Python typing 模块,AbstractSet() 实例源码


项目:ormeasy    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def import_all_modules(
    module_name: str, path: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]]=None,
) -> typing.AbstractSet[str]:
    """Import all modules. Maybe it is useful when populate revision script
    in alembic with ``--autogenerate`` option. Since alembic can only detect a
    change/creation of an object that imported in runtime, importing all
    modules helps entity to track in migration script properly.

    .. code-block:

       >>> from ormeasy.common import import_all_modules
       >>> import_all_modules('ormeasy')

    :param str module_name: The module name want to import.
    :param list[str] or None path: The path to find the root module.

    modules = get_all_modules(module_name, path)
    for module_name in modules:
    return modules
项目:nirum-python    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_type(data, type_):
    instance_check = False
    abstract_types = {typing.AbstractSet, typing.Sequence, typing.Mapping}
    if hasattr(type_, '__origin__') and type_.__origin__ in abstract_types:
        param_type = get_abstract_param_types(type_)
        imp_types = {
            typing.AbstractSet: collections.Set,
            typing.Sequence: collections.Sequence,
            typing.Mapping: collections.Mapping,
        instance_check = isinstance(data, imp_types[type_.__origin__]) and \
            all(isinstance(item, param_type[0]) for item in data)
            instance_check = isinstance(data, type_)
        except TypeError:
            if is_union_type(type_):
                instance_check = any(
                    isinstance(data, t) for t in get_union_types(type_)
                raise ValueError('{!r} cannot validated.'.format(type_))
    return instance_check
项目:nirum-python    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deserialize_abstract_type(cls, data):
    abstract_type_map = {
        typing.Sequence: list,
        typing.List: list,
        typing.Dict: dict,
        typing.Set: set,
        typing.AbstractSet: set,
    cls_origin_type = cls.__origin__
    if cls_origin_type is None:
        cls_origin_type = cls
    iterable_types = {
        typing.Sequence, typing.List, typing.Tuple, typing.Set,
        typing.AbstractSet, typing.Mapping,
    if cls_origin_type in iterable_types:
        return deserialize_iterable_abstract_type(cls, cls_origin_type, data)
        return abstract_type_map[cls_origin_type](data)
项目:datapipelines-python    作者:meraki-analytics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def provides(self) -> AbstractSet[Type]:
        return self._sources.keys()
项目:datapipelines-python    作者:meraki-analytics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def accepts(self) -> AbstractSet[Type]:
        return self._sinks.keys()
项目:nirum-python    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_validate_abstract_set():
    assert validate_type({1, 2, 3}, typing.AbstractSet[int])
    assert validate_type(frozenset([1, 2, 3]), typing.AbstractSet[int])
项目:nirum-python    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_support_abstract_type(t):
    """FIXME: 3.5 only"""
    if hasattr(t, '__origin__') and t.__origin__:
        data_type = t.__origin__
        data_type = t
    abstract_types = {
    return any(type_ is data_type for type_ in abstract_types)
项目:the-knights-who-say-ni    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def usernames(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        """Return an iterable with all of the contributors' usernames."""
        pull_request = self.request['pull_request']
        # Start with the author of the pull request.
        logins = {pull_request['user']['login']}
        # For each commit, get the author and committer.
        async for commit in self._gh.getiter(pull_request['commits_url']):
            author = commit['author']
            # When the author is missing there seems to typically be a
            # matching commit that **does** specify the author. (issue #56)
            if author is not None:
                author_login = author['login']
                if commit['commit']['author']['email'].lower() == GITHUB_EMAIL:
                    self.server.log("Ignoring GitHub-managed username: "
                                    + author_login)

            committer = commit['committer']
            if committer is not None:
                committer_login = committer['login']
                if commit['commit']['committer']['email'].lower() == GITHUB_EMAIL:
                    self.server.log("Ignoring GitHub-managed username: "
                                    + committer_login)
        return frozenset(logins)
项目:the-knights-who-say-ni    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trusted_users(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        """Return a list of trusted users.

        Trusted users will not be checked for CLA.
        return frozenset()
项目:the-knights-who-say-ni    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def usernames(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        """Return an iterable of all the contributors' usernames."""
        return frozenset()  # pragma: no cover
项目:the-knights-who-say-ni    作者:python    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                    usernames: AbstractSet[str]) -> Status:
        """Check if all of the specified usernames have signed the CLA."""
        # While it would technically share more specific information if a
        # mapping of {username: Status} was returned, the vast majority of
        # cases will be for a single user and thus not worth the added
        # complexity to need to worry about it.
        return Status.username_not_found  # pragma: no cover
项目:py-aspio    作者:hexhex    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_variable_bindings(self, bound_variables: AbstractSet[Variable]) -> None:
        if self._variable not in bound_variables:
            raise UndefinedNameError('Undefined variable {0!s} is being accessed'.format(self._variable))
项目:wikidata    作者:dahlia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pytest_assertrepr_compare(op: str, left, right) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]:
    # set of entities
    if op == '==' and isinstance(left, (set, frozenset)) and \
       isinstance(right, (set, frozenset)) and \
       all(isinstance(v, Entity) for v in left) and \
       all(isinstance(v, Entity) for v in right):
        def repr_ids(ids: AbstractSet[EntityId]) -> str:
            sorted_ids = sorted(
                key=lambda i: (
                    # Since EntityIds usually consist of one letter followed
                    # by digits, order them numerically.  If it's not in
                    # that format they should be sorted in the other bucket.
                    (0, int(i[1:])) if i[1:].isdigit() else (1, i[1:])
            return '{' + ', '.join(sorted_ids) + '}'
        left = cast(Union[Set[Entity], FrozenSet[Entity]], left)
        right = cast(Union[Set[Entity], FrozenSet[Entity]], right)
        left_ids = { for e in left}
        right_ids = { for e in right}
        return [
            '{} == {}'.format(repr_ids(left_ids), repr_ids(right_ids)),
            'Extra entities in the left set:',
            repr_ids(left_ids - right_ids),
            'Extra entities in the right set:',
            repr_ids(right_ids - left_ids),
    return None
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iterators(ps, qs, rs, ts):
    :type ps: typing.Iterable[int]
    :type qs: typing.Iterator[str]
    :type rs: typing.Sequence["ForwardReference"]
    :type ts: typing.AbstractSet["float"]
    for p in ps:
        #? int()
    a, b = ps
    #? int()
    ##? int()  --- TODO fix support for tuple assignment
    # test below is just to make sure that in case it gets fixed by accident
    # these tests will be fixed as well the way they should be

    for q in qs:
        #? str()
    #? str()
    for r in rs:
        #? ForwardReference()
    for t in ts:
        #? float()
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sets(p, q):
    :type p: typing.AbstractSet[int]
    :type q: typing.MutableSet[float]
    #? []
    #? ["add"]
项目:ormeasy    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_all_modules(
    module_name: str, path: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[str]]=None,
) -> typing.AbstractSet[str]:
    """Find all module names from given ``module_name``.

    :param str module_name: The name of root module which want to find.
    :param list[str] or None path: The path to find the root module.
    :return: The set of module names.

    .. code-block:: python

       >>> get_all_modules('ormeasy')
       {'ormeasy.alembic', 'ormeasy.common', 'ormeasy.sqlalchemy'}
       >>> get_all_modules('ormeasy.common')

    root_mod, *_ = module_name.split('.')
    module_spec = importlib.machinery.PathFinder.find_spec(root_mod, path)
    if not module_spec:
        if path:
            raise ValueError(
                '{!s} inexists or is not a python module in {!s}'.format(
                    root_mod, path
        raise ValueError(
            '{!s} inexists or is not a python module'.format(root_mod)
    module_name_with_dot = root_mod + '.'
    if module_spec.submodule_search_locations:
        module_names = {
            for _, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(
        module_names = {
            for _, name, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(
            if name.startswith(module_name_with_dot) or name == module_name
    return {m for m in module_names if m.startswith(module_name)}
项目:nirum-python    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def deserialize_iterable_abstract_type(cls, cls_origin_type, data):
    abstract_type_map = {
        typing.Sequence: list,
        typing.List: list,
        typing.Set: set,
        typing.AbstractSet: set,
        typing.Mapping: Map,
    deserialized_data = data
    cls_primitive_type = abstract_type_map[cls_origin_type]
    # Whereas on Python/typing < 3.5.2 type parameters are stored in
    # __parameters__ attribute, on Python/typing >= 3.5.2 __parameters__
    # attribute is gone and __args__ comes instead.
    type_params = (cls.__args__
                   if hasattr(cls, '__args__')
                   else cls.__parameters__)
    if len(type_params) == 1:
        elem_type, = type_params
        if isinstance(elem_type, typing.TypeVar):
            deserialized_data = cls_primitive_type(data)
            deserialized_data = cls_primitive_type(
                deserialize_meta(elem_type, d) for d in data
    elif len(type_params) == 2:
        # Key-value
        key_type, value_type = type_params
        assert not (isinstance(key_type, typing.TypeVar) or
                    isinstance(value_type, typing.TypeVar))
        if not isinstance(data, collections.Sequence):
            raise ValueError('map must be an array of item objects e.g. '
                             '[{"key": ..., "value": ...}, ...]')

        def parse_pair(pair):
            if not isinstance(pair, collections.Mapping):
                raise ValueError('map item must be a JSON object')
                key = pair['key']
                value = pair['value']
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError('map item must consist of "key" and "value" '
                                 'fields e.g. {"key": ..., "value": ...}')
            return (
                deserialize_meta(key_type, key),
                deserialize_meta(value_type, value),
        deserialized_data = cls_primitive_type(map(parse_pair, data))
    return deserialized_data