Python tensorflow 模块,tuple() 实例源码


项目:tf_classification    作者:visipedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def expand_bboxes(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, cfg):
    Expand the bboxes.

    w = xmax - xmin
    h = ymax - ymin


    half_w = w / 2.
    half_h = h / 2.

    xmin = tf.clip_by_value(xmin - half_w, 0, 1)
    xmax = tf.clip_by_value(xmax + half_w, 0, 1)
    ymin = tf.clip_by_value(ymin - half_h, 0, 1)
    ymax = tf.clip_by_value(ymax + half_h, 0, 1)

    return tf.tuple([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _precision_recall(n_gbboxes, n_detections, scores, tp, fp, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'prec_rec', [n_gbboxes, scores, tp, fp]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=n_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        dtype = tf.float64
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(n_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')

        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _precision_recall(n_gbboxes, n_detections, scores, tp, fp, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'prec_rec', [n_gbboxes, scores, tp, fp]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=n_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        dtype = tf.float64
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(n_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')

        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recompute_grad(fn):
    """Decorator that recomputes the function on the backwards pass.

      fn: a function that takes Tensors (all as positional arguments) and returns
        a tuple of Tensors.

      A wrapped fn that is identical to fn when called, but its activations will
      be discarded and recomputed on the backwards pass (i.e. on a call to

    def wrapped(*args):
        return _recompute_grad(fn, args)

    return wrapped
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fn_device_dependency(name, device=""):
    """Add control deps for name and device."""
    key = name + "_" + device
    outs = []

    def body():
        with tf.control_dependencies(fn_device_dependency_dict()[key]):
            yield outs
            assert outs

            deps = outs
            if isinstance(outs[0], list) or isinstance(outs[0], tuple):
                assert len(outs) == 1
                deps = outs[0]
            fn_device_dependency_dict()[key] = deps

    if device:
        with tf.device(device):
            return body()
        return body()
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _clip_grad_global_norms(self, tvars, loss, opt, global_norm=8, gate_gradients=1, gradient_noise_scale=None, GATE_GRAPH=2, grad_loss=None, agre_method=None, col_grad_ops=False):
        """Clips the gradients by the given value.

            tvars: trainable variables used for gradint updates
            loss: total loss of the network
            opt: optimizer
            global_norm: the maximum global norm

            A list of clipped gradient to variable pairs.
        var_refs = [v.read_value() for v in tvars]
        grads = tf.gradients(loss, var_refs, grad_ys=grad_loss, gate_gradients=(
            gate_gradients == 1), aggregation_method=agre_method, colocate_gradients_with_ops=col_grad_ops)
        if gradient_noise_scale is not None:
            grads = self._add_scaled_noise_to_gradients(
                list(zip(grads, tvars)), gradient_noise_scale=gradient_noise_scale)
        if gate_gradients == GATE_GRAPH:
            grads = tf.tuple(grads)
        grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(grads, global_norm)
        grads_and_vars = list(zip(grads, tvars))
        return grads_and_vars
项目:AdaptiveOptim    作者:tomMoral    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_step(self, inputs):
        Z, Y, X, theta, lmbd = self.inputs
        K, p = self.D.shape
        L = self.L
        with tf.name_scope("ISTA_iteration"):
            self.S = tf.constant(np.eye(K, dtype=np.float32) - self.S0/L,
                                 shape=[K, K], name='S')
            self.We = tf.constant(self.D.T/L, shape=[p, K],
                                  dtype=tf.float32, name='We')
            hk = tf.matmul(Y, self.S) + tf.matmul(X, self.We)
            self.step_FISTA = Zk = soft_thresholding(hk, lmbd/L)
            # self.theta_k = tk = (tf.sqrt(theta*theta+4) - theta)*theta/2
            self.theta_k = tk = (1 + tf.sqrt(1 + 4*theta*theta))/2
            dZ = tf.subtract(Zk, Z)
            # self.Yk = Zk + tk*(1/theta-1)*dZ
            self.Yk = Zk + (theta-1)/tk*dZ
   = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(
                dZ*dZ, reduction_indices=[1]))

            step = tf.tuple([Zk, tk, self.Yk])
        return step,
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _precision_recall(n_gbboxes, n_detections, scores, tp, fp, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'prec_rec', [n_gbboxes, scores, tp, fp]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=n_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        dtype = tf.float64
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(n_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')

        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recompute_grad(fn):
  """Decorator that recomputes the function on the backwards pass.

    fn: a function that takes Tensors (all as positional arguments) and returns
      a tuple of Tensors.

    A wrapped fn that is identical to fn when called, but its activations will
    be discarded and recomputed on the backwards pass (i.e. on a call to

  def wrapped(*args):
    return _recompute_grad(fn, args)

  return wrapped
项目:UnstableParser    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def birnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length, initial_state_fw=None, initial_state_bw=None, ff_keep_prob=1., recur_keep_prob=1., dtype=tf.float32, scope=None):

  # Forward direction
  with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'BiRNN_FW') as fw_scope:
    output_fw, output_state_fw = rnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length, initial_state_fw, ff_keep_prob, recur_keep_prob, dtype, scope=fw_scope)

  # Backward direction
  rev_inputs = tf.reverse_sequence(inputs, sequence_length, 1, 0)
  with tf.variable_scope(scope or 'BiRNN_BW') as bw_scope:
    output_bw, output_state_bw = rnn(cell, rev_inputs, sequence_length, initial_state_bw, ff_keep_prob, recur_keep_prob, dtype, scope=bw_scope)
  output_bw = tf.reverse_sequence(output_bw, sequence_length, 1, 0)
  # Concat each of the forward/backward outputs
  outputs = tf.concat([output_fw, output_bw], 2)

  return outputs, tf.tuple([output_state_fw, output_state_bw])

项目:RFCN-tensorflow    作者:xdever    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def filterOutputBoxes(self, boxes, scores, others=[], preNmsCount=6000, maxOutSize=300, nmsThreshold=0.7): 
        with tf.name_scope("filter_output_boxes"):
            scores = tf.nn.softmax(scores)[:,1]
            scores = tf.reshape(scores,[-1])

            #Clip boxes to edge
            boxes = self.clipBoxesToEdge(boxes)

            #Remove empty boxes
            boxes, scores = BoxUtils.filterSmallBoxes(boxes, [scores])
            scores, boxes = tf.cond(tf.shape(scores)[0] > preNmsCount , lambda: tf.tuple(MultiGather.gatherTopK(scores, preNmsCount, [boxes])), lambda: tf.tuple([scores, boxes]))

            #NMS filter
            nmsIndices = tf.image.non_max_suppression(boxes, scores, iou_threshold=nmsThreshold, max_output_size=maxOutSize)
            nmsIndices = tf.expand_dims(nmsIndices, axis=-1)

            return MultiGather.gather([boxes, scores]+others, nmsIndices)
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _precision_recall(n_gbboxes, n_detections, scores, tp, fp, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'prec_rec', [n_gbboxes, scores, tp, fp]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=n_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        dtype = tf.float64
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(n_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')

        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:revnet-public    作者:renmengye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _combine(self, concat, *argv):
    if concat:
      y = _concat(list(argv), axis=3)
      y = tuple(argv)
    return y
项目:revnet-public    作者:renmengye    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _split(self, concat, n_filter, x):
    if concat or type(x) != tuple:
      x1 = x[:, :, :, :n_filter // 2]
      x2 = x[:, :, :, n_filter // 2:]
      x1, x2 = x
    return x1, x2
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall(num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores,
                     dtype=tf.float64, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Input dictionaries: dict outputs as streaming metrics.
    if isinstance(scores, dict):
        d_precision = {}
        d_recall = {}
        for c in num_gbboxes.keys():
            scope = 'precision_recall_%s' % c
            p, r = precision_recall(num_gbboxes[c], num_detections[c],
                                    tp[c], fp[c], scores[c],
                                    dtype, scope)
            d_precision[c] = p
            d_recall[c] = r
        return d_precision, d_recall

    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'precision_recall',
                       [num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=num_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(num_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')
        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:antgo    作者:jianzfb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall_values(xvals, precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute values on the precision/recall curve.

      x: Python list of floats;
      precision: 1D Tensor decreasing.
      recall: 1D Tensor increasing.
      list of precision values.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "precision_recall_values",
                        [precision, recall]) as name:
        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        prec_values = []
        for x in xvals:
            mask = tf.less_equal(recall, x)
            val = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
        return tf.tuple(prec_values)

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: old stuff!
# =========================================================================== #
项目:RFHO    作者:lucfra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def as_tuple_or_list(obj):
    Make sure that `obj` is a tuple or a list and eventually converts it into a list with a single element

    :param obj:
    :return: A `tuple` or a `list`
    return obj if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)) else [obj]
项目:RFHO    作者:lucfra    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def assign(self, value_list):
        if isinstance(value_list, ZMergedMatrix):
            value_list = value_list.components
        assert len(value_list) == len(self.components), 'the length of value_list and of z, components must coincide'
        value_list = tf.tuple(value_list)  # THIS PROBABLY SOLVES THE PROBLEM!

        ao1 = [tf.assign(c, v) for c, v in zip(self.components, value_list)]


    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
项目:dataset    作者:analysiscenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _array_to_tuple(inputs, size, shape=None):
    """ Convert tf.TensorArray to tf.Tuple. """
    with tf.variable_scope('array_to_tuple'):
        if shape is None:
            output = tf.tuple([ for i in range(size)])
            output = tf.tuple([tf.reshape(, shape) for i in range(size)])
    return output
项目:dataset    作者:analysiscenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stop_gradient_tuple(self, inputs):
        """ Stop gradients through tf.tuple. """
        for i, _ in enumerate(inputs):
            inputs[i] = tf.stop_gradient(inputs[i])
        return inputs
项目:dataset    作者:analysiscenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_bbox_batch(cls, inputs, batch_size=64):
        """ Create batch indices for bboxes. """
        batch = []
        for indices in inputs:
            indices = tf.random_shuffle(indices)
            start = [0] * 2
            size = [tf.minimum(batch_size, tf.shape(indices)[0]), -1]
            sample = tf.slice(indices, start, size)
            sample.set_shape([None, 1])
        batch = tf.tuple(batch)
        return batch
项目:dataset    作者:analysiscenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unstack_tuple(self, inputs, tensor_sizes):
        size = len(tensor_sizes)
        start_position = tf.constant(0)
        output = []
        dim = len(inputs.get_shape().as_list())-1
        for i in range(size):
            output.append(tf.slice(inputs, begin=[start_position, *([0]*dim)], size=[tensor_sizes[i], *([-1]*dim)]))
            start_position = start_position + tensor_sizes[i]
        return tf.tuple(output)
项目:rltools    作者:sisl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def unflatten_into_tensors(flatparams_P, output_shapes, name=None):
    Unflattens a vector produced by flatcat into a list of tensors of the specified shapes.
    with tf.op_scope([flatparams_P], name, 'unflatten_into_tensors') as scope:
        outputs = []
        curr_pos = 0
        for shape in output_shapes:
            size ='int')
            flatval = flatparams_P[curr_pos:curr_pos + size]
            outputs.append(tf.reshape(flatval, shape))
            curr_pos += size
        assert curr_pos == flatparams_P.get_shape().num_elements(), "{} != {}".format(
            curr_pos, flatparams_P.get_shape().num_elements())
        return tf.tuple(outputs, name=scope)
项目:rltools    作者:sisl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def subsample_feed(feed, frac):
    assert isinstance(feed, tuple) and len(feed) >= 1
    assert isinstance(frac, float) and 0. < frac <= 1.
    l = feed[0].shape[0]
    assert all(a.shape[0] == l for a in feed), 'All feed entries must have the same length'
    subsamp_inds = np.random.choice(l, size=int(frac * l))
    return tuple(a[subsamp_inds, ...] for a in feed)
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall(num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores,
                     dtype=tf.float64, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Input dictionaries: dict outputs as streaming metrics.
    if isinstance(scores, dict):
        d_precision = {}
        d_recall = {}
        for c in num_gbboxes.keys():
            scope = 'precision_recall_%s' % c
            p, r = precision_recall(num_gbboxes[c], num_detections[c],
                                    tp[c], fp[c], scores[c],
                                    dtype, scope)
            d_precision[c] = p
            d_recall[c] = r
        return d_precision, d_recall

    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'precision_recall',
                       [num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=num_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(num_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')
        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:SSD_tensorflow_VOC    作者:LevinJ    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall_values(xvals, precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute values on the precision/recall curve.

      x: Python list of floats;
      precision: 1D Tensor decreasing.
      recall: 1D Tensor increasing.
      list of precision values.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "precision_recall_values",
                        [precision, recall]) as name:
        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        prec_values = []
        for x in xvals:
            mask = tf.less_equal(recall, x)
            val = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
        return tf.tuple(prec_values)

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: old stuff!
# =========================================================================== #
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dot_product_attention(q,
    """dot-product attention.

      q: a Tensor with shape [batch, heads, length_q, depth_k]
      k: a Tensor with shape [batch, heads, length_kv, depth_k]
      v: a Tensor with shape [batch, heads, length_kv, depth_v]
      bias: bias Tensor (see attention_bias())
      dropout_rate: a floating point number
      image_shapes: optional tuple of integer scalars.
        see comments for attention_image_summary()
      name: an optional string
      make_image_summary: True if you want an image summary.

      A Tensor.
    with tf.variable_scope(
            name, default_name="dot_product_attention", values=[q, k, v]):
        logits = tf.matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True)
        if bias is not None:
            logits += bias
        weights = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name="attention_weights")
        weights = tf.nn.dropout(weights, 1.0 - dropout_rate)
        return tf.matmul(weights, v)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _setup_summaries(self):
        with tf.name_scope('summaries'):
            self.epoch_loss = tf.placeholder(
                tf.float32, shape=[], name="epoch_loss")

            # Training summaries
            tf.summary.scalar('learning rate', self.learning_rate,
            tf.summary.scalar('training (cross entropy) loss', self.epoch_loss,
            if len(self.inputs.get_shape()) == 4:
                summary.summary_image(self.inputs, 'inputs', max_images=10, collections=[
            for key, val in self.training_end_points.iteritems():
                summary.summary_activation(val, name=key, collections=[
            summary.summary_trainable_params(['scalar', 'histogram', 'norm'], collections=[
            summary.summary_gradients(self.grads_and_vars, [
                                      'scalar', 'histogram', 'norm'], collections=[TRAINING_BATCH_SUMMARIES])

            # Validation summaries
            for key, val in self.validation_end_points.iteritems():
                summary.summary_activation(val, name=key, collections=[

            tf.summary.scalar('validation loss', self.epoch_loss,
            self.validation_metric_placeholders = []
            for metric_name, _ in self.validation_metrics_def:
                validation_metric = tf.placeholder(
                    tf.float32, shape=[], name=metric_name.replace(' ', '_'))
                tf.summary.scalar(metric_name, validation_metric,
            self.validation_metric_placeholders = tuple(
项目:tensorlm    作者:batzner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_state_variables_for_batch(state_variables, batch_size):
    """Returns a subset of the state variables.

    This function takes the state variables returned by get_state_variables() and returns a subset
    for an actual forward-propagation run. Specifically, it clips each of the state variables to
    the given batch size.

    Before this call, each variable's first dimension has length
    max_batch_size but when the input has a lower batch size, the LSTM should also only update the
    state variables for the used batches.

    See get_state_variables() for more info.

        state_variables (tuple[tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple]): The LSTM's state variables.
        batch_size (tf.Tensor): An 0-dimensional tensor containing the batch size tensor in the
            computational graph.

        tuple[tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple]: A new tuple of state variables clipped to the given
            batch size.

    # Return a tuple of LSTMStateTuples but with only the first batch_size rows for each variable
    # in the tuples.
    result = []
    for state_c, state_h in state_variables:
        result.append(tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple(state_c[:batch_size], state_h[:batch_size]))
    return tuple(result)
项目:tensorlm    作者:batzner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_state_update_op(state_variables, new_states):
    """Returns an operation to update an LSTM's state variables.

    See get_state_variables() for more info.

        state_variables (tuple[tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple]): The LSTM's state variables.
        new_states (tuple[tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple]): The new values for the state variables.
            new_states may have state tuples with state sizes < max_batch_size. Then, only the first
            rows of the corresponding state variables will be updated.

        tf.Operation: An operation that updates the LSTM's.

    # Add an operation to update the train states with the last state tensors.
    update_ops = []
    for state_variable, new_state in zip(state_variables, new_states):
        # new_state[0] might be smaller than state_variable[0], because state_variable[0]
        # contains max_batch_size entries.

        # Get the update indices for both states in the tuple
        update_indices = (tf.range(0, tf.shape(new_state[0])[0]),
                          tf.range(0, tf.shape(new_state[1])[0]))
            tf.scatter_update(state_variable[0], update_indices[0], new_state[0]),
            tf.scatter_update(state_variable[1], update_indices[1], new_state[1])
    return tf.tuple(update_ops)
项目:tensorlm    作者:batzner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_state_reset_op(state_variables, cell, max_batch_size):
    """Returns an operation to set each variable in a list of LSTMStateTuples to zero.

    See get_state_variables() for more info.

        state_variables (tuple[tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple]): The LSTM's state variables.
        cell (tf.contrib.rnn.MuliRNNCell): An MultiRNNCell consisting of multiple LSTMCells.
        max_batch_size (int): The maximum size of batches that are be fed to the LSTMCell.

        tf.Operation: An operation that sets the LSTM's state to zero.
    zero_states = cell.zero_state(max_batch_size, tf.float32)
    return get_state_update_op(state_variables, zero_states)
项目:tensorlight    作者:bsautermeister    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_computation_graph(self, x, y, opt):
        """Builds the (device or runtime specific) computation graph.
        x: n-D Tensor
            The inputs tensor.
        y: m-D Tensor
            The targets tensor.
        opt: Optimizer
            The TensorFlow optimizer instance.
        A tuple of (grads, summaries, total_loss, loss, eval_dict)
项目:tensorlight    作者:bsautermeister    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def datasets(self):
        """Gets the datasets as a named tuple.
           Use the members ds.train, ds.valid or ds.test
           of the returned tuple."""
        return self._datasets
项目:tensorlight    作者:bsautermeister    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def placeholders(self):
        """Gets the placeholders as a named tuple."""
        return self._ph
项目:tensorlight    作者:bsautermeister    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gpu(self):
        """Gets the gpu config as a named tuple."""
        return self._gpu
项目:DDPG    作者:MOCR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, x, size, selectTrain, sess, toTarget=None, ts=0.001):

        self.sess = sess
        self.mean_x_train, self.variance_x_train = moments(x, [0])

        #self.mean_x_ma, self.variance_x_ma = moments(self.x_splh, [0])

        self.mean_x_ma = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([size]))
        self.variance_x_ma = tf.Variable(tf.ones([size]))

        self.update = tf.tuple([self.variance_x_ma.assign(0.95*self.variance_x_ma+ 0.05*self.variance_x_train)] , control_inputs=[self.mean_x_ma.assign(0.95*self.mean_x_ma+ 0.05*self.mean_x_train)])[0]
        self.mean_x_ma_update = tf.tuple([self.mean_x_train] , control_inputs=[])[0]
        self.printUp = tf.Print(self.mean_x_ma_update, [selectTrain], message="selectTrain value : ")
        self.variance_x_ma_update = tf.tuple([self.variance_x_train], control_inputs=[])[0]

        def getxmau(): return self.mean_x_ma_update
        def getxma(): return self.mean_x_ma    

        def getvxmau(): return self.variance_x_ma_update
        def getvxma(): return self.variance_x_ma

        self.mean_x = tf.cond(selectTrain, getxmau, getxma)
        self.variance_x = tf.cond(selectTrain, getvxmau, getvxma)

        self.beta = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([size]))
        self.gamma = tf.Variable(tf.ones([size]))[self.beta, self.gamma]))#, self.mean_x_ma, self.variance_x_ma]))
        self.xNorm = tf.reshape(tf.nn.batch_norm_with_global_normalization(tf.reshape(x, [-1, 1, 1, size]), self.mean_x, self.variance_x, self.beta, self.gamma, 0.01, True), [-1, size])

        if toTarget!=None:
            self.isTracking = toTarget
            self.updateBeta = self.beta.assign(self.beta*(1-ts)+self.isTracking.beta*ts)
            self.updateGamma = self.gamma.assign(self.gamma*(1-ts)+self.isTracking.gamma*ts)
            self.updateTarget =, self.updateGamma)
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall(num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores,
                     dtype=tf.float64, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Input dictionaries: dict outputs as streaming metrics.
    if isinstance(scores, dict):
        d_precision = {}
        d_recall = {}
        for c in num_gbboxes.keys():
            scope = 'precision_recall_%s' % c
            p, r = precision_recall(num_gbboxes[c], num_detections[c],
                                    tp[c], fp[c], scores[c],
                                    dtype, scope)
            d_precision[c] = p
            d_recall[c] = r
        return d_precision, d_recall

    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'precision_recall',
                       [num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=num_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(num_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')
        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:Deep-Fashion    作者:TomPyonsuke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall_values(xvals, precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute values on the precision/recall curve.

      x: Python list of floats;
      precision: 1D Tensor decreasing.
      recall: 1D Tensor increasing.
      list of precision values.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "precision_recall_values",
                        [precision, recall]) as name:
        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        prec_values = []
        for x in xvals:
            mask = tf.less_equal(recall, x)
            val = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
        return tf.tuple(prec_values)

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: old stuff!
# =========================================================================== #
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rev_layer_forward(xs, f, g, f_side_input, g_side_input,
  """Forward for 1 reversible layer."""
  x1, x2 = xs
  y1 = x1 + (f(x2, f_side_input) if f_side_input else f(x2))
  y2 = x2 + (g(y1, g_side_input) if g_side_input else g(y1))
  if gate_outputs:
    return tf.tuple([y1, y2])
    return (y1, y2)
项目:tensor2tensor    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _recompute_grad(fn, args):
  """See recompute_grad."""

  cached_vs = []
  cached_arg_scope = []

  def grad_fn(inputs, variables, outputs, output_grads):
    """Recompute outputs for gradient computation."""
    del outputs
    # Recompute outputs
    with tf.control_dependencies(output_grads):
      with tf.contrib.framework.arg_scope(cached_arg_scope[0]):
        with tf.variable_scope(cached_vs[0], reuse=True):
          outputs = fn(*inputs)

    if not (isinstance(outputs, list) or isinstance(outputs, tuple)):
      outputs = [outputs]
    outputs = list(outputs)
    grads = tf.gradients(outputs, inputs + variables, output_grads)
    grad_inputs = grads[:len(inputs)]
    grad_vars = grads[len(inputs):]
    return grad_inputs, grad_vars

  def fn_with_recompute(*args):
    # TODO(rsepassi): Rm conditional in TF 1.5
    if hasattr(tf.contrib.framework, "current_arg_scope"):
    return fn(*args)

  return fn_with_recompute(*args)
项目:seglink    作者:dengdan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall(num_gbboxes, tp, fp, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays

    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'precision_recall'):
        # Computer recall and precision.
        tp = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tp, tf.float32), axis=0)
        fp = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(fp, tf.float32), axis=0)
        recall = tfe_math.safe_divide(tp, tf.cast(num_gbboxes, tf.float32), 'recall')
        precision = tfe_math.safe_divide(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')
        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:RFCN-tensorflow    作者:xdever    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mirror(image, boxes):
    def doMirror(image, boxes):
        image = tf.reverse(image, axis=[2])
        x0,y0,x1,y1 = tf.unstack(boxes, axis=1)

        w=tf.cast(tf.shape(image)[2], tf.float32)

        return image, tf.stack([x0_m,y0,x1_m,y1], axis=1)

    uniform_random = tf.random_uniform([], 0, 1.0)
    return tf.cond(uniform_random < 0.5, lambda: tf.tuple([image, boxes]), lambda: doMirror(image, boxes))
项目:RFCN-tensorflow    作者:xdever    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gatherTopK(t, k, others=[], sorted=False):
    with tf.name_scope("gather_top_k"):
        isMoreThanK = tf.shape(t)[-1]>k
        values, indices = tf.cond(isMoreThanK, lambda: tf.nn.top_k(t, k=k, sorted=sorted), lambda: tf.tuple([t, tf.zeros((0,1), tf.int32)]))
        indices = tf.reshape(indices, [-1,1])

        for o in others:
            res.append(tf.cond(isMoreThanK, lambda: tf.gather_nd(o, indices), lambda: o))

    return res
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall(num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores,
                     dtype=tf.float64, scope=None):
    """Compute precision and recall from scores, true positives and false
    positives booleans arrays
    # Input dictionaries: dict outputs as streaming metrics.
    if isinstance(scores, dict):
        d_precision = {}
        d_recall = {}
        for c in num_gbboxes.keys():
            scope = 'precision_recall_%s' % c
            p, r = precision_recall(num_gbboxes[c], num_detections[c],
                                    tp[c], fp[c], scores[c],
                                    dtype, scope)
            d_precision[c] = p
            d_recall[c] = r
        return d_precision, d_recall

    # Sort by score.
    with tf.name_scope(scope, 'precision_recall',
                       [num_gbboxes, num_detections, tp, fp, scores]):
        # Sort detections by score.
        scores, idxes = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=num_detections, sorted=True)
        tp = tf.gather(tp, idxes)
        fp = tf.gather(fp, idxes)
        # Computer recall and precision.
        tp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(tp, dtype), axis=0)
        fp = tf.cumsum(tf.cast(fp, dtype), axis=0)
        recall = _safe_div(tp, tf.cast(num_gbboxes, dtype), 'recall')
        precision = _safe_div(tp, tp + fp, 'precision')
        return tf.tuple([precision, recall])
项目:DAVIS-2016-Chanllege-Solution    作者:tangyuhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def precision_recall_values(xvals, precision, recall, name=None):
    """Compute values on the precision/recall curve.

      x: Python list of floats;
      precision: 1D Tensor decreasing.
      recall: 1D Tensor increasing.
      list of precision values.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "precision_recall_values",
                        [precision, recall]) as name:
        # Add bounds values to precision and recall.
        precision = tf.concat([[0.], precision, [0.]], axis=0)
        recall = tf.concat([[0.], recall, [1.]], axis=0)
        precision = tfe_math.cummax(precision, reverse=True)

        prec_values = []
        for x in xvals:
            mask = tf.less_equal(recall, x)
            val = tf.reduce_min(tf.boolean_mask(precision, mask))
        return tf.tuple(prec_values)

# =========================================================================== #
# TF Extended metrics: old stuff!
# =========================================================================== #
项目:tf_classification    作者:visipedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distorted_bounding_box_crop(image,
                                aspect_ratio_range=(0.75, 1.33),
                                area_range=(0.05, 1.0),
  """Generates cropped_image using a one of the bboxes randomly distorted.
  See `tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box` for more documentation.
    image: 3-D Tensor of image (it will be converted to floats in [0, 1]).
    bbox: 3-D float Tensor of bounding boxes arranged [1, num_boxes, coords]
      where each coordinate is [0, 1) and the coordinates are arranged
      as [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]. If num_boxes is 0 then it would use the whole
    min_object_covered: An optional `float`. Defaults to `0.1`. The cropped
      area of the image must contain at least this fraction of any bounding box
    aspect_ratio_range: An optional list of `floats`. The cropped area of the
      image must have an aspect ratio = width / height within this range.
    area_range: An optional list of `floats`. The cropped area of the image
      must contain a fraction of the supplied image within in this range.
    max_attempts: An optional `int`. Number of attempts at generating a cropped
      region of the image of the specified constraints. After `max_attempts`
      failures, return the entire image.
    scope: Optional scope for name_scope.
    A tuple, a 3-D Tensor cropped_image and the distorted bbox
  with tf.name_scope(scope, 'distorted_bounding_box_crop', [image, bbox]):
    # Each bounding box has shape [1, num_boxes, box coords] and
    # the coordinates are ordered [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax].

    # A large fraction of image datasets contain a human-annotated bounding
    # box delineating the region of the image containing the object of interest.
    # We choose to create a new bounding box for the object which is a randomly
    # distorted version of the human-annotated bounding box that obeys an
    # allowed range of aspect ratios, sizes and overlap with the human-annotated
    # bounding box. If no box is supplied, then we assume the bounding box is
    # the entire image.
    sample_distorted_bounding_box = tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box(
    bbox_begin, bbox_size, distort_bbox = sample_distorted_bounding_box

    # Crop the image to the specified bounding box.
    cropped_image = tf.slice(image, bbox_begin, bbox_size)
    return tf.tuple([cropped_image, distort_bbox])
项目:dataset    作者:analysiscenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def non_max_suppression(inputs, scores, batch_size, max_output_size,
                        score_threshold=0.7, iou_threshold=0.7, nonempty=False, name='nms'):
    """ Perform NMS on batch of images.

        inputs: tf.Tuple
            each components is a set of bboxes for corresponding image
        scores: tf.Tuple
            scores of inputs
            size of batch of inputs
            maximal size of bboxes per image
        score_threshold: float
            bboxes with score less the score_threshold will be dropped
        iou_threshold: float
            bboxes with iou which is greater then iou_threshold will be merged
        nonempty: bool
            if True at least one bbox per image will be returned
        name: str
            scope name

            indices of selected bboxes for each image

    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        ix = tf.constant(0)
        filtered_rois = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=batch_size, infer_shape=False)
        loop_cond = lambda ix, filtered_rois: tf.less(ix, batch_size)
        def _loop_body(ix, filtered_rois):
            indices, score, roi = _filter_tensor(scores[ix], score_threshold, inputs[ix]) # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
            roi_corners = tf.concat([roi[:, :2], roi[:, :2]+roi[:, 2:]], axis=-1)
            roi_after_nms = tf.image.non_max_suppression(roi_corners, score, max_output_size, iou_threshold)
            if nonempty:
                is_not_empty = lambda: filtered_rois.write(ix,
                                                           tf.cast(tf.gather(indices, roi_after_nms),
                is_empty = lambda: filtered_rois.write(ix, tf.constant([[0]]))
                filtered_rois = tf.cond(tf.not_equal(tf.shape(indices)[0], 0), is_not_empty, is_empty)
                filtered_rois = filtered_rois.write(ix, tf.cast(tf.gather(indices, roi_after_nms), dtype=tf.int32))
            return [ix+1, filtered_rois]
        _, res = tf.while_loop(loop_cond, _loop_body, [ix, filtered_rois])
        res = _array_to_tuple(res, batch_size, [-1, 1])
    return res
项目:dataset    作者:analysiscenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _rcn_head(self, inputs, image_shape, nms_threshold, rpn_thresholds,
                  rcn_batch, batch_size, name='rcn_head', **kwargs):
        anchors_labels = self.anchors_placeholders['labels']
        feature_maps, rpn_reg, rpn_cls = inputs
        n_anchors = self.n_anchors

        with tf.variable_scope(name):
            rcn_input_indices = non_max_suppression(rpn_reg, rpn_cls, batch_size, n_anchors,

            rcn_input_indices = tf.cond(self.is_training,
                                        lambda: self.create_bbox_batch(rcn_input_indices, rcn_batch),
                                        lambda: rcn_input_indices)

            rcn_input_rois, rcn_input_labels = self._get_rois_and_labels(rpn_reg, anchors_labels, rcn_input_indices)

            for tensor in rcn_input_rois:
                tf.add_to_collection('roi', tensor)
            for tensor in rcn_input_labels:
                tf.add_to_collection('targets', tensor)
            roi_factor = np.array(self.map_shape/image_shape)

            rcn_input_rois = self.stop_gradient_tuple(rcn_input_rois)
            rcn_input_labels = self.stop_gradient_tuple(rcn_input_labels)

            roi_cropped = roi_pooling_layer(feature_maps, rcn_input_rois,
                                            factor=roi_factor, shape=(7, 7), data_format=kwargs['data_format'])
            indices, roi_cropped, rcn_input_labels = self._stack_tuple(roi_cropped, rcn_input_labels) # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
            rcn_clsf = conv_block(roi_cropped, 'f', units=10, name='output_conv', **kwargs)

            loss = self.rcn_loss(rcn_clsf, rcn_input_labels)

            rcn_clsf = tf.argmax(rcn_clsf, axis=-1)
            rcn_clsf = self._unstack_tuple(rcn_clsf, indices)
            rcn_clsf = tf.tuple(rcn_clsf, name='clsf')
            for tensor in rcn_clsf:
                tf.add_to_collection('rcn_output', tensor)
            loss = tf.identity(loss, 'loss')

        return rcn_clsf, loss
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conv2d_v2(inputs, n_output_channels, is_training, reuse, **kwargs):
    """Adds a 2D dilated convolutional layer

        also known as convolution with holes or atrous convolution.
        If the rate parameter is equal to one, it performs regular 2-D convolution.
        If the rate parameter
        is greater than one, it performs convolution with holes, sampling the input
        values every rate pixels in the height and width dimensions.
        `convolutional layer` creates a variable called `weights`, representing a conv
        weight matrix, which is multiplied by the `x` to produce a
        `Tensor` of hidden units. If a `batch_norm` is provided (such as
        `batch_norm`), it is then applied. Otherwise, if `batch_norm` is
        None and a `b_init` and `use_bias` is provided then a `biases` variable would be
        created and added the hidden units. Finally, if `activation` is not `None`,
        it is applied to the hidden units as well.
        Note: that if `x` have a rank 4

        x: A 4-D `Tensor` of with rank 4 and value for the last dimension,
            i.e. `[batch_size, in_height, in_width, depth]`,
        is_training: Bool, training or testing
        n_output: Integer or long, the number of output units in the layer.
        reuse: whether or not the layer and its variables should be reused. To be
            able to reuse the layer scope must be given.
        filter_size: a int or list/tuple of 2 positive integers specifying the spatial
        dimensions of of the filters.
        dilation:  A positive int32. The stride with which we sample input values across
            the height and width dimensions. Equivalently, the rate by which we upsample the
            filter values by inserting zeros across the height and width dimensions. In the literature,
            the same parameter is sometimes called input stride/rate or dilation.
        padding: one of `"VALID"` or `"SAME"`. IF padding is LEFT, it preprocess the input to use Valid padding
        activation: activation function, set to None to skip it and maintain
            a linear activation.
        batch_norm: normalization function to use. If
            `batch_norm` is `True` then google original implementation is used and
            if another function is provided then it is applied.
            default set to None for no normalizer function
        batch_norm_args: normalization function parameters.
        w_init: An initializer for the weights.
        w_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the weights.
        untie_biases: spatial dimensions wise baises
        b_init: An initializer for the biases. If None skip biases.
        outputs_collections: The collections to which the outputs are added.
        trainable: If `True` also add variables to the graph collection
            `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES` (see tf.Variable).
        name: Optional name or scope for variable_scope/name_scope.
        use_bias: Whether to add bias or not

        The 4-D `Tensor` variable representing the result of the series of operations.
        e.g.: 4-D `Tensor` [batch, new_height, new_width, n_output].

        ValueError: if x has rank less than 4 or if its last dimension is not set.
    if 'padding' in kwargs and kwargs['padding'] == 'LEFT':
        inputs, kwargs = format_input_left_padding(inputs, **kwargs)
    return dilated_conv2d(inputs, n_output_channels, is_training, reuse, **kwargs)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conv2d_gru(inputs, n_output_channels, is_training, reuse, filter_size=3, padding="SAME", dilation=1, name='conv2d_gru', outputs_collections=None, **kwargs):
    """Adds a convolutional GRU layer in 1 dimension

        x: A 4-D `Tensor` of with rank 4 and value for the last dimension,
            i.e. `[batch_size, in_height, in_width, depth]`,
        is_training: Bool, training or testing
        n_output: Integer or long, the number of output units in the layer.
        reuse: whether or not the layer and its variables should be reused. To be
            able to reuse the layer scope must be given.
        filter_size: a int or list/tuple of 2 positive integers specifying the spatial
        dimensions of of the filters.
        dilation:  A positive int32. The stride with which we sample input values across
            the height and width dimensions. Equivalently, the rate by which we upsample the
            filter values by inserting zeros across the height and width dimensions. In the literature,
            the same parameter is sometimes called input stride/rate or dilation.
        padding: one of `"VALID"` or `"SAME"`. IF padding is LEFT, it preprocess the input to use Valid padding
        activation: activation function, set to None to skip it and maintain
            a linear activation.
        batch_norm: normalization function to use. If
            `batch_norm` is `True` then google original implementation is used and
            if another function is provided then it is applied.
            default set to None for no normalizer function
        batch_norm_args: normalization function parameters.
        w_init: An initializer for the weights.
        w_regularizer: Optional regularizer for the weights.
        untie_biases: spatial dimensions wise baises
        b_init: An initializer for the biases. If None skip biases.
        outputs_collections: The collections to which the outputs are added.
        trainable: If `True` also add variables to the graph collection
            `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES` (see tf.Variable).
        name: Optional name or scope for variable_scope/name_scope.
        use_bias: Whether to add bias or not

        The 4-D `Tensor` variable representing the result of the series of operations.
        e.g.: 4-D `Tensor` [batch, new_height, new_width, n_output].

        ValueError: if x has rank less than 4 or if its last dimension is not set.
    def conv2d_fn(x, name, bias_start, padding):
        return conv2d_v2(x, n_output_channels, is_training, reuse, filter_size=filter_size, padding=padding, b_init=bias_start, dilation=dilation, name=name, **kwargs)

    with tf.variable_scope(name, reuse=reuse):
        reset = saturating_sigmoid(conv2d_fn(inputs, "reset", 1.0, padding))
        gate = saturating_sigmoid(conv2d_fn(inputs, "gate", 1.0, padding))
        candidate = tf.tanh(
            conv2d_fn(reset * inputs, "candidate", 0.0, padding))
        outputs = gate * inputs + (1 - gate) * candidate
        return _collect_named_outputs(outputs_collections, name, outputs)