Python torch 模块,masked_select() 实例源码


项目:DeepPoseComparison    作者:ynaka81    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, image, pose, visibility):
        _, height, width = image.size()
        shape = (width, height)
        visible_pose = torch.masked_select(pose, visibility.byte()).view(-1, 2)
        p_min = visible_pose.min(0)[0].squeeze()
        p_max = visible_pose.max(0)[0].squeeze()
        p_c = (p_min + p_max)/2
        crop_shape = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        # crop on a joint center
        for i in range(2):
            if self.data_augmentation:
                crop_shape[2*i] = random.randint(0, int(min(p_min[i], shape[i] - self.crop_size)))
                crop_shape[2*i] = max(0, int(p_c[i] - float(self.crop_size)/2))
            crop_shape[2*i + 1] = min(shape[i], crop_shape[2*i] + self.crop_size)
            crop_shape[2*i] -= self.crop_size - (crop_shape[2*i + 1] - crop_shape[2*i])
        transformed_image = image[:, crop_shape[2]:crop_shape[3], crop_shape[0]:crop_shape[1]]
        p_0 = torch.Tensor((crop_shape[0], crop_shape[2])).view(1, 2).expand_as(pose)
        transformed_pose = pose - p_0
        return transformed_image, transformed_pose, visibility
项目:SeqGAN-PyTorch    作者:ZiJianZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, prob, target):
            prob: (N, C) 
            target : (N, )
        N = target.size(0)
        C = prob.size(1)
        weight = Variable(self.weight).view((1, -1))
        weight = weight.expand(N, C)  # (N, C)
        if prob.is_cuda:
            weight = weight.cuda()
        prob = weight * prob

        one_hot = torch.zeros((N, C))
        if prob.is_cuda:
            one_hot = one_hot.cuda()
        one_hot.scatter_(1,,1)), 1)
        one_hot = one_hot.type(torch.ByteTensor)
        one_hot = Variable(one_hot)
        if prob.is_cuda:
            one_hot = one_hot.cuda()
        loss = torch.masked_select(prob, one_hot)
        return -torch.sum(loss)
项目:SeqGAN-PyTorch    作者:ZiJianZhao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, prob, target, reward):
            prob: (N, C), torch Variable 
            target : (N, ), torch Variable
            reward : (N, ), torch Variable
        N = target.size(0)
        C = prob.size(1)
        one_hot = torch.zeros((N, C))
        if prob.is_cuda:
            one_hot = one_hot.cuda()
        one_hot.scatter_(1,,1)), 1)
        one_hot = one_hot.type(torch.ByteTensor)
        one_hot = Variable(one_hot)
        if prob.is_cuda:
            one_hot = one_hot.cuda()
        loss = torch.masked_select(prob, one_hot)
        loss = loss * reward
        loss =  -torch.sum(loss)
        return loss
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input, mask = input
        torch.masked_select(self.output, input, mask)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch-dist    作者:apaszke    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, gradOutput):
        input, mask = input
        if input.type() == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor':
            torch.range(self._maskIndexBufferCPU, 0, mask.nelement()-1).resize_(mask.size())
            torch.range(self._maskIndexBuffer, 0, mask.nelement()-1).resize_(mask.size())

        torch.masked_select(self._maskIndices, self._maskIndexBuffer, mask)
        self._gradBuffer.scatter_(0, self._maskIndices, gradOutput)
        self.gradInput = [self._gradBuffer, self._gradMask.resize_(mask.size()).fill_(0)]
        return self.gradInput
项目:rationalizing-neural-predictions    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input):
        x should be [seq_len][batch_size]
        seq_len = input.size()[0]
        batch_size = input.size()[1]
        # we reuse initial_state and initial_cell, if they havent changed
        # since last time.
        if self.initial_state is None or self.initial_state.size()[1] != batch_size:
            self.initial_state = autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(
                self.num_layers * 2,
            self.initial_cell = autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(
                self.num_layers * 2,
            if input.is_cuda:
                self.initial_state = self.initial_state.cuda()
                self.initial_cell = self.initial_cell.cuda()
        x = self.embedding(input)
        x, _ = self.lstm(x, (self.initial_state, self.initial_cell))
        x = self.linear(x)
        x = F.sigmoid(x)
        rationale_selected_node = torch.bernoulli(x)
        rationale_selected = rationale_selected_node.view(seq_len, batch_size)
        rationale_lengths = rationale_selected.sum(dim=0).int()
        max_rationale_length = rationale_lengths.max()
        # if self.rationales is None or self.rationales.shape[1] != batch_size:
        rationales = torch.LongTensor([0], batch_size)
        if input.is_cuda:
            rationales = rationales.cuda()
        for n in range(batch_size):
            this_len = rationale_lengths[n].data[0]
            rationales[:this_len, n] = torch.masked_select(
                input[:, n].data, rationale_selected[:, n].data.byte()
        return rationale_selected_node, rationale_selected, rationales, rationale_lengths
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input, mask = input
        torch.masked_select(input, mask, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, gradOutput):
        input, mask = input
        if input.type() == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor':
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBufferCPU).resize_(mask.size())
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBuffer).resize_(mask.size())

        torch.masked_select(self._maskIndexBuffer, mask, out=self._maskIndices)
        self._gradBuffer.scatter_(0, self._maskIndices, gradOutput)
        self.gradInput = [self._gradBuffer, self._gradMask.resize_(mask.size()).fill_(0)]
        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input, mask = input
        torch.masked_select(input, mask, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, gradOutput):
        input, mask = input
        if input.type() == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor':
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBufferCPU).resize_(mask.size())
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBuffer).resize_(mask.size())

        torch.masked_select(self._maskIndexBuffer, mask, out=self._maskIndices)
        self._gradBuffer.scatter_(0, self._maskIndices, gradOutput)
        self.gradInput = [self._gradBuffer, self._gradMask.resize_(mask.size()).fill_(0)]
        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input, mask = input
        torch.masked_select(input, mask, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, gradOutput):
        input, mask = input
        if input.type() == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor':
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBufferCPU).resize_(mask.size())
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBuffer).resize_(mask.size())

        torch.masked_select(self._maskIndexBuffer, mask, out=self._maskIndices)
        self._gradBuffer.scatter_(0, self._maskIndices, gradOutput)
        self.gradInput = [self._gradBuffer, self._gradMask.resize_(mask.size()).fill_(0)]
        return self.gradInput
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateOutput(self, input):
        input, mask = input
        torch.masked_select(input, mask, out=self.output)
        return self.output
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def updateGradInput(self, input, gradOutput):
        input, mask = input
        if input.type() == 'torch.cuda.FloatTensor':
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBufferCPU).resize_(mask.size())
            torch.arange(0, mask.nelement(), out=self._maskIndexBuffer).resize_(mask.size())

        torch.masked_select(self._maskIndexBuffer, mask, out=self._maskIndices)
        self._gradBuffer.scatter_(0, self._maskIndices, gradOutput)
        self.gradInput = [self._gradBuffer, self._gradMask.resize_(mask.size()).fill_(0)]
        return self.gradInput
项目:ssd.pytorch    作者:amdegroot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_net(save_folder, net, cuda, dataset, transform, top_k,
             im_size=300, thresh=0.05):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(dataset)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #    all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #    (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(len(labelmap)+1)]

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}
    output_dir = get_output_dir('ssd300_120000', set_type)
    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')

    for i in range(num_images):
        im, gt, h, w = dataset.pull_item(i)

        x = Variable(im.unsqueeze(0))
        if args.cuda:
            x = x.cuda()
        detections = net(x).data
        detect_time = _t['im_detect'].toc(average=False)

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, detections.size(1)):
            dets = detections[0, j, :]
            mask = dets[:, 0].gt(0.).expand(5, dets.size(0)).t()
            dets = torch.masked_select(dets, mask).view(-1, 5)
            if dets.dim() == 0:
            boxes = dets[:, 1:]
            boxes[:, 0] *= w
            boxes[:, 2] *= w
            boxes[:, 1] *= h
            boxes[:, 3] *= h
            scores = dets[:, 0].cpu().numpy()
            cls_dets = np.hstack((boxes.cpu().numpy(), scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s'.format(i + 1,
                                                    num_images, detect_time))

    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir, dataset)
项目:textobjdetection    作者:andfoy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_net(save_folder, net, cuda, dataset, transform, top_k,
             im_size=300, thresh=0.05):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(dataset)
    # all detections are collected into:
    #    all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #    (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in range(num_images)]
                 for _ in range(len(labelmap)+1)]

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect': Timer(), 'misc': Timer()}
    output_dir = get_output_dir('ssd300_120000', set_type)
    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections.pkl')

    for i in range(num_images):
        im, gt, h, w = dataset.pull_item(i)

        x = Variable(im.unsqueeze(0))
        if args.cuda:
            x = x.cuda()
        detections = net(x).data
        detect_time = _t['im_detect'].toc(average=False)

        # skip j = 0, because it's the background class
        for j in range(1, detections.size(1)):
            dets = detections[0, j, :]
            mask = dets[:, 0].gt(0.).expand(5, dets.size(0)).t()
            dets = torch.masked_select(dets, mask).view(-1, 5)
            if dets.dim() == 0:
            boxes = dets[:, 1:]
            boxes[:, 0] *= w
            boxes[:, 2] *= w
            boxes[:, 1] *= h
            boxes[:, 3] *= h
            scores = dets[:, 0].cpu().numpy()
            cls_dets = np.hstack((boxes.cpu().numpy(), scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                .astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            all_boxes[j][i] = cls_dets

        print('im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s'.format(i + 1,
                                                    num_images, detect_time))

    with open(det_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(all_boxes, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print('Evaluating detections')
    evaluate_detections(all_boxes, output_dir, dataset)
项目:pretrained-models.pytorch    作者:Cadene    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train_multilabel(features, targets, classes, train_split, test_split, C=1.0, ignore_hard_examples=True, after_ReLU=False, normalize_L2=False):
    print('\nHyperparameters:\n - C: {}\n - after_ReLU: {}\n - normL2: {}'.format(C, after_ReLU, normalize_L2))
    train_APs = []
    test_APs = []
    for class_id in range(len(classes)):

        classifier = SVC(C=C, kernel='linear') #

        if ignore_hard_examples:
            train_masks = (targets[train_split][:,class_id] != 0).view(-1, 1)
            train_features = torch.masked_select(features[train_split], train_masks.expand_as(features[train_split])).view(-1,features[train_split].size(1))
            train_targets = torch.masked_select(targets[train_split], train_masks.expand_as(targets[train_split])).view(-1,targets[train_split].size(1))
            test_masks = (targets[test_split][:,class_id] != 0).view(-1, 1)
            test_features = torch.masked_select(features[test_split], test_masks.expand_as(features[test_split])).view(-1,features[test_split].size(1))
            test_targets = torch.masked_select(targets[test_split], test_masks.expand_as(targets[test_split])).view(-1,targets[test_split].size(1))
            train_features = features[train_split]
            train_targets = targets[train_split]
            test_features = features[test_split]
            test_targets = features[test_split]

        if after_ReLU:
            train_features[train_features < 0] = 0
            test_features[test_features < 0] = 0

        if normalize_L2:
            train_norm = torch.norm(train_features, p=2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
            train_features = train_features.div(train_norm.expand_as(train_features))
            test_norm = torch.norm(test_features, p=2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
            test_features = test_features.div(test_norm.expand_as(test_features))

        train_X = train_features.numpy()
        train_y = (train_targets[:,class_id] != -1).numpy() # uses hard examples if not ignored

        test_X = test_features.numpy()
        test_y = (test_targets[:,class_id] != -1).numpy(), train_y) # train parameters of the classifier

        train_preds = classifier.predict(train_X)
        train_acc = accuracy_score(train_y, train_preds) * 100
        train_AP = average_precision_score(train_y, train_preds) * 100

        test_preds = classifier.predict(test_X)
        test_acc = accuracy_score(test_y, test_preds) * 100
        test_AP = average_precision_score(test_y, test_preds) * 100

        print('class "{}" ({}/{}):'.format(classes[class_id], test_y.sum(), test_y.shape[0]))
        print('  - {:8}: acc {:.2f}, AP {:.2f}'.format(train_split, train_acc, train_AP))
        print('  - {:8}: acc {:.2f}, AP {:.2f}'.format(test_split, test_acc, test_AP))

    print('all classes:')
    print('  - {:8}: mAP {:.4f}'.format(train_split, sum(train_APs)/len(classes)))
    print('  - {:8}: mAP {:.4f}'.format(test_split, sum(test_APs)/len(classes)))

# main