Python werkzeug.exceptions 模块,InternalServerError() 实例源码


项目:cerberus-core    作者:ovh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_http_headers(url):
        Get HTTP headers for given url
    if not url:
        raise BadRequest('Missing url')

    url = _get_deobfuscate_item(url)
        validate = URLValidator(schemes=('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps', 'rtsp', 'rtmp'))
    except ValidationError:
        raise BadRequest('Not a valid URL')

        response = ImplementationFactory.instance.get_singleton_of(
        schema.valid_adapter_response('PhishingServiceBase', 'get_http_headers', response)
        return response
    except (PhishingServiceException, schema.InvalidFormatError, schema.SchemaNotFound) as ex:
        raise InternalServerError(str(ex))
项目:microcosm-flask    作者:globality-corp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iter_endpoints(graph, match_func):
    Iterate through matching endpoints.

    The `match_func` is expected to have a signature of:

        def matches(operation, ns, rule):
            return True

    :returns: a generator over (`Operation`, `Namespace`, rule, func) tuples.

    for rule in graph.flask.url_map.iter_rules():
            operation, ns = Namespace.parse_endpoint(rule.endpoint)
        except (IndexError, ValueError, InternalServerError):
            # operation follows a different convention (e.g. "static")
            # match_func gets access to rule to support path version filtering
            if match_func(operation, ns, rule):
                func = graph.flask.view_functions[rule.endpoint]
                yield operation, ns, rule, func
项目:microcosm-flask    作者:globality-corp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_endpoint(endpoint):
        Convert an endpoint name into an (operation, ns) tuple.

        # compute the operation
        parts = endpoint.split(".")
        operation = Operation.from_name(parts[1])

        # extract its parts
        matcher = match(operation.endpoint_pattern, endpoint)
        if not matcher:
            raise InternalServerError("Malformed operation endpoint: {}".format(endpoint))
        kwargs = matcher.groupdict()
        del kwargs["operation"]
        return operation, Namespace(**kwargs)
项目:microcosm-flask    作者:globality-corp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_werkzeug_http_error_custom_message():
    Custom error messages are returned.

    graph = create_object_graph(name="example", testing=True)"/why_me")
    def why_me():
        raise InternalServerError("Why me?")

    client =

    response = client.get("/why_me")
    assert_that(response.status_code, is_(equal_to(500)))
    data = loads(response.get_data().decode("utf-8"))
    assert_that(data, is_(equal_to({
        "code": 500,
        "message": "Why me?",
        "retryable": False,
        "context": {"errors": []},
项目:cerberus-core    作者:ovh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_screenshot(item_id, report_id):
        Get screenshot for item
        item = ReportItem.objects.get(id=item_id, report__id=report_id)
        if item.itemType != 'URL':
            raise BadRequest('Item is not an URL')
    except (ObjectDoesNotExist, ValueError):
        raise NotFound('Item not found')

        screenshots = ImplementationFactory.instance.get_singleton_of(
        schema.valid_adapter_response('PhishingServiceBase', 'get_screenshots', screenshots)
        results = {
            'rawItem': item.rawItem,
            'screenshots': screenshots,
        return results
    except (PhishingServiceException, schema.InvalidFormatError, schema.SchemaNotFound):
        raise InternalServerError('Error while loading screenshots')
项目:flack    作者:miguelgrinberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_flask_request(environ):
    from .wsgi_aux import app

    if '_wsgi.input' in environ:
        environ['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(environ['_wsgi.input'])

    # Create a request context similar to that of the original request
    # so that the task can have access to flask.g, flask.request, etc.
    with app.request_context(environ):
        # Record the fact that we are running in the Celery worker now
        g.in_celery = True

        # Run the route function and record the response
            rv = app.full_dispatch_request()
            # If we are in debug mode we want to see the exception
            # Else, return a 500 error
            if app.debug:
            rv = app.make_response(InternalServerError())
        return (rv.get_data(), rv.status_code, rv.headers)
项目:territoriali-backend    作者:algorithm-ninja    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upload_output(self, input, file):
        POST /upload_output
        output_id = Database.gen_id()
        path = StorageManager.new_output_file(output_id, file["name"])

        StorageManager.save_file(path, file["content"])
        file_size = StorageManager.get_file_size(path)

            result = ContestManager.evaluate_output(input["task"], input["path"], path)
            BaseHandler.raise_exc(InternalServerError, "INTERNAL_ERROR", "Failed to evaluate the output")

        Database.add_output(output_id, input["id"], path, file_size, result)"UPLOAD", "User %s has uploaded the output %s" % (input["token"], output_id))
        return InfoHandler.patch_output(Database.get_output(output_id))
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_world_gettable(node):
    nodes_coll =['nodes']
    node_id = node['_id']

    log.debug('Ensuring the world can read node %s', node_id)

    world_perms = set(node.get('permissions', {}).get('world', []))
    world_perms = list(world_perms)

    result = nodes_coll.update_one({'_id': node_id},
                                   {'$set': {'': world_perms}})

    if result.matched_count != 1:
        log.warning('Unable to update node %s with new', node_id, world_perms)
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError('Unable to update node %s with new permissions' %
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stream_to_gcs(file_id: ObjectId, file_size: int, internal_fname: str, project_id: ObjectId,
                  stream_for_gcs: FileType, content_type: str) \
        -> typing.Tuple[GoogleCloudStorageBlob, GoogleCloudStorageBucket]:
    # Upload the file to GCS.
        bucket = GoogleCloudStorageBucket(str(project_id))
        blob = bucket.blob(internal_fname)
        blob.create_from_file(stream_for_gcs, file_size=file_size, content_type=content_type)
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Error uploading file to Google Cloud Storage (GCS),'
                      ' aborting handling of uploaded file (id=%s).', file_id)
        update_file_doc(file_id, status='failed')
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError(
            'Unable to stream file to Google Cloud Storage')

    return blob, bucket
项目:edmunds    作者:LowieHuyghe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def render(self, exception):
        Render the exception
        :param exception:   The exception
        :type  exception:   Exception
        :return:            The response

        if not isinstance(exception, HTTPException):
            http_exception = InternalServerError()
            http_exception = exception
        is_server_error = http_exception.code - (http_exception.code % 100) == 500

        if and is_server_error:
            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
                exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
                if exc_value is exception:
                    reraise(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
            raise exception
            if and is_server_error and isinstance(exception, Exception):
                http_exception.description = '%s' % exception
            return http_exception.get_response()
项目:hacks    作者:neo1218    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_ctx_request(environ):
    run flask request context in celery worker
    from blueprints import app  #

    if '_wsgi.input' in environ:
        # an input stream (file-like object) from which the HTTP request body can be read.
        # detail:
        environ['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(environ['_wsgi.input'])

    with app.request_context():
        g.in_celery = True

            rv = app.full_dispatch_request()
        except InternalServerError:
            if app.debug:
            return app.make_response(InternalServerError())
        return (rv.get_data(), rv.status_code, rv.headers)
项目:hacks    作者:neo1218    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_ctx_request(environ):

    from blueprints import app
    # environ ????
    # request body ?? in-memory-buffer ???????
    # ??????????
    if '_wsgi.input' in environ:
        environ['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(environ['_wsgi.input'])

    with app.request_context(environ):
        g.in_celery = True

            rv = app.full_dispatch_request()
            if app.debug:
            rv = app.make_response(InternalServerError())
        return (rv.get_data(), rv.status_code, rv.headers)
项目:hacks    作者:neo1218    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_ctx_request(environ):

    from blueprints import app
    # environ ????
    # request body ?? in-memory-buffer ???????
    # ??????????
    if '_wsgi.input' in environ:
        environ['wsgi.input'] = BytesIO(environ['_wsgi.input'])

    with app.request_context(environ):
        g.in_celery = True

            rv = app.full_dispatch_request()
            if app.debug:
            rv = app.make_response(InternalServerError())
        return (rv.get_data(), rv.status_code, rv.headers)
项目:annotated-py-flask    作者:hhstore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, e):
        """Default exception handling that kicks in when an exception
        occours that is not catched.  In debug mode the exception will
        be re-raised immediately, otherwise it is logged and the handler
        for a 500 internal server error is used.  If no such handler
        exists, a default 500 internal server error message is displayed.

        .. versionadded: 0.3
        handler = self.error_handlers.get(500)
        if self.debug:
        self.logger.exception('Exception on %s [%s]' % (
        if handler is None:
            return InternalServerError()
        return handler(e)
项目:annotated-py-flask    作者:hhstore    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_exception(self, e):
        """Default exception handling that kicks in when an exception
        occours that is not catched.  In debug mode the exception will
        be re-raised immediately, otherwise it is logged and the handler
        for a 500 internal server error is used.  If no such handler
        exists, a default 500 internal server error message is displayed.

        .. versionadded: 0.3
        handler = self.error_handlers.get(500)
        if self.debug:
        self.logger.exception('Exception on %s [%s]' % (
        if handler is None:
            return InternalServerError()
        return handler(e)
项目:cerberus-core    作者:ovh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_defendant_from_item(item):
        Get defendant/service for given item
    customer_id = None
    item['rawItem'] = _get_deobfuscate_item(item['rawItem'])

        ip_addr, hostname, url = _get_item_ip_hostname_url(item)
        if not ip_addr and not hostname:
            raise BadRequest('Unable to get infos for this item')
    except ValidationError:
        raise BadRequest('Invalid item')

    for param in {'urls': [url]}, {'ips': [ip_addr], 'fqdn': [hostname]}:
            services = ImplementationFactory.instance.get_singleton_of(
            schema.valid_adapter_response('CustomerDaoBase', 'get_services_from_items', services)
            if services:
        except (CustomerDaoException, schema.InvalidFormatError, schema.SchemaNotFound):
            raise InternalServerError('Unknown exception while identifying defendant')

    if services:
            customer_id = services[0]['defendant']['customerId']
            service = services[0]['service']
        except (IndexError, KeyError):
            raise InternalServerError('Unable to parse CustomerDaoBase response')

    if not customer_id:
        raise NotFound('No defendant found for this item')

    return {'customerId': customer_id, 'service': service}
项目:cerberus-core    作者:ovh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_defendant_services(customer_id):
        Get services for a defendant
        response = ImplementationFactory.instance.get_singleton_of(
        schema.valid_adapter_response('CustomerDaoBase', 'get_customer_services', response)
    except (CustomerDaoException, schema.InvalidFormatError, schema.SchemaNotFound) as ex:
        return InternalServerError(str(ex))

    return response
项目:oa_qian    作者:sunqb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_aborter(self):
        abort = exceptions.abort
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.BadRequest, abort, 400)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.Unauthorized, abort, 401)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.Forbidden, abort, 403)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.NotFound, abort, 404)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.MethodNotAllowed, abort, 405, ['GET', 'HEAD'])
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.NotAcceptable, abort, 406)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.RequestTimeout, abort, 408)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.Gone, abort, 410)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.LengthRequired, abort, 411)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.PreconditionFailed, abort, 412)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.RequestEntityTooLarge, abort, 413)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.RequestURITooLarge, abort, 414)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.UnsupportedMediaType, abort, 415)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.UnprocessableEntity, abort, 422)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.InternalServerError, abort, 500)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.NotImplemented, abort, 501)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.BadGateway, abort, 502)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, abort, 503)

        myabort = exceptions.Aborter({1: exceptions.NotFound})
        self.assert_raises(LookupError, myabort, 404)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.NotFound, myabort, 1)

        myabort = exceptions.Aborter(extra={1: exceptions.NotFound})
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.NotFound, myabort, 404)
        self.assert_raises(exceptions.NotFound, myabort, 1)
项目:restccnu    作者:restccnu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cute_board_spider():
    :function: cute_board_spider

        board_list = get_webview_board()
        raise InternalServerError()
    webview_board.set('webview_board_list', board_list)

# @celery.task(name='send_mail')
# def send_async_email(msg):
#     """
#     :function: send_mail
#     :**kwargs:
#         {'feedback': feedback, 'contact': contact}
#     ???(ios????)
#     """
#     with app.app_context():
#         mail.send(msg)
项目:locust-demo    作者:bmd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_response(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        """Looks up the representation transformer for the requested media
        type, invoking the transformer to create a response object. This
        defaults to default_mediatype if no transformer is found for the
        requested mediatype. If default_mediatype is None, a 406 Not
        Acceptable response will be sent as per RFC 2616 section 14.1

        :param data: Python object containing response data to be transformed
        default_mediatype = kwargs.pop('fallback_mediatype', None) or self.default_mediatype
        mediatype = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(
        if mediatype is None:
            raise NotAcceptable()
        if mediatype in self.representations:
            resp = self.representations[mediatype](data, *args, **kwargs)
            resp.headers['Content-Type'] = mediatype
            return resp
        elif mediatype == 'text/plain':
            resp = original_flask_make_response(str(data), *args, **kwargs)
            resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
            return resp
            raise InternalServerError()
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch_node(node_id):
    # Parse the request
    node_id = str2id(node_id)
    patch = request.get_json()

    # Find the node type.
    node = mongo.find_one_or_404('nodes', node_id,
                                 projection={'node_type': 1})
        node_type = node['node_type']
    except KeyError:
        msg = 'Node %s has no node_type property' % node_id
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError(msg)
    log.debug('User %s wants to PATCH %s node %s',
              authentication.current_user_id(), node_type, node_id)

    # Find the PATCH handler for the node type.
        patch_handler = custom.patch_handlers[node_type]
    except KeyError:'No patch handler for node type %r', node_type)
        raise wz_exceptions.MethodNotAllowed('PATCH on node type %r not allowed' % node_type)

    # Let the PATCH handler do its thing.
    return patch_handler(node_id, patch)
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def edit_comment(user_id, node_id, patch):
    """Edits a single comment.

    Doesn't do permission checking; users are allowed to edit their own
    comment, and this is not something you want to revoke anyway. Admins
    can edit all comments.

    # Find the node. We need to fetch some more info than we use here, so that
    # we can pass this stuff to Eve's patch_internal; that way the validation &
    # authorisation system has enough info to work.
    nodes_coll =['nodes']
    projection = {'user': 1,
                  'project': 1,
                  'node_type': 1}
    node = nodes_coll.find_one(node_id, projection=projection)
    if node is None:
        log.warning('User %s wanted to patch non-existing node %s' % (user_id, node_id))
        raise wz_exceptions.NotFound('Node %s not found' % node_id)

    if node['user'] != user_id and not authorization.user_has_role('admin'):
        raise wz_exceptions.Forbidden('You can only edit your own comments.')

    # Use Eve to PATCH this node, as that also updates the etag.
    r, _, _, status = current_app.patch_internal('nodes',
                                                 {'properties.content': patch['content'],
                                                  'project': node['project'],
                                                  'user': node['user'],
                                                  'node_type': node['node_type']},
    if status != 200:
        log.error('Error %i editing comment %s for user %s: %s',
                  status, node_id, user_id, r)
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError('Internal error %i from Eve' % status)
    else:'User %s edited comment %s', user_id, node_id)

    # Fetch the new content, so the client can show these without querying again.
    node = nodes_coll.find_one(node_id, projection={'properties.content_html': 1})
    return status, node
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_and_store_short_code(node):
    nodes_coll =['nodes']
    node_id = node['_id']

    log.debug('Creating new short link for node %s', node_id)

    max_attempts = 10
    for attempt in range(1, max_attempts):

        # Generate a new short code
        short_code = create_short_code(node)
        log.debug('Created short code for node %s: %s', node_id, short_code)

        node['short_code'] = short_code

        # Store it in MongoDB
            result = nodes_coll.update_one({'_id': node_id},
                                           {'$set': {'short_code': short_code}})
        except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:
  'Duplicate key while creating short code, retrying (attempt %i/%i)',
                     attempt, max_attempts)
        log.error('Unable to find unique short code for node %s after %i attempts, failing!',
                  node_id, max_attempts)
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError('Unable to create unique short code for node %s' %

    # We were able to store a short code, now let's verify the result.
    if result.matched_count != 1:
        log.warning('Unable to update node %s with new short_links=%r', node_id, node['short_code'])
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError('Unable to update node %s with new short links' %

    return short_code
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def abort_with_error(status):
    """Aborts with the given status, or 500 if the status doesn't indicate an error.

    If the status is < 400, status 500 is used instead.

    abort(status if status // 100 >= 4 else 500)
    raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError('abort() should have aborted!')
项目:noobotkit    作者:nazroll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_response(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        """Looks up the representation transformer for the requested media
        type, invoking the transformer to create a response object. This
        defaults to default_mediatype if no transformer is found for the
        requested mediatype. If default_mediatype is None, a 406 Not
        Acceptable response will be sent as per RFC 2616 section 14.1

        :param data: Python object containing response data to be transformed
        default_mediatype = kwargs.pop('fallback_mediatype', None) or self.default_mediatype
        mediatype = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(
        if mediatype is None:
            raise NotAcceptable()
        if mediatype in self.representations:
            resp = self.representations[mediatype](data, *args, **kwargs)
            resp.headers['Content-Type'] = mediatype
            return resp
        elif mediatype == 'text/plain':
            resp = original_flask_make_response(str(data), *args, **kwargs)
            resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
            return resp
            raise InternalServerError()
项目:Penny-Dreadful-Tools    作者:PennyDreadfulMTG    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def internal_server_error(e):
    traceback.print_exception(e, e, None)
    path = request.path
    repo.create_issue('500 error at {path}\n {e}'.format(path=path, e=e), session.get('id', 'logged_out'), 'decksite', 'PennyDreadfulMTG/perf-reports')
    view = InternalServerError(e)
    return, 500
项目:Chorus    作者:DonaldBough    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_response(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
        """Looks up the representation transformer for the requested media
        type, invoking the transformer to create a response object. This
        defaults to default_mediatype if no transformer is found for the
        requested mediatype. If default_mediatype is None, a 406 Not
        Acceptable response will be sent as per RFC 2616 section 14.1

        :param data: Python object containing response data to be transformed
        default_mediatype = kwargs.pop('fallback_mediatype', None) or self.default_mediatype
        mediatype = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match(
        if mediatype is None:
            raise NotAcceptable()
        if mediatype in self.representations:
            resp = self.representations[mediatype](data, *args, **kwargs)
            resp.headers['Content-Type'] = mediatype
            return resp
        elif mediatype == 'text/plain':
            resp = original_flask_make_response(str(data), *args, **kwargs)
            resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
            return resp
            raise InternalServerError()
项目:wrath-ctf-framework    作者:WhiteHatCP    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_app():
    app = flask.Flask(__name__)
    config_file = "./ctf.json"

    if 'CTF_CONFIG' in os.environ:
        config_file = os.environ['CTF_CONFIG']

        config = open(config_file, 'r')
    except IOError:
        raise IOError("The CTF configuration file could not be found")
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("The CTF configuration file was malformed")

    redis_url = app.config.get('REDIS_URL', 'redis://localhost')
    app.redis = redis.StrictRedis.from_url(redis_url)

    # Setup extensions

    def create_db():

    def inject_jinja_globals():
        """The authed flag should NOT be used to secure access control.

        The aim of the 'authed' global is simply better link rendering in
        return {'authed': 'key' in flask.session,
                'name': core.get_name()}

    def handle_error(exc):
        if not isinstance(exc, exceptions.HTTPException):
            exc = exceptions.InternalServerError()
        return flask.render_template('error.html', code=exc.code), exc.code

    for code in exceptions.default_exceptions.keys():
        app.register_error_handler(code, handle_error)

    app.register_blueprint(api.bp, url_prefix='/api')

    return app
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_blender_sync_node(project_id, admin_group_id, user_id):
    """Creates a node for Blender Sync, with explicit write access for the admin group.

    Writes the node to the database.

    :param project_id: ID of the home project
    :type project_id: ObjectId
    :param admin_group_id: ID of the admin group of the project. This group will
        receive write access to the node.
    :type admin_group_id: ObjectId
    :param user_id: ID of the owner of the node.
    :type user_id: ObjectId

    :returns: The created node.
    :rtype: dict

    log.debug('Creating sync node for project %s, user %s', project_id, user_id)

    node = {
        'project': ObjectId(project_id),
        'node_type': 'group',
        'name': SYNC_GROUP_NODE_NAME,
        'user': ObjectId(user_id),
        'description': SYNC_GROUP_NODE_DESC,
        'properties': {'status': 'published'},
        'permissions': {
            'users': [],
            'groups': [
                {'group': ObjectId(admin_group_id),
                 'methods': ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE']}
            'world': [],

    r, _, _, status = current_app.post_internal('nodes', node)
    if status != 201:
        log.warning('Unable to create Blender Sync node for home project %s: %s',
                    project_id, r)
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError('Unable to create Blender Sync node')

    return node
项目:pillar    作者:armadillica    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_file_doc_for_upload(project_id, uploaded_file):
    """Creates a secure filename and a document in MongoDB for the file.

    The (project_id, filename) tuple should be unique. If such a document already
    exists, it is updated with the new file.

    :param uploaded_file: file from request.files['form-key']
    :type uploaded_file: werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage
    :returns: a tuple (file_id, filename, status), where 'filename' is the internal
            filename used on GCS.

    project_id = ObjectId(project_id)

    # Hash the filename with path info to get the internal name. This should
    # be unique for the project.
    # internal_filename = uploaded_file.filename
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(uploaded_file.filename)
    internal_filename = uuid.uuid4().hex + ext

    # For now, we don't support overwriting files, and create a new one every time.
    # # See if we can find a pre-existing file doc.
    # files =['files']
    # file_doc = files.find_one({'project': project_id,
    #                            'name': internal_filename})
    file_doc = None

    # TODO: at some point do name-based and content-based content-type sniffing.
    new_props = {'filename': uploaded_file.filename,
                 'content_type': uploaded_file.mimetype,
                 'length': uploaded_file.content_length,
                 'project': project_id,
                 'status': 'uploading'}

    if file_doc is None:
        # Create a file document on MongoDB for this file.
        file_doc = create_file_doc(name=internal_filename, **new_props)
        file_fields, _, _, status = current_app.post_internal('files', file_doc)
        file_fields, _, _, status = current_app.put_internal('files', remove_private_keys(file_doc))

    if status not in (200, 201):
        log.error('Unable to create new file document in MongoDB, status=%i: %s',
                  status, file_fields)
        raise wz_exceptions.InternalServerError()

    log.debug('Created file document %s for uploaded file %s; internal name %s',
              file_fields['_id'], uploaded_file.filename, internal_filename)

    return file_fields['_id'], internal_filename, status