Python tensorflow 模块,scatter_add() 实例源码


项目:Sing_Par    作者:wanghm92    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sparse_moving_average(self, x_tm1, idxs, a_t_, name, beta=.9):

    b_tm1 = self.get_accumulator(x_tm1, '%s' % name)
    b_tm1_ = tf.gather(b_tm1, idxs)
    shape = self.get_variable_shape(x_tm1)
    tm1 = self.get_accumulator(x_tm1, '%s/tm1' % name, shape=[shape[0]]+[1]*(len(shape)-1))
    tm1_ = tf.gather(tm1, idxs)
    t = tf.scatter_add(tm1, idxs, tf.ones_like(tm1_))
    t_ = tf.gather(t, idxs)
    if beta < 1:
      beta_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(beta, name='%s/decay' % name)
      beta_t_ = beta_t * (1-beta_t**tm1_) / (1-beta_t**t_)
      beta_t_ = tm1_/t_
    b_t = tf.scatter_update(b_tm1, idxs, beta_t_*b_tm1_)
    b_t = tf.scatter_add(b_t, idxs, (1-beta_t_)*a_t_)
    return b_t, t

项目:Parser-v1    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sparse_moving_average(self, x_tm1, idxs, a_t_, name, beta=.9):

    b_tm1 = self.get_accumulator(x_tm1, '%s' % name)
    b_tm1_ = tf.gather(b_tm1, idxs)
    shape = self.get_variable_shape(x_tm1)
    tm1 = self.get_accumulator(x_tm1, '%s/tm1' % name, shape=[shape[0]]+[1]*(len(shape)-1))
    tm1_ = tf.gather(tm1, idxs)
    t = tf.scatter_add(tm1, idxs, tf.ones_like(tm1_))
    t_ = tf.gather(t, idxs)
    if beta < 1:
      beta_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(beta, name='%s/decay' % name)
      beta_t_ = beta_t * (1-beta_t**tm1_) / (1-beta_t**t_)
      beta_t_ = tm1_/t_
    b_t = tf.scatter_update(b_tm1, idxs, beta_t_*b_tm1_)
    b_t = tf.scatter_add(b_t, idxs, (1-beta_t_)*a_t_)
    return b_t, t

项目:UnstableParser    作者:tdozat    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _sparse_moving_average(self, x_tm1, idxs, a_t_, name, beta=.9):

    b_tm1 = self.get_accumulator(x_tm1, '%s' % name)
    b_tm1_ = tf.gather(b_tm1, idxs)
    shape = self.get_variable_shape(x_tm1)
    tm1 = self.get_accumulator(x_tm1, '%s/tm1' % name, shape=[shape[0]]+[1]*(len(shape)-1))
    tm1_ = tf.gather(tm1, idxs)
    t = tf.scatter_add(tm1, idxs, tf.ones_like(tm1_))
    t_ = tf.gather(t, idxs)
    if beta < 1:
      beta_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(beta, name='%s/decay' % name)
      beta_t_ = beta_t * (1-beta_t**tm1_) / (1-beta_t**t_)
      beta_t_ = tm1_/t_
    b_t = tf.scatter_update(b_tm1, idxs, beta_t_*b_tm1_)
    b_t = tf.scatter_add(b_t, idxs, (1-beta_t_)*a_t_)
    return b_t, t

项目:mann-for-speech-separation    作者:KWTsou1220    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def outer_product(*inputs):
    """Computes outer product.
        inputs: a list of 1-D `Tensor` (vector)
    inputs = list(inputs)
    order = len(inputs)

    for idx, input_ in enumerate(inputs):
        if len(input_.get_shape()) == 1:
            inputs[idx] = tf.reshape(input_, [-1, 1] if idx % 2 == 0 else [1, -1])

    if order == 2:
        output = tf.multiply(inputs[0], inputs[1])
    elif order == 3:
        size = []
        idx = 1
        for i in xrange(order):
        output = tf.zeros(size)

        u, v, w = inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2]
        uv = tf.multiply(inputs[0], inputs[1])
        for i in xrange(self.size[-1]):
            output = tf.scatter_add(output, [0,0,i], uv)

    return output
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_update_op(self, upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals,
                       batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output):
        """Function that creates all the update ops."""
        base_update_op = super(LSHMemory, self).make_update_op(
            upd_idxs, upd_keys, upd_vals,
            batch_size, use_recent_idx, intended_output)

        hash_slot_idxs = self.get_hash_slots(upd_keys)

        update_ops = []
        with tf.control_dependencies([base_update_op]):
            for i, slot_idxs in enumerate(hash_slot_idxs):
                entry_idx = tf.random_uniform([batch_size],
                entry_mul = 1 - tf.one_hot(entry_idx, self.num_per_hash_slot,
                entry_add = (tf.expand_dims(upd_idxs, 1) *
                             tf.one_hot(entry_idx, self.num_per_hash_slot,

                mul_op = tf.scatter_mul(
                    self.hash_slots[i], slot_idxs, entry_mul)
                with tf.control_dependencies([mul_op]):
                    add_op = tf.scatter_add(
                        self.hash_slots[i], slot_idxs, entry_add)

项目:nengo_dl    作者:nengo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_state_grads():
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        v = tf.Variable([0., 0., 0.])
        x = tf.ones((3,))

        y0 = tf.assign(v, x)
        y1 = tf.assign_add(v, x)

        grad0 = tf.gradients(y0, [v, x])
        grad1 = tf.gradients(y1, [v, x])

        grad_vals =, grad1))

        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[0][0], 0)
        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[0][1], 1)
        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[1][0], 1)
        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[1][1], 1)

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        v = tf.Variable([0., 0., 0.])
        x = tf.ones((1,))
        y0 = tf.scatter_update(v, [0], x)
        y1 = tf.scatter_add(v, [0], x)

        grad0 = tf.gradients(y0, [v._ref(), x])
        grad1 = tf.gradients(y1, [v._ref(), x])
        grad_vals =, grad1))

        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[0][0], [0, 1, 1])
        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[0][1], 1)
        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[1][0], 1)
        assert np.allclose(grad_vals[1][1], 1)
项目:nengo_dl    作者:nengo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _scatter_f_var(self, dst, src, mode="update"):
        # create a temporary variable for dst so that we can use the sparse
        # variable updates. despite this looking incredibly inefficient, it is
        # actually faster than the scatter_nd approach
        # from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_state_ops
        # var = gen_state_ops._temporary_variable(
        #     self.bases[dst.key].get_shape(), self.bases[dst.key].dtype)
        # var_name =
        # var = tf.assign(var, self.bases[dst.key])

        var = self.bases[dst.key]

        if (dst.as_slice is not None and
                var.get_shape().is_compatible_with(src.get_shape()) and
                dst.indices[0] == 0 and
                dst.indices[-1] == var.get_shape()[0].value - 1 and
                len(dst.indices) == var.get_shape()[0]):
            if mode == "inc":
                result = tf.assign_add(var, src, use_locking=False)
                result = tf.assign(var, src, use_locking=False)
        elif mode == "inc":
            result = tf.scatter_add(var, dst.tf_indices, src,
            result = tf.scatter_update(var, dst.tf_indices, src,

        # result = gen_state_ops._destroy_temporary_variable(var, var_name)

        return result
项目:openai-rl    作者:morgangiraud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eps_greedy(inputs_t, q_preds_t, nb_actions, N0, min_eps, nb_state=None):
    reusing_scope = tf.get_variable_scope().reuse

    N0_t = tf.constant(N0, tf.float32, name='N0')
    min_eps_t = tf.constant(min_eps, tf.float32, name='min_eps')

    if nb_state == None:
        N = tf.Variable(1., trainable=False, dtype=tf.float32, name='N')
        eps = tf.maximum(N0_t / (N0_t + N), min_eps_t, name="eps")
        update_N = tf.assign(N, N + 1)
        if reusing_scope is False:
            tf.summary.scalar('N', N)
        N = tf.Variable(tf.ones(shape=[nb_state]), name='N', trainable=False)
        eps = tf.maximum(N0_t / (N0_t + N[inputs_t]), min_eps_t, name="eps")
        update_N = tf.scatter_add(N, inputs_t, 1)
        if reusing_scope is False:
            tf.summary.histogram('N', N)
    cond = tf.greater(tf.random_uniform([], 0, 1), eps)
    pred_action = tf.cast(tf.argmax(q_preds_t, 0), tf.int32)
    random_action = tf.random_uniform([], 0, nb_actions, dtype=tf.int32)

    with tf.control_dependencies([update_N]): # Force the update call
        action_t = tf.where(cond, pred_action, random_action)

    return action_t
项目:openai-rl    作者:morgangiraud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tabular_eps_greedy(inputs_t, q_preds_t, nb_states, nb_actions, N0, min_eps):
    reusing_scope = tf.get_variable_scope().reuse

    Ns = tf.get_variable('Ns', shape=[nb_states], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
    if reusing_scope is False:
        tf.summary.histogram('Ns', Ns)
    update_Ns = tf.scatter_add(Ns, inputs_t, tf.ones_like(inputs_t, dtype=tf.float32))

    eps = tf.maximum(
        N0 / (N0 + tf.gather(Ns, inputs_t))
        , min_eps
        , name="eps"

    nb_samples = tf.shape(q_preds_t)[0]
    max_actions = tf.cast(tf.argmax(q_preds_t, 1), tf.int32)
    probs_t = tf.sparse_to_dense(
        sparse_indices=tf.stack([tf.range(nb_samples), max_actions], 1)
        , output_shape=[nb_samples, nb_actions]
        , sparse_values=1 - eps
        , default_value=0.
    ) + tf.expand_dims(eps / nb_actions, 1)

    conditions = tf.greater(tf.random_uniform([nb_samples], 0, 1), eps)
    random_actions = tf.random_uniform(shape=[nb_samples], minval=0, maxval=nb_actions, dtype=tf.int32)
    with tf.control_dependencies([update_Ns]): # Force the update call
        actions_t = tf.where(conditions, max_actions, random_actions)

    return actions_t, probs_t
项目:THUMT    作者:thumt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def collect_gradients(gradients, variables):
    ops = []

    for grad, var in zip(gradients, variables):
        if isinstance(grad, tf.Tensor):
            ops.append(tf.assign_add(var, grad))
            ops.append(tf.scatter_add(var, grad.indices, grad.values))

项目:Neural-Turing-Machine    作者:yeoedward    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def conv(v, k):
  """Computes circular convolution.
      v: a 1-D `Tensor` (vector)
      k: a 1-D `Tensor` (kernel)
  size = int(v.get_shape()[0])
  kernel_size = int(k.get_shape()[0])
  kernel_shift = int(math.floor(kernel_size/2.0))

  def loop(idx):
      if idx < 0: return size + idx
      if idx >= size : return idx - size
      else: return idx

  kernels = []
  for i in xrange(size):
      indices = [loop(i+j) for j in xrange(kernel_shift, -kernel_shift-1, -1)]
      v_ = tf.gather(v, indices)
      kernels.append(tf.reduce_sum(v_ * k, 0))

  # # code with double loop
  # for i in xrange(size):
  #     for j in xrange(kernel_size):
  #         idx = i + kernel_shift - j + 1
  #         if idx < 0: idx = idx + size
  #         if idx >= size: idx = idx - size
  #         w = tf.gather(v, int(idx)) * tf.gather(kernel, j)
  #         output = tf.scatter_add(output, [i], tf.reshape(w, [1, -1]))

  return tf.pack(kernels)
项目:InnerOuterRNN    作者:Chemoinformatics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_contextual_features(contextual_features, indices, updates,
        first_indices, second_indices = tf.split(1, 2, indices)
        indices = tf.squeeze(first_indices + second_indices)
        indices = indices + flattened_idx_offset
        contextual_features = tf.scatter_add(contextual_features, indices,
                                             updates, use_locking=None)
        return contextual_features
项目:thinstack-rl    作者:hans    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _thin_stack_lookup_gradient(op, grad_stack1, grad_stack2, grad_buf_top, _):
    stack, buffer, _, _, buffer_cursors, transitions = op.inputs

    stack2_ptrs = op.outputs[3]
    t = op.get_attr("timestep")

    batch_size = buffer_cursors.get_shape().as_list()[0]
    num_tokens = buffer.get_shape().as_list()[0] / batch_size
    batch_range = math_ops.range(batch_size)
    batch_range_i = tf.to_float(batch_range)

    grad_stack_name = "grad_stack_%i_%s" % (t, str(uuid.uuid4())[:15])
    grad_buffer_name = "grad_buffer_%i_%s" % (t, str(uuid.uuid4())[:15])
    grad_stack = gen_state_ops._temporary_variable(stack.get_shape().as_list(), tf.float32, grad_stack_name)
    grad_buffer = gen_state_ops._temporary_variable(buffer.get_shape().as_list(), tf.float32, grad_buffer_name)
    grad_stack = tf.assign(grad_stack, tf.zeros_like(grad_stack))
    grad_buffer = tf.assign(grad_buffer, tf.zeros_like(grad_buffer))

    updates = []

    # Write grad_stack1 into block (t - 1)
    if t >= 1:
      in_cursors = (t - 1) * batch_size + batch_range
      grad_stack = tf.scatter_add(grad_stack, in_cursors, grad_stack1)

    # Write grad_stack2 using stored lookup pointers
    grad_stack = floaty_scatter_add(grad_stack, stack2_ptrs * batch_size + batch_range_i, grad_stack2)

    # Use buffer_cursors to scatter grads into buffer.
    buffer_ptrs = tf.minimum((float) (num_tokens * batch_size) - 1.0,
                              buffer_cursors * batch_size + batch_range_i)
    grad_buffer = floaty_scatter_add(grad_buffer, buffer_ptrs, grad_buf_top)

    with tf.control_dependencies([grad_stack, grad_buffer]):
      grad_stack = gen_state_ops._destroy_temporary_variable(grad_stack, grad_stack_name)
      grad_buffer = gen_state_ops._destroy_temporary_variable(grad_buffer, grad_buffer_name)

      with tf.control_dependencies([grad_stack, grad_buffer]):
        return grad_stack, grad_buffer, None, None, None, None

# Deprecated custom gradient op.