Python twisted.internet.protocol 模块,Factory() 实例源码


项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWriter(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = WriterProtocol
        f.done = 0
        f.problem = 0
        wrappedF = WiredFactory(f)
        p = reactor.listenTCP(0, wrappedF, interface="")
        n = p.getHost().port
        clientF = WriterClientFactory()
        wrappedClientF = WiredFactory(clientF)
        reactor.connectTCP("", n, wrappedClientF)

        def check(ignored):
            self.failUnless(f.done, "writer didn't finish, it probably died")
            self.failUnless(f.problem == 0, "writer indicated an error")
                            "client didn't see connection dropped")
            expected = "".join(["Hello Cleveland!\n",
                                "Goodbye", " cruel", " world", "\n"])
            self.failUnless( == expected,
                            "client didn't receive all the data it expected")
        d = defer.gatherResults([wrappedF.onDisconnect,
        return d.addCallback(check)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWriter(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = LargeBufferWriterProtocol
        f.done = 0
        f.problem = 0
        f.len = self.datalen
        wrappedF = FireOnCloseFactory(f)
        p = reactor.listenTCP(0, wrappedF, interface="")
        n = p.getHost().port
        clientF = LargeBufferReaderClientFactory()
        wrappedClientF = FireOnCloseFactory(clientF)
        reactor.connectTCP("", n, wrappedClientF)

        d = defer.gatherResults([wrappedF.deferred, wrappedClientF.deferred])
        def check(ignored):
            self.failUnless(f.done, "writer didn't finish, it probably died")
            self.failUnless(clientF.len == self.datalen,
                            "client didn't receive all the data it expected "
                            "(%d != %d)" % (clientF.len, self.datalen))
                            "client didn't see connection dropped")
        return d.addCallback(check)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testPeerBind(self):
        """assert the remote endpoint (getPeer) on the receiving end matches
           the local endpoint (bind) on the connecting end, for unix sockets"""
        filename = self.mktemp()
        peername = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename, peername=peername)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f)
        self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        d = f.deferred
        def done(x):
            del self._sock
            return x
        return d
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testPORTCannotConnect(self):
        # Login
        d = self._anonymousLogin()

        # Listen on a port, and immediately stop listening as a way to find a
        # port number that is definitely closed.
        def loggedIn(ignored):
            port = reactor.listenTCP(0, protocol.Factory(),
            portNum = port.getHost().port
            d = port.stopListening()
            d.addCallback(lambda _: portNum)
            return d

        # Tell the server to connect to that port with a PORT command, and
        # verify that it fails with the right error.
        def gotPortNum(portNum):
            return self.assertCommandFailed(
                'PORT ' + ftp.encodeHostPort('', portNum),
                ["425 Can't open data connection."])
        return d.addCallback(gotPortNum)

# -- Client Tests -----------------------------------------------------------
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loopbackUNIX(server, client, noisy=True):
    """Run session between server and client protocol instances over UNIX socket."""
    path = tempfile.mktemp()
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory())
    serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server)
    f.noisy = noisy
    f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper
    serverPort = reactor.listenUNIX(path, f)
    clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client)
    clientF.noisy = noisy
    reactor.connectUNIX(path, clientF)
    d = clientF.deferred
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred)
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening())
    return d
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWriter(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = WriterProtocol
        f.done = 0
        f.problem = 0
        wrappedF = WiredFactory(f)
        p = reactor.listenTCP(0, wrappedF, interface="")
        n = p.getHost().port
        clientF = WriterClientFactory()
        wrappedClientF = WiredFactory(clientF)
        reactor.connectTCP("", n, wrappedClientF)

        def check(ignored):
            self.failUnless(f.done, "writer didn't finish, it probably died")
            self.failUnless(f.problem == 0, "writer indicated an error")
                            "client didn't see connection dropped")
            expected = "".join(["Hello Cleveland!\n",
                                "Goodbye", " cruel", " world", "\n"])
            self.failUnless( == expected,
                            "client didn't receive all the data it expected")
        d = defer.gatherResults([wrappedF.onDisconnect,
        return d.addCallback(check)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWriter(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = LargeBufferWriterProtocol
        f.done = 0
        f.problem = 0
        f.len = self.datalen
        wrappedF = FireOnCloseFactory(f)
        p = reactor.listenTCP(0, wrappedF, interface="")
        n = p.getHost().port
        clientF = LargeBufferReaderClientFactory()
        wrappedClientF = FireOnCloseFactory(clientF)
        reactor.connectTCP("", n, wrappedClientF)

        d = defer.gatherResults([wrappedF.deferred, wrappedClientF.deferred])
        def check(ignored):
            self.failUnless(f.done, "writer didn't finish, it probably died")
            self.failUnless(clientF.len == self.datalen,
                            "client didn't receive all the data it expected "
                            "(%d != %d)" % (clientF.len, self.datalen))
                            "client didn't see connection dropped")
        return d.addCallback(check)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testPeerBind(self):
        """assert the remote endpoint (getPeer) on the receiving end matches
           the local endpoint (bind) on the connecting end, for unix sockets"""
        filename = self.mktemp()
        peername = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename, peername=peername)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f)
        self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        d = f.deferred
        def done(x):
            del self._sock
            return x
        return d
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testPORTCannotConnect(self):
        # Login
        d = self._anonymousLogin()

        # Listen on a port, and immediately stop listening as a way to find a
        # port number that is definitely closed.
        def loggedIn(ignored):
            port = reactor.listenTCP(0, protocol.Factory(),
            portNum = port.getHost().port
            d = port.stopListening()
            d.addCallback(lambda _: portNum)
            return d

        # Tell the server to connect to that port with a PORT command, and
        # verify that it fails with the right error.
        def gotPortNum(portNum):
            return self.assertCommandFailed(
                'PORT ' + ftp.encodeHostPort('', portNum),
                ["425 Can't open data connection."])
        return d.addCallback(gotPortNum)

# -- Client Tests -----------------------------------------------------------
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loopbackUNIX(server, client, noisy=True):
    """Run session between server and client protocol instances over UNIX socket."""
    path = tempfile.mktemp()
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory())
    serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server)
    f.noisy = noisy
    f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper
    serverPort = reactor.listenUNIX(path, f)
    clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client)
    clientF.noisy = noisy
    reactor.connectUNIX(path, clientF)
    d = clientF.deferred
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred)
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening())
    return d
项目:ccs-twistedextensions    作者:apple    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_simpleSuccess(self):
        If C{getaddrinfo} gives one L{GAIEndpoint.connect}.
        gaiendpoint = self.makeEndpoint()
        protos = []
        f = Factory()
        f.protocol = Protocol
        WHO_CARES = 0
        WHAT_EVER = ""
        self.gaiResult(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, WHO_CARES, WHAT_EVER,
                       ("", 4321))
        attempt = self.fakeRealEndpoints[0]._attempt
        self.assertEqual(len(protos), 1)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        Create an instance of the server side of the SSH protocol.

        @type addr: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IAddress} provider
        @param addr: The address at which the server will listen.

        @rtype: L{twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHServerTransport}
        @return: The built transport.
        t = protocol.Factory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
        t.supportedPublicKeys = self.privateKeys.keys()
        if not self.primes:
            log.msg('disabling non-fixed-group key exchange algorithms '
                    'because we cannot find moduli file')
            t.supportedKeyExchanges = [
                kexAlgorithm for kexAlgorithm in t.supportedKeyExchanges
                if _kex.isFixedGroup(kexAlgorithm) or
        return t
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connectToAgent(self, endpoint):
        Set up a connection to the authentication agent and trigger its

        @param endpoint: An endpoint which can be used to connect to the
            authentication agent.
        @type endpoint: L{IStreamClientEndpoint} provider

        @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when the agent connection is ready
            for use.
        factory = Factory()
        factory.protocol = SSHAgentClient
        d = endpoint.connect(factory)
        def connected(agent):
            self.agent = agent
            return agent.getPublicKeys()
        return d
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, protocolFactory):
        Set up an SSH connection, use a channel from that connection to launch
        a command, and hook the stdin and stdout of that command up as a
        transport for a protocol created by the given factory.

        @param protocolFactory: A L{Factory} to use to create the protocol
            which will be connected to the stdin and stdout of the command on
            the SSH server.

        @return: A L{Deferred} which will fire with an error if the connection
            cannot be set up for any reason or with the protocol instance
            created by C{protocolFactory} once it has been connected to the
        d = self._creator.secureConnection()
        d.addCallback(self._executeCommand, protocolFactory)
        return d
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_processAddress(self):
        The address passed to the factory's buildProtocol in the endpoint is a
        _ProcessAddress instance.

        class TestAddrFactory(protocol.Factory):
            protocol = StubApplicationProtocol
            address = None

            def buildProtocol(self, addr):
                self.address = addr
                p = self.protocol()
                p.factory = self
                return p

        myFactory = TestAddrFactory()
        d = self.ep.connect(myFactory)
        self.assertIsInstance(myFactory.address, _ProcessAddress)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_deferBadEncodingToConnect(self):
        Since any client of L{IStreamClientEndpoint} needs to handle Deferred
        failures from C{connect}, L{HostnameEndpoint}'s constructor will not
        raise exceptions when given bad host names, instead deferring to
        returning a failing L{Deferred} from C{connect}.
        endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(MemoryReactor(), ['']),
            b'\xff-garbage-\xff', 80
        deferred = endpoint.connect(Factory.forProtocol(Protocol))
        err = self.failureResultOf(deferred, ValueError)
        self.assertIn("\\xff-garbage-\\xff", str(err))
        endpoint = endpoints.HostnameEndpoint(
            deterministicResolvingReactor(MemoryReactor(), ['']),
            u'\u2ff0-garbage-\u2ff0', 80
        deferred = endpoint.connect(Factory())
        err = self.failureResultOf(deferred, ValueError)
        self.assertIn("\\u2ff0-garbage-\\u2ff0", str(err))
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_connectProtocolCreatesFactory(self):
        C{endpoints.connectProtocol} calls the given endpoint's C{connect()}
        method with a factory that will build the given protocol.
        reactor = MemoryReactor()
        endpoint = endpoints.TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "", 0)
        theProtocol = object()
        endpoints.connectProtocol(endpoint, theProtocol)

        # A TCP connection was made via the given endpoint:
        self.assertEqual(len(reactor.tcpClients), 1)
        # TCP4ClientEndpoint uses a _WrapperFactory around the underlying
        # factory, so we need to unwrap it:
        factory = reactor.tcpClients[0][2]._wrappedFactory
        self.assertIsInstance(factory, protocol.Factory)
        self.assertIs(factory.buildProtocol(None), theProtocol)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testWriter(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = LargeBufferWriterProtocol
        f.done = 0
        f.problem = 0
        f.len = self.datalen
        wrappedF = FireOnCloseFactory(f)
        p = reactor.listenTCP(0, wrappedF, interface="")
        n = p.getHost().port
        clientF = LargeBufferReaderClientFactory()
        wrappedClientF = FireOnCloseFactory(clientF)
        reactor.connectTCP("", n, wrappedClientF)

        d = defer.gatherResults([wrappedF.deferred, wrappedClientF.deferred])
        def check(ignored):
            self.assertTrue(f.done, "writer didn't finish, it probably died")
            self.assertTrue(clientF.len == self.datalen,
                            "client didn't receive all the data it expected "
                            "(%d != %d)" % (clientF.len, self.datalen))
                            "client didn't see connection dropped")
        return d.addCallback(check)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_service(self):
        L{strports.service} returns a L{StreamServerEndpointService}
        constructed with an endpoint produced from
        L{endpoint.serverFromString}, using the same syntax.
        reactor = object() # the cake is a lie
        aFactory = Factory()
        aGoodPort = 1337
        svc = strports.service(
            'tcp:' + str(aGoodPort), aFactory, reactor=reactor)
        self.assertIsInstance(svc, internet.StreamServerEndpointService)

        # See twisted.application.test.test_internet.EndpointServiceTests.
        # test_synchronousRaiseRaisesSynchronously
        self.assertIsInstance(svc.endpoint, TCP4ServerEndpoint)
        # Maybe we should implement equality for endpoints.
        self.assertEqual(svc.endpoint._port, aGoodPort)
        self.assertIs(svc.factory, aFactory)
        self.assertIs(svc.endpoint._reactor, reactor)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_listenDefaultHost(self):
        L{MemoryReactor.listenTCP}, L{MemoryReactor.listenSSL} and
        L{MemoryReactor.listenUNIX} will return an L{IListeningPort} whose
        C{getHost} method returns an L{IAddress}; C{listenTCP} and C{listenSSL}
        will have a default host of C{''}, and a port that reflects the
        value passed, and C{listenUNIX} will have a name that reflects the path
        memoryReactor = MemoryReactor()
        for port in [memoryReactor.listenTCP(8242, Factory()),
                     memoryReactor.listenSSL(8242, Factory(), None)]:
            verifyObject(IListeningPort, port)
            address = port.getHost()
            verifyObject(IAddress, address)
            self.assertEqual(, '')
            self.assertEqual(address.port, 8242)
        port = memoryReactor.listenUNIX(b"/path/to/socket", Factory())
        verifyObject(IListeningPort, port)
        address = port.getHost()
        verifyObject(IAddress, address)
        self.assertEqual(, b"/path/to/socket")
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_portRange(self):
        L{FTP.passivePortRange} should determine the ports which
        L{FTP.getDTPPort} attempts to bind. If no port from that iterator can
        be bound, L{error.CannotListenError} should be raised, otherwise the
        first successful result from L{FTP.listenFactory} should be returned.
        def listenFactory(portNumber, factory):
            if portNumber in (22032, 22033, 22034):
                raise error.CannotListenError('localhost', portNumber, 'error')
            return portNumber
        self.serverProtocol.listenFactory = listenFactory

        port = self.serverProtocol.getDTPPort(protocol.Factory())
        self.assertEqual(port, 0)

        self.serverProtocol.passivePortRange = xrange(22032, 65536)
        port = self.serverProtocol.getDTPPort(protocol.Factory())
        self.assertEqual(port, 22035)

        self.serverProtocol.passivePortRange = xrange(22032, 22035)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_PORTCannotConnect(self):
        Listen on a port, and immediately stop listening as a way to find a
        port number that is definitely closed.
        # Login
        d = self._anonymousLogin()

        def loggedIn(ignored):
            port = reactor.listenTCP(0, protocol.Factory(),
            portNum = port.getHost().port
            d = port.stopListening()
            d.addCallback(lambda _: portNum)
            return d

        # Tell the server to connect to that port with a PORT command, and
        # verify that it fails with the right error.
        def gotPortNum(portNum):
            return self.assertCommandFailed(
                'PORT ' + ftp.encodeHostPort('', portNum),
                ["425 Can't open data connection."])
        return d.addCallback(gotPortNum)
项目:zenchmarks    作者:squeaky-pl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loopbackUNIX(server, client, noisy=True):
    """Run session between server and client protocol instances over UNIX socket."""
    path = tempfile.mktemp()
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory())
    serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server)
    f.noisy = noisy
    f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper
    serverPort = reactor.listenUNIX(path, f)
    clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client)
    clientF.noisy = noisy
    reactor.connectUNIX(path, clientF)
    d = clientF.deferred
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred)
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening())
    return d
项目:txacme    作者:twisted    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_listen_starts_service(self):
        ``AutoTLSEndpoint.listen`` starts an ``AcmeIssuingService``.  Stopping
        the port stops the service.
        factory = Factory()
        d = self.endpoint.listen(factory)
                    '%r does not provide IListeningPort')))
        port = d.result
        self.assertThat(port.stopListening(), succeeded(Always()))
项目:xr-telemetry-m2m-web    作者:cisco    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(sdata, command, username, host, port=22, key_file=None, password=None):
    Connect to an SSH host (as it happens, persistently).

        keys = [Key.fromFile(key_file)] if key_file else None
    except exceptions.IOError as e:
        print('### key load error:', str(e))
        push_failure_message(str(e), sdata)

    endpoint = SSHCommandClientEndpoint.newConnection(
                    reactor, command, username, host, port=int(port),
                    keys=keys, password=password, ui=None,

    factory = Factory()
    factory.protocol = LineProtocol
    factory.sdata = sdata

    d = endpoint.connect(factory)

    # Very small race condition between here and the replacement
    # in connectionMade() above, but I've never managed to hit it.
    def disconnect():
        sdata.log('Disconnecting while still attempting to connect, by request')
    sdata.transport_drop_cb = disconnect

    d.addErrback(lambda reason: push_failure_message(reason, sdata))
    return d
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDumber(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f)
        tcf = TestClientFactory(self, filename)
        c = reactor.connectUNIX(filename, tcf)
        d = defer.gatherResults([f.deferred, tcf.deferred])
        d.addCallback(lambda x : self._addPorts(l, c.transport,
        return d
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testMode(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f, mode = 0600)
        self.assertEquals(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(filename)[0]), 0600)
        tcf = TestClientFactory(self, filename)
        c = reactor.connectUNIX(filename, tcf)
        self._addPorts(l, c.transport)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testSocketLocking(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f, wantPID=True)

            reactor.listenUNIX, filename, f, wantPID=True)

        def stoppedListening(ign):
            l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f, wantPID=True)
            return l.stopListening()

        return l.stopListening().addCallback(stoppedListening)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testUncleanServerSocketLocking(self):
        def ranStupidChild(ign):
            # If this next call succeeds, our lock handling is correct.
            p = reactor.listenUNIX(self.filename, Factory(self, self.filename), wantPID=True)
            return p.stopListening()
        return self._uncleanSocketTest(ranStupidChild)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testRepr(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        p = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f)
        self.failIf(str(p).find(filename) == -1)

        def stoppedListening(ign):
            self.failIf(str(p).find(filename) != -1)

        return defer.maybeDeferred(p.stopListening).addCallback(stoppedListening)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_socketsLeftOpen(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = protocol.Protocol
        reactor.listenTCP(0, f)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loopbackTCP(server, client, port=0, noisy=True):
    """Run session between server and client protocol instances over TCP."""
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory())
    serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server)
    f.noisy = noisy
    f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper
    serverPort = reactor.listenTCP(port, f, interface='')
    clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client)
    clientF.noisy = noisy
    reactor.connectTCP('', serverPort.getHost().port, clientF)
    d = clientF.deferred
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred)
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening())
    return d
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        printMessage("POP3 with no messages")
        args = sys.argv[1:]

        for arg in args:

    f = Factory()
    f.protocol = POP3TestServer
    reactor.listenTCP(PORT, f)
项目:enigma2    作者:OpenLD    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def autostart(reason, **kwargs):
    if reason == 0:
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        except OSError:
        factory = Factory()
        factory.protocol = Hotplug
        reactor.listenUNIX("/tmp/hotplug.socket", factory)
项目:onkyo_serial    作者:blaedd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        factory = protocol.Factory()
        factory.protocol = iscp.ISCP
        self.proto = factory.buildProtocol('/dev/ttyUSB0') = proto_helpers.StringTransport()
项目:onkyo_serial    作者:blaedd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, eiscp_port=60128):

            eiscp_port (int): UDP port to listen for discovery requests on.
        self.eiscp_port = eiscp_port
项目:enigma2    作者:Openeight    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def autostart(reason, **kwargs):
    if reason == 0:
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        except OSError:
        factory = Factory()
        factory.protocol = Hotplug
        reactor.listenUNIX("/tmp/hotplug.socket", factory)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testDumber(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f)
        tcf = TestClientFactory(self, filename)
        c = reactor.connectUNIX(filename, tcf)
        d = defer.gatherResults([f.deferred, tcf.deferred])
        d.addCallback(lambda x : self._addPorts(l, c.transport,
        return d
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testMode(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f, mode = 0600)
        self.assertEquals(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(filename)[0]), 0600)
        tcf = TestClientFactory(self, filename)
        c = reactor.connectUNIX(filename, tcf)
        self._addPorts(l, c.transport)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testSocketLocking(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f, wantPID=True)

            reactor.listenUNIX, filename, f, wantPID=True)

        def stoppedListening(ign):
            l = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f, wantPID=True)
            return l.stopListening()

        return l.stopListening().addCallback(stoppedListening)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testUncleanServerSocketLocking(self):
        def ranStupidChild(ign):
            # If this next call succeeds, our lock handling is correct.
            p = reactor.listenUNIX(self.filename, Factory(self, self.filename), wantPID=True)
            return p.stopListening()
        return self._uncleanSocketTest(ranStupidChild)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testRepr(self):
        filename = self.mktemp()
        f = Factory(self, filename)
        p = reactor.listenUNIX(filename, f)
        self.failIf(str(p).find(filename) == -1)

        def stoppedListening(ign):
            self.failIf(str(p).find(filename) != -1)

        return defer.maybeDeferred(p.stopListening).addCallback(stoppedListening)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_socketsLeftOpen(self):
        f = protocol.Factory()
        f.protocol = protocol.Protocol
        reactor.listenTCP(0, f)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loopbackTCP(server, client, port=0, noisy=True):
    """Run session between server and client protocol instances over TCP."""
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    f = policies.WrappingFactory(protocol.Factory())
    serverWrapper = _FireOnClose(f, server)
    f.noisy = noisy
    f.buildProtocol = lambda addr: serverWrapper
    serverPort = reactor.listenTCP(port, f, interface='')
    clientF = LoopbackClientFactory(client)
    clientF.noisy = noisy
    reactor.connectTCP('', serverPort.getHost().port, clientF)
    d = clientF.deferred
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverWrapper.deferred)
    d.addCallback(lambda x: serverPort.stopListening())
    return d
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        printMessage("POP3 with no messages")
        args = sys.argv[1:]

        for arg in args:

    f = Factory()
    f.protocol = POP3TestServer
    reactor.listenTCP(PORT, f)
项目:modernsectopics    作者:cnsatuva    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    logging.basicConfig(filename='rsa.log', level=logging.DEBUG)

    # Create the server
    f = Factory()
    f.protocol = Notary
    reactor.listenTCP(1977, f)
项目:enigma2    作者:BlackHole    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def autostart(reason, **kwargs):
    if reason == 0:
        print "[Hotplug] starting hotplug handler"
        from twisted.internet import reactor
        import os
        except OSError:
        factory = Factory()
        factory.protocol = Hotplug
        reactor.listenUNIX("/tmp/hotplug.socket", factory)
项目:congredi    作者:toxik-io    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def startedConnecting(self, connector):  # test'Factory - Connecting')