Python tensorflow 模块,as_string() 实例源码


项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def markdown_table(step):
  # The text summary can also contain Markdown, including Markdown
  # tables. Markdown tables look like this:
  #     | hello | there |
  #     |-------|-------|
  #     | this  | is    |
  #     | a     | table |
  # The leading and trailing pipes in each row are optional, and the text
  # doesn't actually have to be neatly aligned, so we can create these
  # pretty easily. Let's do so.
  header_row = 'Pounds of chocolate | Happiness'
  chocolate = tf.range(step)
  happiness = tf.square(chocolate + 1)
  chocolate_column = tf.as_string(chocolate)
  happiness_column = tf.as_string(happiness)
  table_rows = tf.string_join([chocolate_column, " | ", happiness_column])
  table_body = tf.reduce_join(table_rows, separator='\n')
  table = tf.string_join([header_row, "---|---", table_body], separator='\n')
  preamble = 'We conducted an experiment and found the following data:\n\n'
  result = tf.string_join([preamble, table])
  tf.summary.text('chocolate_study', result)
项目:tf-crnn    作者:solivr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def data_loader(csv_filename: str, params: Params, batch_size: int=128, data_augmentation: bool=False,
                num_epochs: int=None, image_summaries: bool=False):

    def input_fn():
        # Choose case one csv file or list of csv files
        if not isinstance(csv_filename, list):
            filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([csv_filename], num_epochs=num_epochs, name='filename_queue')
        elif isinstance(csv_filename, list):
            filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(csv_filename, num_epochs=num_epochs, name='filename_queue')

        # Skip lines that have already been processed
        reader = tf.TextLineReader(name='CSV_Reader', skip_header_lines=0)
        key, value =, name='file_reading_op')

        default_line = [['None'], ['None']]
        path, label = tf.decode_csv(value, record_defaults=default_line, field_delim=params.csv_delimiter,

        image, img_width = image_reading(path, resized_size=params.input_shape,
                                         data_augmentation=data_augmentation, padding=True)

        to_batch = {'images': image, 'images_widths': img_width, 'filenames': path, 'labels': label}
        prepared_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(to_batch,
                                                num_threads=15, capacity=4000,

        if image_summaries:
            tf.summary.image('input/image', prepared_batch.get('images'), max_outputs=1)
        tf.summary.text('input/labels', prepared_batch.get('labels')[:10])
        tf.summary.text('input/widths', tf.as_string(prepared_batch.get('images_widths')))

        return prepared_batch, prepared_batch.get('labels')

    return input_fn
项目:tensorforce    作者:reinforceio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_metagraph_list(self): 
        Convert MetaParams into TF Summary Format and create summary_op


            Merged TF Op for TEXT summary elements, should only be executed once to reduce data duplication

        ops = []

        self.ignore_unknown_dtypes = True
        for key in sorted(self.meta_params):
            value = self.convert_data_to_string(self.meta_params[key])

            if len(value) == 0:
            if isinstance(value,str):
                ops.append(tf.summary.text(key, tf.convert_to_tensor(str(value)))) 
                ops.append(tf.summary.text(key, tf.as_string(tf.convert_to_tensor(value))))

        with tf.control_dependencies(tf.tuple(ops)):
            self.summary_merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

        return self.summary_merged
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simple_example(step):
  # Text summaries log arbitrary text. This can be encoded with ASCII or
  # UTF-8. Here's a simple example, wherein we greet the user on each
  # step:
  step_string = tf.as_string(step)
  greeting = tf.string_join(['Hello from step ', step_string, '!'])
  tf.summary.text('greeting', greeting)
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def higher_order_tensors(step):
  # We're not limited to passing scalar tensors to the summary
  # operation. If we pass a rank-1 or rank-2 tensor, it'll be visualized
  # as a table in TensorBoard. (For higher-ranked tensors, you'll see
  # just a 2D slice of the data.)
  # To demonstrate this, let's create a multiplication table.

  # First, we'll create the table body, a `step`-by-`step` array of
  # strings.
  numbers = tf.range(step)
  numbers_row = tf.expand_dims(numbers, 0)  # shape: [1, step]
  numbers_column = tf.expand_dims(numbers, 1)  # shape: [step, 1]
  products = tf.matmul(numbers_column, numbers_row)  # shape: [step, step]
  table_body = tf.as_string(products)

  # Next, we'll create a header row and column, and a little
  # multiplication sign to put in the corner.
  bold_numbers = tf.string_join(['**', tf.as_string(numbers), '**'])
  bold_row = tf.expand_dims(bold_numbers, 0)
  bold_column = tf.expand_dims(bold_numbers, 1)
  corner_cell = tf.constant(u'\u00d7'.encode('utf-8'))  # MULTIPLICATION SIGN

  # Now, we have to put the pieces together. Using `axis=0` stacks
  # vertically; using `axis=1` juxtaposes horizontally.
  table_body_and_top_row = tf.concat([bold_row, table_body], axis=0)
  table_left_column = tf.concat([[[corner_cell]], bold_column], axis=0)
  table_full = tf.concat([table_left_column, table_body_and_top_row], axis=1)

  # The result, `table_full`, is a rank-2 string tensor of shape
  # `[step + 1, step + 1]`. We can pass it directly to the summary, and
  # we'll get a nicely formatted table in TensorBoard.
  tf.summary.text('multiplication_table', table_full)
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_run(self, run_name, include_graph):
    """Create a run with a text summary, metadata, and optionally a graph."""
    k1 = tf.constant(math.pi, name='k1')
    k2 = tf.constant(math.e, name='k2')
    result = (k1 ** k2) - k1
    expected = tf.constant(20.0, name='expected')
    error = tf.abs(result - expected, name='error')
    message_prefix_value = 'error ' * 1000
    true_length = len(message_prefix_value)
    assert true_length > self._MESSAGE_PREFIX_LENGTH_LOWER_BOUND, true_length
    message_prefix = tf.constant(message_prefix_value, name='message_prefix')
    error_message = tf.string_join([message_prefix,
                                    tf.as_string(error, name='error_string')],
    summary_message = tf.summary.text('summary_message', error_message)

    sess = tf.Session()
    writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.path.join(self.logdir, run_name))
    if include_graph:
    options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
    run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
    s =, options=options, run_metadata=run_metadata)
    writer.add_run_metadata(run_metadata, self._METADATA_TAG)
项目:ActionVLAD    作者:rohitgirdhar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _read_from_disk_spatial(fpath, nframes, num_samples=25, start_frame=0,
                            file_prefix='', file_zero_padding=4, file_index=1,
                            dataset_dir='', step=None):
    duration = nframes
    if step is None:
      if num_samples == 1:
          step = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, nframes, dtype='int32')[0]
          step = tf.cast((duration-tf.constant(1)) /
                         (tf.constant(num_samples-1)), 'int32')
    allimgs = []
    with tf.variable_scope('read_rgb_video'):
        for i in range(num_samples):
            if num_samples == 1:
                i = 1  # so that the random step value can be used
            with tf.variable_scope('read_rgb_image'):
                prefix = file_prefix + '_' if file_prefix else ''
                impath = tf.string_join([
                    tf.constant(dataset_dir + '/'),
                    fpath, tf.constant('/'),
                    tf.as_string(start_frame + i * step + file_index,
                      width=file_zero_padding, fill='0'),
                img_str = tf.read_file(impath)
    return allimgs
项目:ActionVLAD    作者:rohitgirdhar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _read_from_disk_temporal(
    fpath, nframes, num_samples=25,
    optical_flow_frames=10, start_frame=0,
    file_prefix='', file_zero_padding=4, file_index=1,
    dataset_dir='', step=None):
    duration = nframes
    if step is None:
      if num_samples == 1:
          step = tf.random_uniform([1], 0, nframes-optical_flow_frames-1, dtype='int32')[0]
          step = tf.cast((duration-tf.constant(optical_flow_frames)) /
                         (tf.constant(num_samples)), 'int32')
    allimgs = []
    with tf.variable_scope('read_flow_video'):
        for i in range(num_samples):
            if num_samples == 1:
                i = 1  # so that the random step value can be used
            with tf.variable_scope('read_flow_image'):
              flow_img = []
              for j in range(optical_flow_frames):
                with tf.variable_scope('read_flow_channels'):
                  for dr in ['x', 'y']:
                    prefix = file_prefix + '_' if file_prefix else ''
                    impath = tf.string_join([
                        tf.constant(dataset_dir + '/'),
                        fpath, tf.constant('/'),
                        prefix, '%s_' % dr,
                        tf.as_string(start_frame + i * step + file_index + j,
                          width=file_zero_padding, fill='0'),
                    img_str = tf.read_file(impath)
    return allimgs
项目:tensorboard    作者:tensorflow    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def op(name,
  """Create an image summary op for use in a TensorFlow graph.

    name: A unique name for the generated summary node.
    images: A `Tensor` representing pixel data with shape `[k, w, h, c]`,
      where `k` is the number of images, `w` and `h` are the width and
      height of the images, and `c` is the number of channels, which
      should be 1, 3, or 4. Any of the dimensions may be statically
      unknown (i.e., `None`).
    max_outputs: Optional `int` or rank-0 integer `Tensor`. At most this
      many images will be emitted at each step. When more than
      `max_outputs` many images are provided, the first `max_outputs` many
      images will be used and the rest silently discarded.
    display_name: Optional name for this summary in TensorBoard, as a
      constant `str`. Defaults to `name`.
    description: Optional long-form description for this summary, as a
      constant `str`. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty.
    collections: Optional list of graph collections keys. The new
      summary op is added to these collections. Defaults to
      `[Graph Keys.SUMMARIES]`.

    A TensorFlow summary op.
  if display_name is None:
    display_name = name
  summary_metadata = metadata.create_summary_metadata(
      display_name=display_name, description=description)
  with tf.name_scope(name), \
       tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_rank(images, 4),
                                tf.assert_type(images, tf.uint8),
    limited_images = images[:max_outputs]
    encoded_images = tf.map_fn(tf.image.encode_png, limited_images,
    image_shape = tf.shape(images)
    dimensions = tf.stack([tf.as_string(image_shape[1], name='width'),
                           tf.as_string(image_shape[2], name='height')],
    tensor = tf.concat([dimensions, encoded_images], axis=0)
    return tf.summary.tensor_summary(name='image_summary',