Python torch.nn.functional 模块,pairwise_distance() 实例源码


项目:pytorch-PersonReID    作者:huaijin-chen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, anchor, positive, negative):
        #eucl distance
        #dist = torch.sum( (anchor - positive) ** 2 - (anchor - negative) ** 2, dim=1)\
        #        + self.margin

        if self.dist_type == 0:
            dist_p = F.pairwise_distance(anchor ,positive)
            dist_n = F.pairwise_distance(anchor ,negative)
        if self.dist_type == 1:
            dist_p = cosine_similarity(anchor, positive)
            disp_n = cosine_similarity(anchor, negative)

        dist_hinge = torch.clamp(dist_p - dist_n + self.margin, min=0.0)
        if self.use_ohem:
            v, idx = torch.sort(dist_hinge,descending=True)
            loss = torch.mean(v[0:self.ohem_bs])
            loss = torch.mean(dist_hinge)

        return loss
项目:MP-CNN-Variants    作者:tuzhucheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _algo_1_horiz_comp(self, sent1_block_a, sent2_block_a):
        comparison_feats = []
        for pool in ('max', 'min', 'mean'):
            for ws in self.filter_widths:
                x1 = sent1_block_a[ws][pool]
                x2 = sent2_block_a[ws][pool]
                batch_size = x1.size()[0]
                comparison_feats.append(F.cosine_similarity(x1, x2).contiguous().view(batch_size, 1))
                comparison_feats.append(F.pairwise_distance(x1, x2))
        return, dim=1)
项目:MP-CNN-Variants    作者:tuzhucheng    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _algo_2_vert_comp(self, sent1_block_a, sent2_block_a, sent1_block_b, sent2_block_b):
        comparison_feats = []
        ws_no_inf = [w for w in self.filter_widths if not np.isinf(w)]
        for pool in ('max', 'min', 'mean'):
            for ws1 in self.filter_widths:
                x1 = sent1_block_a[ws1][pool]
                batch_size = x1.size()[0]
                for ws2 in self.filter_widths:
                    x2 = sent2_block_a[ws2][pool]
                    if (not np.isinf(ws1) and not np.isinf(ws2)) or (np.isinf(ws1) and np.isinf(ws2)):
                        comparison_feats.append(F.cosine_similarity(x1, x2).contiguous().view(batch_size, 1))
                        comparison_feats.append(F.pairwise_distance(x1, x2))
                        comparison_feats.append(torch.abs(x1 - x2))

        for pool in ('max', 'min'):
            for ws in ws_no_inf:
                oG_1B = sent1_block_b[ws][pool]
                oG_2B = sent2_block_b[ws][pool]
                for i in range(0, self.n_per_dim_filters):
                    x1 = oG_1B[:, :, i]
                    x2 = oG_2B[:, :, i]
                    batch_size = x1.size()[0]
                    comparison_feats.append(F.cosine_similarity(x1, x2).contiguous().view(batch_size, 1))
                    comparison_feats.append(F.pairwise_distance(x1, x2))
                    comparison_feats.append(torch.abs(x1 - x2))

        return, dim=1)
项目:conditional-similarity-networks    作者:andreasveit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x, y, z, c):
        """ x: Anchor image,
            y: Distant (negative) image,
            z: Close (positive) image,
            c: Integer indicating according to which notion of similarity images are compared"""
        embedded_x, masknorm_norm_x, embed_norm_x, tot_embed_norm_x = self.embeddingnet(x, c)
        embedded_y, masknorm_norm_y, embed_norm_y, tot_embed_norm_y = self.embeddingnet(y, c)
        embedded_z, masknorm_norm_z, embed_norm_z, tot_embed_norm_z = self.embeddingnet(z, c)
        mask_norm = (masknorm_norm_x + masknorm_norm_y + masknorm_norm_z) / 3
        embed_norm = (embed_norm_x + embed_norm_y + embed_norm_z) / 3
        mask_embed_norm = (tot_embed_norm_x + tot_embed_norm_y + tot_embed_norm_z) / 3
        dist_a = F.pairwise_distance(embedded_x, embedded_y, 2)
        dist_b = F.pairwise_distance(embedded_x, embedded_z, 2)
        return dist_a, dist_b, mask_norm, embed_norm, mask_embed_norm
项目:pytorch    作者:tylergenter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pairwise_distance(self):
        input1 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        input2 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x, y: F.pairwise_distance(x, y), (input1, input2)))
项目:pytorch-coriander    作者:hughperkins    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pairwise_distance(self):
        input1 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        input2 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x, y: F.pairwise_distance(x, y), (input1, input2)))
项目:pytorch    作者:ezyang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pairwise_distance(self):
        input1 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        input2 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x, y: F.pairwise_distance(x, y), (input1, input2)))
项目:pytorch    作者:pytorch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_pairwise_distance(self):
        input1 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        input2 = Variable(torch.randn(4, 4), requires_grad=True)
        self.assertTrue(gradcheck(lambda x, y: F.pairwise_distance(x, y), (input1, input2)))
项目:triplet-network-pytorch    作者:andreasveit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def forward(self, x, y, z):
        embedded_x = self.embeddingnet(x)
        embedded_y = self.embeddingnet(y)
        embedded_z = self.embeddingnet(z)
        dist_a = F.pairwise_distance(embedded_x, embedded_y, 2)
        dist_b = F.pairwise_distance(embedded_x, embedded_z, 2)
        return dist_a, dist_b, embedded_x, embedded_y, embedded_z
项目:pytorch-PersonReID    作者:huaijin-chen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test(model, test_loader, epoch, margin, threshlod, is_cuda=True, log_interval=1000):
    test_loss = AverageMeter()
    accuracy = 0
    num_p = 0
    total_num = 0
    batch_num = len(test_loader)
    for batch_idx, (data_a, data_p, data_n,target) in enumerate(test_loader):
        if is_cuda:
            data_a = data_a.cuda()
            data_p = data_p.cuda()
            data_n = data_n.cuda()
            target = target.cuda()

        data_a = Variable(data_a, volatile=True)
        data_p = Variable(data_p, volatile=True)
        data_n = Variable(data_n, volatile=True)
        target = Variable(target)

        out_a = model(data_a)
        out_p = model(data_p)
        out_n = model(data_n)

        loss = F.triplet_margin_loss(out_a,out_p,out_n, margin)

        dist1 = F.pairwise_distance(out_a,out_p)
        dist2 = F.pairwise_distance(out_a,out_n)

        num = ((dist1 < threshlod).float().sum() + (dist2 > threshlod).float().sum()).data[0]
        num_p += num
        num_p = 1.0 * num_p
        total_num += data_a.size()[0] * 2
        #print('num--num_p -- total',  num, num_p , total_num)
        if (batch_idx + 1) % log_interval == 0:
            accuracy_tmp = num_p / total_num    
            print('Test- Epoch {:04d}\tbatch:{:06d}/{:06d}\tAccuracy:{:.04f}\tloss:{:06f}'\
                    .format(epoch, batch_idx+1, batch_num, accuracy_tmp, test_loss.avg))

    accuracy = num_p / total_num
    return accuracy
项目:pytorch-PersonReID    作者:huaijin-chen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_vis(model, test_loader, model_path, threshlod,\
        margin=1.0, is_cuda=True, output_dir='output',is_visualization=True):
    if not model_path is None:
        print('loaded model file: {:s}'.format(model_path))
    if is_cuda:
        model = model.cuda()
    test_loss = AverageMeter()
    accuracy = 0
    num_p = 0
    total_num = 0
    batch_num = len(test_loader)
    for batch_idx, (data_a, data_p, data_n,target, img_paths) in enumerate(test_loader):
    #for batch_idx, (data_a, data_p, data_n, target) in enumerate(test_loader):
        if is_cuda:
            data_a = data_a.cuda()
            data_p = data_p.cuda()
            data_n = data_n.cuda()
            target = target.cuda()

        data_a = Variable(data_a, volatile=True)
        data_p = Variable(data_p, volatile=True)
        data_n = Variable(data_n, volatile=True)
        target = Variable(target)

        out_a = model(data_a)
        out_p = model(data_p)
        out_n = model(data_n)

        loss = F.triplet_margin_loss(out_a,out_p,out_n, margin)

        dist1 = F.pairwise_distance(out_a,out_p)
        dist2 = F.pairwise_distance(out_a,out_n)
        batch_size = data_a.size()[0]
        pos_flag = (dist1 <= threshlod).float()
        neg_flag = (dist2 > threshlod).float()
        if is_visualization:
            for k in torch.arange(0, batch_size):
                k = int(k)
                if pos_flag[k].data[0] == 0:
                    combine_and_save(img_paths[0][k], img_paths[1][k], dist1[k], output_dir,  '1-1')
                if neg_flag[k].data[0] == 0:
                    combine_and_save(img_paths[0][k], img_paths[2][k], dist2[k], output_dir, '1-0')

        num = (pos_flag.sum() + neg_flag.sum()).data[0]

        print('{:f}, {:f}, {:f}'.format(num, pos_flag.sum().data[0], neg_flag.sum().data[0]))
        num_p += num
        total_num += data_a.size()[0] * 2
        print('num_p = {:f},  total = {:f}'.format(num_p, total_num))
        print('dist1 = {:f}, dist2 = {:f}'.format(dist1[0].data[0], dist2[0].data[0]))

    accuracy = num_p / total_num
    return accuracy
项目:pytorch-PersonReID    作者:huaijin-chen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def best_test(model, _loader, model_path=None, is_cuda=True):
    if not model_path is None:
        print('loaded model file: {:s}'.format(model_path))
    if is_cuda:
        model = model.cuda()
    total_num = 0
    batch_num = len(_loader)
    for batch_idx, (data_a, data_p, data_n,target) in enumerate(_loader):
        if is_cuda:
            data_a = data_a.cuda()
            data_p = data_p.cuda()
            data_n = data_n.cuda()
            target = target.cuda()

        data_a = Variable(data_a, volatile=True)
        data_p = Variable(data_p, volatile=True)
        data_n = Variable(data_n, volatile=True)
        target = Variable(target)

        out_a = model(data_a)
        out_p = model(data_p)
        out_n =  model(data_n)
        current_d_a_p = F.pairwise_distance(out_a,out_p)
        current_d_a_n = F.pairwise_distance(out_a,out_n)
        if batch_idx == 0:
            d_a_p = current_d_a_p
            d_a_n = current_d_a_n
            d_a_p =, current_d_a_p), 0)
            d_a_n =, current_d_a_n), 0)
        total_num += 2*data_a.size()[0]

    mean_d_a_p = d_a_p.mean().data[0]
    mean_d_a_n = d_a_n.mean().data[0]
    start = min(mean_d_a_n, mean_d_a_p)
    end = max(mean_d_a_n, mean_d_a_p)
    best_thre = 0
    best_num = 0
    thre_step = 0.05

    for val in torch.arange(start, end+thre_step, thre_step):
        num = (((d_a_p <= val).float()).sum() + (d_a_n > val).float().sum()).data[0]
        #print(num, val)
        if num > best_num:
            best_num = num
            best_thre = val
    return best_thre, best_num/total_num, mean_d_a_p, mean_d_a_n