Python textwrap 模块,shorten() 实例源码


项目:awesome-finder    作者:mingrammer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def display(self):
        """Display the found awesome content on result window"""
        for idx, val in enumerate(self.matched_blocks[ + self.max_lines]):
            if val['type'] == 'category':
                if idx == self.current:
                    self.result_window.addstr(idx, 0, shorten(val['line'], self.width, placeholder='...'),
                    self.result_window.addstr(idx, 0, shorten(val['line'], self.width, placeholder='...'),
            elif val['type'] == 'awesome':
                if idx == self.current:
                    self.result_window.addstr(idx, 2, shorten(val['line'], self.width - 3, placeholder='...'),
                    self.result_window.addstr(idx, 2, shorten(val['line'], self.width - 3, placeholder='...'))
项目:twtxt    作者:buckket    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def style_tweet(tweet, porcelain=False):
    conf = click.get_current_context().obj["conf"]
    limit = conf.character_limit

    if porcelain:
        return "{nick}\t{url}\t{tweet}".format(
        if sys.stdout.isatty() and not tweet.text.isprintable():
            return None
        styled_text = format_mentions(tweet.text)
        len_styling = len(styled_text) - len(click.unstyle(styled_text))
        final_text = textwrap.shorten(styled_text, limit + len_styling) if limit else styled_text
        timestamp = tweet.absolute_datetime if conf.use_abs_time else tweet.relative_datetime
        return "? {nick} ({time}):\n{tweet}".format(
  , bold=True),
  , dim=True))
项目:libpth    作者:pthcode    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def directory_name(release):
    Returns the proper directory name for a Release.
    artist = textwrap.shorten(release.album_artist, width=50, placeholder='_')
    album = textwrap.shorten(release.title, width=40, placeholder='_')
    year = release.year
    if release.bitrate == 'V0 (VBR)':
        format_info = 'V0'
    elif release.bitrate == '320':
        format_info = '320'
        format_info = release.format
    if release.medium != 'CD':
        format_info = release.medium + ' ' + format_info
    path = ALBUM_TEMPLATE.substitute(**locals())
    if release.catalog_number:
        path += ' {' + release.catalog_number + '}'
    path = path.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_')
    path = sanitize_path(path)
    return path
项目:quizbot-2017    作者:pycontw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        message_snippet = textwrap.shorten(self.message, width=30)
        return f'<Question {self.uid} {message_snippet!r}>'
项目:mfnf-pdf-export    作者:Lodifice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def shorten(line):
    indent = re.match(r"^\s*", line).group()

    return indent + textwrap.shorten(line, 60)
项目:mfnf-pdf-export    作者:Lodifice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def escape_latex_verbatim(code):
    code = re.sub(r"\\end\s*{\s*verbatim\s*}", "", code)
    return "\n".join((shorten(line) for line in code.splitlines()))
项目:omnic    作者:michaelpb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gen_subcommand_help(self):
        Generates s
        commands = sorted(self.subcommands.items(), key=lambda i: i[0])
        return '\n'.join(
            '%s %s' % (
                textwrap.shorten(description, width=61),
            for subcommand, (description, action, opts) in commands
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __post(self, data):
        with aiohttp.Timeout(self.timeout, loop=self.loop):
                response = await, data=data, headers=self.__headers)
            except aiohttp.ClientError as e:
                log.debug('Caught during POST request: %r', e)
                raise ConnectionError(str(self.url))
                if response.status == CSRF_ERROR_CODE:
                    # Send request again with CSRF header
                    self.__headers[CSRF_HEADER] = response.headers[CSRF_HEADER]
                    log.debug('Setting CSRF header: %s = %s',
                              CSRF_HEADER, response.headers[CSRF_HEADER])
                    await response.release()
                    return await self.__post(data)

                elif response.status == AUTH_ERROR_CODE:
                    await response.release()
                    log.debug('Authentication failed')
                    raise AuthError(str(self.url))

                        answer = await response.json()
                    except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e:
                        text = textwrap.shorten(await response.text(),
                                                50, placeholder='...')
                        raise RPCError('Server sent malformed JSON: {}'.format(text))
                        return answer
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_shorten(self, text, width, expect, **kwargs):
        result = shorten(text, width, **kwargs)
        self.check(result, expect)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_width_too_small_for_placeholder(self):
        shorten("x" * 20, width=8, placeholder="(......)")
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            shorten("x" * 20, width=8, placeholder="(.......)")
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_shorten(self, text, width, expect, **kwargs):
        result = shorten(text, width, **kwargs)
        self.check(result, expect)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_width_too_small_for_placeholder(self):
        shorten("x" * 20, width=8, placeholder="(......)")
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            shorten("x" * 20, width=8, placeholder="(.......)")
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def brodcast_dificulties(request, message, subject):
    msg = TalkMessages()
    msg.text = message
    msg.user = request.user
    msg.subject = subject

    simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(msg.text), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

    for p in subject.professor.all():
        talks = Conversation.objects.filter((Q(user_one = request.user) & Q(user_two__email = | (Q(user_two = request.user) & Q(user_one__email =

        if talks.count() > 0:
   = talks[0]
   = Conversation.objects.create(user_one = request.user, user_two = p)

        notification = {
            "type": "chat",
            "subtype": subject.slug,
            "space": "subject",
            "user_icon": request.user.image_url,
            "notify_title": str(request.user),
            "simple_notify": simple_notify,
            "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
            "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": msg}, request),
            "container": "chat-" + str(,
            "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(msg.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

        notification = json.dumps(notification)

        Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

        sendChatPushNotification(p, msg)

        ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = msg, user = p)
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image",'')
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.ytvideo.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)
            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sendChatPushNotification(user, message):
    device = FCMDevice.objects.filter(user = user, active = True).first()

    if not device is None:
        serializer = ChatSerializer(message)

        json_r = json.dumps(
        json_r = json.loads(json_r)

        info = {}

        info["data"] = {}
        info["data"]["messages"] = []
        info["data"]["message_sent"] = json_r

        info["message"] = ""
        info["type"] = ""
        info["title"] = ""
        info["success"] = True
        info["number"] = 1
        info['extra'] = 0

        response = json.dumps(info)

        title = str(message.user).join(_(" sent a message"))

        simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message.text), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

        if message.image:
            simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

        device.send_message(data = {"response": response, "title": title, "body": simple_notify, "user_from":, "user_name": str(message.user), "user_img": message.user.image_url, "type": 'chat'})
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image",'')
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.goal.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)
            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:schemapi    作者:altair-viz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trait_code(self):
        """Create the trait code for the given schema"""
        kwargs = {}
        if self.description:
            kwargs['help'] = textwrap.shorten(self.description, 70)

        # TODO: handle multiple matches with an AllOf()
        for TraitExtractor in self.trait_extractors:
            trait_extractor = TraitExtractor(self)
            if trait_extractor.check():
                return trait_extractor.trait_code(**kwargs)
            raise ValueError("No recognized trait code for schema with "
                             "keys {0}".format(tuple(self.schema.keys())))
项目:PoiBot    作者:link2110    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rip(self, ctx, member_or_text: str):
        """RIP\nCreates a tombstone for either a member or some text. Mention a member to get the avatar + name"""
        if ctx.message.mentions:
            user_name = ctx.message.mentions[0].name.replace(" ", "%20")
            rip_member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
            ava_url = rip_member.avatar_url
            url = "{}"
            msg = url.format(user_name)

            tomb =, "tombstone.png"))
            base_img ="RGBA", (tomb.width, tomb.height), color="White")
            with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                async with session.get(ava_url) as resp:
                    ava = await

            ava_img =
            ava_img_greyscale = ImageOps.autocontrast(ava_img.convert("L").filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)).filter(
                ImageFilter.SMOOTH).resize((200, 200))
            base_img.paste(ava_img_greyscale, (140, 380, 340, 580))
            final = ImageChops.multiply(base_img, tomb)
            f = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(asset_pos, "Symbola.ttf"), size=35)
            d = ImageDraw.Draw(final)
            w, h = d.textsize(, font=f)
            d.multiline_text(((60 + ((350 - w) / 2)), 315),, fill="Black", font=f, align="center")
  , "rip.png"))
            await, os.path.join(asset_pos, "rip.png"), content=msg)
            content = ctx.message.content.partition(" ")
            user_name = content[2].replace(" ", "_")
            url = "{}"
            msg = url.format(user_name)
            base_img ="RGB", (520, 640), color="White")
            tomb =, "tombstone.png"))
            f = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(asset_pos, "Symbola.ttf"), size=35)
            d = ImageDraw.Draw(base_img)
            text = textwrap.shorten(content[2], width=25, placeholder="")
            w, h = d.textsize(text, font=f)
            d.text(((60 + ((350 - w) / 2)), 315), text, fill="Black", font=f, align="center")
            d.text((160, 450), "2016 - 2016", fill="Black", font=f)
  , "rip.jpeg"))
            await, os.path.join(asset_pos, "rip.jpeg"), content=msg)
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image")
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.pdf_file.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)

            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image")
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject =

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)

            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image")
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.webconference.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)

            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image")
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.bulletin.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)

            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image")
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.webpage.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)

            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro
项目:amadeuslms    作者:amadeusproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def form_valid(self, form):
        message = form.cleaned_data.get('comment')
        image = form.cleaned_data.get("image")
        users = (self.request.POST.get('users[]','')).split(",")
        user = self.request.user
        subject = self.filelink.topic.subject

        if (users[0] is not ''):
            for u in users:
                to_user = User.objects.get(email=u)
                talk, create = Conversation.objects.get_or_create(user_one=user,user_two=to_user)
                created = TalkMessages.objects.create(text=message,talk=talk,user=user,subject=subject,image=image)

                simple_notify = textwrap.shorten(strip_tags(message), width = 30, placeholder = "...")

                if image is not '':
                    simple_notify += " ".join(_("[Photo]"))

                notification = {
                    "type": "chat",
                    "subtype": "subject",
                    "space": subject.slug,
                    "user_icon": created.user.image_url,
                    "notify_title": str(created.user),
                    "simple_notify": simple_notify,
                    "view_url": reverse("chat:view_message", args = (, ), kwargs = {}),
                    "complete": render_to_string("chat/_message.html", {"talk_msg": created}, self.request),
                    "container": "chat-" + str(,
                    "last_date": _("Last message in %s")%(formats.date_format(created.create_date, "SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT"))

                notification = json.dumps(notification)

                Group("user-%s" %{'text': notification})

                ChatVisualizations.objects.create(viewed = False, message = created, user = to_user)

            success = str(_('The message was successfull sent!'))
            return JsonResponse({"message":success})
        erro = HttpResponse(str(_("No user selected!")))
        erro.status_code = 404
        return erro