Python tensorflow 模块,RegisterGradient() 实例源码


项目:DMNN    作者:magnux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tf_mod(x, y, name=None):
    """Differentiable mod based in numpy
        x: first argument
        y: second argument
        mod between x and y

    def np_mod(x, y):
        return np.mod(x, y, dtype=np.float32)

    def modgrad(op, grad):
        x = op.inputs[0] # the first argument (normally you need those to calculate the gradient, like the gradient of x^2 is 2x. )
        y = op.inputs[1] # the second argument

        return grad * 1, grad * 0 #the propagated gradient with respect to the first and second argument respectively

    def py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=True, name=None, grad=None):
        # Need to generate a unique name to avoid duplicates:
        rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1E+8))

        tf.RegisterGradient(rnd_name)(grad)  # see _MySquareGrad for grad example
        g = tf.get_default_graph()
        with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": rnd_name}):
            return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)

    with ops.name_scope(name, "mod", [x,y]) as name:
        z = py_func(np_mod,
                    grad=modgrad)  # <-- here's the call to the gradient
        return tf.reshape(z[0], tf.shape(x))
项目:cleverhans    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def py_func_grad(func, inp, Tout, stateful=True, name=None, grad=None):
    """Custom py_func with gradient support

    # Need to generate a unique name to avoid duplicates:
    rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1E+8))

    g = tf.get_default_graph()
    with g.gradient_override_map({
            "PyFunc": rnd_name,
            "PyFuncStateless": rnd_name}):
        return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)
项目:nec_tensorflow    作者:toth-adam    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=True, name=None, grad=None):
    # Need to generate a unique name to avoid duplicates:
    rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1000000))

    tf.RegisterGradient(rnd_name)(grad)  # see _MySquareGrad for grad example
    g = tf.get_default_graph()
    with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": rnd_name}):
        return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)
项目:tensorsne    作者:gokceneraslan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=False, name=None, grad=None):
    # Need to generate a unique name to avoid duplicates:
    rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1E+8))

    g = tf.get_default_graph()
    with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": rnd_name, "PyFuncStateless": rnd_name}):
        return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)
项目:LIE    作者:EmbraceLife    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=True, name=None, grad=None):

    # Need to generate a unique name to avoid duplicates:
    rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1E+8))

    tf.RegisterGradient(rnd_name)(grad)  # see _MySquareGrad for grad example
    g = tf.get_default_graph()
    with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": rnd_name}):
        return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, graph, session, y, x):
        """Constructs a GuidedBackprop SaliencyMask."""
        super(GuidedBackprop, self).__init__(graph, session, y, x)

        self.x = x

        if GuidedBackprop.GuidedReluRegistered is False:
            def _GuidedReluGrad(op, grad):
                gate_g = tf.cast(grad > 0, "float32")
                gate_y = tf.cast(op.outputs[0] > 0, "float32")
                return gate_y * gate_g * grad

        GuidedBackprop.GuidedReluRegistered = True

        with graph.as_default():
            saver = tf.train.Saver()
  , '/tmp/guided_backprop_ckpt')

        graph_def = graph.as_graph_def()

        self.guided_graph = tf.Graph()
        with self.guided_graph.as_default():
            self.guided_sess = tf.Session(graph=self.guided_graph)
            with self.guided_graph.gradient_override_map({'Relu': 'GuidedRelu'}):
                tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
                saver.restore(self.guided_sess, '/tmp/guided_backprop_ckpt')

                imported_y = self.guided_graph.get_tensor_by_name(
                imported_x = self.guided_graph.get_tensor_by_name(

                self.guided_grads_node = tf.gradients(
                    imported_y, imported_x)[0]
项目:CElegansBehaviour    作者:ChristophKirst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def py_func(func, inp, Tout, name=None, grad=None):
  """Redfine tf.py_func to include gradients"""
  temp_name = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())
  _name = 'PyFuncGrad%s' %temp_name;
  g = tf.get_default_graph()
  with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": _name}):
    return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, name=name)
项目:pose_estimation    作者:JakeRenn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=True, name=None, grad=None):
  # Need to generate a unique name to avoid duplicates:
  rnd_name = 'PyFuncGrad' + str(np.random.randint(0, 1E+8))

  tf.RegisterGradient(rnd_name)(grad)  # see _MySquareGrad for grad example
  g = tf.get_default_graph()
  with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": rnd_name}):
    return tf.py_func(func, inp, Tout, stateful=stateful, name=name)