Python turtle 模块,exitonclick() 实例源码


项目:Scheme    作者:StephenK1998    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tscheme_exitonclick():
    """Wait for a click on the turtle window, and then close it."""
    global _turtle_screen_on
    if _turtle_screen_on:
        print("Close or click on turtle window to complete exit")
        _turtle_screen_on = False
    return okay
项目:Charon    作者:forrestchang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tscheme_exitonclick():
    """Wait for a click on the turtle window, and then close it."""
    global _turtle_screen_on
    if _turtle_screen_on:
        print("Close or click on turtle window to complete exit")
        _turtle_screen_on = False
    return okay
项目:SchemeInterpreter    作者:GrantHiggins16    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tscheme_exitonclick():
    """Wait for a click on the turtle window, and then close it."""
    global _turtle_screen_on
    if _turtle_screen_on:
        print("Close or click on turtle window to complete exit")
        _turtle_screen_on = False
    return okay