Python theano.tensor 模块,transpose() 实例源码


项目:Neural-Photo-Editor    作者:ajbrock    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_for(self, input, deterministic=False, **kwargs):
        def _phase_shift(input,r):
            bsize,c,a,b = input.shape[0],1,self.output_shape[2]//r,self.output_shape[3]//r
            X = T.reshape(input, (bsize,r,r,a,b))
            X = T.transpose(X, (0, 3,4,1,2))  # bsize, a, b, r2,r1
            X = T.split(x=X,splits_size=[1]*a,n_splits=a,axis=1)  # a, [bsize, b, r, r]
            X = [T.reshape(x,(bsize,b,r,r))for x in X]
            X = T.concatenate(X,axis=2)  # bsize, b, a*r, r 
            X = T.split(x=X,splits_size =[1]*b,n_splits=b,axis=1)  # b, [bsize, a*r, r]
            X = [T.reshape(x,(bsize,a*r,r))for x in X]
            X = T.concatenate(X,axis=2) # bsize, a*r, b*r 
            return X.dimshuffle(0,'x',1,2)
        Xc = T.split(x=input,splits_size =[input.shape[1]//self.c]*self.c,n_splits=self.c,axis=1)
        return T.concatenate([_phase_shift(xc,self.r) for xc in Xc],axis=1)        

# Multiscale Dilated Convolution Block
# This function (not a layer in and of itself, though you could make it one) returns a set of concatenated conv2d and dilatedconv2d layers.
# Each layer uses the same basic filter W, operating at a different dilation factor (or taken as the mean of W for the 1x1 conv).
# The channel-wise output of each layer is weighted by a set of coefficients, which are initialized to 1 / the total number of dilation scales,
# meaning that were starting by taking an elementwise mean. These should be learnable parameters.

# NOTES: - I'm considering changing the variable names to be more descriptive, and look less like ridiculous academic code. It's on the to-do list.
#        - I keep the bias and nonlinearity out of the default definition for this layer, as I expect it to be batchnormed and nonlinearized in the model config.
项目:dict_based_learning    作者:tombosc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def apply(self, application_call,
              defs, def_mask):
        Returns vector per each word in sequence using the dictionary based lookup
        # Short listing
        defs_sl_main = (, self._num_input_words) * defs
                   +, self._num_input_words) * self._vocab.unk)
        defs_sl_cache = (, self._num_input_words) * defs
                   +, self._num_input_words) * self._vocab.unk)

            unk_ratio(defs_sl_main, def_mask, self._vocab.unk),

        embedded_def_words = self._def_lookup.apply(defs_sl_main)
        cached_embeddings = self._cache.apply(defs_sl_cache) 
        final_embeddings = (, self._num_input_words).dimshuffle(0,1,'x') * embedded_def_words
                +, self._num_input_words).dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') * cached_embeddings)

        def_embeddings = self._def_rnn.apply(
            T.transpose(self._def_fork.apply(final_embeddings), (1, 0, 2)),

        return def_embeddings
项目:cbof    作者:passalis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def symbolic_distance_matrix(A, B):
    Defines the symbolic matrix that contains the distances between the vectors of A and B
    :param A:
    :param B:
    aa = T.sum(A * A, axis=1)
    bb = T.sum(B * B, axis=1)
    AB =, T.transpose(B))

    AA = T.transpose(T.tile(aa, (bb.shape[0], 1)))
    BB = T.tile(bb, (aa.shape[0], 1))

    D = AA + BB - 2 * AB
    D = T.maximum(D, 0)
    D = T.sqrt(D)
    return D
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_conv(self, x):
        :param x: (length, dim)
        :return:  (length+2*(kernel-1, hidden_dim)
        # T.nn.conv2d (batch size, input channels, input rows, input columns)
        # dl4nlp      (batch size, 1,              length,     in_dim)
        x = x.dimshuffle(['x', 'x', 0, 1])
        # T.nn.conv2d (output channels, input channels, filter rows, filter columns)
        # dl4nlp      (hidden_dim,      1,              kernel_size, in_dim)
        filter_w = self.W.dimshuffle([1, 'x', 0, 2])
        # T.nn.conv2d (batch size, output channels, output rows,     output columns)
        # dl4nlp      (batch size, hidden_dim,      length+kernel-1, 1)
        conv_result = T.nnet.conv2d(x, filter_w,
        # (batch size, hidden_dim, length+kernel-1, 1) -> (length+kernel-1, hidden_dim)
        conv_result = T.transpose(conv_result[0, :, :, 0], (1, 0))
        return conv_result
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_conv_batch(self, x):
        :param x: (batch, length, dim)
        :return:  (batch, length - kernel + 2*padding_size + 1, hidden_dim)
        # T.nn.conv2d (batch size, input channels, input rows, input columns)
        # dl4nlp      (batch size, 1,              length,     in_dim)
        x = x.dimshuffle([0, 'x', 1, 2])
        # T.nn.conv2d (output channels, input channels, filter rows, filter columns)
        # dl4nlp      (hidden_dim,      1,              kernel_size, in_dim)
        filter_w = self.W.dimshuffle([1, 'x', 0, 2])
        # T.nn.conv2d (batch size, output channels, output rows,     output columns)
        # dl4nlp      (batch size, hidden_dim,      length+kernel-1, 1)
        conv_result = T.nnet.conv2d(x, filter_w,
        # from theano.printing import Print
        # conv_result = Print()(conv_result)
        # (batch size, hidden_dim, length - kernel + 2*padding_size + 1, 1)
        #   -> (batch, length - kernel + 2*padding_size + 1, hidden_dim)
        conv_result = T.transpose(conv_result[:, :, :, 0], (0, 2, 1))
        return conv_result
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_logical_shapes(self):
        # Logical shapes are not supported anymore, so we check that it
        # raises an Exception.
        for stride in range(1, 4):
            kshp = (10, 2, 10, 10)
            featshp = (3, 10, 11, 11)

            a = tensor.ftensor4()
            A = tensor.ftensor4()

            # Need to transpose first two dimensions of kernel, and reverse
            # index kernel image dims (for correlation)
            kernel_rotated = tensor.transpose(A, axes=[1, 0, 2, 3])

            featshp_logical = (featshp[0], featshp[1], featshp[2] * stride,
                               featshp[3] * stride)
            kshp_rotated = (kshp[1], kshp[0], kshp[2], kshp[3])
            self.assertRaises(ValueError, tensor.nnet.conv2d,
                              a, kernel_rotated,
项目:nn-patterns    作者:pikinder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_conv_xy_all(layer, deterministic=True):
    w_np = layer.W.get_value()
    w = layer.W
    if layer.flip_filters:
        w = w[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]

    input_layer = layer.input_layer
    if layer.pad == 'same':
        input_layer = L.PadLayer(layer.input_layer,
    input_shape = L.get_output_shape(input_layer)
    output_shape = L.get_output_shape(layer)
    max_x = input_shape[2] - w_np.shape[2]+1
    max_y = input_shape[3] - w_np.shape[3]+1
    #print("input_shape shape: ", input_shape)
    #print("output_shape shape: ", output_shape,[2:]))
    #print("pad: \"%s\""%layer.pad)
    #print(" stride: " ,layer.stride)
    #print("max_x %d max_y %d"%(max_x,max_y))
    x_orig = L.get_output(input_layer, deterministic=True)

    x = theano.tensor.nnet.neighbours.images2neibs(x_orig,
    x = T.reshape(x, (x_orig.shape[0], -1,
    x = T.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3))
    x = T.reshape(x, (-1,[2:])))

    w = T.flatten(w, outdim=2).T  # D,O
    y =, w) # N,O
    if layer.b is not None:
        y += T.shape_padaxis(layer.b, axis=0)
    return x, y
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:keras-contrib    作者:farizrahman4u    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def depth_to_space(input, scale, data_format=None):
    ''' Uses phase shift algorithm to convert channels/depth for spatial resolution '''
    if data_format is None:
        data_format = image_data_format()
    data_format = data_format.lower()
    input = _preprocess_conv2d_input(input, data_format)

    b, k, row, col = input.shape
    out_channels = k // (scale ** 2)
    x = T.reshape(input, (b, scale, scale, out_channels, row, col))
    x = T.transpose(x, (0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2))
    out = T.reshape(x, (b, out_channels, row * scale, col * scale))

    out = _postprocess_conv2d_output(out, input, None, None, None, data_format)
    return out
项目:anavec    作者:proycon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_vector_distances(trainingdata, testdata):
    # adapted from
    # with lamblin's workaround at

    n = trainingdata.shape[0] # number of candidates
    assert testdata.shape[1] == trainingdata.shape[1]
    m = testdata.shape[0] # number of targets
    f = testdata.shape[1] # number of features

    x = T.matrix('x') # candidates
    y = T.matrix('y') # targets

    xL2S = T.sum(x*x, axis=-1) # [n]
    yL2S = T.sum(y*y, axis=-1) # [m]
    xL2SM = T.zeros((m, n)) + xL2S # broadcasting, [m, n]
    yL2SM = T.zeros((n, m)) + yL2S # # broadcasting, [n, m]
    squaredPairwiseDistances = xL2SM.T + yL2SM - 2.0*, y.T) # [n, m]

    #lamblinsTrick = False

    #if lamblinsTrick:
    #    s = squaredPairwiseDistances
    #    bestIndices = T.cast( ( T.arange(n).dimshuffle(0, 'x') * T.cast(T.eq(s, s.min(axis=0, keepdims=True)), 'float32') ).sum(axis=0), 'int32')
    #    bestIndices = T.argmin(squaredPairwiseDistances, axis=0)
    #nearests_fn = theano.function([x, y], bestIndices, profile=False)
    #return nearests_fn(trainingdata, testdata)

    squaredpwdist_fn = theano.function([x, y], [T.transpose(squaredPairwiseDistances), T.transpose(T.argsort(squaredPairwiseDistances, axis=0))] , profile=False)

    return squaredpwdist_fn(trainingdata, testdata)
项目:deep-learning-keras-projects    作者:jasmeetsb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    # TODO: `keras_shape` inference.
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    # TODO: `keras_shape` inference.
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:reading-text-in-the-wild    作者:mathDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:DenseNet    作者:titu1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def depth_to_space(input, scale, data_format=None):
    ''' Uses phase shift algorithm to convert channels/depth for spatial resolution '''
    if data_format is None:
        data_format = image_data_format()
    data_format = data_format.lower()
    input = _preprocess_conv2d_input(input, data_format)

    b, k, row, col = input.shape
    out_channels = k // (scale ** 2)
    x = T.reshape(input, (b, scale, scale, out_channels, row, col))
    x = T.transpose(x, (0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 2))
    out = T.reshape(x, (b, out_channels, row * scale, col * scale))

    out = _postprocess_conv2d_output(out, input, None, None, None, data_format)
    return out
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_batch(self, x, mask, seqs):
        :param x:    (batch, length, dim)
        :param mask: (batch, length)
        :param seqs: (batch, length - 1, 3)
        zeros_rec = T.zeros((x.shape[0],))
        # (batch, length, dim) -> (batch, 2 * length - 1, dim)
        vector = T.concatenate([x, T.zeros_like(x)[:, :-1, :]], axis=1)
        # scan???????????? ????????
        # (batch, length - 1, 3) -> (length - 1, batch, 3)
        seqs = T.transpose(seqs, axes=(1, 0, 2))
        # (batch, length - 1) -> (length - 1, batch)
        mask = T.transpose(mask, axes=(1, 0))
        range_index = T.arange(x.shape[0])
        result, _ = theano.scan(fn=self.encode_batch,  # ??????batch?????????
                                sequences=[seqs, mask[1:]],  # ?????????
                                # ??????????-1 ???????1?????????????0
                                # ??vector??0?????????????????
                                outputs_info=[vector, vector[:, 0, :], zeros_rec],
                                non_sequences=[self.W, self.b, self.Wr,, range_index],
        phrases, pres, loss_recs = result
        # (word - 1, batch, dim) -> (batch, dim)
        # ??????????????????
        phrases = pres[-1]
        sum_loss_recs = T.sum(loss_recs, axis=0)
        # (batch, dim)
        # ???
        if self.normalize:
            phrases = phrases / phrases.norm(2, axis=1)[:, None]
        return phrases, sum_loss_recs
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_scan_batch(self, x, mask):
        :param x: (batch, max_len, dim)
        :param mask:  (batch, max_len)
        h0 = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        hs, _ = theano.scan(fn=self._step_batch,
                            sequences=[T.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2)),  # (batch, max_len, dim) -> (max_len, batch, dim)
                                       T.transpose(mask, (1, 0))],     # (batch, max_len) -> (max_len, batch)
                            non_sequences=[self.W, self.U, self.b],
        # (max_len, batch, dim) -> (batch, max_len, dim)
        return T.transpose(hs, (1, 0, 2))
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_scan_batch(self, x, mask):
        h0 = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        c0 = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        hs, _ = theano.scan(fn=self._step_batch,
                            sequences=[T.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2)),
                                       T.transpose(mask, (1, 0))],
                            outputs_info=[h0, c0],
                            non_sequences=[self.W, self.U, self.b],
        return T.transpose(hs[0], (1, 0, 2))
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_scan_batch(self, x, mask):
        h0_backward = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        h_backwards, _ = theano.scan(fn=self._step_batch,
                                     sequences=[T.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2)),
                                                T.transpose(mask, (1, 0))],
                                     non_sequences=[self.W_backward, self.U_backward],
        return T.transpose(h_backwards, (1, 0, 2))[:, ::-1]
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_scan_batch(self, x, mask):
        h0_backward = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        h_backwards, _ = theano.scan(fn=self._step_batch,
                                     sequences=[T.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2)),
                                                T.transpose(mask, (1, 0))],
                                     non_sequences=[self.W_backward, self.U_backward, self.b_backward],
        return T.transpose(h_backwards, (1, 0, 2))[:, ::-1]
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward_scan_batch(self, x, mask):
        h0_backward = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        c0_backward = T.zeros((x.shape[0], self.hidden_dim))
        h_backwards, _ = theano.scan(fn=self._step_batch,
                                     sequences=[T.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2)),
                                                T.transpose(mask, (1, 0))],
                                     outputs_info=[h0_backward, c0_backward],
                                     non_sequences=[self.W_backward, self.U_backward, self.b_backward],
        return T.transpose(h_backwards[0], (1, 0, 2))[:, ::-1]
项目:dl4nlp_in_theano    作者:luyaojie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward_sequence_batch(self, x, mask, batch_size):
        :param x: (batch, max_len, dim)
        :param mask:  (batch, max_len)
        :param batch_size:
        h0 = shared_zero_matrix((batch_size, self.hidden_dim), 'h0')
        hs, _ = theano.scan(fn=self._step_batch,
                            sequences=[T.transpose(x, (1, 0, 2)),  # (batch, max_len, dim) -> (max_len, batch, dim)
                                       T.transpose(mask, (1, 0))],     # (batch, max_len) -> (max_len, batch)
                            non_sequences=[self.W, self.U, self.b],
        # (max_len, batch, dim) -> (batch, max_len, dim)
        return T.transpose(hs, (1, 0, 2))
项目:keras    作者:NVIDIA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    # TODO: `keras_shape` inference.
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:keras_superpixel_pooling    作者:parag2489    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    y = T.transpose(x)
    if hasattr(x, '_keras_shape'):
        y._keras_shape = tuple(reversed(x._keras_shape))
    return y
项目:stick-breaking_dgms    作者:enalisnick    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, rng, input, batch_size, in_size, latent_size, W_a = None, W_b = None, epsilon = 0.01):
        self.srng = theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(rng.randint(999999))
        self.input = input

        # setup variational params
        if W_a is None:
            W_values = np.asarray(0.01 * rng.standard_normal(size=(in_size, latent_size-1)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            W_a = theano.shared(value=W_values, name='W_a')
        if W_b is None:
            W_values = np.asarray(0.01 * rng.standard_normal(size=(in_size, latent_size-1)), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            W_b = theano.shared(value=W_values, name='W_b')
        self.W_a = W_a
        self.W_b = W_b

        # compute Kumaraswamy samples                                                                                                                                                      
        uniform_samples = T.cast(self.srng.uniform(size=(batch_size, latent_size-1), low=0.01, high=0.99), theano.config.floatX)
        self.a = Softplus(, self.W_a))
        self.b = Softplus(, self.W_b))
        v_samples = (1-(uniform_samples**(1/self.b)))**(1/self.a)

        # setup variables for recursion                                                                                                                                   
        stick_segment = theano.shared(value=np.zeros((batch_size,), dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='stick_segment')
        remaining_stick = theano.shared(value=np.ones((batch_size,), dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='remaining_stick')

        def compute_latent_vars(i, stick_segment, remaining_stick, v_samples):
            # compute stick segment                                                                                                     
            stick_segment = v_samples[:,i] * remaining_stick
            remaining_stick *= (1-v_samples[:,i])
            return (stick_segment, remaining_stick)

        (stick_segments, remaining_sticks), updates = theano.scan(fn=compute_latent_vars,
                                                                  outputs_info=[stick_segment, remaining_stick],sequences=T.arange(latent_size-1),
                                                                  non_sequences=[v_samples], strict=True)

        self.avg_used_dims = T.mean(T.sum(remaining_sticks > epsilon, axis=0))
        self.latent_vars = T.transpose(T.concatenate([stick_segments, T.shape_padaxis(remaining_sticks[-1, :],axis=1).T], axis=0))

        self.params = [self.W_a, self.W_b]
项目:InnerOuterRNN    作者:Chemoinformatics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:odin_old    作者:trungnt13    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transpose(x):
    return T.transpose(x)
项目:DynamicMemoryNetworks    作者:swstarlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        # typical GRU, but prediction produced by softmax layer is applied to GRU's input

        q = inputs[0]
        m = inputs[1]
        epmem_dropout = inputs[2]

        #q = q * self.rand_stream.binomial(q.shape, p=1-epmem_dropout, dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        m = m * self.rand_stream.binomial(m.shape, p=1-epmem_dropout, dtype=theano.config.floatX)

        W_in_stacked  = T.concatenate([self.W_in_to_resetgate, 
                                       self.W_in_to_hid_update], axis=1)
        W_hid_stacked = T.concatenate([self.W_hid_to_resetgate,
                                       self.W_hid_to_hid_update], axis=1)
        b_stacked     = T.concatenate([self.b_resetgate,       
                                       self.b_hid_update], axis=0)
        def slice_w(x, n):
            return x[:, n*self.hid_state_size:(n+1)*self.hid_state_size]

        def get_output(a):
            return nonlin.softmax(,self.W))
        def step(hid_previous, out_previous, *args):
            input_n = T.concatenate([out_previous, q], axis=1)

            hid_input =, W_hid_stacked)
            input_n =, W_in_stacked) + b_stacked

            resetgate  = slice_w(hid_input, 0) + slice_w(input_n, 0)
            updategate = slice_w(hid_input, 1) + slice_w(input_n, 1)
            resetgate  = self.nonlinearity_resetgate(resetgate)
            updategate = self.nonlinearity_updategate(updategate)

            hid_update_in  = slice_w(input_n, 2)
            hid_update_hid = slice_w(hid_input, 2)
            hid_update     = hid_update_in + resetgate*hid_update_hid

            hid_update = self.nonlinearity_hid(hid_update)

            hid = (1 - updategate)*hid_previous + updategate+hid_update
            out = nonlin.softmax(, self.W))

            return (hid, out)

        non_seqs = [W_in_stacked, b_stacked, W_hid_stacked, q, m, self.W]
        hid_and_out, b = theano.scan(
            outputs_info=[m, get_output(m)],

        return T.transpose(hid_and_out[1], (1,0,2))
项目:DeepCare    作者:trangptm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lstm_layer(shared_params, options, emb_dia, emb_pm, x_mask, time, method, use_pm = 1):
    n_steps = emb_dia.shape[0]
    if emb_dia.ndim == 3:
        n_samples = emb_dia.shape[1]
    else: n_samples = 1

    def _slice(_x, n, dim):
        if _x.ndim == 3:
            return _x[:, :, n * dim:(n+1) * dim]
        return _x[:, n*dim:(n+1)*dim]

    def _step(x_, xf_, m_, time_, method_, h_, c_, pm_):
        preact =, shared_params['lstm_W']) \
                +, shared_params['lstm_U']) + shared_params['lstm_b']

        pm = m_[1, :, None] * xf_

        pre_f =, shared_params['lstm_Pf'])
        pre_o =, shared_params['lstm_Po'])
        time = tensor.concatenate([[time_/60.0], [(time_/180.0) ** 2], [(time_/365.0) ** 3]])
        time = tensor.transpose(time)
        pre_t =, shared_params['lstm_Z'])

        i = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 0, options['dim_prj'])) * (1.0 / method_[:, None])
        f = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 1, options['dim_prj']) + pre_f + pre_t)
        o = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(_slice(preact, 2, options['dim_prj']) + pre_o)
        c = tensor.tanh(_slice(preact, 3, options['dim_prj']))

        c = f * c_ + i * c
        c = m_[0, :, None] * c + (1.0 - m_[0])[:, None] * c_

        h = o * tensor.tanh(c)
        h = m_[0, :, None] * h + (1.0 - m_[0])[:, None] * h_

        if use_pm == 0:
            pm = xf_
        return h, c, pm

    dim_prj = options['dim_prj']
    dim_emb = options['dim_emb']
    rval, updates = theano.scan(_step,
                                sequences=[emb_dia, emb_pm, x_mask, time, method],
                                outputs_info=[tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), n_samples, dim_prj),
                                              tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), n_samples, dim_prj),
                                              tensor.alloc(numpy_floatX(0.), n_samples, dim_emb)],
                                name='lstm_layer', n_steps=n_steps)

    return rval[0]
项目:PyFactorizationMachines    作者:dstein64    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,
                 k = 8,
                 stdev = 0.1):
        d = feature_count

        # ************************************************************
        # * Symbolic Variables
        # ************************************************************

        self.X = T.matrix() # design matrix
        self.y = T.vector() # response
        self.s = T.vector() # sample weights
        self.e = T.scalar() # current epoch

        # ************************************************************
        # * Model Parameters
        # ************************************************************

        # bias term (intercept)
        w0_init = np.zeros(1)
        self.w0 = theano.shared(w0_init, allow_downcast=True)
        # first order coefficients
        w1_init = np.zeros(d)
        self.w1 = theano.shared(w1_init, allow_downcast=True)
        # interaction factors
        v_init = stdev * np.random.randn(k, d)
        self.v = theano.shared(v_init, allow_downcast=True)

        # ************************************************************
        # * The Model
        # ************************************************************

        # The formula for pairwise interactions is from the bottom left
        # of page 997 of Rendle 2010, "Factorization Machines."
        # This version scales linearly in k and d, as opposed to O(d^2).
        interactions = 0.5 * T.sum((, T.transpose(self.v)) ** 2) \
                                   - ** 2, T.transpose(self.v ** 2)), axis=1)
        self.y_hat = self.w0[0] +, self.w1) + interactions
        self.y_hat = transformer.transform(self.y_hat)

        # ************************************************************
        # * Prediction
        # ************************************************************

        self.theano_predict = theano.function(
            inputs=[self.X], outputs=self.y_hat, allow_input_downcast=True)
项目:neural_style    作者:metaflow-ai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_convolution_transpose_th(self):
        border_mode = 'valid'

        batch = 1
        height = 2
        width = 2
        channels_in = 1
        channels_out = 2
        kernel_size = 3
        strides = (1, 1)
        input_shape = (channels_in, height, width)

        input = Input(shape=input_shape, dtype=K.floatx())
        conv_layer = ConvolutionTranspose2D(channels_out, kernel_size, kernel_size, 
                dim_ordering=K.image_dim_ordering(), init='one', 
                subsample=strides, border_mode=border_mode, activation='linear')
        output = conv_layer(input)
        model = Model(input=[input], output=[output])
        model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='sgd')

        x = np.ones((batch,) + input_shape).astype(K.floatx())
        kernel = conv_layer.W
        output_model = model.predict(x)
        if K._BACKEND == 'theano':
            output_shape = conv_layer.get_output_shape_for(K.shape(x))
            y = T.nnet.abstract_conv.conv2d_grad_wrt_inputs(theano.shared(x), kernel, output_shape, 
                    filter_shape=None, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=strides, filter_flip=True)
            output = y.eval()
            sess = K.get_session()
            output_shape = conv_layer.get_output_shape_for(K.shape(x))
            output_shape = tf.pack([1, output_shape[2], output_shape[3], output_shape[1]])
            x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 2, 3, 1))
            kernel = tf.transpose(kernel, (2, 3, 1, 0))
            y = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, (1, ) + strides + (1, ), padding=border_mode.upper())
            y = tf.transpose(y, (0, 3, 1, 2))
            output =

        self.assertEqual(output_model.shape, (1, 2, 4, 4))    
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (1, 2, 4, 4))
        self.assertEqual(True, (output==output_model).all())

        #, x + 1, nb_epoch=1)
项目:neural_style    作者:metaflow-ai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_convolution_transpose_tf(self):
        border_mode = 'valid'

        batch = 1
        height = 2
        width = 2
        channels_in = 1
        channels_out = 2
        kernel_size = 3
        strides = (1, 1)
        input_shape = (height, width, channels_in)

        input = Input(shape=input_shape, dtype=K.floatx())
        conv_layer = ConvolutionTranspose2D(channels_out, kernel_size, kernel_size, 
                dim_ordering=K.image_dim_ordering(), init='one', 
                subsample=strides, border_mode=border_mode, activation='linear')
        output = conv_layer(input)
        model = Model(input=[input], output=[output])
        model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='sgd')

        x = np.ones((batch,) + input_shape).astype(K.floatx())
        kernel = conv_layer.W
        output_model = model.predict(x)
        if K._BACKEND == 'theano':
            output_shape = conv_layer.get_output_shape_for(K.shape(x))
            output_shape = (1, output_shape[3], output_shape[1], output_shape[2])
            x = np.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2))
            kernel = T.transpose(kernel, (3, 2, 1, 0))
            y = T.nnet.abstract_conv.conv2d_grad_wrt_inputs(theano.shared(x), kernel, output_shape, 
                    filter_shape=None, border_mode=border_mode, subsample=strides, filter_flip=True)
            y = T.transpose(y, (0, 2, 3, 1))
            output = y.eval()
            sess = K.get_session()
            output_shape = conv_layer.get_output_shape_for(K.shape(x))
            output_shape = tf.pack([1, output_shape[1], output_shape[2], output_shape[3]])
            y = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(x, kernel, output_shape, (1, ) + strides + (1, ), padding=border_mode.upper())

            output =

        self.assertEqual(output_model.shape, (1, 4, 4, 2))    
        self.assertEqual(output.shape, (1, 4, 4, 2))
        self.assertEqual(True, (output==output_model).all())

        #, x + 1, nb_epoch=1)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_transpose():
    x1 = tensor.dvector('x1')
    x2 = tensor.dmatrix('x2')
    x3 = tensor.dtensor3('x3')

    x1v = numpy.arange(24)
    x2v = numpy.arange(24).reshape(2, 12)
    x3v = numpy.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4)

    f = theano.function([x1, x2, x3], [
        x2.transpose(0, 1),
        x3.transpose((0, 2, 1)),
        tensor.transpose(x2, [0, 1]),
        tensor.transpose(x3, [0, 2, 1]),

    t1, t2, t3, t1b, t2b, t3b, t2c, t3c, t2d, t3d = f(x1v, x2v, x3v)
    assert t1.shape == numpy.transpose(x1v).shape
    assert t2.shape == numpy.transpose(x2v).shape
    assert t3.shape == numpy.transpose(x3v).shape
    assert numpy.all(t1 == numpy.transpose(x1v))
    assert numpy.all(t2 == numpy.transpose(x2v))
    assert numpy.all(t3 == numpy.transpose(x3v))
    assert numpy.all(t1b == x1v.transpose())
    assert numpy.all(t2b == x2v.transpose())
    assert numpy.all(t3b == x3v.transpose())
    assert t2c.shape == (2, 12)
    assert t3c.shape == (2, 4, 3)
    assert numpy.all(t2c == x2v.transpose([0, 1]))
    assert numpy.all(t3c == x3v.transpose([0, 2, 1]))
    assert t2d.shape == (2, 12)
    assert t3d.shape == (2, 4, 3)
    assert numpy.all(t2d == numpy.transpose(x2v, [0, 1]))
    assert numpy.all(t3d == numpy.transpose(x3v, [0, 2, 1]))

    # Check that we create a name.
    assert tensor.transpose(x1).name == 'x1.T'
    assert tensor.transpose(x2).name == 'x2.T'
    assert tensor.transpose(x3).name == 'x3.T'
    assert tensor.transpose(tensor.dmatrix()).name is None
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gemm_directly(bs, ch, nf, rImg1, rImg2, rFlt1, rFlt2, subsx, subsy,
    ishape = (bs, ch, rImg1, rImg2)
    kshape = (nf, ch, rFlt1, rFlt2)
    subsample = (subsx, subsy)

    npy_img = theano._asarray(numpy.random.rand(*ishape), dtype='float32')
    npy_kern = theano._asarray(numpy.random.rand(*kshape), dtype='float32')

    if direction == 'fprop':
        i = cuda.CudaNdarrayType(
            broadcastable=[sh == 1 for sh in npy_img.shape])()
        k = cuda.CudaNdarrayType(
            broadcastable=[sh == 1 for sh in npy_kern.shape])()

        cpuval = py_conv(npy_img, npy_kern, 'valid', subsample)
        op = theano.sandbox.cuda.blas.GpuCorrMM(border_mode='valid',
                                                subsample=subsample)(i, k)
        f = theano.function([i, k], op, mode=theano_mode)
        gpuval = f(npy_img, npy_kern[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    elif direction == 'bprop img':
        i = cuda.CudaNdarrayType(
            broadcastable=[sh == 1 for sh in
                           npy_kern.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).shape])()
        k = cuda.CudaNdarrayType(
            broadcastable=[sh == 1 for sh in npy_img.shape])()

        cpuval = py_conv(npy_img, npy_kern, 'full', subsample)
        op = theano.sandbox.cuda.blas.GpuCorrMM_gradInputs(
            border_mode='valid', subsample=subsample)(i, k)
        f = theano.function([i, k], op, mode=theano_mode)
        gpuval = f(npy_kern.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3), npy_img)
    elif direction == 'bprop kern':
        i = cuda.CudaNdarrayType(
            broadcastable=[sh == 1 for sh in
                           npy_img.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).shape])()
        k = cuda.CudaNdarrayType(
            broadcastable=[sh == 1 for sh in
                           npy_kern.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).shape])()

        cpuval = py_conv(npy_img, npy_kern, 'valid', subsample)
        op = theano.sandbox.cuda.blas.GpuCorrMM_gradWeights(
            border_mode='valid', subsample=subsample)(i, k)
        f = theano.function([i, k], op, mode=theano_mode)
        gpuval = numpy.array(f(
            npy_img.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3),
            npy_kern.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
            ).transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)

    assert_allclose(cpuval, gpuval, rtol=1e-4)