compute logsumexp rather then sum """
    # Stop gradients following the implementation of tf.reduce_logsumexp
    maxs = tf.stop_gradient(tf.reduce_max(xs, axis=1))
    segment_maxes = tf.segment_max(maxs, segments)
    xs -= tf.expand_dims(tf.gather(segment_maxes, segments), 1)
    sums = tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(xs), axis=1)
    return tf.log(tf.segment_sum(sums, segments)) + segment_maxes
项目:document-qa    作者:allenai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, answer, start_logits, end_logits, mask) -> Prediction:
        masked_start_logits = exp_mask(start_logits, mask)
        masked_end_logits = exp_mask(end_logits, mask)

        if len(answer) == 1:
            # answer span is encoding in a sparse int array
            answer_spans = answer[0]
            losses1 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                logits=masked_start_logits, labels=answer_spans[:, 0])
            losses2 = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
                logits=masked_end_logits, labels=answer_spans[:, 1])
            loss = tf.add_n([tf.reduce_mean(losses1), tf.reduce_mean(losses2)], name="loss")
        elif len(answer) == 2 and all(x.dtype == tf.bool for x in answer):
            # all correct start/end bounds are marked in a dense bool array
            # In this case there might be multiple answer spans, so we need an aggregation strategy
            losses = []
            for answer_mask, logits in zip(answer, [masked_start_logits, masked_end_logits]):
                log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=1)
                if self.aggregate == "sum":
                    log_score = tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits +
                                                    VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(answer_mask, tf.float32)),
                elif self.aggregate == "max":
                    log_score = tf.reduce_max(logits +
                                              VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(answer_mask, tf.float32)), axis=1)
                    raise ValueError()
                losses.append(tf.reduce_mean(-(log_score - log_norm)))
            loss = tf.add_n(losses)
            raise NotImplemented()
        tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, loss)
        return BoundaryPrediction(tf.nn.softmax(masked_start_logits),
                                  masked_start_logits, masked_end_logits, mask)
项目:document-qa    作者:allenai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, answer, start_logits, end_logits, mask) -> Prediction:
        masked_start_logits = exp_mask(start_logits, mask)
        masked_end_logits = exp_mask(end_logits, mask)
        batch_dim = tf.shape(start_logits)[0]

        if len(answer) == 2 and all(x.dtype == tf.bool for x in answer):
            none_logit = tf.get_variable("none-logit", initializer=self.non_init, dtype=tf.float32)
            none_logit = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(none_logit, 0), [batch_dim])

            all_logits = tf.reshape(tf.expand_dims(masked_start_logits, 1) +
                                    tf.expand_dims(masked_end_logits, 2),
                                    (batch_dim, -1))

            # (batch, (l * l) + 1) logits including the none option
            all_logits = tf.concat([all_logits, tf.expand_dims(none_logit, 1)], axis=1)
            log_norms = tf.reduce_logsumexp(all_logits, axis=1)

            # Now build a "correctness" mask in the same format
            correct_mask = tf.logical_and(tf.expand_dims(answer[0], 1), tf.expand_dims(answer[1], 2))
            correct_mask = tf.reshape(correct_mask, (batch_dim, -1))
            correct_mask = tf.concat([correct_mask, tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(answer[0], axis=1, keep_dims=True))],

            log_correct = tf.reduce_logsumexp(
                all_logits + VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(correct_mask, tf.float32)), axis=1)
            loss = tf.reduce_mean(-(log_correct - log_norms))
            probs = tf.nn.softmax(all_logits)
            tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, loss)
            return ConfidencePrediction(probs[:, :-1], masked_start_logits, masked_end_logits,
                                        probs[:, -1], none_logit)
            raise NotImplemented()
项目:TerpreT    作者:51alg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def logsumexp(v, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False):
    if float(tf.__version__[:4]) > 0.10: # reduce_logsumexp does not exist below tfv0.11
        if isinstance(reduction_indices, int): # due to a bug in tfv0.11
            reduction_indices = [reduction_indices]
        return handle_inf(
                  reduction_indices, # this is a bit fragile. reduction_indices got renamed to axis in tfv0.12
        m = tf.reduce_max(v, reduction_indices=reduction_indices, keep_dims=keep_dims)
        # Use SMALL_NUMBER to handle v = []
        return m + tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(tf.exp(v - m), 
                        keep_dims=keep_dims) + SMALL_NUMBER)
项目:THUMT    作者:thumt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_from_logits(logits):
    return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
项目:THUMT    作者:thumt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_from_logits(logits):
    return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
项目:sgnmt    作者:ucam-smt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_from_logits(logits):
    """Softmax function."""
    return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, keep_dims=True)
项目:vrnn    作者:frhrdr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gm_log_p(params_out, x_target, dim):
    """ computes log probability of target in Gaussian mixture with given parameters """
    mean_x, cov_x, pi_x_logit = params_out
    pi_x = tf.nn.softmax(pi_x_logit)
    mean_x = tf.transpose(mean_x, perm=[1, 0, 2])
    cov_x = tf.transpose(cov_x, perm=[1, 0, 2])
    pi_x = tf.transpose(pi_x, perm=[1, 0])

    x_diff = x_target - mean_x
    x_square = tf.reduce_sum((x_diff / cov_x) * x_diff, axis=[2])
    log_x_exp = -0.5 * x_square
    log_cov_x_det = tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(cov_x), axis=[2])
    log_x_norm = -0.5 * (dim * tf.log(2 * np.pi) + log_cov_x_det) + pi_x
    log_p = tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_x_norm + log_x_exp, axis=[0])
    return log_p, log_x_norm, log_x_exp, tf.abs(x_diff)
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_prob_from_logits(logits):
  return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keep_dims=True)
项目:HyperGAN    作者:255BITS    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lookup(self, symbol):
        if symbol == None:
            return None

        if type(symbol) == type([]):
            return [self.lookup(k) for k in symbol]

        if type(symbol) == type({}) or type(symbol) == hc.Config:
            return hc.Config({k: self.lookup(symbol[k]) for k in symbol.keys()})

        if type(symbol) != type(""):
            return symbol

        if symbol.startswith('function:'):
            return self.lookup_function(symbol)

        if symbol.startswith('class:'):
            return self.lookup_class(symbol)

        if symbol == 'tanh':
            return tf.nn.tanh
        if symbol == 'sigmoid':
            return tf.nn.sigmoid
        if symbol == 'batch_norm':
            return layer_regularizers.batch_norm_1
        if symbol == 'layer_norm':
            return layer_regularizers.layer_norm_1
        if symbol == "crelu":
            return tf.nn.crelu
        if symbol == "prelu":
            return self.prelu()
        if symbol == "selu":
            return selu
        if symbol == "lrelu":
            return lrelu
        if symbol == "relu":
            return tf.nn.relu
        if symbol == 'square':
            return tf.square
        if symbol == 'reduce_mean':
            return tf.reduce_mean
        if symbol == 'reduce_min':
            return tf.reduce_min
        if symbol == 'reduce_sum':
            return tf.reduce_sum
        if symbol == 'reduce_logsumexp':
            return tf.reduce_logsumexp
        if symbol == 'reduce_linear':
            return self.reduce_linear()

        if symbol == 'l1_distance':
            return l1_distance
        if symbol == 'l2_distance':
            return l2_distance

        return symbol
项目:arc-swift    作者:qipeng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ASw_transition_loss_pred(self, i, j, combined_head, combined_dep, transition_logit, SHIFT):
        # extract relevant portions of params
        rel_trans_feat_ids = self.trans_feat_ids[i*self.args.beam_size+j] if not self.train else self.trans_feat_ids[i, j]
        rel_trans_feat_size = self.trans_feat_sizes[i*self.args.beam_size+j] if not self.train else self.trans_feat_sizes[i, j]

        # core computations
        has_shift = tf.cond(tf.equal(rel_trans_feat_ids[0, 0], SHIFT), lambda: tf.constant(1), lambda: tf.constant(0))
        arc_trans_count = rel_trans_feat_size - has_shift

        arc_trans_feat_ids = tf.gather(rel_trans_feat_ids, tf.range(has_shift, rel_trans_feat_size))
        rel_head = tf.reshape(tf.gather(combined_head, arc_trans_feat_ids[:, 1]), [arc_trans_count, self.args.rel_emb_dim])
        rel_dep  = tf.reshape(tf.gather(combined_dep,  arc_trans_feat_ids[:, 2]), [arc_trans_count, self.args.rel_emb_dim])

        rel_hid = self.rel_merge(rel_head, rel_dep)
        rel_logit = self.rel_dense(rel_hid)
        arc_logit = tf.reshape(rel_logit, [-1])

        def logaddexp(a, b):
            mx = tf.maximum(a, b)
            return tf.log(tf.exp(a-mx) + tf.exp(b-mx)) + mx

        if self.train:
            # compute a loss and return it
            log_partition = tf.reduce_logsumexp(arc_logit)
            log_partition = tf.cond(tf.greater(has_shift, 0),
                    lambda: logaddexp(log_partition, transition_logit[rel_trans_feat_ids[0, 3]]),
                    lambda: log_partition)
            arc_logit = log_partition - arc_logit

            res = tf.cond(tf.greater(has_shift, 0),
                        lambda: tf.cond(tf.greater(self.trans_labels[i, j], 0),
                            lambda: arc_logit[self.trans_labels[i, j]-1],
                            lambda: log_partition - transition_logit[rel_trans_feat_ids[0, 3]]),
                        lambda: arc_logit[self.trans_labels[i, j]])

            return res
            # just return predictions
            arc_logit = tf.reshape(rel_logit, [-1])
            log_partition = tf.reduce_logsumexp(arc_logit)
            log_partition = tf.cond(tf.greater(has_shift, 0),
                    lambda: logaddexp(log_partition, transition_logit[rel_trans_feat_ids[0, 3]]),
                    lambda: log_partition)
            arc_logit = log_partition - arc_logit

            arc_pred = tf.cond(tf.greater(has_shift, 0),
                lambda: tf.concat([tf.reshape(log_partition - transition_logit[rel_trans_feat_ids[0, 3]], (-1,1)),
                         tf.reshape(arc_logit, (-1,1))], 0),
                lambda: tf.reshape(arc_logit, (-1, 1)))

            # correct shape
            current_output_shape = has_shift + arc_trans_count * rel_logit.get_shape()[1]
            arc_pred = tf.concat([arc_pred, 1e20 * tf.ones((tf.subtract(self.pred_output_size, current_output_shape), 1), dtype=tf.float32)], 0)
            arc_pred = tf.reshape(arc_pred, [-1])

            return arc_pred
项目:text2text    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def bow_loss_by_example(logits,
  """Loss for a bow of logits (per example).

  As opposed to sequence loss this is supposed to ignore the order.
  Does not seem to work yet.

    logits: List of 2D Tensors of shape [batch_size x num_decoder_symbols].
    targets: List of 1D batch-sized int32 Tensors of the same length as
    weights: List of 1D batch-sized float-Tensors of the same length as
    average_across_timesteps: If set, divide the returned cost by the total
      label weight.

    1D batch-sized float Tensor: The loss for each bow.

    ValueError: If len(logits) is different from len(targets) or len(weights).
  if len(targets) != len(logits) or len(weights) != len(logits):
    raise ValueError('Lengths of logits, weights, and targets must be the same '
                     '%d, %d, %d.' % (len(logits), len(weights), len(targets)))

  batch_size = logits[0].shape[0]
  vocab_size = logits[0].shape[1]

  logitssum = tf.zeros((batch_size, vocab_size), tf.float32)
  targetset = tf.zeros((batch_size, vocab_size), tf.float32)
  for target, weight in zip(targets, weights):
    targetset += (tf.one_hot(target, vocab_size) * weight[:, None])
  weight = tf.ones((batch_size), tf.float32)
  for logit in logits:
    softmax = tf.nn.softmax(logit)
    logitssum += (logitssum * weight[:, None])
    weight = tf.maximum(0.0, weight - softmax[:, 3])

  # logitssum = tf.minimum(logitssum, 1.0)
  # targetset = tf.minimum(targetset, 1.0)
  # loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(
  #     labels=targetset, logits=logitssum)

  loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(logitssum, targetset), axis=1)

  # crossent = tf.maximum(logitssum, 0.0) - (
  #     logitssum * targetset) + tf.log(1.0 + tf.exp(-1.0 * tf.abs(logitssum)))
  # log_perps = tf.reduce_logsumexp(crossent, axis=1)

  if average_across_timesteps:
    total_size = tf.add_n(weights)
    total_size += 1e-12  # Just to avoid division by 0 for all-0 weights.
    loss /= total_size

  return loss
项目:tensorflow-layer-library    作者:bioinf-jku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def blurred_cross_entropy(output, target, filter_size=11, sampling_range=3.5, pixel_weights=None):
    Apply a Gaussian smoothing filter to the target probabilities (i.e. the one-hot 
    representation of target) and compute the cross entropy loss between softmax(output) 
    and the blurred target probabilities. 

    :param output: A rank-4 or rank-5 tensor with shape=(samples, [sequence_position,] x, y, num_classes) 
        representing the network input of the output layer (not activated)
    :param target: A rank-3 or rank-4 tensor with shape=(samples, [sequence_position,] x, y) representing 
        the target labels. It must contain int values in 0..num_classes-1. 
    :param filter_size: A length-2 list of int specifying the size of the Gaussian filter that will be 
        applied to the target probabilities. 
    :param pixel_weights: A rank-3 or rank-4 tensor with shape=(samples, [sequence_position,] x, y) 
        representing factors, that will be applied to the loss of the corresponding pixel. This can be 
        e.g. used to void certain pixels by weighting them to 0, i.e. suppress their error induction. 
    :return: A scalar operation representing the blurred cross entropy loss. 
    # convert target to one-hot
    output_shape = output.shape.as_list()
    one_hot = tf.one_hot(target, output_shape[-1], dtype=tf.float32)

    if (len(output_shape) > 4):
        one_hot = tf.reshape(one_hot, [[:-3])] + output_shape[-3:])

    # blur target probabilities
    #gauss_filter = weight_gauss_conv2d(filter_size + [output_shape[-1], 1])
    #blurred_target = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(one_hot, gauss_filter, [1, 1, 1, 1], 'SAME')
    blurred_target = gaussian_blur(one_hot, filter_size, sampling_range)

    if (len(output_shape) > 4):
        blurred_target = tf.reshape(blurred_target, output_shape)

    # compute log softmax predictions and cross entropy
    log_pred = output - tf.reduce_logsumexp(output, axis=[len(output_shape) - 1], keep_dims=True)

    # Apply pixel-wise weighting
    if pixel_weights is not None:
        log_pred *= pixel_weights

    cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(blurred_target * log_pred, axis=[len(output_shape)-1])

    if pixel_weights is not None:
        loss = tf.reduce_sum(cross_entropy) / tf.reduce_sum(pixel_weights)
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy)

    return loss
项目:proximity_vi    作者:altosaar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_elbo(self, n_samples, training=False):
    cfg = self.config
    reuse = False
    if training:
      reuse = True
    z = self.variational.sample(, n_samples=n_samples, reuse=reuse)
    log_q_z = self.variational.log_prob(z, reuse=reuse)
    self.log_q_z = log_q_z
    log_p_x_z = self.model.log_prob(, z, reuse=reuse)
    if cfg['optim/deterministic_annealing'] and training:
      tf.summary.scalar('c/magnitude', self.magnitude)
      magnitude = tf.maximum(1., self.magnitude)
      elbo = log_p_x_z - magnitude * log_q_z
      elbo = log_p_x_z - log_q_z
    if training:
      self.elbo_loss = elbo
      _, variance = tf.nn.moments(elbo, [0])
      self.elbo_variance = tf.reduce_mean(variance)
      self.log_q_z_loss = log_q_z
      self.q_z_sample = z
      self.elbo = elbo
      self.log_q_z = log_q_z
      self.log_p_x_hat = (tf.reduce_logsumexp(elbo, [0], keep_dims=True) -
      tf.summary.scalar('o/log_p_x_hat', tf.reduce_mean(self.log_p_x_hat))

      def sum_mean(x): return tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_mean(x, 0))
      self.elbo_sum = sum_mean(elbo)
      self.q_entropy = -sum_mean(log_q_z)
      self.E_log_lik = sum_mean(log_p_x_z)
      tf.summary.scalar('o/elbo_sum', sum_mean(elbo))
      tf.summary.scalar('o/elbo_mean', sum_mean(elbo) / cfg['batch_size'])
      tf.summary.scalar('o/E_log_q_z', sum_mean(log_q_z))
      tf.summary.scalar('o/E_log_p_x_z', self.E_log_lik)
项目:document-qa    作者:allenai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, answer, start_logits, end_logits, mask) -> Prediction:
        bound = self.bound
        f1_weight = self.f1_weight
        aggregate = self.aggregate
        masked_logits1 = exp_mask(start_logits, mask)
        masked_logits2 = exp_mask(end_logits, mask)

        span_logits = []
        for i in range(self.bound):
            if i == 0:
                span_logits.append(masked_logits1 + masked_logits2)
                span_logits.append(masked_logits1[:, :-i] + masked_logits2[:, i:])
        span_logits = tf.concat(span_logits, axis=1)
        l = tf.shape(start_logits)[1]

        if len(answer) == 1:
            answer = answer[0]
            if answer.dtype == tf.int32:
                if f1_weight == 0:
                    answer_ix = to_packed_coordinates(answer, l, bound)
                    loss = tf.reduce_mean(
                        tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=span_logits, labels=answer_ix))
                    f1_mask = packed_span_f1_mask(answer, l, bound)
                    if f1_weight < 1:
                        f1_mask *= f1_weight
                        f1_mask += (1 - f1_weight) * tf.one_hot(to_packed_coordinates(answer, l, bound), l)
                    # TODO can we stay in log space?  (actually its tricky since f1_mask can have zeros...)
                    probs = tf.nn.softmax(span_logits)
                    loss = -tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(tf.reduce_sum(probs * f1_mask, axis=1)))
                log_norm = tf.reduce_logsumexp(span_logits, axis=1)
                if aggregate == "sum":
                    log_score = tf.reduce_logsumexp(
                        span_logits + VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(answer, tf.float32)),
                elif aggregate == "max":
                    log_score = tf.reduce_max(span_logits + VERY_NEGATIVE_NUMBER * (1 - tf.cast(answer, tf.float32)),
                    raise NotImplementedError()
                loss = tf.reduce_mean(-(log_score - log_norm))
            raise NotImplementedError()

        tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES, loss)
        return PackedSpanPrediction(span_logits, l, bound)