Python theano.tensor 模块,as_tensor() 实例源码


项目:DBQA-KBQA    作者:Lucien-qiang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _k_max_pooling(input, kmax):
  pool = input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3).flatten(ndim=3).dimshuffle(1,0,2).flatten(ndim=2).dimshuffle(1,0)
  neighborsArgSorted = T.argsort(pool, axis=1)
  yy = T.sort(neighborsArgSorted[:, -kmax:], axis=1).flatten()
  xx = T.repeat(T.arange(neighborsArgSorted.shape[0]), kmax)
  pool_kmax = pool[xx, yy]
  pool_kmax_shape = T.join(0, T.as_tensor([input.shape[0], input.shape[1], input.shape[3], kmax]))
  pooled_out = pool_kmax.reshape(pool_kmax_shape, ndim=4).dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2)
  return pooled_out
项目:DEEP-CLICK-MODEL    作者:THUIR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _k_max_pooling(input, kmax):
  pool = input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3).flatten(ndim=3).dimshuffle(1,0,2).flatten(ndim=2).dimshuffle(1,0)
  neighborsArgSorted = T.argsort(pool, axis=1)
  yy = T.sort(neighborsArgSorted[:, -kmax:], axis=1).flatten()
  xx = T.repeat(T.arange(neighborsArgSorted.shape[0]), kmax)
  pool_kmax = pool[xx, yy]
  pool_kmax_shape = T.join(0, T.as_tensor([input.shape[0], input.shape[1], input.shape[3], kmax]))
  pooled_out = pool_kmax.reshape(pool_kmax_shape, ndim=4).dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2)
  return pooled_out
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_node(self, frames, n, axis):
        Compute an n-point fft of frames along given axis.

        _frames = tensor.as_tensor(frames, ndim=2)
        _n = tensor.as_tensor(n, ndim=0)
        _axis = tensor.as_tensor(axis, ndim=0)
        if self.half and _frames.type.dtype.startswith('complex'):
            raise TypeError('Argument to HalfFFT must not be complex', frames)
        spectrogram = tensor.zmatrix()
        buf = generic()
        # The `buf` output is present for future work
        # when we call FFTW directly and re-use the 'plan' that FFTW creates.
        # In that case, buf would store a CObject encapsulating the plan.
        rval = Apply(self, [_frames, _n, _axis], [spectrogram, buf])
        return rval
项目:deep-hashtagprediction    作者:jderiu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _k_max_pooling(input, kmax):
  pool = input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3).flatten(ndim=3).dimshuffle(1,0,2).flatten(ndim=2).dimshuffle(1,0)
  neighborsArgSorted = T.argsort(pool, axis=1)
  yy = T.sort(neighborsArgSorted[:, -kmax:], axis=1).flatten()
  xx = T.repeat(T.arange(neighborsArgSorted.shape[0]), kmax)
  pool_kmax = pool[xx, yy]
  pool_kmax_shape = T.join(0, T.as_tensor([input.shape[0], input.shape[1], input.shape[3], kmax]))
  pooled_out = pool_kmax.reshape(pool_kmax_shape, ndim=4).dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2)
  return pooled_out
项目:CQA-CNN    作者:3141bishwa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _k_max_pooling(input, kmax):
  pool = input.dimshuffle(0, 2, 1, 3).flatten(ndim=3).dimshuffle(1,0,2).flatten(ndim=2).dimshuffle(1,0)
  neighborsArgSorted = T.argsort(pool, axis=1)
  yy = T.sort(neighborsArgSorted[:, -kmax:], axis=1).flatten()
  xx = T.repeat(T.arange(neighborsArgSorted.shape[0]), kmax)
  pool_kmax = pool[xx, yy]
  pool_kmax_shape = T.join(0, T.as_tensor([input.shape[0], input.shape[1], input.shape[3], kmax]))
  pooled_out = pool_kmax.reshape(pool_kmax_shape, ndim=4).dimshuffle(0, 1, 3, 2)
  return pooled_out
项目:deep-prior    作者:moberweger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, rng, inputVar, cfgParams, copyLayer=None, layerNum=None):
        Allocate a PoolLayer with shared variable internal parameters.

        :type rng: numpy.random.RandomState
        :param rng: a random number generator used to initialize weights

        :type inputVar: theano.tensor.dtensor4
        :param inputVar: symbolic image tensor, of shape image_shape

        :type cfgParams: PoolLayerParams

        floatX = theano.config.floatX  # @UndefinedVariable

        outputDim = cfgParams.outputDim
        poolsize = cfgParams.poolsize
        inputDim = cfgParams.inputDim
        activation = cfgParams.activation
        poolType = cfgParams.poolType

        self.cfgParams = cfgParams
        self.layerNum = layerNum

        self.inputVar = inputVar

        if inputVar.type.ndim != 4:
            raise TypeError()

        self.params = []
        self.weights = []

        # downsample each feature map individually, using maxpooling
        if poolType == 0:
            # use maxpooling
            pooled_out = pool_2d(input=self.inputVar, ds=poolsize, ignore_border=True)
        elif poolType == 1:
            # use average pooling
            pooled_out = theano.sandbox.neighbours.images2neibs(ten4=self.inputVar, neib_shape=poolsize, mode='ignore_borders').mean(axis=-1)
            new_shape = T.cast(T.join(0, self.inputVar.shape[:-2], T.as_tensor([self.inputVar.shape[2]//poolsize[0]]), T.as_tensor([self.inputVar.shape[3]//poolsize[1]])), 'int64')
            pooled_out = T.reshape(pooled_out, new_shape, ndim=4)
        elif poolType == 3:
            # use subsampling and ignore border
            pooled_out = self.inputVar[:, :, :(inputDim[2]//poolsize[0])*poolsize[0], :(inputDim[3]//poolsize[1])*poolsize[1]][:, :, ::poolsize[0], ::poolsize[1]]
        elif poolType == -1:
            # no pooling at all
            pooled_out = self.inputVar
            raise ValueError("Unknown pool type!")

        self.output = (pooled_out if activation is None
                       else activation(pooled_out)) = 'output_layer_{}'.format(self.layerNum)
项目:pl-cnn    作者:oval-group    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def my_pool_2d(input, ds, ignore_border=None, st=None, padding=(0, 0),
    This function is a patch to the maxpool op of Theano:
    contrarily to current implementation of maxpool, the gradient is backpropagated
    to only one input of a given patch if several inputs have the same value. This is
    consistent with the CuDNN implementation (and therefore the op is replaced by the
    CuDNN version when possible).

    if input.ndim < 2:
        raise NotImplementedError('pool_2d requires a dimension >= 2')

    if not ignore_border is None:
        # check that ignore_border is True if provided
        assert ignore_border
    ignore_border = True

    if input.ndim == 4:
        op = MyPool(ds, ignore_border, st=st, padding=padding, mode=mode)
        output = op(input)
        return output

    # extract image dimensions
    img_shape = input.shape[-2:]

    # count the number of "leading" dimensions, store as dmatrix
    batch_size =[:-2])
    batch_size = tensor.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)

    # store as 4D tensor with shape: (batch_size,1,height,width)
    new_shape = tensor.cast(tensor.join(0, batch_size,
                                        img_shape), 'int64')
    input_4D = tensor.reshape(input, new_shape, ndim=4)

    # downsample mini-batch of images
    op = MyPool(ds, ignore_border, st=st, padding=padding, mode=mode)
    output = op(input_4D)

    # restore to original shape
    outshp = tensor.join(0, input.shape[:-2], output.shape[-2:])
    return tensor.reshape(output, outshp, ndim=input.ndim)
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad_dims(input, leftdims, rightdims):
    """Reshapes the input to a (leftdims + rightdims) tensor

    This helper function is used to convert pooling inputs with arbitrary
    non-pooling dimensions to the correct number of dimensions for the
    GPU pooling ops.

    This reduces or expands the number of dimensions of the input to
    exactly `leftdims`, by adding extra dimensions on the left or by
    combining some existing dimensions on the left of the input.

    Use `unpad_dims` to reshape back to the original dimensions.

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 2)``
    adds a singleton dimension and reshapes to (1, 3, 5, 7).
    Given that output from pad_dims, ``unpad_dims(output, input, 2, 2)``
    reshapes back to (3, 5, 7).

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7, 9), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 2)``
    does not reshape and returns output with shape (3, 5, 7, 9).

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7, 9, 11), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 2)``
    combines the first two dimensions and reshapes to (15, 7, 9, 11).

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7, 9), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 3)``
    adds a singleton dimension and reshapes to (1, 3, 5, 7, 9).
    assert input.ndim >= rightdims

    if input.ndim == (leftdims + rightdims):
        return input

    # extract image dimensions
    img_shape = input.shape[-rightdims:]

    non_pool_ndim = input.ndim - rightdims
    if non_pool_ndim < leftdims:
        # too few dimensions, pad on the left
        dummy_dims = tensor.as_tensor([1] * (leftdims - non_pool_ndim))
        new_shape = tensor.join(0, dummy_dims,
        # too many dimensions, combine the leading dimensions
        batched_ndim = non_pool_ndim - leftdims + 1
        batch_size =[:batched_ndim])
        # convert to a vector for tensor.join
        batch_size = tensor.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)
        new_shape = tensor.join(0, batch_size,

    # store in the required shape
    new_shape = tensor.cast(new_shape, 'int64')
    input_ND = GpuReshape(leftdims + rightdims)(input, new_shape)
    return input_ND
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def max_pool(images, imgshp, maxpoolshp):
    """Implements a max pooling layer

    Takes as input a 2D tensor of shape batch_size x img_size and
    performs max pooling.  Max pooling downsamples by taking the max
    value in a given area, here defined by maxpoolshp. Outputs a 2D
    tensor of shape batch_size x output_size.

    :param images: 2D tensor containing images on which to apply convolution.
                   Assumed to be of shape batch_size x img_size
    :param imgshp: tuple containing image dimensions
    :param maxpoolshp: tuple containing shape of area to max pool over

    :return: out1, symbolic result (2D tensor)
    :return: out2, logical shape of the output
    N = numpy
    poolsize = N.int64(

    # imgshp contains either 2 entries (height,width) or 3 (nfeatures,h,w)
    # in the first case, default nfeatures to 1
    if N.size(imgshp) == 2:
        imgshp = (1,) + imgshp

    # construct indices and index pointers for sparse matrix, which,
    # when multiplied with input images will generate a stack of image
    # patches
    indices, indptr, spmat_shape, sptype, outshp = \
            convolution_indices.conv_eval(imgshp, maxpoolshp,
                                          maxpoolshp, mode='valid')

#    print 'imgshp = ', imgshp
#    print 'maxpoolshp = ', maxpoolshp
#    print 'outshp = ', outshp

    # build sparse matrix, then generate stack of image patches
    csc = theano.sparse.CSM(sptype)(N.ones(indices.size), indices,
                                    indptr, spmat_shape)
    patches = sparse.structured_dot(csc, images.T).T

    pshape = tensor.stack([images.shape[0] *\
    patch_stack = tensor.reshape(patches, pshape, ndim=3)

    out1 = tensor.max(patch_stack, axis=2)

    pshape = tensor.stack([images.shape[0],
    out2 = tensor.reshape(out1, pshape, ndim=3)

    out3 = tensor.DimShuffle(out2.broadcastable, (0, 2, 1))(out2)

    return tensor.flatten(out3, 2), outshp
项目:Theano-Deep-learning    作者:GeekLiB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pad_dims(input, leftdims, rightdims):
    """Reshapes the input to a (leftdims + rightdims) tensor

    This helper function is used to convert pooling inputs with arbitrary
    non-pooling dimensions to the correct number of dimensions for the
    GPU pooling ops.

    This reduces or expands the number of dimensions of the input to
    exactly `leftdims`, by adding extra dimensions on the left or by
    combining some existing dimensions on the left of the input.

    Use `unpad_dims` to reshape back to the original dimensions.

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 2)``
    adds a singleton dimension and reshapes to (3, 1, 5, 7).
    Given that output from pad_dims, ``unpad_dims(output, input, 2, 2)``
    reshapes back to (3, 5, 7).

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7, 9), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 2)``
    does not reshape and returns output with shape (3, 5, 7, 9).

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7, 9, 11), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 2)``
    combines the first two dimensions and reshapes to (8, 7, 9, 11).

    Given input of shape (3, 5, 7, 9), ``pad_dims(input, 2, 3)``
    adds a singleton dimension and reshapes to (3, 1, 5, 7, 9).
    assert input.ndim >= rightdims

    if input.ndim == (leftdims + rightdims):
        return input

    # extract image dimensions
    img_shape = input.shape[-rightdims:]

    non_pool_ndim = input.ndim - rightdims
    if non_pool_ndim < leftdims:
        # too few dimensions, pad on the left
        dummy_dims = tensor.as_tensor([1] * (leftdims - non_pool_ndim))
        new_shape = tensor.join(0, dummy_dims,
        # too many dimensions, combine the leading dimensions
        batched_ndim = non_pool_ndim - leftdims + 1
        batch_size =[:batched_ndim])
        # convert to a vector for tensor.join
        batch_size = tensor.shape_padright(batch_size, 1)
        new_shape = tensor.join(0, batch_size,

    # store in the required shape
    new_shape = tensor.cast(new_shape, 'int64')
    input_ND = GpuReshape(leftdims + rightdims)(input, new_shape)
    return input_ND