Python torch.nn.functional 模块,normalize() 实例源码


项目:open-reid    作者:Cysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        for name, module in self.base._modules.items():
            if name == 'avgpool':
            x = module(x)

        if self.cut_at_pooling:
            return x

        x = F.avg_pool2d(x, x.size()[2:])
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)

        if self.has_embedding:
            x = self.feat(x)
            x = self.feat_bn(x)
        if self.norm:
            x = F.normalize(x)
        elif self.has_embedding:
            x = F.relu(x)
        if self.dropout > 0:
            x = self.drop(x)
        if self.num_classes > 0:
            x = self.classifier(x)
        return x
项目:LSH_Memory    作者:RUSH-LAB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def predict(self, x):
        batch_size, dims = x.size()
        query = F.normalize(self.query_proj(x), dim=1)

        # Find the k-nearest neighbors of the query
        scores = torch.matmul(query, torch.t(self.keys_var))
        cosine_similarity, topk_indices_var = torch.topk(scores, self.top_k, dim=1)

        # softmax of cosine similarities - embedding
        softmax_score = F.softmax(self.softmax_temperature * cosine_similarity)

        # retrive memory values - prediction
        y_hat_indices =[:, 0]
        y_hat = self.values[y_hat_indices]

        return y_hat, softmax_score
项目:diracnets    作者:szagoruyko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def normalize(w):
    """Normalizes weight tensor over full filter."""
    return F.normalize(w.view(w.size(0), -1)).view_as(w)
项目:diracnets    作者:szagoruyko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input):
        return F.conv1d(input, self.alpha * Variable( + self.beta * normalize(self.weight),
                        self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation)
项目:diracnets    作者:szagoruyko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input):
        return F.conv2d(input, self.alpha * Variable( + self.beta * normalize(self.weight),
                        self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation)
项目:diracnets    作者:szagoruyko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input):
        return F.conv3d(input, self.alpha * Variable( + self.beta * normalize(self.weight),
                        self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation)
项目:diracnets    作者:szagoruyko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def block(o, params, stats, base, mode, j):
    w = params[base + '.conv']
    alpha = params[base + '.alpha']
    beta = params[base + '.beta']
    delta = Variable(stats[size2name(w.size())])
    w = beta * F.normalize(w.view(w.size(0), -1)).view_as(w) + alpha * delta
    o = F.conv2d(ncrelu(o), w, stride=1, padding=1)
    o = batch_norm(o, params, stats, base + '.bn', mode)
    return o
项目:Tacotron_pytorch    作者:root20    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input_enc, input_attW_enc, input_dec, lengths_enc, hidden_att=None, hidden_dec1=None, hidden_dec2=None):
        N = input_dec.size(0)

        out_att = self.prenet(input_dec).unsqueeze(1)                                   # N x O_dec -> N x 1 x H
        out_att, hidden_att = self.gru_att(out_att, hidden_att)                         # N x 1 x 2H
        in_attW_dec = self.linear_dec(out_att.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(input_enc)
        in_attW_dec = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(in_attW_dec, lengths_enc, True)          # N*T_enc x 2H

        self.attn_weights = torch.add(input_attW_enc,          # N x T_enc x 2H
        self.attn_weights = self.attn(self.attn_weights).exp()                          # N*T_enc x 1
        self.attn_weights = rnn.PackedSequence(self.attn_weights, in_attW_dec.batch_sizes)
        self.attn_weights, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(self.attn_weights, True)
        self.attn_weights = F.normalize(self.attn_weights, 1, 1)                        # N x T_enc x 1

        attn_applied = torch.bmm(self.attn_weights.transpose(1,2), input_enc)           # N x 1 x 2H

        out_dec =, out_att), 2)                                 # N x 1 x 4H
        residual = self.short_cut(out_dec.squeeze(1)).unsqueeze(1)                      # N x 1 x 2H

        out_dec, hidden_dec1 = self.gru_dec1(out_dec, hidden_dec1)
        residual = residual + out_dec

        out_dec, hidden_dec2 = self.gru_dec2(residual, hidden_dec2)
        residual = residual + out_dec

        output = self.out(residual.squeeze(1)).view(N, self.r_factor, -1)
        return output, hidden_att, hidden_dec1, hidden_dec2
项目:open-reid    作者:Cysu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        x = self.conv3(x)
        x = self.pool3(x)
        x = self.inception4a(x)
        x = self.inception4b(x)
        x = self.inception5a(x)
        x = self.inception5b(x)
        x = self.inception6a(x)
        x = self.inception6b(x)

        if self.cut_at_pooling:
            return x

        x = self.avgpool(x)
        x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)

        if self.has_embedding:
            x = self.feat(x)
            x = self.feat_bn(x)
        if self.norm:
            x = F.normalize(x)
        elif self.has_embedding:
            x = F.relu(x)
        if self.dropout > 0:
            x = self.drop(x)
        if self.num_classes > 0:
            x = self.classifier(x)
        return x
项目:pmet    作者:bkj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input):
        ang = self._backend.Linear.apply(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
        ang = ang.clamp(-1, 1).acos()
        xnorm = input.norm(p=2, dim=1)
        return ang, xnorm
项目:pmet    作者:bkj    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, input):
        ang = self._backend.Linear.apply(F.normalize(input), F.normalize(self.weight))
        ang = ang.clamp(-1, 1).acos()
        xnorm = input.norm(p=2, dim=1)
        return ang, xnorm
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normalize(self):
        inputs = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, 4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x: F.normalize(x, p=1, dim=-1), (inputs,)))
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x: F.normalize(x, p=2, dim=-2), (inputs,)))
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normalize(self):
        inputs = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, 4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x: F.normalize(x, p=1, dim=-1), (inputs,)))
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x: F.normalize(x, p=2, dim=-2), (inputs,)))
项目:PyTorch-Encoding    作者:zhanghang1989    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, Variable):
            return F.normalize(x, self.p, self.dim, eps=1e-10)
        elif isinstance(x, tuple) or isinstance(x, list):
            return my_data_parallel(self, x)
            raise RuntimeError('unknown input type')
项目:attention-transfer    作者:szagoruyko    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def at(x):
    return F.normalize(x.pow(2).mean(1).view(x.size(0), -1))
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_normalize(self):
        inputs = Variable(torch.randn(1, 3, 4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x: F.normalize(x, p=1, dim=-1), (inputs,)))
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x: F.normalize(x, p=2, dim=-2), (inputs,)))
项目:LSH_Memory    作者:RUSH-LAB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build(self):
        self.keys = F.normalize(random_uniform((self.memory_size, self.key_dim), -0.001, 0.001, cuda=True), dim=1)
        self.keys_var = ag.Variable(self.keys, requires_grad=False)
        self.values = torch.zeros(self.memory_size, 1).long().cuda()
        self.age = torch.zeros(self.memory_size, 1).cuda()
项目:LSH_Memory    作者:RUSH-LAB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, query, y, y_hat, y_hat_indices):
        batch_size, dims = query.size()

        # 1) Untouched: Increment memory by 1
        self.age += 1

        # Divide batch by correctness
        result = torch.squeeze(torch.eq(y_hat, torch.unsqueeze(, dim=1))).float()
        incorrect_examples = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(1-result))
        correct_examples = torch.squeeze(torch.nonzero(result))

        incorrect = len(incorrect_examples.size()) > 0
        correct = len(correct_examples.size()) > 0

        # 2) Correct: if V[n1] = v
        # Update Key k[n1] <- normalize(q + K[n1]), Reset Age A[n1] <- 0
        if correct:
            correct_indices = y_hat_indices[correct_examples]
            correct_keys = self.keys[correct_indices]
            correct_query =[correct_examples]

            new_correct_keys = F.normalize(correct_keys + correct_query, dim=1)
            self.keys[correct_indices] = new_correct_keys
            self.age[correct_indices] = 0

        # 3) Incorrect: if V[n1] != v
        # Select item with oldest age, Add random offset - n' = argmax_i(A[i]) + r_i 
        # K[n'] <- q, V[n'] <- v, A[n'] <- 0
        if incorrect:
            incorrect_size = incorrect_examples.size()[0]
            incorrect_query =[incorrect_examples]
            incorrect_values =[incorrect_examples]

            age_with_noise = self.age + random_uniform((self.memory_size, 1), -self.age_noise, self.age_noise, cuda=True)
            topk_values, topk_indices = torch.topk(age_with_noise, incorrect_size, dim=0)
            oldest_indices = torch.squeeze(topk_indices)

            self.keys[oldest_indices] = incorrect_query
            self.values[oldest_indices] = incorrect_values
            self.age[oldest_indices] = 0
项目:LSH_Memory    作者:RUSH-LAB    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query(self, x, y, predict=False):
        Compute the nearest neighbor of the input queries.

            x: A normalized matrix of queries of size (batch_size x key_dim)
            y: A matrix of correct labels (batch_size x 1)
            y_hat, A (batch-size x 1) matrix 
                - the nearest neighbor to the query in memory_size
            softmax_score, A (batch_size x 1) matrix 
                - A normalized score measuring the similarity between query and nearest neighbor
            loss - average loss for memory module
        batch_size, dims = x.size()
        query = F.normalize(self.query_proj(x), dim=1)
        #query = F.normalize(torch.matmul(x, self.query_proj), dim=1)

        # Find the k-nearest neighbors of the query
        scores = torch.matmul(query, torch.t(self.keys_var))
        cosine_similarity, topk_indices_var = torch.topk(scores, self.top_k, dim=1)

        # softmax of cosine similarities - embedding
        softmax_score = F.softmax(self.softmax_temperature * cosine_similarity)

        # retrive memory values - prediction
        topk_indices = topk_indices_var.detach().data
        y_hat_indices = topk_indices[:, 0]
        y_hat = self.values[y_hat_indices]

        loss = None
        if not predict:
            # Loss Function
            # topk_indices = (batch_size x topk)
            # topk_values =  (batch_size x topk x value_size)

            # collect the memory values corresponding to the topk scores
            batch_size, topk_size = topk_indices.size()
            flat_topk = flatten(topk_indices)
            flat_topk_values = self.values[topk_indices]
            topk_values = flat_topk_values.resize_(batch_size, topk_size)

            correct_mask = torch.eq(topk_values, torch.unsqueeze(, dim=1)).float()
            correct_mask_var = ag.Variable(correct_mask, requires_grad=False)

            pos_score, pos_idx = torch.topk(torch.mul(cosine_similarity, correct_mask_var), 1, dim=1)
            neg_score, neg_idx = torch.topk(torch.mul(cosine_similarity, 1-correct_mask_var), 1, dim=1)

            # zero-out correct scores if there are no correct values in topk values
            mask = 1.0 - torch.eq(torch.sum(correct_mask_var, dim=1), 0.0).float()
            pos_score = torch.mul(pos_score, torch.unsqueeze(mask, dim=1))

            #print(pos_score, neg_score)
            loss = MemoryLoss(pos_score, neg_score, self.margin)

        # Update memory
        self.update(query, y, y_hat, y_hat_indices) 

        return y_hat, softmax_score, loss