Python toolz 模块,partition_all() 实例源码


项目:bisemantic    作者:wpm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _batches(self):
        Partition the data into consecutive data sets of the specified batch size.

        :return: batched data
        :rtype: DataFrame iterator
        t1 = partition_all(self.batch_size,[text_1])
        t2 = partition_all(self.batch_size,[text_2])
        if self._labeled:
            l = partition_all(self.batch_size,[label]
            batches = zip(t1, t2, l)
            batches = zip(t1, t2)
        for batch in batches:
            if self._labeled:
                columns = [text_1, text_2, label]
                columns = [text_1, text_2]
            yield DataFrame(dict(zip(columns, batch)), columns=columns)
项目:steemdata-mongo    作者:SteemData    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scrape_blockchain(mongo):
    s = Steem()
    # see how far behind we are
    missing = list(range(last_block_num(mongo), s.last_irreversible_block_num))

    # if we are far behind blockchain head
    # split work in chunks of 100
    if len(missing) > 100:
        for batch in partition_all(100, missing):
            results = s.get_blocks(batch)
            insert_blocks(mongo, results)

    # otherwise continue as normal
    blockchain = Blockchain(mode="irreversible")
    hist = blockchain.stream_from(start_block=last_block_num(mongo), full_blocks=True)
    insert_blocks(mongo, hist)
项目:noungroups    作者:gushecht    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(in_dir, out_dir, n_process=int(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * .75), n_thread=4, batch_size=10000):
    # Create the output directory, if it doesn't exist
    if not path.exists(out_dir):
    # Get total number of input files for tracking progress
    total_files = len(list(iter_dir(in_dir)))
    # For each input file
    for i, file in enumerate(iter_dir(in_dir)):
        # Print progress
        print('Tagging file %s of %s' % (i + 1, total_files))
        # If multiprocessing
        if n_process >= 2:
            # Split up text in the input file
            texts = partition_all(100000, iter_lines(file))
            # Parallelize the job
            parallelize(save_parses, enumerate(texts),
                        n_process, [out_dir, n_thread, batch_size],
        # If not multiprocessing
            save_parses(0, iter_lines(file), out_dir, n_thread, batch_size)
项目:hivemind    作者:steemit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sync_from_file(file_path, skip_lines, chunk_size=250, is_initial_sync=False):
    with open(file_path) as f:
        # each line in file represents one block
        # we can skip the blocks we already have
        remaining = drop(skip_lines, f)
        for batch in partition_all(chunk_size, remaining):
            process_blocks(map(json.loads, batch), is_initial_sync)
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_date_range_chunks(sessions, start_date, end_date, chunksize):
    """Compute the start and end dates to run a pipeline for.

    sessions : DatetimeIndex
        The available dates.
    start_date : pd.Timestamp
        The first date in the pipeline.
    end_date : pd.Timestamp
        The last date in the pipeline.
    chunksize : int or None
        The size of the chunks to run. Setting this to None returns one chunk.

    ranges : iterable[(np.datetime64, np.datetime64)]
        A sequence of start and end dates to run the pipeline for.
    if start_date not in sessions:
        raise KeyError("Start date %s is not found in calendar." %
    if end_date not in sessions:
        raise KeyError("End date %s is not found in calendar." %
    if end_date < start_date:
        raise ValueError("End date %s cannot precede start date %s." %

    if chunksize is None:
        return [(start_date, end_date)]

    start_ix, end_ix = sessions.slice_locs(start_date, end_date)
    return (
        (r[0], r[-1]) for r in partition_all(
            chunksize, sessions[start_ix:end_ix]
项目:Collaborative-metric-learning    作者:KiM55    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid):
    Optimize the model. TODO: implement early-stopping
    :param model: model to optimize
    :param sampler: mini-batch sampler
    :param train: train user-item matrix
    :param valid: validation user-item matrix
    :return: None
    sess = tf.Session()
    if model.feature_projection is not None:
        # initialize item embedding with feature projection, model.feature_projection))
    while True:
        # create evaluator on validation set
        validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(train, valid)
        # compute recall on validate set
        valid_recalls = []
        # sample some users to calculate recall validation
        valid_users = list(set(valid.nonzero()[0]))[:300]
        for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(300, valid_users):
            scores =, {model.score_user_ids: user_chunk})
            valid_recalls.extend([validation_recall.eval(user, user_scores)
                                  for user, user_scores in zip(user_chunk, scores)]
        print("\nRecall on (sampled) validation set: {}".format(numpy.mean(valid_recalls)))
        # TODO: early stopping based on validation recall

        # train model
        losses = []
        # run n mini-batches
        for _ in tqdm(range(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES), desc="Optimizing..."):
            user_pos, neg = sampler.next_batch()
            _, loss =, model.loss),
                               {model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos,
                                model.negative_samples: neg})
        print("\nTraining loss {}".format(numpy.mean(losses)))
项目:CollMetric    作者:changun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def optimize(model, sampler, train, valid):
    Optimize the model. TODO: implement early-stopping
    :param model: model to optimize
    :param sampler: mini-batch sampler
    :param train: train user-item matrix
    :param valid: validation user-item matrix
    :return: None
    sess = tf.Session()
    if model.feature_projection is not None:
        # initialize item embedding with feature projection, model.feature_projection))

    # sample some users to calculate recall validation
    valid_users = numpy.random.choice(list(set(valid.nonzero()[0])), size=1000, replace=False)

    while True:
        # create evaluator on validation set
        validation_recall = RecallEvaluator(model, train, valid)
        # compute recall on validate set
        valid_recalls = []

        # compute recall in chunks to utilize speedup provided by Tensorflow
        for user_chunk in toolz.partition_all(100, valid_users):
            valid_recalls.extend([validation_recall.eval(sess, user_chunk)])
        print("\nRecall on (sampled) validation set: {}".format(numpy.mean(valid_recalls)))
        # TODO: early stopping based on validation recall

        # train model
        losses = []
        # run n mini-batches
        for _ in tqdm(range(EVALUATION_EVERY_N_BATCHES), desc="Optimizing..."):
            user_pos, neg = sampler.next_batch()
            _, loss =, model.loss),
                               {model.user_positive_items_pairs: user_pos,
                                model.negative_samples: neg})


        print("\nTraining loss {}".format(numpy.mean(losses)))