Python theano.tensor 模块,batched_tensordot() 实例源码


项目:mctest-model    作者:Maluuba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def weighted_average(inp, weights, axis=None):
    # n_b x n_s x 4 x n_w_a: inp
    if axis == 2:  # for question
        weights = weights.flatten(ndim=2)
        weights /= T.sum(weights, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 0.000001
        return T.batched_tensordot(inp, weights, [[inp.ndim - 1], [1]])
    elif axis == 3:  # for answer inp: (None, 51, 4, 20), output: (None, 4, 20, 1)
        weights = weights.flatten(ndim=weights.ndim - 1)
        weights /= T.sum(weights, axis=weights.ndim - 1, keepdims=True) + 0.000001
        weights = weights.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2)
        return T.sum(inp * weights, axis=3)
    elif axis == 4:  # for inner sliding window
        weights = weights.flatten(ndim=weights.ndim - 1)
        weights /= T.sum(weights, axis=weights.ndim - 1, keepdims=True) + 0.000001
        weights = weights.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 'x', 1, 2)
        return T.sum(inp * weights, axis=4)
        raise RuntimeError
项目:reading-text-in-the-wild    作者:mathDR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [(x.ndim-1,), (y.ndim-2,)]
    return T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
项目:kfac-theano    作者:r00tman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def native_kron(a, b):
    return T.batched_tensordot(b, a, [[], []]).dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2, 4).reshape((a.shape[0], a.shape[1]*b.shape[1], -1)).mean(0, keepdims=True)
项目:keras    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    '''Batchwise dot product.

    batch_dot results in a tensor with less dimensions than the input.
    If the number of dimensions is reduced to 1, we use `expand_dims` to
    make sure that ndim is at least 2.

    # Arguments
        x, y: tensors with ndim >= 2
        axes: list (or single) int with target dimensions

    # Returns
        A tensor with shape equal to the concatenation of x's shape
        (less the dimension that was summed over) and y's shape
        (less the batch dimension and the dimension that was summed over).
        If the final rank is 1, we reshape it to (batch_size, 1).

    # Examples
        Assume x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]   and y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
        batch_dot(x, y, axes=1) = [[17, 53]] which is the main diagonal
        of, although we never have to calculate the off-diagonal

        Shape inference:
        Let x's shape be (100, 20) and y's shape be (100, 30, 20).
        If dot_axes is (1, 2), to find the output shape of resultant tensor,
            loop through each dimension in x's shape and y's shape:
        x.shape[0] : 100 : append to output shape
        x.shape[1] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 1 of x has been summed over. (dot_axes[0] = 1)
        y.shape[0] : 100 : do not append to output shape,
            always ignore first dimension of y
        y.shape[1] : 30 : append to output shape
        y.shape[2] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 2 of y has been summed over. (dot_axes[1] = 2)

        output_shape = (100, 30)
    if type(axes) == int:
        axes = (axes, axes)
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [x.ndim - 1, y.ndim - 2]
    out = T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
    if ndim(out) == 1:
        out = expand_dims(out, 1)
    return out
项目:NeuroNLP    作者:XuezheMax    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **kwargs):

        :param inputs: inputs: list of theano.TensorType
            `inputs[0]` should always be the symbolic input variable.  When
            this layer has a mask input (i.e. was instantiated with
            `mask_input != None`, indicating that the lengths of sequences in
            each batch vary), `inputs` should have length 2, where `inputs[1]`
            is the `mask`.  The `mask` should be supplied as a Theano variable
            denoting whether each time step in each sequence in the batch is
            part of the sequence or not.  `mask` should be a matrix of shape
            ``(n_batch, n_time_steps)`` where ``mask[i, j] = 1`` when ``j <=
            (length of sequence i)`` and ``mask[i, j] = 0`` when ``j > (length
            of sequence i)``.
        :return: theano.TensorType
            Symbolic output variable.
        input = inputs[0]
        mask = None
        if self.mask_incoming_index > 0:
            mask = inputs[self.mask_incoming_index]

        # compute the bi-affine part
        # first via tensor dot ([batch, length, dim] * [dim, dim, num_label])
        # output shape = [batch, length, dim, num_label]
        out = T.tensordot(input, self.U, axes=[[2], [0]])
        # second via tensor dot ([batch, length, dim, num_label] * [batch, dim, length)
        # output shape = [batch, length, length, num_label]
        out = T.batched_tensordot(out, input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1), axes=([2], [1]))
        out = out.dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2)

        # compute head bias part by tensor dot ([batch, length, dim] * [dim, num_label])
        # the shape of s_h should be [batch, length, num_label]
        if self.W_h is not None:
            s_h = T.tensordot(input, self.W_h, axes=[[2], [0]])
            out = out + s_h.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 2)

        # compute child part by tensor dot ([batch, length, dim] * [dim, num_label]
        # the shape of s_c should be [batch, length, num_label]
        if self.W_c is not None:
            s_c = T.tensordot(input, self.W_c, axes=[[2], [0]])
            out = out + s_c.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 2)

        # add bias part.
        if self.b is not None:
            out = out + self.b.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 'x', 0)

        if mask is not None:
            mask_shuffled = mask.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x', 'x')
            out = out * mask_shuffled
            mask_shuffled = mask.dimshuffle(0, 'x', 1, 'x')
            out = out * mask_shuffled
        return out
项目:deep-learning-keras-projects    作者:jasmeetsb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    """Batchwise dot product.

    batch_dot results in a tensor with less dimensions than the input.
    If the number of dimensions is reduced to 1, we use `expand_dims` to
    make sure that ndim is at least 2.

    # Arguments
        x, y: tensors with ndim >= 2
        axes: list (or single) int with target dimensions

    # Returns
        A tensor with shape equal to the concatenation of x's shape
        (less the dimension that was summed over) and y's shape
        (less the batch dimension and the dimension that was summed over).
        If the final rank is 1, we reshape it to (batch_size, 1).

    # Examples
        Assume x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]   and y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
        batch_dot(x, y, axes=1) = [[17, 53]] which is the main diagonal
        of, although we never have to calculate the off-diagonal

        Shape inference:
        Let x's shape be (100, 20) and y's shape be (100, 30, 20).
        If dot_axes is (1, 2), to find the output shape of resultant tensor,
            loop through each dimension in x's shape and y's shape:
        x.shape[0] : 100 : append to output shape
        x.shape[1] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 1 of x has been summed over. (dot_axes[0] = 1)
        y.shape[0] : 100 : do not append to output shape,
            always ignore first dimension of y
        y.shape[1] : 30 : append to output shape
        y.shape[2] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 2 of y has been summed over. (dot_axes[1] = 2)

        output_shape = (100, 30)
    # TODO: `keras_shape` inference.
    if isinstance(axes, int):
        axes = (axes, axes)
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [x.ndim - 1, y.ndim - 2]
    out = T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
    if ndim(out) == 1:
        out = expand_dims(out, 1)
    return out
项目:keras-customized    作者:ambrite    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    '''Batchwise dot product.

    batch_dot results in a tensor with less dimensions than the input.
    If the number of dimensions is reduced to 1, we use `expand_dims` to
    make sure that ndim is at least 2.

    # Arguments
        x, y: tensors with ndim >= 2
        axes: list (or single) int with target dimensions

    # Returns
        A tensor with shape equal to the concatenation of x's shape
        (less the dimension that was summed over) and y's shape
        (less the batch dimension and the dimension that was summed over).
        If the final rank is 1, we reshape it to (batch_size, 1).

    # Examples
        Assume x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]   and y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
        batch_dot(x, y, axes=1) = [[17, 53]] which is the main diagonal
        of, although we never have to calculate the off-diagonal

        Shape inference:
        Let x's shape be (100, 20) and y's shape be (100, 30, 20).
        If dot_axes is (1, 2), to find the output shape of resultant tensor,
            loop through each dimension in x's shape and y's shape:
        x.shape[0] : 100 : append to output shape
        x.shape[1] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 1 of x has been summed over. (dot_axes[0] = 1)
        y.shape[0] : 100 : do not append to output shape,
            always ignore first dimension of y
        y.shape[1] : 30 : append to output shape
        y.shape[2] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 2 of y has been summed over. (dot_axes[1] = 2)

        output_shape = (100, 30)
    # TODO: `keras_shape` inference.
    if isinstance(axes, int):
        axes = (axes, axes)
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [x.ndim - 1, y.ndim - 2]
    out = T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
    if ndim(out) == 1:
        out = expand_dims(out, 1)
    return out
项目:keras    作者:NVIDIA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    """Batchwise dot product.

    batch_dot results in a tensor with less dimensions than the input.
    If the number of dimensions is reduced to 1, we use `expand_dims` to
    make sure that ndim is at least 2.

    # Arguments
        x, y: tensors with ndim >= 2
        axes: list (or single) int with target dimensions

    # Returns
        A tensor with shape equal to the concatenation of x's shape
        (less the dimension that was summed over) and y's shape
        (less the batch dimension and the dimension that was summed over).
        If the final rank is 1, we reshape it to (batch_size, 1).

    # Examples
        Assume x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]   and y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
        batch_dot(x, y, axes=1) = [[17, 53]] which is the main diagonal
        of, although we never have to calculate the off-diagonal

        Shape inference:
        Let x's shape be (100, 20) and y's shape be (100, 30, 20).
        If dot_axes is (1, 2), to find the output shape of resultant tensor,
            loop through each dimension in x's shape and y's shape:
        x.shape[0] : 100 : append to output shape
        x.shape[1] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 1 of x has been summed over. (dot_axes[0] = 1)
        y.shape[0] : 100 : do not append to output shape,
            always ignore first dimension of y
        y.shape[1] : 30 : append to output shape
        y.shape[2] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 2 of y has been summed over. (dot_axes[1] = 2)

        output_shape = (100, 30)
    # TODO: `keras_shape` inference.
    if isinstance(axes, int):
        axes = (axes, axes)
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [x.ndim - 1, y.ndim - 2]
    out = T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
    if ndim(out) == 1:
        out = expand_dims(out, 1)
    return out
项目:keras_superpixel_pooling    作者:parag2489    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    """Batchwise dot product.

    batch_dot results in a tensor with less dimensions than the input.
    If the number of dimensions is reduced to 1, we use `expand_dims` to
    make sure that ndim is at least 2.

    # Arguments
        x, y: tensors with ndim >= 2
        axes: list (or single) int with target dimensions

    # Returns
        A tensor with shape equal to the concatenation of x's shape
        (less the dimension that was summed over) and y's shape
        (less the batch dimension and the dimension that was summed over).
        If the final rank is 1, we reshape it to (batch_size, 1).

    # Examples
        Assume x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]   and y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
        batch_dot(x, y, axes=1) = [[17, 53]] which is the main diagonal
        of, although we never have to calculate the off-diagonal

        Shape inference:
        Let x's shape be (100, 20) and y's shape be (100, 30, 20).
        If dot_axes is (1, 2), to find the output shape of resultant tensor,
            loop through each dimension in x's shape and y's shape:
        x.shape[0] : 100 : append to output shape
        x.shape[1] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 1 of x has been summed over. (dot_axes[0] = 1)
        y.shape[0] : 100 : do not append to output shape,
            always ignore first dimension of y
        y.shape[1] : 30 : append to output shape
        y.shape[2] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 2 of y has been summed over. (dot_axes[1] = 2)

        output_shape = (100, 30)
    if isinstance(axes, int):
        axes = (axes, axes)
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [x.ndim - 1, y.ndim - 2]
    out = T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
    if ndim(out) == 1:
        out = expand_dims(out, 1)

    if hasattr(x, '_keras_shape') and hasattr(y, '_keras_shape'):
        shape = []
        for axis in range(len(x._keras_shape)):
            if axis != axes[0]:
        for axis in range(1, len(y._keras_shape)):
            if axis != axes[1]:
        if len(shape) == 1:
            shape.append(1)     # Expand dims if ndim == 1
        out._keras_shape = tuple(shape)
    return out
项目:InnerOuterRNN    作者:Chemoinformatics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def batch_dot(x, y, axes=None):
    '''Batchwise dot product.

    batch_dot results in a tensor with less dimensions than the input.
    If the number of dimensions is reduced to 1, we use `expand_dims` to
    make sure that ndim is at least 2.

    # Arguments
        x, y: tensors with ndim >= 2
        axes: list (or single) int with target dimensions

    # Returns
        A tensor with shape equal to the concatenation of x's shape
        (less the dimension that was summed over) and y's shape
        (less the batch dimension and the dimension that was summed over).
        If the final rank is 1, we reshape it to (batch_size, 1).

    # Examples
        Assume x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]   and y = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
        batch_dot(x, y, axes=1) = [[17, 53]] which is the main diagonal
        of, although we never have to calculate the off-diagonal

        Shape inference:
        Let x's shape be (100, 20) and y's shape be (100, 30, 20).
        If dot_axes is (1, 2), to find the output shape of resultant tensor,
            loop through each dimension in x's shape and y's shape:
        x.shape[0] : 100 : append to output shape
        x.shape[1] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 1 of x has been summed over. (dot_axes[0] = 1)
        y.shape[0] : 100 : do not append to output shape,
            always ignore first dimension of y
        y.shape[1] : 30 : append to output shape
        y.shape[2] : 20 : do not append to output shape,
            dimension 2 of y has been summed over. (dot_axes[1] = 2)

        output_shape = (100, 30)
    if type(axes) == int:
        axes = (axes, axes)
    if axes is None:
        # behaves like tf.batch_matmul as default
        axes = [x.ndim - 1, y.ndim - 2]
    out = T.batched_tensordot(x, y, axes=axes)
    if ndim(out) == 1:
        out = expand_dims(out, 1)
    return out