Python torch 模块,abs() 实例源码


项目:vsepp    作者:fartashf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x, lengths):
        """Handles variable size captions
        # Embed word ids to vectors
        x = self.embed(x)
        packed = pack_padded_sequence(x, lengths, batch_first=True)

        # Forward propagate RNN
        out, _ = self.rnn(packed)

        # Reshape *final* output to (batch_size, hidden_size)
        padded = pad_packed_sequence(out, batch_first=True)
        I = torch.LongTensor(lengths).view(-1, 1, 1)
        I = Variable(I.expand(x.size(0), 1, self.embed_size)-1).cuda()
        out = torch.gather(padded[0], 1, I).squeeze(1)

        # normalization in the joint embedding space
        out = l2norm(out)

        # take absolute value, used by order embeddings
        if self.use_abs:
            out = torch.abs(out)

        return out
项目:audio    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):

            x (FloatTensor/LongTensor or ndarray)

            x_mu (LongTensor or ndarray)

        mu = self.qc - 1.
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x_mu = np.sign(x) * np.log1p(mu * np.abs(x)) / np.log1p(mu)
            x_mu = ((x_mu + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5).astype(int)
        elif isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor)):
            if isinstance(x, torch.LongTensor):
                x = x.float()
            mu = torch.FloatTensor([mu])
            x_mu = torch.sign(x) * torch.log1p(mu *
                                               torch.abs(x)) / torch.log1p(mu)
            x_mu = ((x_mu + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5).long()
        return x_mu
项目:multiNLI_encoder    作者:easonnie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pack_to_matching_matrix(s1, s2, cat_only=[False, False]):
    t1 = s1.size(0)
    t2 = s2.size(0)
    batch_size = s1.size(1)
    d = s1.size(2)

    expanded_p_s1 = s1.expand(t2, t1, batch_size, d)

    expanded_p_s2 = s2.view(t2, 1, batch_size, d)
    expanded_p_s2 = expanded_p_s2.expand(t2, t1, batch_size, d)

    if not cat_only[0] and not cat_only[1]:
        matrix =, expanded_p_s2), dim=3)
    elif not cat_only[0] and cat_only[1]:
        matrix =, expanded_p_s2, expanded_p_s1 * expanded_p_s2), dim=3)
        matrix =,
                            torch.abs(expanded_p_s1 - expanded_p_s2),
                            expanded_p_s1 * expanded_p_s2), dim=3)

    # matrix =,
    #                     expanded_p_s2), dim=3)

    return matrix
项目:audio    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_mu_law_companding(self):

        sig = self.sig.clone()

        quantization_channels = 256
        sig = self.sig.numpy()
        sig = sig / np.abs(sig).max()
        self.assertTrue(sig.min() >= -1. and sig.max() <= 1.)

        sig_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(sig)
        self.assertTrue(sig_mu.min() >= 0. and sig.max() <= quantization_channels)

        sig_exp = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)(sig_mu)
        self.assertTrue(sig_exp.min() >= -1. and sig_exp.max() <= 1.)

        sig = self.sig.clone()
        sig = sig / torch.abs(sig).max()
        self.assertTrue(sig.min() >= -1. and sig.max() <= 1.)

        sig_mu = transforms.MuLawEncoding(quantization_channels)(sig)
        self.assertTrue(sig_mu.min() >= 0. and sig.max() <= quantization_channels)

        sig_exp = transforms.MuLawExpanding(quantization_channels)(sig_mu)
        self.assertTrue(sig_exp.min() >= -1. and sig_exp.max() <= 1.)
项目:audio    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x_mu):

            x_mu (FloatTensor/LongTensor or ndarray)

            x (FloatTensor or ndarray)

        mu = self.qc - 1.
        if isinstance(x_mu, np.ndarray):
            x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.
            x = np.sign(x) * (np.exp(np.abs(x) * np.log1p(mu)) - 1.) / mu
        elif isinstance(x_mu, (torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor)):
            if isinstance(x_mu, torch.LongTensor):
                x_mu = x_mu.float()
            mu = torch.FloatTensor([mu])
            x = ((x_mu) / mu) * 2 - 1.
            x = torch.sign(x) * (torch.exp(torch.abs(x) * torch.log1p(mu)) - 1.) / mu
        return x
项目:open-reid    作者:Cysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_forward_backward(self):
        import torch
        import torch.nn.functional as F
        from torch.autograd import Variable
        from reid.loss import OIMLoss
        criterion = OIMLoss(3, 3, scalar=1.0, size_average=False)
        criterion.lut = torch.eye(3)
        x = Variable(torch.randn(3, 3), requires_grad=True)
        y = Variable(torch.range(0, 2).long())
        loss = criterion(x, y)
        probs = F.softmax(x)
        grads = - torch.eye(3)
        abs_diff = torch.abs(grads -
        self.assertEquals(torch.log(probs).diag().sum(), -loss)
        self.assertTrue(torch.max(abs_diff) < 1e-6)
项目:FewShotLearning    作者:gitabcworld    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preProc2(x):
    # Access the global variables
    global P, expP, negExpP
    P = P.type_as(x)
    expP = expP.type_as(x)
    negExpP = negExpP.type_as(x)

    # Create a variable filled with -1. Second part of the condition
    z = Variable(torch.zeros(x.size())).type_as(x)
    absX = torch.abs(x)
    cond1 =, negExpP)
    cond2 = torch.le(absX, negExpP)
    if (torch.sum(cond1) > 0).data.all():
        x1 = torch.sign(x[cond1])
        z[cond1] = x1
    if (torch.sum(cond2) > 0).data.all():
        x2 = x[cond2]*expP
        z[cond2] = x2
    return z
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_dropout(self, cls, input):
        p = 0.2
        input.fill_(1 - p)

        module = cls(p)
        input_var = Variable(input, requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        module = cls(p, True)
        input_var = Variable(input.clone(), requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var + 0)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        # Check that these don't raise errors
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_dropout(self, cls, input):
        p = 0.2
        input.fill_(1 - p)

        module = cls(p)
        input_var = Variable(input, requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        module = cls(p, True)
        input_var = Variable(input.clone(), requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var + 0)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        # Check that these don't raise errors
项目:Efficient-Dynamic-Batching    作者:jsuarez5341    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x, fast=False, unitTest=False):
      start = time.time()

      #Run gate
      gates, expertInds = self.gate(x)

      #Run experts
      if unitTest:
         vanilla, _ = self.vanillaExperts(x, gates, expertInds)
         fast, _    = self.fastExperts(x, gates, expertInds)
         return t.abs(vanilla - fast)
      elif fast:
         ret, cellTime = self.fastExperts(x, gates, expertInds)
         ret, cellTime = self.vanillaExperts(x, gates, expertInds)

      forwardTime = time.time() - start
      return ret, forwardTime, cellTime
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_dropout(self, cls, input):
        p = 0.2
        input.fill_(1 - p)

        module = cls(p)
        input_var = Variable(input, requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        module = cls(p, True)
        input_var = Variable(input.clone(), requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var + 0)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        # Check that these don't raise errors
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_AlphaDropout(self):
        # generate random tensor with zero mean and unit std
        input = torch.randn(5000)

        mean = input.mean()
        std = input.std()

        for p in [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]:
            module = nn.AlphaDropout(p)
            input_var = Variable(input, requires_grad=True)
            output = module(input_var)
            # output mean should be close to input mean
            self.assertLess(abs( - mean), 0.1)
            # output std should be close to input std
            self.assertLess(abs( - std), 0.1)
项目:temperature_scaling    作者:gpleiss    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, logits, labels):
        softmaxes = F.softmax(logits)
        confidences, predictions = torch.max(softmaxes, 1)
        accuracies = predictions.eq(labels)

        ece = Variable(torch.zeros(1)).type_as(logits)
        for bin_lower, bin_upper in zip(self.bin_lowers, self.bin_uppers):
            # Calculated |confidence - accuracy| in each bin
            in_bin = * confidences.le(bin_upper)
            prop_in_bin = in_bin.float().mean()
            if[0] > 0:
                accuracy_in_bin = accuracies[in_bin].float().mean()
                avg_confidence_in_bin = confidences[in_bin].mean()
                ece += torch.abs(avg_confidence_in_bin- accuracy_in_bin) * prop_in_bin

        return ece
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normal_gp_mll_forward():
    covar = torch.Tensor([
        [5, -3, 0],
        [-3, 5, 0],
        [0, 0, 2],
    y = torch.randn(3)

    actual =
    actual += math.log(np.linalg.det(covar.numpy()))
    actual += math.log(2 * math.pi) * len(y)
    actual *= -0.5

    covarvar = Variable(covar)
    yvar = Variable(y)

    res = gpytorch.exact_gp_marginal_log_likelihood(covarvar, yvar)
    assert(all(torch.abs(actual - < 0.1))
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normal_trace_log_det_quad_form_forward():
    covar = torch.Tensor([
        [5, -3, 0],
        [-3, 5, 0],
        [0, 0, 2],
    mu_diffs = torch.Tensor([0, -1, 1])
    chol_covar = torch.Tensor([
        [1, -2, 0],
        [0, 1, -2],
        [0, 0, 1],

    actual =
    actual += math.log(np.linalg.det(covar.numpy()))
    actual += (covar.inverse().matmul(chol_covar.t().matmul(chol_covar))).trace()

    covarvar = Variable(covar)
    chol_covarvar = Variable(chol_covar)
    mu_diffsvar = Variable(mu_diffs)

    res = gpytorch.trace_logdet_quad_form(mu_diffsvar, chol_covarvar, covarvar)
    assert(all(torch.abs(actual - < 0.1))
项目:gpytorch    作者:jrg365    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backward(self, grad_output):
        z, log_phi_z = self.saved_tensors
        log_phi_z_grad =

        z_is_small =
        z_is_not_small = 1 - z_is_small

        if z_is_small.sum() > 0:
            log_phi_z_grad[z_is_small] = torch.abs(self.denominator.div(self.numerator)).mul(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi))

        exp = z[z_is_not_small].pow(2) \
                               .div(-2) \
                               .sub(log_phi_z[z_is_not_small]) \

        log_phi_z_grad[z_is_not_small] = torch.exp(exp).mul(math.sqrt(2 / math.pi))

        return log_phi_z_grad.mul(grad_output)
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _test_dropout(self, cls, input):
        p = 0.2
        input.fill_(1 - p)

        module = cls(p)
        input_var = Variable(input, requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        module = cls(p, True)
        input_var = Variable(input.clone(), requires_grad=True)
        output = module(input_var + 0)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)
        self.assertLess(abs( - (1 - p)), 0.05)

        # Check that these don't raise errors
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_AlphaDropout(self):
        # generate random tensor with zero mean and unit std
        input = torch.randn(5000)

        mean = input.mean()
        std = input.std()

        for p in [0.2, 0.5, 0.8]:
            module = nn.AlphaDropout(p)
            input_var = Variable(input, requires_grad=True)
            output = module(input_var)
            # output mean should be close to input mean
            self.assertLess(abs( - mean), 0.1)
            # output std should be close to input std
            self.assertLess(abs( - std), 0.1)
项目:keita    作者:iwasaki-kenta    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, source_sentences, target_sentences):
        Supervised Learning of Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data

        A Siamese text classification network made w/ the goal of creating sentence embeddings.

        :param source_sentences:  A tuple of Variable's representing padded sentence tensor batch
            [seq. length, batch size, embed. size] and sentence lengths.
        :param target_sentences:  A tuple of Variable's representing padded sentence tensor batch
            [seq. length, batch size, embed. size] and sentence lengths.
        :return: Embedding. (batch size, # classes)

        u = self.encoder(source_sentences)
        v = self.encoder(target_sentences)

        features =, v, torch.abs(u - v), u * v), 1)
        return self.classifier(features)
项目:nmp_qc    作者:priba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_examples(data_loader, model, epoch, plotter, ind = [0, 10, 20]):

    # switch to evaluate mode

    for i, (g, h, e, target) in enumerate(data_loader):
        if i in ind:
            subfolder_path = 'batch_' + str(i) + '_t_' + str(int(target[0][0])) + '/epoch_' + str(epoch) + '/'
            if not os.path.isdir(args.plotPath + subfolder_path):
                os.makedirs(args.plotPath + subfolder_path)

            num_nodes = torch.sum(torch.sum(torch.abs(h[0, :, :]), 1) > 0)
            am = g[0, 0:num_nodes, 0:num_nodes].numpy()
            pos = h[0, 0:num_nodes, :].numpy()

            plotter.plot_graph(am, position=pos, fig_name=subfolder_path+str(i) + '_input.png')

            # Prepare input data
            if args.cuda:
                g, h, e, target = g.cuda(), h.cuda(), e.cuda(), target.cuda()
            g, h, e, target = Variable(g), Variable(h), Variable(e), Variable(target)

            # Compute output
            model(g, h, e, lambda cls, id: plotter.plot_graph(am, position=pos, cls=cls,
                                                          fig_name=subfolder_path+ id))
项目:repeval_rivercorners    作者:jabalazs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input_1, input_2):

        :param : input_1
            Size is (*, hidden_size)

        :param input_2:
            Size is (*, hidden_size)


            Merged vectors, size is (*, 4*hidden size)
        assert input_1.size(-1) == input_2.size(-1)
        mult_combined_vec = torch.mul(input_1, input_2)
        diff_combined_vec = torch.abs(input_1 - input_2)
        combined_vec =,
                                  diff_combined_vec), input_1.dim()-1)

        return combined_vec
项目:vsepp    作者:fartashf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, images):
        """Extract image feature vectors."""
        features = self.cnn(images)

        # normalization in the image embedding space
        features = l2norm(features)

        # linear projection to the joint embedding space
        features = self.fc(features)

        # normalization in the joint embedding space
        if not self.no_imgnorm:
            features = l2norm(features)

        # take the absolute value of the embedding (used in order embeddings)
        if self.use_abs:
            features = torch.abs(features)

        return features
项目:pytorch_workplace    作者:DingKe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simplified_topk(x, k):
    ''' Proof-of-concept implementation of simplified topk
    Note all we neend the k-th largest vaule, thus an algorithm of log(n) complexity exists.
    original_size = None
    if x.dim() > 2:
        original_size = x.size()
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
    ax =
    topk, ids = ax.topk(x.size(-1)-k, dim=0, largest=False)
    y = x.clone()
    # zero out small values
    for id in ids:
        y[:, id] = 0

    if original_size:
        y = y.view(original_size)
    return y
项目:pytorch_workplace    作者:DingKe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def topk(x, k):
    ''' Proof-of-concept implementation of topk.
    original_size = None
    if x.dim() > 2:
        original_size = x.size()
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
    ax = torch.abs(
    topk, _ = ax.topk(k)
    topk = topk[:, -1]
    y = x.clone()
    # zero out small values
    y[ax < topk.repeat(x.size(-1), 1).transpose(0, 1)] = 0

    if original_size:
        y = y.view(original_size)
    return y
项目:skorch    作者:dnouri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_changing_model_reinitializes_optimizer(self, net, data):
        # The idea is that we change the model using `set_params` to
        # add parameters. Since the optimizer depends on the model
        # parameters it needs to be reinitialized.
        X, y = data

        net.set_params(module__nonlin=F.relu), y)

        assert isinstance(net.module_.nonlin, nn.PReLU)
        d1 =

        # make sure that we do not initialize again by making sure that
        # the network is initialized and by using partial_fit.
        assert net.initialized_
        net.partial_fit(X, y)
        d2 =

        # all newly introduced parameters should have been trained (changed)
        # by the optimizer after 10 epochs.
        assert (abs(d2 - d1) > 1e-05).all()
项目:skorch    作者:dnouri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_change_get_loss(self, net_cls, module_cls, data):
        from skorch.utils import to_var

        class MyNet(net_cls):
            # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            def get_loss(self, y_pred, y_true, X=None, training=False):
                y_true = to_var(y_true, use_cuda=False)
                loss_a = torch.abs(y_true.float() - y_pred[:, 1]).mean()
                loss_b = ((y_true.float() - y_pred[:, 1]) ** 2).mean()
                if training:
                    self.history.record_batch('loss_a', to_numpy(loss_a)[0])
                    self.history.record_batch('loss_b', to_numpy(loss_b)[0])
                return loss_a + loss_b

        X, y = data
        net = MyNet(module_cls, max_epochs=1), y)

        diffs = []
        all_losses = net.history[
            -1, 'batches', :, ('train_loss', 'loss_a', 'loss_b')]
        diffs = [total - a - b for total, a, b in all_losses]
        assert np.allclose(diffs, 0, atol=1e-7)
项目:paysage    作者:drckf    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def allclose(x: T.FloatTensor,
             y: T.FloatTensor,
             rtol: float = 1e-05,
             atol: float = 1e-08) -> bool:
    Test if all elements in the two tensors are approximately equal.

    absolute(x - y) <= (atol + rtol * absolute(y))

        x: A tensor.
        y: A tensor.
        rtol (optional): Relative tolerance.
        atol (optional): Absolute tolerance.

        bool: Check if all of the elements in the tensors are approximately equal.

    return tall(torch.abs(x - y).le((atol + rtol * torch.abs(y))))
项目:SinkhornAutoDiff    作者:gpeyre    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cost_matrix(x, y, p=2):
    "Returns the matrix of $|x_i-y_j|^p$."
    x_col = x.unsqueeze(1)
    y_lin = y.unsqueeze(0)
    c = torch.sum((torch.abs(x_col - y_lin)) ** p, 2)
    return c
项目:treelstm.pytorch    作者:dasguptar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, lvec, rvec):
        mult_dist = torch.mul(lvec, rvec)
        abs_dist = torch.abs(torch.add(lvec, -rvec))
        vec_dist =, abs_dist), 1)

        out = F.sigmoid(self.wh(vec_dist))
        out = F.log_softmax(self.wp(out))
        return out

# putting the whole model together
项目:DistanceGAN    作者:sagiebenaim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distance(self, A, B):
        return torch.mean(torch.abs(A - B))
项目:DistanceGAN    作者:sagiebenaim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_individual_distance_loss(self, A_i, A_j, AB_i, AB_j,
                                     B_i, B_j, BA_i, BA_j):

        distance_in_A = self.distance(A_i, A_j)
        distance_in_AB = self.distance(AB_i, AB_j)
        distance_in_B = self.distance(B_i, B_j)
        distance_in_BA = self.distance(BA_i, BA_j)

        if self.normalize_distances:
            distance_in_A = (distance_in_A - self.expectation_A) / self.std_A
            distance_in_AB = (distance_in_AB - self.expectation_B) / self.std_B
            distance_in_B = (distance_in_B - self.expectation_B) / self.std_B
            distance_in_BA = (distance_in_BA - self.expectation_A) / self.std_A

        return torch.abs(distance_in_A - distance_in_AB), torch.abs(distance_in_B - distance_in_BA)
项目:DistanceGAN    作者:sagiebenaim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def distance(self, A, B):
        return torch.abs(torch.mean(A) - torch.mean(B))
项目:DistanceGAN    作者:sagiebenaim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_individual_distance_loss(self, A_i, A_j, AB_i, AB_j, A_to_AB):

        distance_in_A = self.distance(A_i, A_j)
        distance_in_AB = self.distance(AB_i, AB_j)

        if self.normalize_distances:
            if A_to_AB:
                distance_in_A = (distance_in_A - self.expectation_A) / self.std_A
                distance_in_AB = (distance_in_AB - self.expectation_B) / self.std_B
                distance_in_A = (distance_in_A - self.expectation_B) / self.std_B
                distance_in_AB = (distance_in_AB - self.expectation_A) / self.std_A

        return torch.abs(distance_in_A - distance_in_AB)
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        assert input.dim() == 2
        input_size = input.size()

        self._output = self._output or
        self.norm = self.norm or
        self.buffer = self.buffer or


        # specialization for the infinity norm
        if self.p == float('inf'):
            if not self._indices:
                self._indices = torch.cuda.FloatTensor() if torch.typename(self.output) == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor' \
                    else torch.LongTensor()

            torch.abs(self.buffer, input)
            torch.max(self.norm, self._indices, self.buffer, 1)
            self.normp = self.normp or
            if self.p % 2 != 0:
                torch.abs(self.buffer, input).pow_(self.p)
                torch.pow(self.buffer, input, self.p)

            torch.sum(self.normp, self.buffer, 1).add_(self.eps)
            torch.pow(self.norm, self.normp, 1./self.p)

        torch.div(self._output, input, self.norm.view(-1, 1).expand_as(input))

        self.output = self._output.view(input_size)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_jacobian(self, module, input, jacobian_input=True):
        jacobian_parameters = bool(self._get_parameters(module)[0])
        analytical = self._analytical_jacobian(module, input, jacobian_input, jacobian_parameters)
        numerical = self._numerical_jacobian(module, input, jacobian_input, jacobian_parameters)
        analytical_t = iter_tensors(analytical)
        numerical_t = iter_tensors(numerical)
        # TODO: compare structure
            max(a.add(-1, n).abs().max() for a, n in zip(analytical_t, numerical_t)),
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_criterion_jacobian(self, criterion, input, target):
        eps = 1e-6
        self._forward_criterion(criterion, input, target)
        analytical_d_x = self._backward_criterion(criterion, input, target)
        numerical_d_x = deepcopy(analytical_d_x)

        input_t = iter_tensors(input)
        numerical_t = iter_tensors(numerical_d_x)
        for x, d_x in zip(input_t, numerical_t):
            x = x.view(-1)
            d_x = d_x.view(-1)
            for i in range(x.nelement()):
                original = x[i]
                x[i] = original + eps
                fx1 = self._forward_criterion(criterion, input, target)
                x[i] = original - eps
                fx2 = self._forward_criterion(criterion, input, target)
                deriv = (fx1 - fx2) / (2.*eps)
                d_x[i] = deriv
                x[i] = original

        # TODO: check structure
        analytical_t = iter_tensors(analytical_d_x)
        numerical_t = iter_tensors(numerical_d_x)
            max(a.add(-1, n).abs().max() for a, n in zip(analytical_t, numerical_t)),
项目:multiNLI_encoder    作者:easonnie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, s1, l1, s2, l2):
        p_s1 = self.Embd(s1)
        p_s2 = self.Embd(s2)

        s1_a_out = torch_util.auto_rnn_bilstm(self.lstm, p_s1, l1)
        s2_a_out = torch_util.auto_rnn_bilstm(self.lstm, p_s2, l2)

        s1_max_out = torch_util.max_along_time(s1_a_out, l1)
        s2_max_out = torch_util.max_along_time(s2_a_out, l2)

        features =[s1_max_out, s2_max_out, torch.abs(s1_max_out - s2_max_out), s1_max_out * s2_max_out], dim=1)

        out = self.classifier(features)
        return out
项目:audio    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_scale(self):

        audio_orig = self.sig.clone()
        result = transforms.Scale()(audio_orig)
        self.assertTrue(result.min() >= -1. and result.max() <= 1.,
                        print("min: {}, max: {}".format(result.min(), result.max())))

        maxminmax = np.abs(
            [audio_orig.min(), audio_orig.max()]).max().astype(np.float)
        result = transforms.Scale(factor=maxminmax)(audio_orig)
        self.assertTrue((result.min() == -1. or result.max() == 1.) and
                        result.min() >= -1. and result.max() <= 1.,
                        print("min: {}, max: {}".format(result.min(), result.max())))
项目:audio    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_compose(self):

        audio_orig = self.sig.clone()
        length_orig = audio_orig.size(0)
        length_new = int(length_orig * 1.2)
        maxminmax = np.abs(
            [audio_orig.min(), audio_orig.max()]).max().astype(np.float)

        tset = (transforms.Scale(factor=maxminmax),
        result = transforms.Compose(tset)(audio_orig)

        self.assertTrue(np.abs([result.min(), result.max()]).max() == 1.)

        self.assertTrue(result.size(0) == length_new)
项目:pyro    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_nested_map_data():
    means = [Variable(torch.randn(2)) for i in range(8)]
    mean_batch_size = 2
    stds = [Variable(torch.abs(torch.randn(2))) for i in range(6)]
    std_batch_size = 3

    def model(means, stds):
        return pyro.map_data("a", means,
                             lambda i, x:
                             pyro.map_data("a_{}".format(i), stds,
                                           lambda j, y:
                                           pyro.sample("x_{}{}".format(i, j),
                                                       dist.normal, x, y),

    model = model

    xs = model(means, stds)
    assert len(xs) == mean_batch_size
    assert len(xs[0]) == std_batch_size

    tr = poutine.trace(model).get_trace(means, stds)
    for name in tr.nodes.keys():
        if tr.nodes[name]["type"] == "sample" and name.startswith("x_"):
            assert tr.nodes[name]["scale"] == 4.0 * 2.0
项目:MP-CNN-Variants    作者:tuzhucheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _algo_2_vert_comp(self, sent1_block_a, sent2_block_a, sent1_block_b, sent2_block_b):
        comparison_feats = []
        ws_no_inf = [w for w in self.filter_widths if not np.isinf(w)]
        for pool in ('max', 'min', 'mean'):
            for ws1 in self.filter_widths:
                x1 = sent1_block_a[ws1][pool]
                batch_size = x1.size()[0]
                for ws2 in self.filter_widths:
                    x2 = sent2_block_a[ws2][pool]
                    if (not np.isinf(ws1) and not np.isinf(ws2)) or (np.isinf(ws1) and np.isinf(ws2)):
                        comparison_feats.append(F.cosine_similarity(x1, x2).contiguous().view(batch_size, 1))
                        comparison_feats.append(F.pairwise_distance(x1, x2))
                        comparison_feats.append(torch.abs(x1 - x2))

        for pool in ('max', 'min'):
            for ws in ws_no_inf:
                oG_1B = sent1_block_b[ws][pool]
                oG_2B = sent2_block_b[ws][pool]
                for i in range(0, self.n_per_dim_filters):
                    x1 = oG_1B[:, :, i]
                    x2 = oG_2B[:, :, i]
                    batch_size = x1.size()[0]
                    comparison_feats.append(F.cosine_similarity(x1, x2).contiguous().view(batch_size, 1))
                    comparison_feats.append(F.pairwise_distance(x1, x2))
                    comparison_feats.append(torch.abs(x1 - x2))

        return, dim=1)
项目:tiny-style-transfer    作者:ggsonic    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def l1_loss(x, y):
    return torch.abs(x - y).mean()
项目:Dynamic-memory-networks-plus-Pytorch    作者:dandelin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_interaction(self, facts, questions, prevM):
        facts.size() -> (#batch, #sentence, #hidden = #embedding)
        questions.size() -> (#batch, 1, #hidden)
        prevM.size() -> (#batch, #sentence = 1, #hidden = #embedding)
        z.size() -> (#batch, #sentence, 4 x #embedding)
        G.size() -> (#batch, #sentence)
        batch_num, sen_num, embedding_size = facts.size()
        questions = questions.expand_as(facts)
        prevM = prevM.expand_as(facts)

        z =[
            facts * questions,
            facts * prevM,
            torch.abs(facts - questions),
            torch.abs(facts - prevM)
        ], dim=2)

        z = z.view(-1, 4 * embedding_size)

        G = F.tanh(self.z1(z))
        G = self.z2(G)
        G = G.view(batch_num, -1)
        G = F.softmax(G)

        return G
项目:FewShotLearning    作者:gitabcworld    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preProc1(x):
    # Access the global variables
    global P,expP,negExpP
    P = P.type_as(x)
    expP = expP.type_as(x)
    negExpP = negExpP.type_as(x)

    # Create a variable filled with -1. Second part of the condition
    z = Variable(torch.zeros(x.size()).fill_(-1)).type_as(x)
    absX = torch.abs(x)
    cond1 =, negExpP)
    if (torch.sum(cond1) > 0).data.all():
        x1 = torch.log(torch.abs(x[cond1]))/P
        z[cond1] = x1
    return z
项目:pytorch-nips2017-attack-example    作者:rwightman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def l1_dist(x, y, keepdim=True):
    d = torch.abs(x - y)
    return reduce_sum(d, keepdim=keepdim)
项目:pytorch-nips2017-attack-example    作者:rwightman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def l1_norm(x, keepdim=True):
    return reduce_sum(x.abs(), keepdim=keepdim)
项目:pyprob    作者:probprog    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loss(self, x, samples):
        _, proposal_output = self.forward(x, samples)
        batch_size = len(samples)
        locations = proposal_output[:, 0]
        scales = proposal_output[:, 1] + util.epsilon
        log_two_scales = torch.log(2 * scales)
        l = 0
        for b in range(batch_size):
            value = samples[b].value[0]
            location = locations[b]
            scale = scales[b]
            l += log_two_scales[b] + torch.abs(value - location) / scale
        return l
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pairwise_distance(x1, x2, p=2, eps=1e-6):
    Computes the batchwise pairwise distance between vectors v1,v2:

        .. math ::
            \Vert x \Vert _p := \left( \sum_{i=1}^n  \vert x_i \vert ^ p \right) ^ {1/p}

            x1: first input tensor
            x2: second input tensor
            p: the norm degree. Default: 2

            - Input: :math:`(N, D)` where `D = vector dimension`
            - Output: :math:`(N, 1)`

        >>> input1 = autograd.Variable(torch.randn(100, 128))
        >>> input2 = autograd.Variable(torch.randn(100, 128))
        >>> output = F.pairwise_distance(input1, input2, p=2)
        >>> output.backward()
    assert x1.size() == x2.size(), "Input sizes must be equal."
    assert x1.dim() == 2, "Input must be a 2D matrix."
    diff = torch.abs(x1 - x2)
    out = torch.pow(diff + eps, p).sum(dim=1)
    return torch.pow(out, 1. / p)
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        assert input.dim() == 2
        input_size = input.size()

        if self._output is None:
            self._output =
        if self.norm is None:
            self.norm =
        if self.buffer is None:
            self.buffer =


        # specialization for the infinity norm
        if self.p == float('inf'):
            if not self._indices:
                self._indices = torch.cuda.FloatTensor() if torch.typename(self.output) == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor' \
                    else torch.LongTensor()

            torch.abs(input, out=self.buffer)
            torch.max(self._indices, self.buffer, 1, out=self.norm)
            if self.normp is None:
                self.normp =
            if self.p % 2 != 0:
                torch.abs(input, out=self.buffer).pow_(self.p)
                torch.pow(input, self.p, out=self.buffer)

            torch.sum(self.buffer, 1, out=self.normp).add_(self.eps)
            torch.pow(self.normp, 1. / self.p, out=self.norm)

        torch.div(input, self.norm.view(-1, 1).expand_as(input), out=self._output)

        self.output = self._output.view(input_size)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_zero_grad(self):
        i = Variable(torch.randn(2, 5), requires_grad=True)
        module = nn.Linear(5, 5)
        for p in module.parameters():
            p.requires_grad = False

        module.weight.requires_grad = True
        self.assertIsNone(module.weight.grad)  # uninitialized grad

        self.assertGreater(, 0)

        module.bias.requires_grad = True
        self.assertGreater(, 0)
        self.assertGreater(, 0)