Python types 模块,BooleanType() 实例源码


项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def new_looper(a, arg=None):
    """Helper function for nest()
    determines what sort of looper to make given a's type"""
    if isinstance(a,types.TupleType):
        if len(a) == 2:
            return RangeLooper(a[0],a[1])
        elif len(a) == 3:
            return RangeLooper(a[0],a[1],a[2])
    elif isinstance(a, types.BooleanType):
        return BooleanLooper(a)
    elif isinstance(a,types.IntType) or isinstance(a, types.LongType):
        return RangeLooper(a)
    elif isinstance(a, types.StringType) or isinstance(a, types.ListType):
        return ListLooper(a)
    elif isinstance(a, Looper):
        return a
    elif isinstance(a, types.LambdaType):
        return CalcField(a, arg)
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getValueStrings( val, blnUgly=True ):
    #Used by joinWithComma function to join list items for SQL queries.
    #Expects to receive 'valid' types, as this was designed specifically for joining object attributes and nonvalid attributes were pulled.
    #If the default blnUgly is set to false, then the nonvalid types are ignored and the output will be pretty, but the SQL Insert statement will
    #probably be wrong.
    tplStrings = (types.StringType, types.StringTypes )
    tplNums = ( types.FloatType, types.IntType, types.LongType, types.BooleanType )
    if isinstance( val, tplNums ):
        return '#num#'+ str( val ) + '#num#'
    elif isinstance( val, tplStrings ):
        strDblQuote = '"'
        return strDblQuote + val + strDblQuote
        if blnUgly == True:
            return "Error: nonconvertable value passed - value type: %s" % type(val )
            return None
项目:nova-fusioncompute    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str_to_bool(cver_str):
    """convert string to boolean

    :param cver_str: string should to convert
    :return: Boolean
    if isinstance(cver_str, types.BooleanType):
        return cver_str
    elif isinstance(cver_str, types.StringType):
        bool_map = {'true': True, 'false': False}
        bool_str = cver_str.lower() if cver_str else ""
        if bool_str not in bool_map:
            raise ValueError('%s is not valid boolean.' % cver_str)
            return bool_map[bool_str]
        raise ValueError('%s is not valid boolean.' % cver_str)
项目:isf    作者:w3h    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, value=None, fuzzable=True):
        :param name: block name
        :type value: bool
        :param value: value to be used, if None - generate both 'true' and 'false' (default: None)
        :param fuzzable: should we fuzz this field (only if value is not None) (default: True)
        if value is None:
            field = Group(['true', 'false'], name=_valuename(name))
            if not isinstance(value, types.BooleanType):
                raise ValueError('value should be bool, not %s' % type(value))
            # fix python and json boolean incompitability
            value = 'true' if value else 'false'
            field = String(value, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=_valuename(name))
        super(JsonBoolean, self).__init__(field, name=name)
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.must = d['MUST']
    self.may = d['MAY']
    # Default is STRUCTURAL, see RFC2552 or draft-ietf-ldapbis-syntaxes
    self.kind = 0
    if d['ABSTRACT']!=None:
      self.kind = 1
    elif d['AUXILIARY']!=None:
      self.kind = 2
    if self.kind==0 and not d['SUP'] and self.oid!='':
      # STRUCTURAL object classes are sub-classes of 'top' by default
      self.sup = ('top',)
      self.sup = d['SUP']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.sup)==TupleType
    assert type(self.kind)==IntType
    assert type(self.must)==TupleType
    assert type(self.may)==TupleType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.aux = d['AUX']
    self.must = d['MUST']
    self.may = d['MAY']
    self.nots = d['NOT']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.aux)==TupleType
    assert type(self.must)==TupleType
    assert type(self.may)==TupleType
    assert type(self.nots)==TupleType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.must = d['MUST']
    self.may = d['MAY']
    # Default is STRUCTURAL, see RFC2552 or draft-ietf-ldapbis-syntaxes
    self.kind = 0
    if d['ABSTRACT']!=None:
      self.kind = 1
    elif d['AUXILIARY']!=None:
      self.kind = 2
    if self.kind==0 and not d['SUP'] and self.oid!='':
      # STRUCTURAL object classes are sub-classes of 'top' by default
      self.sup = ('top',)
      self.sup = d['SUP']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.sup)==TupleType
    assert type(self.kind)==IntType
    assert type(self.must)==TupleType
    assert type(self.may)==TupleType
项目:katnip    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, value=None, fuzzable=True):
        :param name: block name
        :type value: bool
        :param value: value to be used, if None - generate both 'true' and 'false' (default: None)
        :param fuzzable: should we fuzz this field (only if value is not None) (default: True)
        if value is None:
            field = Group(['true', 'false'], name=_valuename(name))
            if not isinstance(value, types.BooleanType):
                raise ValueError('value should be bool, not %s' % type(value))
            # fix python and json boolean incompitability
            value = 'true' if value else 'false'
            field = String(value, fuzzable=fuzzable, name=_valuename(name))
        super(JsonBoolean, self).__init__(field, name=name)
项目:Bahubali---DDOS-Toolkit    作者:navanchauhan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _matches(self, markup, matchAgainst):
        #print "Matching %s against %s" % (markup, matchAgainst)
        result = False
        if matchAgainst == True and type(matchAgainst) == types.BooleanType:
            result = markup != None
        elif callable(matchAgainst):
            result = matchAgainst(markup)
            #Custom match methods take the tag as an argument, but all
            #other ways of matching match the tag name as a string.
            if isinstance(markup, Tag):
                markup =
            if markup is not None and not isString(markup):
                markup = unicode(markup)
            #Now we know that chunk is either a string, or None.
            if hasattr(matchAgainst, 'match'):
                # It's a regexp object.
                result = markup and
            elif (isList(matchAgainst)
                  and (markup is not None or not isString(matchAgainst))):
                result = markup in matchAgainst
            elif hasattr(matchAgainst, 'items'):
                result = markup.has_key(matchAgainst)
            elif matchAgainst and isString(markup):
                if isinstance(markup, unicode):
                    matchAgainst = unicode(matchAgainst)
                    matchAgainst = str(matchAgainst)

            if not result:
                result = matchAgainst == markup
        return result
项目:code    作者:ActiveState    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def makeObjInsertStrings( obj, tplObjects = None, blnUseParens=True, blnGetAllAttrib=True ):
    # Returns a 3 val tuple, the first two of which are strings which can be dropped into a MySQL Insert statement for (1) column names and (2) values

    if not tplObjects:
        return None, None, None
    if isinstance( obj, tplObjects ):    #find out what got passed - valid objects must be included in tuple tplObjects
        strDblQuote = '"'
        lstCols = list()
        lstVals = list()
        lstExcludedAttrib = list()
        dctObj = vars( obj )
        lstObjVarNames = dctObj.keys()
        if blnGetAllAttrib:
            tplValidTypes = ( types.BooleanType, types.FloatType, types.IntType, types.LongType, types.StringType, types.StringTypes, types.NoneType )
            for varName in lstObjVarNames:
                val = dctObj[ varName ]
                if isinstance( val, tplValidTypes ):
                    lstCols.append( varName )
                    if val or val == 0:
                        lstVals.append( dctObj[ varName ] )
                    lstExcludedAttrib.append( varName )
        if blnUseParens:
            strCols = joinListItems( lstCols )
            strVals = joinListItems( lstVals )
            strCols = joinListItems( lstCols, blnUseParens=False )
            strCols = joinListItems( lstVals, blnUseParens=False )
        strCols = strCols.replace('"', '')
        return strCols, strVals, lstExcludedAttrib
        print 'No object passed.'
        return None, None, None
项目:dtguess    作者:ownport    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_default_instances():

    return [
        types.StringType(), types.DecimalType(), types.IntegerType(),
        types.DateType('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), types.BooleanType()
项目:darkc0de-old-stuff    作者:tuwid    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _matches(self, markup, matchAgainst):    
        #print "Matching %s against %s" % (markup, matchAgainst)
        result = False
        if matchAgainst == True and type(matchAgainst) == types.BooleanType:
            result = markup != None
        elif callable(matchAgainst):
            result = matchAgainst(markup)
            #Custom match methods take the tag as an argument, but all
            #other ways of matching match the tag name as a string.
            if isinstance(markup, Tag):
                markup =
            if markup and not isString(markup):
                markup = unicode(markup)
            #Now we know that chunk is either a string, or None.
            if hasattr(matchAgainst, 'match'):
                # It's a regexp object.
                result = markup and
            elif isList(matchAgainst):
                result = markup in matchAgainst
            elif hasattr(matchAgainst, 'items'):
                result = markup.has_key(matchAgainst)
            elif matchAgainst and isString(markup):
                if isinstance(markup, unicode):
                    matchAgainst = unicode(matchAgainst)
                    matchAgainst = str(matchAgainst)

            if not result:
                result = matchAgainst == markup
        return result
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unjelly_boolean(self, exp):
        if BooleanType:
            assert exp[0] in ('true', 'false')
            return exp[0] == 'true'
            return Unpersistable(exp[0])
项目:doork    作者:AeonDave    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _matches(self, markup, matchAgainst):
        #print "Matching %s against %s" % (markup, matchAgainst)
        result = False
        if matchAgainst == True and type(matchAgainst) == types.BooleanType:
            result = markup != None
        elif callable(matchAgainst):
            result = matchAgainst(markup)
            #Custom match methods take the tag as an argument, but all
            #other ways of matching match the tag name as a string.
            if isinstance(markup, Tag):
                markup =
            if markup and not isString(markup):
                markup = unicode(markup)
            #Now we know that chunk is either a string, or None.
            if hasattr(matchAgainst, 'match'):
                # It's a regexp object.
                result = markup and
            elif isList(matchAgainst):
                result = markup in matchAgainst
            elif hasattr(matchAgainst, 'items'):
                result = markup.has_key(matchAgainst)
            elif matchAgainst and isString(markup):
                if isinstance(markup, unicode):
                    matchAgainst = unicode(matchAgainst)
                    matchAgainst = str(matchAgainst)

            if not result:
                result = matchAgainst == markup
        return result
项目:catchup4kodi    作者:catchup4kodi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _matches(self, markup, matchAgainst):
        #print "Matching %s against %s" % (markup, matchAgainst)
        result = False
        if matchAgainst == True and type(matchAgainst) == types.BooleanType:
            result = markup != None
        elif callable(matchAgainst):
            result = matchAgainst(markup)
            #Custom match methods take the tag as an argument, but all
            #other ways of matching match the tag name as a string.
            if isinstance(markup, Tag):
                markup =
            if markup and not isString(markup):
                markup = unicode(markup)
            #Now we know that chunk is either a string, or None.
            if hasattr(matchAgainst, 'match'):
                # It's a regexp object.
                result = markup and
            elif isList(matchAgainst):
                result = markup in matchAgainst
            elif hasattr(matchAgainst, 'items'):
                result = markup.has_key(matchAgainst)
            elif matchAgainst and isString(markup):
                if isinstance(markup, unicode):
                    matchAgainst = unicode(matchAgainst)
                    matchAgainst = str(matchAgainst)

            if not result:
                result = matchAgainst == markup
        return result
项目:kitty    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReturnTypeMutateFuzzable(self):
        field = self.get_default_field(fuzzable=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
项目:kitty    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReturnTypeMutateNotFuzzable(self):
        field = self.get_default_field(fuzzable=False)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setInteractiveMode(self, flag=True):

        """ Enable/disable the interactive mode
        :param flag: True or False
        .. versionadded: 0.6
           The *setInteractiveMode* method.

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.interactiveMode = flag

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setElitism(self, flag):

        """ Sets the elitism option, True or False
        :param flag: True or False

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Elitism option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.elitism = flag

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setRandomApply(self, flag=True):

      Sets the random function application, in this mode, the
      function will randomly choose one slot to apply
      :param flag: True or False

      if type(flag) != BooleanType:
         utils.raiseException("Random option must be True or False", TypeError)

      self.rand_apply = flag

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setInteractiveMode(self, flag=True):

        """ Enable/disable the interactive mode
        :param flag: True or False
        .. versionadded: 0.6
           The *setInteractiveMode* method.

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.interactiveMode = flag

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setElitism(self, flag):

        """ Sets the elitism option, True or False
        :param flag: True or False

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Elitism option must be True or False", TypeError)
        self.elitism = flag

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setRandomApply(self, flag=True):

      Sets the random function application, in this mode, the
      function will randomly choose one slot to apply
      :param flag: True or False

      if type(flag) != BooleanType:
         utils.raiseException("Random option must be True or False", TypeError)

      self.rand_apply = flag

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unjelly_boolean(self, exp):
        if BooleanType:
            assert exp[0] in ('true', 'false')
            return exp[0] == 'true'
            return Unpersistable(exp[0])
项目:ngas    作者:ICRAR    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_boolean(choice, default=False):
    """Convert the yes/no to true/false

    :param choice: the text string input
    :type choice: string
    if type(choice) == types.BooleanType:
        return choice
    valid = {"True":  True,  "true": True, "yes":True, "ye":True, "y":True,
             "False":False, "false":False,  "no":False, "n":False}
    choice_lower = choice.lower()
    if choice_lower in valid:
        return valid[choice_lower]
    return default
项目:isf    作者:w3h    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_to_JsonObject(the_dict, name=None, ctx=None):
    Create a JsonObject from a dictionary.
    The context parameter is used for recursive calls,
    no need to pass it from outside.

    :param the_dict: dictionary to base the `JsonObject` on
    :param ctx: context for the parser (default: None)
    :rtype: :class:`~katnip.legos.json.JsonObject`
    :return: JSON object that represents the dictionary
    if type(the_dict) != dict:
        raise ValueError('expecting dictionary as first argument')
    if ctx is None:
        ctx = _JsonStringContext()
    members = {}
    for (k, v) in the_dict.items():
        if v is None:
            val = JsonNull(name=ctx.uname(k), fuzzable=False)
        elif isinstance(v, types.BooleanType):
            val = JsonBoolean(name=ctx.uname(k), value=v, fuzzable=True)
        elif isinstance(v, types.StringTypes):
            val = JsonString(name=ctx.uname(k), value=v, fuzzable=True)
        elif isinstance(v, types.ListType):
            val = list_to_JsonArray(v, k, ctx)
        elif isinstance(v, types.DictionaryType):
            val = dict_to_JsonObject(v, k, ctx)
        elif isinstance(v, types.IntType):
            val = SInt32(v, encoder=ENC_INT_DEC, name=ctx.uname(k))
            raise ValueError('type not supported: %s' % type(v))
        members[k] = val
    if name is None:
        name = 'obj'
    return JsonObject(name=ctx.uname(name, False), member_dict=members, fuzz_keys=False)
项目:isf    作者:w3h    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_to_JsonArray(the_list, name=None, ctx=None):
    Create a JsonArray from a list.
    The context parameter is used for recursive calls,
    no need to pass it from outside.

    :param the_list: list to base the JsonArray on
    :param ctx: context for the parser (default: None)
    :rtype: :class:`~katnip.legos.json.JsonArray`
    :return: JSON object that represents the list
    if type(the_list) != list:
        raise ValueError('expecting list as first argument')
    if ctx is None:
        ctx = _JsonStringContext()
    elements = []
    for v in the_list:
        if v is None:
            elements.append(JsonNull(ctx.uname('null'), fuzzable=False))
        elif isinstance(v, types.BooleanType):
            elements.append(JsonBoolean(ctx.uname('bool'), value=v, fuzzable=True))
        elif isinstance(v, types.StringTypes):
            elements.append(JsonString(ctx.uname('string'), v, fuzzable=True))
        elif isinstance(v, types.ListType):
            elements.append(list_to_JsonArray(v, None, ctx))
        elif isinstance(v, types.DictionaryType):
            elements.append(dict_to_JsonObject(v, None, ctx))
        elif isinstance(v, types.IntType):
            elements.append(SInt32(v, encoder=ENC_INT_DEC, name=ctx.uname('int')))
            raise ValueError('type not supported: %s' % type(v))
    if name is None:
        name = 'array'
    return JsonArray(name=ctx.uname(name, False), values=elements)
项目:ikpdb    作者:audaxis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def object_properties_count(self, o):
        """ returns the number of user browsable properties of an object. """
        o_type = type(o)
        if isinstance(o, (types.DictType, types.ListType, types.TupleType, set,)):
            return len(o)
        elif isinstance(o, (types.NoneType, types.BooleanType, types.FloatType, 
                            types.UnicodeType, types.FloatType, types.IntType, 
                            types.StringType, types.LongType, types.ModuleType, 
                            types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,)):
            return 0
            # Following lines are used to debug variables members browsing
            # and counting
            # if False and str(o_type) == "<class 'socket._socketobject'>":
            #     print "@378"
            #     print dir(o)
            #     print "hasattr(o, '__dict__')=%s" % hasattr(o,'__dict__')
            #     count = 0
            #     if hasattr(o, '__dict__'):
            #         for m_name, m_value in o.__dict__.iteritems():
            #             if m_name.startswith('__'):
            #                 print "    %s=>False" % (m_name,)
            #                 continue
            #             if type(m_value) in (types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,):
            #                 print "    %s=>False" % (m_name,)
            #                 continue
            #             print "    %s=>True" % (m_name,)
            #             count +=1
            #     print "    %s => %s = %s" % (o, count, dir(o),)
            # else:
            if hasattr(o, '__dict__'):
                count = len([m_name for m_name, m_value in o.__dict__.iteritems()
                              if not m_name.startswith('__') 
                                and not type(m_value) in (types.ModuleType, 
                                                          types.FunctionType,) ])
                count = 0
            return count
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.syntax = d['SYNTAX'][0]
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert self.syntax is None or type(self.syntax)==StringType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.applies = d['APPLIES']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.applies)==TupleType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.oc = d['OC'][0]
    self.must = d['MUST']
    self.may = d['MAY']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.oc)==StringType
    assert type(self.must)==TupleType
    assert type(self.may)==TupleType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.syntax = d['SYNTAX'][0]
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert self.syntax is None or type(self.syntax)==StringType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.applies = d['APPLIES']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.applies)==TupleType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.form = d['FORM'][0]
    self.sup = d['SUP']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.form)==StringType
    assert type(self.sup)==TupleType
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.oc = d['OC'][0]
    self.must = d['MUST']
    self.may = d['MAY']
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.oc)==StringType
    assert type(self.must)==TupleType
    assert type(self.may)==TupleType
项目:deep_data_bench    作者:DeepFound    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isTrue(v):
    if type(v) == types.BooleanType:
        return v
    elif type(v) == types.StringType:
        return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
        return False
项目:collectd-scaleio    作者:swisscom    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def str2bool(v):
    if type(v) == types.BooleanType:
        return v
    return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
项目:pwtools    作者:elcorto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def tobool(val):
    """Convert `val` to boolean value True or False.

    val : bool, string, integer
        '.true.', '1', 'true',  'on',  'yes', integers != 0 -> True
        '.false.','0', 'false', 'off', 'no',  integers == 0 -> False

    True or False

    All string vals are case-insensitive.
    if isinstance(val, types.BooleanType):
        if val == True:
            return True
            return False
    got_str = False
    got_int = False
    if isinstance(val, types.StringType):
        got_str = True
        val = val.lower()
    elif isinstance(val, types.IntType):
        got_int = True
        raise StandardError, "input value must be string or integer"
    if (got_str and (val in ['.true.', 'true', 'on', 'yes', '1'])) \
        or (got_int and (val != 0)):
        ret = True
    elif (got_str and (val in ['.false.', 'false', 'off', 'no', '0'])) \
        or (got_int and (val == 0)):
        ret = False
        raise StandardError("illegal input value '%s'" %frepr(val))
    return ret
项目:katnip    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dict_to_JsonObject(the_dict, name=None, ctx=None):
    Create a JsonObject from a dictionary.
    The context parameter is used for recursive calls,
    no need to pass it from outside.

    :param the_dict: dictionary to base the `JsonObject` on
    :param ctx: context for the parser (default: None)
    :rtype: :class:`~katnip.legos.json.JsonObject`
    :return: JSON object that represents the dictionary
    if type(the_dict) != dict:
        raise ValueError('expecting dictionary as first argument')
    if ctx is None:
        ctx = _JsonStringContext()
    members = {}
    for (k, v) in the_dict.items():
        if v is None:
            val = JsonNull(name=ctx.uname(k), fuzzable=False)
        elif isinstance(v, types.BooleanType):
            val = JsonBoolean(name=ctx.uname(k), value=v, fuzzable=True)
        elif isinstance(v, types.StringTypes):
            val = JsonString(name=ctx.uname(k), value=v, fuzzable=True)
        elif isinstance(v, types.ListType):
            val = list_to_JsonArray(v, k, ctx)
        elif isinstance(v, types.DictionaryType):
            val = dict_to_JsonObject(v, k, ctx)
        elif isinstance(v, types.IntType):
            val = SInt32(v, encoder=ENC_INT_DEC, name=ctx.uname(k))
            raise ValueError('type not supported: %s' % type(v))
        members[k] = val
    if name is None:
        name = 'obj'
    return JsonObject(name=ctx.uname(name, False), member_dict=members, fuzz_keys=False)
项目:katnip    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def list_to_JsonArray(the_list, name=None, ctx=None):
    Create a JsonArray from a list.
    The context parameter is used for recursive calls,
    no need to pass it from outside.

    :param the_list: list to base the JsonArray on
    :param ctx: context for the parser (default: None)
    :rtype: :class:`~katnip.legos.json.JsonArray`
    :return: JSON object that represents the list
    if type(the_list) != list:
        raise ValueError('expecting list as first argument')
    if ctx is None:
        ctx = _JsonStringContext()
    elements = []
    for v in the_list:
        if v is None:
            elements.append(JsonNull(ctx.uname('null'), fuzzable=False))
        elif isinstance(v, types.BooleanType):
            elements.append(JsonBoolean(ctx.uname('bool'), value=v, fuzzable=True))
        elif isinstance(v, types.StringTypes):
            elements.append(JsonString(ctx.uname('string'), v, fuzzable=True))
        elif isinstance(v, types.ListType):
            elements.append(list_to_JsonArray(v, None, ctx))
        elif isinstance(v, types.DictionaryType):
            elements.append(dict_to_JsonObject(v, None, ctx))
        elif isinstance(v, types.IntType):
            elements.append(SInt32(v, encoder=ENC_INT_DEC, name=ctx.uname('int')))
            raise ValueError('type not supported: %s' % type(v))
    if name is None:
        name = 'array'
    return JsonArray(name=ctx.uname(name, False), values=elements)
项目:katnip    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReturnTypeMutateFuzzable(self):
        field = self.get_default_field(fuzzable=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
项目:katnip    作者:cisco-sas    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testReturnTypeMutateNotFuzzable(self):
        field = self.get_default_field(fuzzable=False)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
        self.assertIsInstance(field.mutate(), types.BooleanType)
项目:config-api    作者:gridengine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bool_key_map(cls, key_map):
        bool_key_map = {}
        for (key,value) in key_map.items():
            if type(value) == types.BooleanType:
                bool_key_map[key] = value
            elif type(value) == types.DictType:
                for (key2,value2) in value.items():
                    if type(value2) == types.BooleanType:
                        bool_key_map[key2] = value2
        return bool_key_map
项目:pymchelper    作者:DataMedSci    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dump(self, pickler):
        if self.prop:  # Skip system variables
            pickler.dump([x for x in self.prop.items()
                          if type(x[1]) in (IntType, LongType, FloatType, BooleanType, StringType, UnicodeType)])

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Load card from unpickler
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:pykit    作者:baishancloud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def humannum(data, unit=None, include=None, exclude=None):

    if isinstance(data, types.DictType):

        data = data.copy()

        keys = set(data.keys())
        if include is not None:
            keys = keys & set(include)

        if exclude is not None:
            keys = keys - set(exclude)

        for k in keys:
            data[k] = humannum(data[k])

        return data

    elif isinstance(data, types.BooleanType):
        # We have to deal with bool because for historical reason bool is
        # subclass of int.
        # When bool is introduced into python 2.2 it is represented with int,
        # similar to C.
        return data

    elif isinstance(data, types.ListType):
        return [humannum(x) for x in data]

    elif isinstance(data, types.StringTypes):
        return data

    elif isinstance(data, integer_types):
        return humannum_int(data, unit=unit)

    elif isinstance(data, types.FloatType):
        if data > 999:
            return humannum_int(int(data), unit=unit)
        elif abs(data) < 0.0000000001:
            return '0'
            return '%.2f' % (data)

        return data
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, genome, interactiveMode=True):

        """ Initializator of GSimpleGA """

        #if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) # used to be like this

        if type(interactiveMode) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Interactive Mode option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if not isinstance(genome, GenomeBase):
            utils.raiseException("The genome must be a GenomeBase subclass", TypeError)

        self.internalPop = GPopulation(genome)
        self.nGenerations = constants.CDefGAGenerations
        self.pMutation = constants.CDefGAMutationRate
        self.pCrossover = constants.CDefGACrossoverRate
        self.nElitismReplacement = constants.CDefGAElitismReplacement
        self.minimax = constants.minimaxType["maximize"]
        self.elitism = True

        # NEW
        self.new_population = None

        # Adapters
        self.dbAdapter = None
        self.migrationAdapter = None

        self.time_init = None
        self.max_time = None
        self.interactiveMode = interactiveMode
        self.interactiveGen = -1
        self.GPMode = False

        self.selector = FunctionSlot("Selector")
        self.stepCallback = FunctionSlot("Generation Step Callback")
        self.terminationCriteria = FunctionSlot("Termination Criteria")
        self.allSlots = (self.selector, self.stepCallback, self.terminationCriteria)

        self.internalParams = {}

        self.currentGeneration = 0

        # GP Testing
        for classes in constants.CDefGPGenomes:
            if isinstance(self.internalPop.oneSelfGenome, classes):

        log.debug("A GA Engine was created, nGenerations=%d", self.nGenerations)

        # New
        self.path = None

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setMultiProcessing(self, flag=True, full_copy=False, max_processes=None):

        """ Sets the flag to enable/disable the use of python multiprocessing module.
        Use this option when you have more than one core on your CPU and when your
        evaluation function is very slow.

        Pyevolve will automaticly check if your Python version has **multiprocessing**
        support and if you have more than one single CPU core. If you don't have support
        or have just only one core, Pyevolve will not use the **multiprocessing**

        Pyevolve uses the **multiprocessing** to execute the evaluation function over
        the individuals, so the use of this feature will make sense if you have a
        truly slow evaluation function (which is commom in GAs).

        The parameter "full_copy" defines where the individual data should be copied back
        after the evaluation or not. This parameter is useful when you change the
        individual in the evaluation function.

        :param flag: True (default) or False
        :param full_copy: True or False (default)
        :param max_processes: None (default) or an integer value

        .. warning:: Use this option only when your evaluation function is slow, so you'll
                     get a good tradeoff between the process communication speed and the
                     parallel evaluation. The use of the **multiprocessing** doesn't means
                     always a better performance.

        .. note:: To enable the multiprocessing option, you **MUST** add the *__main__* check
                  on your application, otherwise, it will result in errors. See more on the
                  `Python Docs <>`__

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The `setMultiProcessing` method.

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Multiprocessing option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if type(full_copy) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Multiprocessing 'full_copy' option must be True or False", TypeError)

        self.internalPop.setMultiProcessing(flag, full_copy, max_processes)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setMultiProcessing(self, flag=True, full_copy=False, max_processes=None):

        """ Sets the flag to enable/disable the use of python multiprocessing module.
        Use this option when you have more than one core on your CPU and when your
        evaluation function is very slow.

        Pyevolve will automaticly check if your Python version has **multiprocessing**
        support and if you have more than one single CPU core. If you don't have support
        or have just only one core, Pyevolve will not use the **multiprocessing**

        Pyevolve uses the **multiprocessing** to execute the evaluation function over
        the individuals, so the use of this feature will make sense if you have a
        truly slow evaluation function (which is commom in GAs).

        The parameter "full_copy" defines where the individual data should be copied back
        after the evaluation or not. This parameter is useful when you change the
        individual in the evaluation function.

        :param flag: True (default) or False
        :param full_copy: True or False (default)
        :param max_processes: None (default) or an integer value

        .. warning:: Use this option only when your evaluation function is slow, so you'll
                     get a good tradeoff between the process communication speed and the
                     parallel evaluation. The use of the **multiprocessing** doesn't means
                     always a better performance.

        .. note:: To enable the multiprocessing option, you **MUST** add the *__main__* check
                  on your application, otherwise, it will result in errors. See more on the
                  `Python Docs <>`__

        .. versionadded:: 0.6
           The `setMultiProcessing` method.

        if type(flag) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Multiprocessing option must be True or False", TypeError)

        if type(full_copy) != BooleanType:
            utils.raiseException("Multiprocessing 'full_copy' option must be True or False", TypeError)

        self.internalPop.setMultiProcessing(flag, full_copy, max_processes)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.sup = d['SUP']
    self.equality = d['EQUALITY'][0]
    self.ordering = d['ORDERING'][0]
    self.substr = d['SUBSTR'][0]
      syntax = d['SYNTAX'][0]
    except IndexError:
      self.syntax = None
      self.syntax_len = None
      if syntax is None:
    self.syntax = None
    self.syntax_len = None
          self.syntax,syntax_len = d['SYNTAX'][0].split("{")
    except ValueError:
          self.syntax = d['SYNTAX'][0]
          self.syntax_len = None
          for i in l:
            if i.startswith("{") and i.endswith("}"):
          self.syntax_len = long(syntax_len[:-1])
    self.single_value = d['SINGLE-VALUE']!=None
    self.collective = d['COLLECTIVE']!=None
    self.no_user_mod = d['NO-USER-MODIFICATION']!=None
      self.usage = AttributeUsage[d['USAGE'][0]]
    except KeyError:
    self.usage = AttributeUsage.get(d['USAGE'][0],0)
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.sup)==TupleType,'attribute sup has type %s' % (type(self.sup))
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.single_value)==BooleanType and (self.single_value==0 or self.single_value==1)
    assert type(self.no_user_mod)==BooleanType and (self.no_user_mod==0 or self.no_user_mod==1)
    assert self.syntax is None or type(self.syntax)==StringType
    assert self.syntax_len is None or type(self.syntax_len)==type(0L)
项目:Splunk_TA_LDAP    作者:f33dy0urhe4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _set_attrs(self,l,d):
    self.names = d['NAME']
    self.desc = d['DESC'][0]
    self.obsolete = d['OBSOLETE']!=None
    self.sup = d['SUP']
    self.equality = d['EQUALITY'][0]
    self.ordering = d['ORDERING'][0]
    self.substr = d['SUBSTR'][0]
      syntax = d['SYNTAX'][0]
    except IndexError:
      self.syntax = None
      self.syntax_len = None
      if syntax is None:
    self.syntax = None
    self.syntax_len = None
          self.syntax,syntax_len = d['SYNTAX'][0].split("{")
    except ValueError:
          self.syntax = d['SYNTAX'][0]
          self.syntax_len = None
          for i in l:
            if i.startswith("{") and i.endswith("}"):
          self.syntax_len = long(syntax_len[:-1])
    self.single_value = d['SINGLE-VALUE']!=None
    self.collective = d['COLLECTIVE']!=None
    self.no_user_mod = d['NO-USER-MODIFICATION']!=None
      self.usage = AttributeUsage[d['USAGE'][0]]
    except KeyError:
    self.usage = AttributeUsage.get(d['USAGE'][0],0)
    assert type(self.names)==TupleType
    assert self.desc is None or type(self.desc)==StringType
    assert type(self.sup)==TupleType,'attribute sup has type %s' % (type(self.sup))
    assert type(self.obsolete)==BooleanType and (self.obsolete==0 or self.obsolete==1)
    assert type(self.single_value)==BooleanType and (self.single_value==0 or self.single_value==1)
    assert type(self.no_user_mod)==BooleanType and (self.no_user_mod==0 or self.no_user_mod==1)
    assert self.syntax is None or type(self.syntax)==StringType
    assert self.syntax_len is None or type(self.syntax_len)==type(0L)