Python tensorflow 模块,floordiv() 实例源码


项目:sequencing    作者:SwordYork    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self, logits, time):
        rl_time_steps = tf.floordiv(tf.maximum(self.global_step_tensor -
                                               self.burn_in_step, 0),
        start_rl_step = self.sequence_length - rl_time_steps

        next_input_ids = tf.cond(
            tf.greater_equal(time, self.max_sequence_length),
            lambda: tf.tile([self.eos_id], [self.batch_size]),

        next_predicted_ids = tf.squeeze(tf.multinomial(logits, 1), axis=[-1])
        mask = tf.to_int32(time >= start_rl_step)

        return (1 - mask) * tf.to_int32(next_input_ids) + mask * tf.to_int32(
项目:keras-contrib    作者:farizrahman4u    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_image_patches(x, ksizes, ssizes, padding='same',
    Extract the patches from an image
    # Parameters

        x : The input image
        ksizes : 2-d tuple with the kernel size
        ssizes : 2-d tuple with the strides size
        padding : 'same' or 'valid'
        data_format : 'channels_last' or 'channels_first'

    # Returns
        The (k_w,k_h) patches extracted
        TF ==> (batch_size,w,h,k_w,k_h,c)
        TH ==> (batch_size,w,h,c,k_w,k_h)
    kernel = [1, ksizes[0], ksizes[1], 1]
    strides = [1, ssizes[0], ssizes[1], 1]
    padding = _preprocess_padding(padding)
    if data_format == 'channels_first':
        x = KTF.permute_dimensions(x, (0, 2, 3, 1))
    bs_i, w_i, h_i, ch_i = KTF.int_shape(x)
    patches = tf.extract_image_patches(x, kernel, strides, [1, 1, 1, 1],
    # Reshaping to fit Theano
    bs, w, h, ch = KTF.int_shape(patches)
    patches = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(patches, [-1, w, h, tf.floordiv(ch, ch_i), ch_i]), [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]),
                         [-1, w, h, ch_i, ksizes[0], ksizes[1]])
    if data_format == 'channels_last':
        patches = KTF.permute_dimensions(patches, [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 3])
    return patches
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __floordiv__(self, other):
        return tf.floordiv(self, other)
项目:zhusuan    作者:thu-ml    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
        return tf.floordiv(other, self)
项目:DeepDeepParser    作者:janmbuys    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gather_forced_att_logits(encoder_input_symbols, encoder_decoder_vocab_map, 
                             att_logit, batch_size, attn_length, 
  """Gathers attention weights as logits for forced attention."""
  flat_input_symbols = tf.reshape(encoder_input_symbols, [-1])
  flat_label_symbols = tf.gather(encoder_decoder_vocab_map,
  flat_att_logits = tf.reshape(att_logit, [-1])

  flat_range = tf.to_int64(tf.range(tf.shape(flat_label_symbols)[0]))
  batch_inds = tf.floordiv(flat_range, attn_length)
  position_inds = tf.mod(flat_range, attn_length)
  attn_vocab_inds = tf.transpose(tf.pack(
      [batch_inds, position_inds, tf.to_int64(flat_label_symbols)]))

  # Exclude indexes of entries with flat_label_symbols[i] = -1.
  included_flat_indexes = tf.reshape(tf.where(tf.not_equal(
      flat_label_symbols, -1)), [-1])
  included_attn_vocab_inds = tf.gather(attn_vocab_inds, 
  included_flat_att_logits = tf.gather(flat_att_logits, 

  sparse_shape = tf.to_int64(tf.pack(
      [batch_size, attn_length, target_vocab_size]))

  sparse_label_logits = tf.SparseTensor(included_attn_vocab_inds, 
      included_flat_att_logits, sparse_shape)
  forced_att_logit_sum = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(sparse_label_logits, [1])

  forced_att_logit = tf.reshape(forced_att_logit_sum, 
      [-1, target_vocab_size])

  return forced_att_logit
项目:tfdeploy    作者:riga    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_FloorDiv(self):
        t = tf.floordiv(*self.random((3, 5), (3, 5)))
项目:woipv    作者:Panaetius    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __unpool(self, updates, mask, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], output_shape=None, feature_count=None, name=''):
        with tf.variable_scope(name):
            mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.int32)
            input_shape = tf.shape(updates, out_type=tf.int32)
            #  calculation new shape

            if feature_count is None:
                feature_count = input_shape[3]

            if output_shape is None:
                output_shape = (1, input_shape[1] * ksize[1], input_shape[2] * ksize[2], feature_count)

            output_shape = tf.cast(output_shape, tf.int32)

            # calculation indices for batch, height, width and feature maps
            one_like_mask = tf.cast(tf.ones_like(mask, dtype=tf.int16), tf.int32)
            batch_shape = tf.concat([[input_shape[0]], [1], [1], [1]], 0)
            batch_range = tf.reshape(tf.range(output_shape[0], dtype=tf.int32), shape=batch_shape)
            b = one_like_mask * batch_range
            y = tf.floordiv(mask, output_shape[2] * output_shape[3])
            x = tf.mod(tf.floordiv(mask, output_shape[3]), output_shape[2]) #mask % (output_shape[2] * output_shape[3]) // output_shape[3]
            feature_range = tf.range(output_shape[3], dtype=tf.int32)
            f = one_like_mask * feature_range
            # transpose indices & reshape update values to one dimension
            updates_size = tf.size(updates)
            indices = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(tf.stack([b, y, x, f]), [4, updates_size]))
            values = tf.reshape(updates, [updates_size])
            ret = tf.scatter_nd(indices, values, output_shape)
            return ret
项目    作者:beopst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_features(inputs, k_idxs, map_h):
    """Extract top k fine features

            do not use tf.image.extract_glimpse ops to get input patches

    def _extract_feature(inputs, idxs):

        idxs = tf.expand_dims(idxs,1)

        idx_i = tf.floordiv(idxs, map_h)
        idx_j = tf.mod(idxs, map_h)

        # NOTE: the below origins are starting points, not center!
        origin_i = 2*(2*idx_i+1)+3 - 5 + 2
        origin_j = 2*(2*idx_j+1)+3 - 5 + 2

        origin_centers = tf.concat(1,[origin_i,origin_j])

        # NOTE: size also depends on the architecture
        #patches = tf.image.extract_glimpse(inputs, size=[14,14], offsets=origin_centers, 
        #                                   centered=False, normalized=False)
        patches = extract_patches(inputs, size=[14,14], offsets=origin_centers)

        #fine_features = fine_layers(patches)
        fine_features = []

        src_idxs = tf.concat(1,[idx_i,idx_j])

        return fine_features, src_idxs, patches

    k_features = []
    k_src_idxs = []
    k_patches = []
    for i in xrange(N_PATCHES):
        fine_feature, src_idx, patches = _extract_feature(inputs,k_idxs[:,i])

    concat_patches = tf.concat(0,k_patches)
    concat_k_features = fine_layers(concat_patches)
    k_features = tf.split(0,N_PATCHES,concat_k_features)

    return k_features, k_src_idxs, k_patches