Python typing 模块,TypeVar() 实例源码


项目:python-libjuju    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get(self, name):
        # Two way mapping
        refname = Schema.referenceName(name)
        if refname not in self:
            result = TypeVar(refname)
            self[refname] = result
            self[result] = refname

        return self[refname]
项目:python-libjuju    作者:juju    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_explode(self, kind):
        if kind in basic_types or type(kind) is typing.TypeVar:
            return False
        if not issubclass(kind, (typing.Sequence,
            return True
        return False
项目:jMetalPy    作者:jMetal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[List[TypeVar('S')]]:
        join_population = population + offspring_population
        return RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection(self.population_size).execute(join_population)
项目:pytypes    作者:Stewori    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_TypeVar(tpv, lines, inc=0):
    args = [tpv.__name__]
    if not tpv.__bound__ is None:
    if tpv.__covariant__:
    if tpv.__contravariant__:
    lines.append("%s%s = TypeVar('%s')"%(inc*indent, tpv.__name__, ', '.join(args)))
项目:tsukkomi    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_type(value: typing.Any, hint: typing.Optional[type]) -> bool:
    """Check given ``value``'s type.

    :param value: given argument
    :param hint: expected type of given ``value``.
                 as like :mod:`typing` interprets, :const:`None` is interpreted
                 as :class:`types.NoneType`
    :type hint: :class:`typing.Optional`[:class:`type`]

    if hint is None:
        hint = NoneType
    actual_type = type(value)
    if hint is NoneType:
        correct = value is None
    elif hint is typing.Any:
        correct = True
    elif hint is typing.Pattern or hint is typing.Match:
        correct = isinstance(value, hint.impl_type)
    elif isinstance(hint, typing.TypeVar):
        # TODO: Check generic
        correct = True
    elif issubclass(hint, typing.Callable):
        actual_type, correct = check_callable(value, hint)
    elif issubclass(hint, typing.Tuple):
        actual_type, correct = check_tuple(value, hint)
    elif issubclass(hint, typing.Union):
        actual_type, correct = check_union(value, hint)
        correct = isinstance(value, hint)
    return actual_type, correct
项目:retype    作者:ambv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alias_typevar(self) -> None:
        pyi_txt = """
        from typing import TypeVar

        _T = TypeVar('_T', bound=str)
        SOME_GLOBAL: int

        def fun(error: _T) -> _T: ...
        src_txt = """

        from __future__ import print_function

        import sys

        SOME_GLOBAL: int = 0

        def fun(error):
            return error
        expected_txt = """

        from __future__ import print_function

        import sys

        from typing import TypeVar
        SOME_GLOBAL: int = 0
        _T = TypeVar('_T', bound=str)

        def fun(error: _T) -> _T:
            return error
        self.assertReapply(pyi_txt, src_txt, expected_txt)
        self.assertReapplyVisible(pyi_txt, src_txt, expected_txt)
项目:retype    作者:ambv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alias_typevar_typing(self) -> None:
        pyi_txt = """

        _T ='_T', bound=str)
        SOME_GLOBAL: int

        def fun(error: _T) -> _T: ...
        src_txt = """

        import sys

        SOME_GLOBAL: int = 0

        def fun(error):
            return error
        expected_txt = """

        import sys

        SOME_GLOBAL: int = 0
        _T ='_T', bound=str)

        def fun(error: _T) -> _T:
            return error
        self.assertReapplyVisible(pyi_txt, src_txt, expected_txt)
项目:py-investment    作者:kprestel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_order_types() -> TypeVar:
    """Return valid order types for type annotations."""
    return TypeVar('A',
项目:pyta    作者:pyta-uoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_set_env(variables_dict):
    """Test environment setting visitors"""
    program = cs._parse_dictionary_to_program(variables_dict)
    module, _ = cs._parse_text(program)
    # get list of variable names in locals
    local_values = [module.type_environment.locals[name] for name in module.type_environment.locals]
    global_values = [module.type_environment.globals[name] for name in module.type_environment.globals]
    # verify the type of the value of each variable in the environment
    for value in local_values:
        assert isinstance(value, TypeVar)
    for value in global_values:
        assert isinstance(value, TypeVar)
项目:slack-today-i-did    作者:eeue56    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mismatching_types_messages(action, annotations, arg_values, arg_types) -> str:
    messages = []

    for (arg_value, arg_type, (arg_name, annotation)) in zip(arg_values, arg_types, annotations.items()):
        if annotation == Any or isinstance(annotation, TypeVar):

        if arg_type != annotation:
            messages.append(f'Type mistmach for function `{action.__name__}`')
                f'You tried to give me a `{arg_type}` but I wanted a `{annotation}` for the arg `{arg_name}`!'  # noqa: E501

    return '\n'.join(messages)
项目:typo    作者:aldanor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalid_typevar_bound(bound):
    T = TypeVar('T', bound=bound)
    pytest.raises_regexp(ValueError, 'invalid typevar bound',
                         Handler, T)
项目:typo    作者:aldanor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalid_typevar_constraint(constraint):
    T = TypeVar('T', int, constraint)
    pytest.raises_regexp(ValueError, 'invalid typevar constraint',
                         Handler, T)
项目:pytypes    作者:Stewori    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _write_class(clss, lines, inc = 0, assumed_globals=None, implicit_globals=None,
    _print("write class: "+str(clss))
    anyElement = False
            assumed_globals, implicit_globals, assumed_typevars))
    mb = inspect.getmembers(clss, lambda t: inspect.isclass(t) or type_util._check_as_func(t))
    # todo: Care for overload-decorator
    for elem in mb:
        if elem[0] in clss.__dict__:
            el = clss.__dict__[elem[0]]
            if inspect.isfunction(el):
                _write_func(el, lines, inc+1, slf_or_clsm=True,
                anyElement = True
            elif inspect.isclass(el):
                if isinstance(el, TypeVar):
                    _write_TypeVar(el, lines, inc+1)
                    _write_class(el, lines, inc+1, assumed_globals, implicit_globals,
                anyElement = True
            elif inspect.ismethoddescriptor(el) and type(el) is staticmethod:
                _write_func(el.__func__, lines, inc+1, ['staticmethod'],
                anyElement = True
            elif isinstance(el, property):
                _write_property(el, lines, inc+1, assumed_globals=assumed_globals)
                anyElement = True

    # classmethods are not obtained via inspect.getmembers.
    # We have to look into __dict__ for that.
    for key in clss.__dict__:
        attr = getattr(clss, key)
        if util.is_classmethod(attr):
            _write_func(attr, lines, inc+1, ['classmethod'], True, assumed_globals)
            anyElement = True

    if not anyElement:
项目:dogbot    作者:slice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_environment(cog: 'Exec', ctx: DogbotContext) -> Dict[Any, Any]:

    async def upload(file_name: str) -> Message:
        """Shortcut to upload a file."""
        with open(file_name, 'rb') as fp:
            return await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp))

    async def send(*args, **kwargs) -> Message:
        """Shortcut to send()."""
        return await ctx.send(*args, **kwargs)

    def better_dir(*args, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        """dir(), but without magic methods."""
        return [n for n in dir(*args, **kwargs) if not n.endswith('__') and not n.startswith('__')]

    T = TypeVar('T')

    def grabber(lst: List[T]) -> Callable[[int], T]:
        """Returns a function that, when called, grabs an item by ID from a list of objects with an ID."""
        def _grabber_function(thing_id: int) -> T:
            return discord.utils.get(lst, id=thing_id)
        return _grabber_function

    env = {
        'ctx': ctx,
        'msg': ctx.message,
        'guild': ctx.guild,
        'cog': cog,

        # modules
        'discord': discord,
        'commands': commands,
        'command': commands.command,

        # utilities
        '_get': discord.utils.get,
        '_find': discord.utils.find,
        '_upload': upload,
        '_send': send,

        # grabbers
        '_g': grabber(,
        '_u': grabber(,
        '_c': grabber(list(,

        # last result
        '_': cog.last_result,
        '_p': cog.previous_code,

        'dir': better_dir,

    # add globals to environment

    return env
项目:nirum-python    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deserialize_iterable_abstract_type(cls, cls_origin_type, data):
    abstract_type_map = {
        typing.Sequence: list,
        typing.List: list,
        typing.Set: set,
        typing.AbstractSet: set,
        typing.Mapping: Map,
    deserialized_data = data
    cls_primitive_type = abstract_type_map[cls_origin_type]
    # Whereas on Python/typing < 3.5.2 type parameters are stored in
    # __parameters__ attribute, on Python/typing >= 3.5.2 __parameters__
    # attribute is gone and __args__ comes instead.
    type_params = (cls.__args__
                   if hasattr(cls, '__args__')
                   else cls.__parameters__)
    if len(type_params) == 1:
        elem_type, = type_params
        if isinstance(elem_type, typing.TypeVar):
            deserialized_data = cls_primitive_type(data)
            deserialized_data = cls_primitive_type(
                deserialize_meta(elem_type, d) for d in data
    elif len(type_params) == 2:
        # Key-value
        key_type, value_type = type_params
        assert not (isinstance(key_type, typing.TypeVar) or
                    isinstance(value_type, typing.TypeVar))
        if not isinstance(data, collections.Sequence):
            raise ValueError('map must be an array of item objects e.g. '
                             '[{"key": ..., "value": ...}, ...]')

        def parse_pair(pair):
            if not isinstance(pair, collections.Mapping):
                raise ValueError('map item must be a JSON object')
                key = pair['key']
                value = pair['value']
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError('map item must consist of "key" and "value" '
                                 'fields e.g. {"key": ..., "value": ...}')
            return (
                deserialize_meta(key_type, key),
                deserialize_meta(value_type, value),
        deserialized_data = cls_primitive_type(map(parse_pair, data))
    return deserialized_data
项目:retype    作者:ambv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_alias_many(self) -> None:
        pyi_txt = """
        from typing import TypeVar

        _T = TypeVar('_T', bound=str)
        _EitherStr = Union[str, bytes]
        _MaybeStrings = List[Optional[_EitherStr]]
        SOME_GLOBAL: int

        def fun(error: _T) -> _T: ...
        def fun2(errors: _MaybeStrings) -> None: ...
        src_txt = """

        from __future__ import print_function

        import sys

        SOME_GLOBAL: int = 0

        def fun(error):
            return error

        def fun2(errors) -> None:
            for error in errors:
                if not error:
                print(error, file=sys.stderr)
        expected_txt = """

        from __future__ import print_function

        import sys

        from typing import TypeVar
        SOME_GLOBAL: int = 0
        _T = TypeVar('_T', bound=str)

        def fun(error: _T) -> _T:
            return error

        _EitherStr = Union[str, bytes]
        _MaybeStrings = List[Optional[_EitherStr]]
        def fun2(errors: _MaybeStrings) -> None:
            for error in errors:
                if not error:
                print(error, file=sys.stderr)
        self.assertReapply(pyi_txt, src_txt, expected_txt)
        self.assertReapplyVisible(pyi_txt, src_txt, expected_txt)