Python voluptuous 模块,ALLOW_EXTRA 实例源码


项目:cricri    作者:Maillol    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_attributes_validator(mcs):
        Returns validator to validate the sub-classes attributes.

        valid_attributes = {
            Required("commands", 'required class attribute'): [
                    Required("name"): str,
                    Required("cmd"): [str],
                    Optional("kill-signal", default=signal.SIGINT): int

        for attr_name, class_client in mcs._class_clients.items():
            client_validator = {
                Required("name"): str,

            key = Optional(attr_name, 'required class attribute')
            valid_attributes[key] = [client_validator]

        return Schema(valid_attributes, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)
项目:eInvoice    作者:dpalominop    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate(self):
        supplier = Schema({
            Required('ruc'): All(str, Length(min=11, max=11)),
            Required('registration_name'): str,
            Optional('address'): dict,
            Optional('commercial_name'): str
        }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)
        customer = Schema({
            Required('ruc'): All(str, Length(min=1, max=11))
        }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)
        schema = Schema({
            Required('issue_date'): str,
            Required('supplier'): supplier,
            Required('customer'): customer,
            Required('voucher_type'): str,
            Required('currency'): str,
            Required('voucher_number'): str,
            Required('lines'): All(list, Length(min=1))
        }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)
项目:tcconfig    作者:thombashi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_tcconfig(self, config_file_path):
        import json
        from voluptuous import Schema, Required, Any, ALLOW_EXTRA

        schema = Schema({
            Required(six.text_type): {
                Any(*TrafficDirection.LIST): {
                    six.text_type: {
                        six.text_type: Any(six.text_type, int, float)
        }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)

        with open(config_file_path) as fp:
            self.__config_table = json.load(fp)

        self.__logger.debug("tc config file: {:s}".format(
            json.dumps(self.__config_table, indent=4)))